*** Official ASUS P5W DH Thread ***

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Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
Originally posted by: redplanet
Originally posted by: phile
Your problems are likely due to the fact that the JMicron controller does not support ATAPI drives. To ensure proper operation of DVD and CD ROM drives, you'll need to connect them to the native IDE port - the blue one.

In theory, PATA HDs should work just fine on the JMicron controller, but I'm not sure how to set this up.


Alright I guess i'll have to play around with it some more

thanks for the reply

If you find a solution, please post it here.




Golden Member
Aug 31, 2006
Originally posted by: phile
It could be that you have an earlier BIOS that does not support the conroe processors. Find the BIOS chip and see what the sticker says. If you do have a pre-0701 BIOS, you will need to order a new BIOS chip from ASUS, or find another LGA775 chip that you can use to boot and flash the BIOS yourself.

Assuming this is not a BIOS issue, your problem could also be the result of not properly connecting the PSU. You need to make sure that both the 20+4-pin (to the right of the mem) and 4-pin (just above the CPU socket) connectors are connected.

If the two above scenarios do not apply, it could be that mobo is not properly grounded inside the case. Try removing the mobo from the case and booting with just the videocard, mem and cpu installed.


I will try this. I know that the PSU was connected correctly as I checked that multiple times (both connections). I even tried swapping out for a different case that I had laying around. Tried removing and re-installing the Mem/CPU and all the other periferals. And even traded in a lesser PSU in at one point. I was fair pulling my hair out.

Not sure why I didn't think of BIOS before as I had read there might be probs with that. But would that cause the board to do NOTHING? The power button lite on the case doesn't light, the fans don't start. Nothing at all. Just the green light on the MOBO.



Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
But would that cause the board to do NOTHING?

From what I have read, yes. I kick myself for not trying it, when I got my board, but I was too impatient and immediately popped in my P4 630 and flashed the BIOS. I wish I had tried the conroe before flashing, just to see what happens.



Golden Member
Aug 31, 2006
Thanks, I'll check that this eve and post back.

In the mean time, what are your thoughts on Mem? I have 2 gb now and wondering if I need 4 gb. The money wouldn't "Hurt" me, but I don't want it if I don't need it. My rig is mainly a game system. Most I have read suggests that 2 gb should do it, but always looking for opinions.


Aug 26, 2006
Originally posted by: phile
Frankly, you're going to be fully reimbursed for the replacement kits, so I fail to understand the level of your indignation.

Well money isnt the only issue here. This whole mess started 10 days ago, that is a long time to be dealing with the same bullshit. I ordered the same part from them twice and it arrived broken both times. I expect them to solve the problem not ask me to jump through hoops. Do you *really* believe they have no recourse with those 2 bad sticks of RAM? That they would end up eating the loss? I dont believe that. And if that is true then they ought to be willing to work with me so that neither part is left out in the cold. I have spent plenty of money with them in the past. Sending me replacement RAM should not be impossible.

I accepted the burden of replacing the first bad kit, I am asking that they shoulder the burden for the second. And they are just saying 'Sorry, cant help you.' Which is bullshit because of course they can help me. They could take the 2 bad sticks they are about to get and they could get compensation from OCZ OR they could send me some RAM and assuming it works (which is a huge assumption at this point), they would eventually get the good sticks back from the first two kits.

The third option is for me to dispute the credit card charge and not do business with them again and that is looking like where this will end up.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
Apparently they dont intend to 'work with you' so your options are either return it or dispute it with your CC company. Thats your only two options at this point that I can see. Did you ask to speak to the supervisor of their customer service? If he/she is saying 'sorry, no can do' then you are left with the two options I noted above. Good luck. Let us know how it works out.


May 2, 2006
Hey guys I've been looking around the net but I can't find and answer for this. It's been asked a couple of times in the thread but no one has replied: What the heck goes into the ADH header? I have a NZXT Lexa case and I'm left with some extra wires that are related to audio that I'm assuming goes in there, but I don't know in what order and which one should go where. Anyone with any idea?


Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
Originally posted by: jedisponge
Hey guys I've been looking around the net but I can't find and answer for this. It's been asked a couple of times in the thread but no one has replied: What the heck goes into the ADH header? I have a NZXT Lexa case and I'm left with some extra wires that are related to audio that I'm assuming goes in there, but I don't know in what order and which one should go where. Anyone with any idea?

I have no idea what the ADH header is for, but it sounds like you might have a front panel for audio. Check page 2-36 of the manual for info on the Front Panel Audio header.



Aug 26, 2006
My issue with Newegg got escalated to a manager and they are sending out replacement RAM overnight and covering the return shipping. I feel like with my order history and two bad kits in a row, this is something they ought to have offered me sooner. But, if the RAM they send me works, I will be satisfied.

The price of this RAM keeps going up btw. The first set I ordered 8/14/6 was 219.99. The second set was 234.99 on 9/5/6 and now the price is 279.99. Ouch.



Jul 26, 2006
I started getting a bunch of fan errors tonight during POST. I Googled for an answer and found the Freezer 7 Pro seems to have an issue with Q-fan. Opening the case, I watched the fan stop spinning during POST, then start up again. Sometimes, even though it had started spinning, I got the error.

The answer (since my issues dissappeared immediately) was to turn off CPU Q-fan, which seems to have an added benefit: SpeedFan says 52C for Temp1 and 37C for Temp2, lower than I'd seen since even first installing the Freezer. Even Core Temp is down to 52/52.

It's not like the fan is noisy, and maybe now I can crank up the performance...


Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
Originally posted by: mikepaul
I started getting a bunch of fan errors tonight during POST. I Googled for an answer and found the Freezer 7 Pro seems to have an issue with Q-fan. Opening the case, I watched the fan stop spinning during POST, then start up again. Sometimes, even though it had started spinning, I got the error.

The answer (since my issues dissappeared immediately) was to turn off CPU Q-fan, which seems to have an added benefit: SpeedFan says 52C for Temp1 and 37C for Temp2, lower than I'd seen since even first installing the Freezer. Even Core Temp is down to 52/52.

It's not like the fan is noisy, and maybe now I can crank up the performance...

QFAN is one of those mobo features that I always disable. Better to control your fan rpm with speedfan or a rheostat.



Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
Originally posted by: olaf
My issue with Newegg got escalated to a manager and they are sending out replacement RAM overnight and covering the return shipping. I feel like with my order history and two bad kits in a row, this is something they ought to have offered me sooner. But, if the RAM they send me works, I will be satisfied.

The price of this RAM keeps going up btw. The first set I ordered 8/14/6 was 219.99. The second set was 234.99 on 9/5/6 and now the price is 279.99. Ouch.

I'm glad to hear that. Hopefully, the third kit will the charm. And, yeah, ram prices are on the rise. Not just OCZ.



Aug 7, 2006
guys quick question
what happens to the pci-e frequency when we overclock?? leaving it at auto means its running at....? and the pci frequency too...



May 2, 2006
Hey guys another problem, as I'm getting desperate. I have a Rosewill 600 watt power supply (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817182032) and an NZXT Lexas (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16811146018) with this motherboard. After putting my Zalman 9500 and cpu in, I tried wiring up the hdd led, p-, p+ and all those other wires using the "Q-connector". I pluged in the 20+4 pin and the 12v 4 pin into the motherboard just to see if everything was going ok. I plugged the power supply into the outlet and I'm pushing the power button, but nothings turning on.

I also have the extra wires phile mentioned, the audio from the front of the case as well as these other wires I've never seen before. They have the tag CPU, HDD, and SYSTEM on them but they don't have any sort of "head". They're just a thinned piece of copper on the end. I'm not sure where they go.

