Official AT Guild Wars 2 Guild Thread

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Dec 5, 2000

Your e-mail or something must be compromised, or you have a keylogger. My friend had his account similarly compromised, but after a few e-mails he got his account back, changed his pass and has had no issue whatsoever since then.

That or someone has a serious grudge against you/the "hacker" doesn't like you very much.

doesn't make sense that my PC is compromised or I have a keylogger. Why not go after other things besides my GW2 account?

My account has also been locked while I was playing the game. Can't be due to a hacker then, can it?

PC has been scanned with:
MS Security Essentials
Symantec online virus scan
Eset online virus scan
BitDefender online virus scan
McAfee free virus scan
TrendMicro online virus scan
Sophos free antivirus/rootkit/malware/spyware
Kaspersky free virus scan
Kaspersky TDSSKiller
Panda online virus scan

Eset, Symantec, and Sophos found 2 false positives.
Superantispyware found some tracking cookies but don't think those have anything to do with it.
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Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
So I have been playing since about three days now and some observations...

º Crafting.

Maybe there's a reason and I'm not yet aware of it, but we can only have two active professions at any given time, ok. But... the progression I make in any other professions is being saved so I can just switch whenever I feel like it. I can use the materials I found to increase the professions' levels and... yeah. So basically all professions are available, but only two active at a time, even though the bigger picture is pretty much that they're all "active" anyway... I just need to walk to specific profession NPCs and do that whole "activate-this and deactivate-that game", which itself is ultimately just a loss of time and unnecessary.

So, what's the point? It really doesn't provide any additional "depth" to the crafting system itself. I mean I could just... you know, have all professions at once as being "active" without necessarily labeling them as such. I just don't understand why, or maybe it's a gold sink of sort in the game's economy. I mean the whole professions switching being the gold sink, not the professions themselves (or maybe the professions themselves are, too, but that ain't the point anyway).

Anyone cares to explain? If there's an actual reason to that I'd be happy to learn of it. I'm really just curious and I genuinely want to know, maybe I'm just not aware of it but for the moment it seems to be useless.

º The scaling of enemies / players.

I'm not sure if I like it or not, but I think that on paper and technically speaking it's almost there... done almost right. It's rather common in other MMORPGs of course to have lower level zones being steam-rolled God mode-style by higher level players coming from higher level zones with the respective higher level gear. And of course in such games more often than not the players whom are trying to actually level up in those lower level zones see that happen and either they are happy about it because it saves them time, or they want to kill the higher level guy(s) because he/she/they just interrupted their quest and they have to start over again.

I have played many such MMORPGs myself and I never understood the point since there was no fun nor rewards for the higher level player to just pass by Level 10 zones at Level 50 to one-shot every single mobs that perhaps once made his day a tour in Hell. Even if that was the case it's the past now, you're strong and those mobs are just A.I. without feelings you won't exactly get actual "revenge" by going there and one-shooting them... but anyway... to each their own "fun" I guess.

Now in GW2, you are for example Level 20 and enter a Level 1 to around Level 15 zone or so. Let's presume that you enter a specific area in which the highest leveled mobs are Level 12 (but your actual Level is 20). That means that you'll be scaled down to one level ABOVE that of the highest leveled mob in the zone in question. It's a scaling down from your actual level, but it's still a scale UP from the zone's highest leveled mobs. Now, obviously, it's nothing to be just ONE level above that of a mob when in other similar games you can be 50+ Levels above and just look at the poor thing not even touch it and it'd dead in a second.

But that's "nothing" only if you compare that scaling down to similar games. That's the obvious part...

The not so obvious one is that within GW2 itself, without comparisons with other similar games being made then the accumulated players coming from higher level zones present in sufficient numbers in a lower-level area WILL, ultimately, make everything much easier for everyone regardless of the area or the mobs in it. That's at least the observations I have made from what I've seen so far. I am aware that perhaps in higher level zones that kind of difficulty reduction ("forced" by the presence of enough players) is decreasing, and the power "gap" between mobs and especially bosses (between them and the players) is much lesser. I do actually hope that's the case for those higher level zones that I have yet to see.

What I mean is... ok you have a boss, he's say... Level 15. If the conditions are met then really, the scaling down won't change much. It DOES help a little bit. I'm not saying that the scaling down system in GW2 is doing literally nothing per se. But basically the point is that if a Level 15 boss is literally overwhelmed by a group of a dozen Level 16 players especially if some of them have skills that they opened at higher levels still being activate despite the level scaling (and stats scaling too) I mean... yeah the boss WILL effectively become overwhelmed in all senses of the word. It still makes things too easy.

