*** Official ASUS P5W DH Thread ***

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Jan 30, 2005
thanks i'll try that again later..........

anyway I've gone back to 341 FSB and it's running Orthos with no errors.... been over 1 hour now.....

once i've established how far I can go stable FSB wise, should I then tighten the RAM timings to improve performance ?


Oct 31, 2006
Originally posted by: Jaap74
thanks i'll try that again later..........

anyway I've gone back to 341 FSB and it's running Orthos with no errors.... been over 1 hour now.....

once i've established how far I can go stable FSB wise, should I then tighten the RAM timings to improve performance ?

wow!...u've got quite a lot of HD space, lol


Nov 7, 2006
I've been playing around with Vista for a bit now, installing 32 and 64 bit versions, from Home to Ultimate, and now with Vista being final, and playing around with various versions of those installs, have come to a few observations:

Vista 32 bit - nicely done graphics and UI, albiet the common interfaces for things such as setting up a NIC are not readilbly available, which then takes some playing/searching around, as does for other 'settings'. Just needs getting used to. Currently a good number of compatibility issues with apps, like ZoneAlarm, Norton 2006 and pre. A good OS for use in the 'near' future when more manuf's get in line with the release and post release. The ASUS P5W DH drivers have worked fine for me in 32 bit, as well as in 64 bit, for the most part (audio did not, and the only 64 bit driver from ASUS is for the Wifi, which worked fine on the 64 install.

Vista 64 - same UI as 32 bit, and much more difficulties finding apps that will load without issues/conflicts. Drivers currently are scarce and some work only marginally. Norton 2007, NAV 07, ATI catalyst and ZAP (ZAP does not exist currently for 64) are no go's. Q-3 does not function, no matter the emulation/compatability setting - it's a pretty old game. To me it seems that, as with XP 64 in some ways, this OS is destined to a long haul delay with the software industry coming up to speed for 64 bit installs and drivers so they do not have conflicts and work properly. XP 64 was never really taken to the software industries heart anyway, was it? I feel that Vista 64 will be. It seems the 'coming' wave of the Windows OS.

Both Vista's have a much more intense amount of 'security', so installing programs, coping files, ect, can be a nusiance, repeatedly checking 'yes' to authorize the various things you wish to do, and on teh stock setting post install, you may have to 'authorize', click yes, more than once for any such activity. The UI can be softened, or turned off entirely, however, which obviates some or all of the intention for the newer, added security. There is a lot of discussion about running your PC as the default (open) administrator.... and inconvieniences if you don't.

Unless an individual is very adventourous to install and mess about, for what I believe will be a long time, months and months of trial and error and waiting for apprpriate drivers, the 64 bit version is not ready for prime time, as there are very limited, outside of the OS inherient apps, ways to protect the PC and OS.

Vista is, in my opinion, a beautiful piece of OS, very fluid and offers some interesting new additions to the UI, as well as improvements with overall stability/useability. It should be a very nice, much more intergrated OS once all these are updated to service the level the OS can perform.

These types of observations are pretty commnon for an OS release. The last significant Windows release was XP. The roll-out of software and drivers should happen pretty smoothly for the 32 bit version, partiularly commencing the Jan, retail release, of Vists. The 64 bit counter-parts seems a ways off for a thorough, well rounded roll-out and broad availability.

As soon as some of the major vendors get their apps in sync for 32 bit, I'll be using that OS, until the 64 bit field is 'mature' enough to take good advantage of, without the waits and headaches.


Jan 30, 2005
wow!...u've got quite a lot of HD space, lol


sure do !!

I've learnt to my cost to always backup, hence the extra 500GB drive !


Nov 7, 2006
Backup drive software on the P5W DH?

I have theree SATA drives, C-E. C has XP Pro, D is for backup of C, and E has Vista 32.

I have tried Norton 2003 CD, which worked great on my old, IDE based, PC. Even though it will mirror the C drive to D, it creates errors that end up resulting in my need to start all over. I will corrupt the System Recovery on the bakcup drive as well.

I have tried Ghost 9, Copy Disk, and once I've selected the parameters, C to D, and hit the go button, nothing happens.

I have tried Ghost 9, make image of drive C, and once I hit the go button, nothing happens.

I've read that Ghost 10 is also problme ridden for SATA drives.

Anyone using a drive clone package that works well on this motherboard and with SATA?




Junior Member
Nov 3, 2006
Take a look at Acronis. I'm also a folder clone fan for offline (heh...nighttime) data backup.

Originally posted by: CRChickadee
Backup drive software on the P5W DH?

I have theree SATA drives, C-E. C has XP Pro, D is for backup of C, and E has Vista 32.

I have tried Norton 2003 CD, which worked great on my old, IDE based, PC. Even though it will mirror the C drive to D, it creates errors that end up resulting in my need to start all over. I will corrupt the System Recovery on the bakcup drive as well.