So my problems are, is there something wrong with the power supply? THere's also a setting on the power supply where I can shift it along letters designated "PAL", and I'm not sure what that means. I also hear a little noise whenever I shift the voltage and play with that "PAL" setting when the power supply's plugged in, so I'm assuming the supply is in good shape. If that's the case, is the Q-connector doing getting in the way of the wires for the motherboard, or is there just something wrong with the mother board? I also didn't install anything else (HDD, GPU, memory, Optical Disc Drive), so I'm pretty lost on what's wrong. Suffice to say, I'm begining to think I got way over my head trying to build the system myself as I figured I had experience building to 478 pentium 4 day systems (which obviously is not coming in handy). Anyway, if anyone has any idea what I should do, fire away.

Edit: To clarify, those extra wires are coming from the front of the case. -Distraught person.


Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
Did you try reversing the orientation of the power lead on the QConnector? Also, you need to have CPU/MEM/VID installed in order to boot.



May 2, 2006
What do you mean reversing the orientation?

And I was under the impression that as long as the power supply is conneted to the motherboard and the power/reset wires from the case are plugged in to the motherboard, the power supply will still turn on. If not I'll get right to it as soon as I get back to my room.

Also in case I wasn't clear in the previous post (as I tend to forget things), All the wires that go into the Q-connector are in except for the audio ones.


Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
The power wire/connector fits over two pins on the mobo. Therefore, there are two possible ways you can connect this wire. Try both ways.



May 2, 2006
Alrighty, will try.

And just to absolutely make sure, if the power supply is connected to the motherboard as well as the power/reset wires from the case are connected, should the power supply at least be able to turn on? As in, the green light indicating that the mobo is gettting power should be on as well?

Again, thanks phile and I apologize if my questions seem very inane.


Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
All you need to connect in order to power-up the mobo are the 20+4 pin and 4-pin connectors, and the power button wire.



May 2, 2006
Alright thanks, I did so and it isn't powering up. Either I screwed up or something is broken. Again, thank you very much for the quick responses.


Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
Does the mobo light turn on when the PSU is connected? If not, make sure the power switch on PSU is in the on position.



Golden Member
Aug 31, 2006

Thanks for the info yesterday. I went home and checked the Bios, and sure enough, it was 0701. I contacted ASUS as per the beginning of the thread here and hopefully will have new BIOS chip in a couple of days.

Is there "theoretically" anything else it might be?



Senior member
Aug 10, 2006
Originally posted by: thespyder

Thanks for the info yesterday. I went home and checked the Bios, and sure enough, it was 0701. I contacted ASUS as per the beginning of the thread here and hopefully will have new BIOS chip in a couple of days.

Is there "theoretically" anything else it might be?


Problems like this could also be due to a bad PSU, mobo, or mem. Hopefully, the problem is just a BIOS issue, so it won't be too tedious to isolate.

Some people have been able to boot with 0701. Assuming your PSU is properly connected - 20+4 pin and 4-pin connectors both hooked-up - try resetting the CMOS. This involves removing the CMOS battery and switching a jumper. The proper procedure is outlined in the manual. If simply resetting the CMOS does nothing, try booting with only a single stick of mem. Try them both, if needed. If you do all this and still nada, wait for the new BIOS chip. Remember to reset the CMOS again, after replacing the BIOS chip with the new one. If, at that point, you still have the same issue, we're essentially down to a PSU or mobo. I would suggest trying a different PSU. If that doesn't help matters, you may have a bad mobo.

In addition to the above, make sure all your components are properly connected, or seated. Sometimes simply pulling everything apart and reassembling the rig mysteriously resolves the problem. Oh, and when troubleshooting a problem like this, disconnect any non-essential devices: secondary HDs, USB storage devices, etc.



Golden Member
Aug 31, 2006
I emailed Asus, just like this thread indicated and got a response saying

"I am currently out of bios chip for the M/B P5W DH DLX, you can send your bios chip and let me reflash it."

And I am wondering if I should be a little miffed. It seems to me that, all they need to do is take a chip that they have in stock and flash it, and then send it to me. This, instead of me sending them MY chip and then them sending it back (thus making my delay both for the mail to them, and the mail back to myself). Am I being unreasonable?
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