*** Official ASUS P4C800/Deluxe (875P) Thread ***

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Junior Member
May 28, 2003
I have a P4C800 Deluxe with a 3GHz 800Mhz FSB.

I biult the system about a week or so ago, it has worked great. I shut it down last night, and now it won't start, I just get a "system failed CPU Test" message, from the little voice inside my PC, the little voice I would like to find the and strangle.

Has anyone else had this problem? Do I have a CPU Frisbee?



Nov 14, 2000
Originally posted by: remaklus
I have a P4C800 Deluxe with a 3GHz 800Mhz FSB.

I biult the system about a week or so ago, it has worked great. I shut it down last night, and now it won't start, I just get a "system failed CPU Test" message, from the little voice inside my PC, the little voice I would like to find the and strangle.

Has anyone else had this problem? Do I have a CPU Frisbee?


Have you tried reseating the CPU? When I first built this machine I received this error as well. I couldn't figure it out for quite a while. But, I have a LED bezel on the front that displays the CPU temp, so it runs a thin temp sensor under the CPU. Well, even though the wire is extremely thin it caused the CPU to not be seated quite properly. I re-routed the wires and popped the CPU back in and it fired right up.

I know it is odd if you just turned it off one night and now it is doing that, but that is the first thing I would check. If it is the first time you have turned it off, maybe the temp difference from a hot cpu to a cold one caused some minor movement? Not sure what else it might be, but that is a good place to start



Jun 9, 2003
I currently have a problem with my system shutting down/locking up its really strange, its like its off because theres no power to the USB and the monitor goes out but my PS/2 keyboard num lock light is on but cant be turned off and the read light is solid on my CDRW... cant figure out what exactly is the problem


Junior Member
May 28, 2003
NEWEGG.COM is advertising a new P4C800-E Deluxe Motherboard, it looks the same as the current P4C800 deluxe but with ICH5-R. over $215.


Junior Member
Jun 6, 2003
Simply put YES replace if you can.. There are known issues with this board and even if you are not experiencing now they will probably peek their head up later. The issues are popping up all over the boards I dwell and many people are pissed. If you can exchange do it the P4C800E is a much better board especially because it has the new Intel CSA onboard nic(that uses a proprietory bus) and it has the new ICH5-R instead of the ICH5 basically the PCI bus will not be overtaxed. Hope this helps and good luck


Jun 9, 2003
Originally posted by: trininox
I currently have a problem with my system shutting down/locking up its really strange, its like its off because theres no power to the USB and the monitor goes out but my PS/2 keyboard num lock light is on but cant be turned off and the read light is solid on my CDRW... cant figure out what exactly is the problem

I came over someone mentioning Memtest86 so i downloaded this, burned it to cd (dont have a floppy drive on my machine) and is it a bad thing when the test locks up? I have to run them again to get exactly where but on ALL test its the 2nd one...

I'm guessing that Bad RAM could be the source to my problem as stated before.
If so I think i'll see about exchanging my P4C800 for the P4C800-E and getting better ram

BTW I'm using Kingston PC3200 Valueram (KVR400X64C3/512 2.5v) thats 512x2 for 1024 totally


Junior Member
Jun 6, 2003
Shut off USB legacy support in the bios and memtest86 should work It is a know problem but nothing should be wrong with your mem.


Jun 11, 2003

I read through most of this thread and i didn't see a problem regarding to my problem. I will post a story of what happened to me.

If it was already addressed please point me to the page and i will read it... heres what happened:

Ok heres the whole story.

I mounted the mother board to a Skyhawk Galaxy case. It has 6 brass mounts and 3 plastic mounts. I inserted 1024 mb of ram in the blue sloted RAM slots. I installed the cpu and the heatsink/prossessor.

I am getting a 500 watt power supply in the mail tomorrow so in the main time i used a 350watt to test it out.

I pluged in everything in the right spots... pluged in the front panel switches and leds.

When i went to power up for the first time (with just RAM, CPU, and MB installed) It powered up fine except that the monitor didn't register (btw i also had radeon 9700 pro in the agp slot for monitor) and it also did not beep at all. Furthermore, it turned off by itself just under a minute of it being on.

I tried to power up again and this time it only turned on for a second. Giving power to everything and then turning off.... the cpu fan spun a couple times and turned off.

So i figure either something blew up or the power supply (350watt) can not support the radeonn , the cpu, 4 fans, and a light.

This was yesterday and i ended it at that and went to sleep.

Today i tried it again after clearing the bios and reseting the ram and agp card to make sure that wasn'[t the problem. Well this time i boot up and it does the same thing.... powers up for a minute then turns off.