I have tried Ghost 9, Copy Disk, and once I've selected the parameters, C to D, and hit the go button, nothing happens.

I have tried Ghost 9, make image of drive C, and once I hit the go button, nothing happens.

I've read that Ghost 10 is also problme ridden for SATA drives.

Anyone using a drive clone package that works well on this motherboard and with SATA?




Junior Member
Nov 3, 2006
If you are running stock then Qfan is okay. If oyu are going to overclock it then disable all the Qfan bios stuff and run a copy of SpeedFan. Run speedfan at system startup.

(this assumes windows)

Originally posted by: motorbikeking1
Does this MB have any way of controlling fans automaticly or is fan control with use of the MB only possible manually?



Nov 7, 2006
Justin, thanks for the suggestion. I tried Acronis out a few years back. During the night I came across an app I beta tested when it was pre V 1.0, called Casper XP. It was pretty buggy back then so I stayed with Ghost.

It is now version 3.0 plus, and the size is 2.7 MB. Amazingly small app. I installed it last night and it worked fine in mirroring my hard drive It's pretty fast also.

Normally I have used a boot disk or boot CD ghost (version 2002 floppy or 2003 CD), because it was the fastest hard drive backup process. On my TH7 Abit, it would average 700-800 MB/min, with old ATA 100 IDE drives, and when I used Ghost 9 in Windows environment Ghost took 3-5 times as long.

On this new P 5W board:

.....Windows XP Backup takes about 1 1/2 hour , with 54 GB of stuff to backup.

.....Boot disk ghost (2003), which corrupts the backup copy, averaged 2400 MB/min.

.....This Casper app, in windows, averaged 3750 MB/min, for 30 minutes to backup.

and the nice thing was that with this dual CPU PC, I could still surf the internet and mess about like I did this morning, while it was backing up my hard drive. That was nice!

It doesn't appear to be a high end disk backup system, as I don't think it will do incremental backups (which I don't do/use anyway), etc, but for a straight shoot diskbackup, it seems to have done the job last night just fine. The interface, compared to Norton and Acronis is more simple, as one would expect for a small app.

Nov 23, 2006
On the front of my case there is a little nob for controlling fan speed and a temperature display. I would rather have automatic fan control than manual as i dont have to keep changing fan speeds to keep my pc cool.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
Could just run it at full speed. Unless the fan is really noisey running it full speed all the time wont hurt anything. My three fans are connected straight to the mobo and I turned off the settings in the BIOS which allows the fans to run Full speed all the time and its quiet as a mouse. I got good quiet fans though.


Nov 7, 2006
Originally posted by: motorbikeking1
they are fairly noisy fans, but ive been considering changing over to water cooling, its much quieter and cools better than air.


If you are considering having your system around a bit, you may discover that any gains from watercooling and or TECs are pretty minimal in the end result to 'max' the system. Check out the results of folks who have done it and then the differences between the moderate OC'ing with air cooling and max OC'ing with water and or TEC use. For longievity you may want to consider finding the max with basic air cooling, and then backing off a bit so your components have some breathing room. I know it does'nt sound romantic, or adventerous, but if you like your system, it may be worth the consideration.

It's akin to having both a turbo and nitro on a bike. A turbo will give a bunch of power, but also takes life off the engine, and Nitro, when used is hardly used, and when it is used it is used for very short periods. Largely because it is so stressful to engine components. You very likely won't realize (even) any moderate gain, and much less so a dramatic gain for your OC'ing work by putting on a water and or TEC system.



Oct 12, 2006
I have computer running on this mobo using one SATA drive that was set up using EIDE in bios (Media Center Edition OS). Is there any advantage to re installing with the HD configured for AHCI if there will be no RAID?

On original install I pressed F6 for 2 days with no effect. It turned out the new floppy drive wasn't working (it is now). I finally said "screw it" and set it up as EIDE and the OS went in fine.

Concerning the eSATA port on the board. Does the BIOS need to be AHCI for that to work? I read that AHCI enabled "portability" and wasn't quite sure what that meant.

Are the drivers on the ASUS CD still the ones to use after F6 prompt? It's a bit confusing as new SATA person to know what to install because many people refer to "SATA" drivers when ASUS disk refers only to RAID drivers on its disk - namely the ICH7R and the JMicron. Do both of these need to be installed at F6 prompt? I understand thats a pretty basic question but the abundance of information concerning this step is considerable. Some say "disable" the Micron..don't use ASUS disk go right to Intel etc etc.