Should it make things "easier"? Yes, I believe it should obviously help the situation if there's more players assisting in a battle. But they are STILL higher level than the boss. The "scaling down" works when you look at it from the point of view of the player's own actual level, but not when you look at it from the enemies' point of view (PvE). It's my main complaint so far.

Just taking one example, I can't recall the exact location's name by now I'd have to look at it again, but I was Level 11 (Guardian) and came by some Event on a frozen lake I think it is, where some boss appears and you have to beat waves of lesser mobs until the boss eventually fights us. Well anyway, it took... what maybe 6 or 7 players total, and no more than around 2 minutes and the boss was gone. I mean the WHOLE Event from the moment the first lesser mobs wave starts to the moment we loot the final chest... done in about 2 minutes? Maybe 3 at most? It was short and it felt... well it was easy let's just put it this way.

º Overall difficulty (A.K.A lack of it)

I guess that, overall, my only "real" negative complaint I have about this game is that is it simply easy. I DO hope that in later zones things will become challenging. I do consider myself some sort of a "newbie'ish" player in MMORPGs. I don't consider myself a veteran (or maybe I am but I remain modest anyway). The first one I ever played was Star Wars Galaxies, but I only played it for maybe a month and a half (and I still own the original vanilla Galaxies CD-Rom and the retail box).

Then I played mostly F2P MMORPGs of all types, 2D, side scrolling, top view, 3D... many of them. The latest ones on my list are City of Heroes, then tried Allods Online (very popular in Russia, not so much here in North America) then moved to Champions Online, then more recently DC Universe Online. I know how MMORPGs work, the basics at least (and of course most of them adopted or tried to imitate most of the basic mechanics from World of WarCraft). I've participated in end-game content, been in end-game (and very competitive and strong) guilds in many of those games. I've seen my fare share of challenges and what I could also consider "spoon-fed entrainment" (I.E. easy games).

I never played the original Guild Wars, but GW2 so far is one of the easiest MMORPGs I've played. Not *the* easiest but... anyway I was expecting something more. I have not been in a single party so far. I've played alone and all Instances I've been in were completed by me in pure solo (I think they were only related to "My Story" instances). I have died a few times, yes, but mostly because I made stupid mistakes and couldn't use my skills properly or didn't have the reflex to kite around enough.

Honestly I don't know exactly what is - or are - the causes of it. It has to do with classes and overall game balance to some extent, surely, but certainly it's not the whole story. I think that it has to do also with that "almost done right" scaling down system. In my opinion, if scaling down people has to occur by the philosophy of the developers of this game and what their goal seems to be for it, then they need to force same-level scaling, not one level below, not one level above, but the same level and same stats perhaps as well.

If you see a boss and he's Level 15, and if your level is also 15... you'll think twice. Now of course if there's 20 players at Level 14 or 15 it will be "easier". I agree, and it should be. But the point is that on paper, by statistics I am convinced that if we'd look at the actual numbers we'd notice how much it really doesn't actually help to maintain the challenges *up* by allowing too many players of higher levels to come in and assist for the same Event(s).

Solution? I'm not sure... difficult to think of one and I'm sure that the GW2 developers brainstormed it to death and came up with the system we see right now as their final "best" approach out of many possibilities that they must have looked at... but still...

Maybe there should be some sort of a limitation of players imposed by the instancing of boss-related zones. What does it mean? Well for MMORPG veterans it should be clear already. For others out there perhaps not familiar with instancing, it would mean that above a certain threshold any zone that contains a boss (or Event with a boss) would be newly instanced for another maximum set of players, and no two groups of players can interact because they'd then be "enclosed" in their own instanced zone.

For example, you roam around some area where there's no bosses but only regular mobs, that's fine, no instancing needed, there can be literally a hundred players or more, fine. Now let's say there's a boss in the same area instead (as an example). That means that within this area there can be no more than say... 6 players (just an example!). What would the 80+ other players do? Nothing different... they would still fight the boss if they find themselves in that same "instanced" area, the only thing is that the game would dynamically instance the area to contain all the players within maximum groups of that 6 players limit until all the players in the area have been instanced. So everyone would get to fight the boss and no one would ever see more than 6 players fighting the boss at any given time even if the entire "zone" has a total population of 100 players.

It's just one way to look at it and there might be other solutions.