I unpluged the fans and the light to try again... this time it powers up for a second but i hear a short in the power supply. I imediatly take it out and put back into my main computer and it doesn't work.

Obviously the power supply went or was reduced in power.

I unpluged the cd rom and it worked (this computer is a 1.9 ghz with the same radeonn and the mb is intel)

Well i still have the same problem with the 3ghz and asus board... what could it be?

Why does it only boot up for a couple seconds then turns off?

Why is there no beeps?

Any ideas... i could really use it before i kill myself... thanks.


Nov 28, 2001
I can't believe I read all 5 pages, lol.

After reading this entire thread I am a little gunshy at making the purchase for the Deluxe model, even though I need a MB ASAP.

Has anyone been to Fry's Electronics to see if they stock the NON-Deluxe version?


Jul 20, 2001
Man anyone know why in the world i Can't get My single Kingston HyperEx PC3500 to show a Freq speed above 199 in CPU-Z. Something is holding me back. i tried all the settings suggested under the bios but win2k is limiting it to 199 MAX ....
Bio 1007, all chipset software installed

Seems as if i know nothing, I need 2 sticks to be able to use Dual Feature!! Am i Correct?


Nov 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Nuker43

I read through most of this thread and i didn't see a problem regarding to my problem. I will post a story of what happened to me.

If it was already addressed please point me to the page and i will read it... heres what happened:

Ok heres the whole story.

I mounted the mother board to a Skyhawk Galaxy case. It has 6 brass mounts and 3 plastic mounts. I inserted 1024 mb of ram in the blue sloted RAM slots. I installed the cpu and the heatsink/prossessor.

I am getting a 500 watt power supply in the mail tomorrow so in the main time i used a 350watt to test it out.

I pluged in everything in the right spots... pluged in the front panel switches and leds.

When i went to power up for the first time (with just RAM, CPU, and MB installed) It powered up fine except that the monitor didn't register (btw i also had radeon 9700 pro in the agp slot for monitor) and it also did not beep at all. Furthermore, it turned off by itself just under a minute of it being on.

I tried to power up again and this time it only turned on for a second. Giving power to everything and then turning off.... the cpu fan spun a couple times and turned off.

So i figure either something blew up or the power supply (350watt) can not support the radeonn , the cpu, 4 fans, and a light.

This was yesterday and i ended it at that and went to sleep.

Today i tried it again after clearing the bios and reseting the ram and agp card to make sure that wasn'[t the problem. Well this time i boot up and it does the same thing.... powers up for a minute then turns off.

I unpluged the fans and the light to try again... this time it powers up for a second but i hear a short in the power supply. I imediatly take it out and put back into my main computer and it doesn't work.

Obviously the power supply went or was reduced in power.

I unpluged the cd rom and it worked (this computer is a 1.9 ghz with the same radeonn and the mb is intel)

Well i still have the same problem with the 3ghz and asus board... what could it be?

Why does it only boot up for a couple seconds then turns off?

Why is there no beeps?

Any ideas... i could really use it before i kill myself... thanks.

Looks like you have a short somewhere in your case. I learned a trick from thermaltake when I bought my new system with this board, and had the same symptoms as you. It worked great for a while, then one day, poof. No workie. If I tried to turn it on, the fans spun for a second, then turned off. This is a safety feature built into a lot of modern PSUs, where if it detects a short, it will not stay powered on more than about a second or two. I had thought my PSU died on me and was freaking out, but luckily it was fine.

So... there are two ways to track this down. Place a dummy load on your PSU while individually checking devices. To do this you need a paperclip or similar piece of metal, and stick it in the green wire and the farthest black (ground) about 3 wires away. THis will create the dummy load on the PSU. Make sure everything is unplugged from your PSU before doing this, then if you turn it on and the PSU stays on, you know the PSU is good. So with the dummy load, slowly plug in one device at a time, including fans one at a time until you plug one in and it causes your PSU to do what it was doing (turning off after a second). When that happens, that last device is your culprit.

This was what happened to me, I found out one of my case fans must have shorted out.. because as long as I unplugged the one case fan, the system booted fine. But if I plugged it in.. it wouldn't boot. So it is very possible you have a shorted fan or device, or possibly even your motherboard may be seated poorly on the mounting studs. So with a lot of trial and error, you should be able to figure it out. If you test all your devices and they look good, but when you boot up with the motherboard plugged in and it is still doing this, take the mobo completely out of the case and try booting with it not touching the metal of the case and just sitting on a table or something. That will determine whether or not the case is causing the short.


Jun 11, 2003

Reading that just made me sigh with relief....

Now with this dummy load.. how do i make sure im doing it right.. i don't want to be stickign paper clips in the wrong places.