Thanks for any info. I'll leap ahead into things anyway since it looks like this thread is getting quieter (which may be a good sign lol)


Nov 15, 2006
Originally posted by: Butterbean
Are the drivers on the ASUS CD still the ones to use after F6 prompt? It's a bit confusing as new SATA person to know what to install because many people refer to "SATA" drivers when ASUS disk refers only to RAID drivers on its disk - namely the ICH7R and the JMicron. Do both of these need to be installed at F6 prompt? I understand thats a pretty basic question but the abundance of information concerning this step is considerable. Some say "disable" the Micron..don't use ASUS disk go right to Intel etc etc.
The Intel Matrix (ICH7) drivers on my CD were not up to date and it did not allow me to set up the RAID0 as I wanted to - so, the best guess is get the latest drivers from the manufacturer.

For the Intel SATA (RAID) controller still: you will not need to F6-install the drivers if you are not going to use the RAID nor AHCI functions of that SATA controller. You will simply need to set the BIOS to make that the SATA controller a "standard IDE" (and if you're booting from one of the HDs connected to that controller you will also need to make it bootable - BIOS option, too).

I have no experience with either JMicron or the Asus EZ controller. On page 14 of this thread someone (Tombstone?) reports that he's quite pleased with the Asus controller - however, those are controlled by jumpers. If you - like me - were born with thumb-sized fingers, jumpers are never fun.

Eddie Spaghetti

Junior Member
Nov 21, 2006
A few pages back I reported that suddenly there was no BIOS splash screen shown anymore, and that there was no way to get into BIOS. But everything else (XP) worked fine.

Things got worse After flashing to 1602 (from 1506), when booting, this message is shown:

JMicron PCIE - SATA II / IDE RAID Controller BIOS V1.06.56a
Detect drive done, no any drive found.

(Not my english.)

There is nothing to get rid of it. I tried pressing all keys. Also booting with the support CD, or even with a XP install CD, makes no difference. I also disconnected/moved the HD, the soundcard, the DVD burner; no result.

Shall I sent the mobo back, or is there anything else I can try?



Junior Member
Aug 28, 2006
Hello, all.

I recently bought an ASUS P5B Deluxe motherboard and 1Gx2 "10th Anniversary" Crucial RAM (TY2KIT12864AA663) from newegg.com. After assembling the new machine myself, I now note that this new machine is occasionally hard rebooting under Windows XP SP2 (all patches are current). I am now looking for the source of this random hard reboots.

To pinpoint the reboots, I decided to check my RAM first. Last night and this morning, I ran the MEM386 test from my Ubuntu 6.10 boot disk and got the following errors when both sticks of RAM were installed:


As you can see, spurious RAM errors were reported with only a few hours of runtime from MEM386.

I am also right now running HCI Design's Memtest under Windows to see what it comes up with errorwise.

I am also considering that perhaps the motherboard is bad. When I ran HCI Design's Memtest and got errors, their site suggests ensuring I am not overclocking the motherboard. I am not doing so to my knowledge, but after reseating the RAM to isolate the problem, I got a boot error to the effect that overclocking had failed and that I needed to press F1 to continue, which I did. I am not sure why the board thought it was being overclocked. Upon reboot, the notice about failed overclocking did not re-appear. I have been reseating each RAM stick in a different mobo slot to check that variable as well.

With these tidbits of info., can anyone out there more knowledgeable instruct me as to what I might need to do now to pinpoint my reboots? I am going to run HCI Design's Memtest on both sticks of RAM, isolating each from the other. I can report back those results if needed. I am right now at ~286% of coverage on one of the 1GB sticks and no errors are showing up.


Junior Member
Nov 3, 2006
Originally posted by: browsing
I'd like something from a more well known brand. I just know that the OCZ was always a bit buggy running at different speeds. Is it unwise to go with a 1gig rated ddr2 to ensure that it will OC over the PC6400?

Whatever you use make sure you use a grounding strap too.

The OCZ platinum seem popular. I'm using Crucial Ballistix pc6400 and running an e6400 at 1:1 (3.2 ghz)

What is REALLY important is that you test the memory and the memory slots. Do one at a time. Move memory that passed to the different dimm slots and retest. This also test your mobo! I had a bad stick that I found after installing the OS. I could have saved a couple days troubleshooting if I just tested everything prior to installing anything.

Good Luck!


Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Eddie Spaghetti
A few pages back I reported that suddenly there was no BIOS splash screen shown anymore, and that there was no way to get into BIOS. But everything else (XP) worked fine.

Things got worse After flashing to 1602 (from 1506), when booting, this message is shown:

JMicron PCIE - SATA II / IDE RAID Controller BIOS V1.06.56a
Detect drive done, no any drive found.

(Not my english.)

There is nothing to get rid of it. I tried pressing all keys. Also booting with the support CD, or even with a XP install CD, makes no difference. I also disconnected/moved the HD, the soundcard, the DVD burner; no result.

Shall I sent the mobo back, or is there anything else I can try?

If you're not using the JMicron controller, disable it in the BIOS. Go to the Advanced page. It will be in one of the subsections.

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