But anyway, yeah I know the devs looked into it I'm sure of it. But, I myself must say that I am not completely satisfied with this scaling down system, enemies can be too easily overwhelmed anyhow, it doesn't change much. Although I DO prefer it as it is right now despite the downside (I.E. making things too easy more often than not) when I compare this system to other similar games. I do NOT want to see a Level 40 (unscaled) player just God-modding his way in "my level zone" killing everything and wrecking apart my own fun, that would have been a big No No, and fortunately it ain't the case. So yes ultimately it is almost a good middle ground, the devs did find some sort of a solution but there's still balancing to do with it, in my opinion.


But, as a whole, the game itself? It's definitely one of the best MMORPG game I've played. And... oh man the soundtrack, Jeremy Soule... what can I say more.
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Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
Lots of events get stuck I noticed. I got 4 skill point mobs stuck to complete a zone. dynamic events are stuck part way through cause NPC stopped attacking. ugg.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
So I have been playing since about three days now and some observations...

º Crafting.

Maybe there's a reason and I'm not yet aware of it, but we can only have two active professions at any given time, ok. But... the progression I make in any other professions is being saved so I can just switch whenever I feel like it. I can use the materials I found to increase the professions' levels and... yeah. So basically all professions are available, but only two active at a time, even though the bigger picture is pretty much that they're all "active" anyway... I just need to walk to specific profession NPCs and do that whole "activate-this and deactivate-that game", which itself is ultimately just a loss of time and unnecessary.
[NOVEL snipped!]

OK, to answer your crafting question,

there is a reason.

look at diesbuts post about requirements to get yoru legendary weapons. each one of those requires mastery in ~3-4 specific crafting disciplines (I don't think it is account-based...but I could be wrong)

Either way, if it isn't required at the moment (per character for legendaries), you can gaurantee there is or will be a specific title (I'm sure there is one already) for maxing all crafts on a toon.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
Now that the populations are starting to settle, I wonder if the earlier zones a little less zerg happy than they were at launch. Anyone have any experiences? Basically I'm debating rolling a new character now or waiting a little while for populations to further stabilize.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012
Just got the game, noted that all of you are in the Stormbluff isle server and it's fckin full. So i started in Magumma since another of our guild members is there. So should i continue here or is it possible to transfer to Stormbluff where the bulk of AT is?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Just got the game, noted that all of you are in the Stormbluff isle server and it's fckin full. So i started in Magumma since another of our guild members is there. So should i continue here or is it possible to transfer to Stormbluff where the bulk of AT is?

it is possible. just need to keep checking for when space is available.

post your name if you wish, one of us can send you an invite, regardless of server.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Zenoth: are you playing a warrior?

GW2 is certainly not easy--not at all. It's probably the most difficult (At least, many, many deaths) game I have played in some time, and I'm not alone int his assessment.

however, if you are playing is basically easy mode in GW2 under its current build.

If you want something challenging, then I suggest trying the Ele, or Thief.


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2004
Just got the game, noted that all of you are in the Stormbluff isle server and it's fckin full. So i started in Magumma since another of our guild members is there. So should i continue here or is it possible to transfer to Stormbluff where the bulk of AT is?

Stormbluff Isle is on it's way to handing HoD their first wubwubwub defeat since live. People are probably transferring to that server just to hop on the bandwagon. Queue times are probably just going to get worse if they do win on Friday.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012
it is possible. just need to keep checking for when space is available. post your name if you wish, one of us can send you an invite, regardless of server.

I'm thejunglegod.8421 currently playing as a Sylvari Elementatlist in the Magumma server. Just level 5 atm, so an absolute noob, though i have tons of WOW experience.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Zenoth: are you playing a warrior?

GW2 is certainly not easy--not at all. It's probably the most difficult (At least, many, many deaths) game I have played in some time, and I'm not alone int his assessment.

however, if you are playing is basically easy mode in GW2 under its current build.

If you want something challenging, then I suggest trying the Ele, or Thief.

I have tried the Warrior for six levels and I stopped, it was too straightforward for my tastes but I might try again another time. At the moment my "main" character (just happens to be the one I've played the most with) is a Guardian. It looks like whatever I do, be it combining one-handed and shield or going two-handed (whichever weapon types you can think of that is compatible with the class) I just basically steam roll mobs or I can just "tank" them long enough and still deal decent damage and just... barely ever die.

I do die... just... I don't know, probably most of the time out of my own bad decisions regarding skills rotation and lack of or not enough kitting. As long as I move regularly and as long as I keep my self-healing ready for the right time(s) then it really isn't difficult. To me, dying a few times does not mean that a game is difficult mind you. I mean I could literally die say... ten times at the same boss (just an example, it never actually happened yet) and I would still blame those ten deaths on my own bad decisions still thinking that the game isn't necessarily difficult. So... yeah I guess that my own definition of difficulty plays a part in how I describe all of this.