Are you talking about sticking it in the atx power connector? On the mother board or the psu?

Also if i run the mb out side of the case what precausing do i need to take to make sure i don't fry the boards while its out of the case.



Jun 11, 2003
Oh before i forget. I also had something really wierd happen to me yesterday.

My current pc im using at the moment is a 1.9 ghz with radeon 9700 and an intel board. The psu in it is 350watts. I took it out to test in the new set up (see my sig and a Sky hawk Galaxy case.) Anyway i had all those problems listed above but the last time i powered up my PSU made a sounds like it overloaded and everything turned off.

This scared me a whole lot.. i thought the psu died and hopfully it did not take out my MB in my new set up. Anyway i take it out and put it back to its original setup and low and behold nothing whatsoever when i hit the switch. Not even a sign of life. Well i took out power to my radeonn and a device and boom it worked.

What does this mean? Did my new set up short out the power supply and now it doesn't run at 350watts anymore? This is wierd .. never seen this happen before.



Nov 14, 2000
Sorry, I should have clarified, the paperclip is used on the big ATX power connector. You should see a green wire, then a series of black wires next to it. So using the green and the farthest black one away. I don't think it matters which ground you use, but on the phone they told me just to use the one farthest way because it was easiest to bend.

And when the motherboard is out of the case, no real precautions, as long as it isn't sitting on a metal table you should be fine

But if you are worried about doing the above mentioned way, you could first start out by unplugging everything from the PSU except the motherboard and see if that helps. If not, then remove the motherboard from the case and see if that helps. I'm almost betting it is just a bad ground on the motherboard.. but it doesn't hurt to go through all of the options.

And regarding your old PSU.. that would probably explain the short. Since the older one may not have had the short detection, it may have fried, or at least damaged the PSU to the point it won't work with everything plugged in, which would further lead me to believe their is definately a short somewhere in your new case. So hopefully one way or another you find out what the culprit is.


Jun 11, 2003
I'm getting pretty worried now... I've tried putting the board into a new case itself and the same thing happens.

I haven't tried running the mb out side of the case... i tried it with another mb first to see what happens... i put the mb on the static bag on top of the mb box and it burned through the static bag melting it before it shut off

If you were going to test a motherboard out side of its case what would you do?

Also im a little scared about the pin thing.. i just got this PSU in the mail and its 500 watt dual fan with a led so i don't want it to blow. Is there a chance of damaging the PSU if i try this?

Any other ideas would help also.. im getting real fed up and i feel like i just blew a grand cuz this aint working...


Nov 14, 2000
The motherboard is melting through the plastic? That can't be good

I know the pin thing is kind of scary, that's what I thought at first when the guy on the phone said, "You got a paper clip lying around?" I was like... umm.. yeah, why? But he knew what was up. But you may very well have a problem with a bad board.. which doing the dummy load trick will only test to see if the PSU stays on by itself. If you have a local computer shop around, a lot of times they can test components for you, might want to see if they can test your motherboard and PSU.


Jun 11, 2003
I know the psu is good because i just got a new one today in the mail... its got to be something up with the motherboard... is there a way i can test that out?


Jun 11, 2003

I think im pretty much screwed. I tried to run the board out side of the case adn teh same thing happens.... what could this mean? i donno but i sure as hell feel pretty bad... a grand gone.


Nov 14, 2000
well if you paid a grand for your motherboard, you were overcharged

I'm not sure how or if you can test a motherboard yourself... so unless someone knows of a way, you would be best off taking it to a local shop to see if they can test it. And as a final resort, call Asus and say your board was DOA.. you should be able to RMA it, or depending on where you bought it try and exchange it. But you aren't out a grand, you are just set back a bit until you get things worked out.


Jun 8, 2001
Evening All.......

I am tring to setup 1 raptor as my main boot drive. I currently have a 60G Maxtor as the boot drive. What should my steps be to set the raptor as my boot and the maxtor as just a data drive? Should i change any setting in BIOS. I am completely lost.





Nov 14, 2000
In the bios, you just need to specify boot order. So just check to be sure the drive you want is set to boot before the data drive. Or you can even remove all other drives all together so they won't even be checked for booting.


Junior Member
Jun 15, 2003
Asus has a list of compatible memory modules for this board. I didn't know about it and ended up with 1G of 4x256M Kingston HyperX DDR 3200 and I don't know what to do about it... machine goes down every 5-10 min with BSOD. I get allways different error message: from Paging Error messages to PCI drivers being corrupted. I don't understand why high end memory can't work with this motherboard! Anyways now I gotta wait another month to be able to afford new modules, and I can't return these... bummer.
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