So far my Guardian (Norn) is Level 14, but I also have a Human Elementalist, a Asura Engineer, a Charr Ranger and a Human Necromancer. I have not played enough yet on those other toons to get a sense on their respective class-influenced difficult curve so I won't comment on that for now. As far as the Warrior goes I do see a bunch of them around whom seem to indeed just steam roll most mobs on their way. But honestly the Warrior class in most (not all, there's exceptions) MMORPGs for me is too much of a repetition of that same class from other games to bother with them.

I do like the Warriors in some games (DC Universe Online is the latest I can think of, due for the most part to the combat system and how the physics work in the game) but usually I try to go with something more along the lines of melee and some ranged skills (Guardian, Knight-style classes, Paladins, etc). Anyway, maybe it's the class' own balance or... not sure yet exactly. Maybe I just play "as intended" and I just manage to avoid most enemy attacks? Not sure (really I'm not). As far as the Guardian goes I just seem to have all the necessary buffs (and permanent at that) to resist most attacks. I do often switch my weapons set around in specific situations and I am not afraid to change my class-specific skills around to modify the buffs I guess if a situation becomes challenging but those situations are frankly rare.

If I am literally just alone wandering around I can gather say... two or sometimes three mobs of either one level below mine or the same level as mine (it depends on the mobs themselves, usually I can do that with mobs which attack mostly in melee range) and team roll them with a 2-handed Mace or Sword, since my attacks hit them all at once if I am in their range of attack (or their hit box is close enough, whichever way you look at it). I just keep kitting in circle and do a bunch of sudden 180º turns to face them for just one second to do my attacks, hit them all and repeat the process (again, only working on certain enemy types specifically, not everywhere). I can "farm"... with a Guardian, it gave me a smile but frankly I thought it was too easy.

I know I have many other areas to explore, find and I have to encounter new enemies, bosses, instances... there's a lot that I have to see. It might change eventually.


Bottom line is that I feel that if there is challenge then it might be limited to "start" at a certain level, for "higher" levels anyway. Perhaps the game is easy at lower levels and maybe that was the developers' plan I don't know. My feeling is that developers (if it was intended) should not make a game necessarily easier just because you start leveling up. Instead, make it challenging from the start but DO explain properly how classes work, how combat works, explain the game's features, maps, perhaps explain with a combat tutorial, etc. There are ways to prepare players for difficulties to come but... anyway...

GW2 is a great game I do have a lot of fun, it's just overall quite easier than I expected, so far... it might change later on. If so, then good.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
So I have been playing since about three days now and some observations...

º Crafting.

I just don't understand why, or maybe it's a gold sink of sort in the game's economy.

Bingo at max level it takes close to 30-50 silver each time you change out a professions. Also, you need 2 specific ones active and maxed to get a few specific stuff in the game to do what you want. And with half the professions sharing the same materials, its designed so you don't try and focus on all them at once.

º The scaling of enemies / players.

Incorrect on how scaling works. Each zone scales from X-X (starting area is 15) No matter what you cannot be higher than level 15 (or some cases 18). yes there are mobs that are 16-18 there in the end events. So there will be moments even a lv 80 is scaled below mobs, hence it depends where you are at on the map on what level you are reduced to. Not always X+1.

What I mean is... ok you have a boss, he's say... Level 15. If the conditions are met then really, the scaling down won't change much. It DOES help a little bit. I'm not saying that the scaling down system in GW2 is doing literally nothing per se. But basically the point is that if a Level 15 boss is literally overwhelmed by a group of a dozen Level 16 players especially if some of them have skills that they opened at higher levels still being activate despite the level scaling (and stats scaling too) I mean... yeah the boss WILL effectively become overwhelmed in all senses of the word. It still makes things too easy.

Every mob will get destroyed when you have enough people. Level doesn't matter beyond the stats it gives. Does not effect hit chance like in other MMOs. So a level 10 on a level 12 an still do enough damage to matter. However if the mob decides to attack him good chance he will die fast.

Just taking one example [. . .] Maybe 3 at most? It was short and it felt... well it was easy let's just put it this way.

Events depend on time. Some events may take 15-20 minutes because there is that many waves/boss has that much HP. Every event is like this, though most events later on is as I said time based, and not monster spawn/wave based. So 9minutes of undead spawning means, 9 minute event.

º Overall difficulty (A.K.A lack of it)

Let me put it this way. Higher level zones have mobs close by. and unless a warrior or guardian, if you get more than 1-2 on you at once, it becomes a struggle to live. And on top of that, some of the event bosses and insatnce zones can get really difficult. Did you try Ascalon Catacombs yet? (lv 30 dungeon) twisted:Heeheehee:twisted

Also the difficulty is't just about the game. But the item endgame. The legendary item, will take at least a few sacrificed children souls to make. It will probably take the above average gamer (removing hardcore players) about 4-6 months Minimum to finish it.

See Bolded
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Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
Bottom line is that I feel that if there is challenge then it might be limited to "start" at a certain level, for "higher" levels anyway. Perhaps the game is easy at lower levels and maybe that was the developers' plan I don't know. My feeling is that developers (if it was intended) should not make a game necessarily easier just because you start leveling up. Instead, make it challenging from the start but DO explain properly how classes work, how combat works, explain the game's features, maps, perhaps explain with a combat tutorial, etc. There are ways to prepare players for difficulties to come but... anyway...

GW2 is a great game I do have a lot of fun, it's just overall quite easier than I expected, so far... it might change later on. If so, then good.

It is. Level 30 is about when things get tougher. More enemies closer together that come at your when a nearby friend is attacked, along with mobs that have insane abilities. I still hate the lv 80 undead taht cripple me to -50% movement speed for a minute or Pull me back with a chain 1,000 meters when Im trying to run somewhere.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
Zenoth: are you playing a warrior?

GW2 is certainly not easy--not at all. It's probably the most difficult (At least, many, many deaths) game I have played in some time, and I'm not alone int his assessment.

however, if you are playing is basically easy mode in GW2 under its current build.

If you want something challenging, then I suggest trying the Ele, or Thief.

... I fought tooth and nail to get to 80 on my elementalist with over 150 deaths. I faced so many enemies, so many close calls, so many "Oh shit moments". And unless I jumped through every element and got lucky I died.

However on my warrior and gaurdian? Lawl. /sleep play. Whats that enemies? cant kill me as I kill 4 of you at once, when your a higher level? muwhahaha.

I still find elementalist more fun with all the elemental options and my ability to shoot fire, water, lighting, and earth. Along with all the combos I can create. But damn if it wasn't at least 3-4x harder than a warrior do basic daily things.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
I'm thejunglegod.8421 currently playing as a Sylvari Elementatlist in the Magumma server. Just level 5 atm, so an absolute noob, though i have tons of WOW experience.

I'm on the same server hit me up if you want to party up for stuff. Easier as we are on the same server. I have chars from 1-33 as we'll as an 80

Im out if town all this week however


Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2010
It's official: Guild Wars 2 has the best looking world/landscape of any MMO. I found myself mesmerized just running around exploring the world yesterday on my level 22 character, and I got to level 27 from just running around exploring the zones.

This is one of my new favorite things to do: Get high, turn on some relaxing Celtic music, and just run around and explore. So relaxing and therapeutic.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
I don't think the game has been difficult so far; and personally I don't think it will ever be [very] 'hard' because it doesn't have the mechanics to support it (PvE that is). When you take away tanks and healers, every encounter becomes a modified zerg. And that's held true for pretty much every dungeon and encounter I've been part of so far.

Levelling is still pretty fun though, started some new characters with my friends this weekend and I've enjoyed seeing some of the other starting areas, and even going through them again is way more fun in a group.


Apr 8, 2002
I think the landscapes in this game are simply amazing. My screenshot folder is overflowing.

Decided to retry a warrior. Love the dual axe setup!


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
I don't think the game has been difficult so far; and personally I don't think it will ever be [very] 'hard' because it doesn't have the mechanics to support it (PvE that is). When you take away tanks and healers, every encounter becomes a modified zerg. And that's held true for pretty much every dungeon and encounter I've been part of so far.

Levelling is still pretty fun though, started some new characters with my friends this weekend and I've enjoyed seeing some of the other starting areas, and even going through them again is way more fun in a group.

Neither is fights with Tank/healers. All it is, is not standing in bad stuff and standing in good stuff.

All MMO PvE is "easy" it just depends on a player's "skill" and crutch of gear they have.

I have yet to find a hard fight in World of Warcraft quite honestly. Sure My raid groups whiped many many times on some fights, but I rarly ever was the issue. Why? because it was easy to me. The group? Not so much.

The main difficulty of GW2 comes in forms of actually moving and dodging and using skill combos on many mobs in dungeons and the longevity of the farming for the legendary weapon.

I love the 1st (legit) boss of Arah on option 3 (shard run)

The Crusher and Hunter at once, have to keep an eye on that crusher. WHACK 1-shot K.O.
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