Official AT Guild Wars 2 Guild Thread

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Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Deception struck.

Heh, I was just questing around and I thought "at least in this game there's no lack of players, no zones so far truly feel empty!". Then at some point I noticed two players using the same words as their names (for example one was named Brick Water, the other was named Water Brick, just reversed), and both were perfectly synchronized, making sudden turns (as if navigating via waypoints, absolutely no "natural" mouse movement involved), using the same skills at the same time, on the same mobs often just as they (mobs) appeared, and they were also teleporting (literally) around to reach their next nearest targets, and they repeated the process.

So of course then I thought "Meh... bots, just great". I had read about them on the official forums mostly (and here too of course) but I had never seen them in action before. Anyway so I reported them both. Then I moved on and resumed my questing thinking that it was an "isolated case", or that generally speaking it would be rare. Then, I saw other bots, but the thing is... they were bots in a guild, they were doing the same thing but I don't know... I guess that the guy who owns those characters and the account just decided to join a guild and when he goes to bed or isn't playing the game he just turns on his bots.

Then I started to think... this is deceptive. The thing is that when I play around just questing (not doing dungeons) I more often then not realize that most actual "real" players don't communicate by chat unless they want to tell everyone in the Map chat that some boss popped somewhere and they link the nearest waypoint to get to that boss, mostly anyway (of course there's immature chatting too but I'm not referring to that type of useless chatter). Generally speaking players are silent anyway, if they do say something in say or even in party chat (when invited by strangers) it's just stuff like "thx" if you revive them, big deal.

So a thought came to my mind...

If most players stay silent unless you're in a guild or are "friends" with them and do some dungeons together, then there's almost no way to distinguish bots from real players because you can't rely on the fact that if you're in a guild it means you're not botting, which I now see isn't true. And of course you cannot rely on the fact that a player is activating his bot only because that player remains silent, which isn't true either, because of course we know that even if the player is real and isn't a bot he or she will remain silent anyway.

So, to "spot" a bot you literally have to idle around looking at "players" for a moment until visually you can see some irregularities in how the "player" moves around. Then again, he or she may indeed be a real player whom just happens to "play like a bot would" (or very close to it). All of that when I think of it explains a few things for me, but it deceives my perception of the population of the game in terms of real players (not in terms of how many accounts exist).

If I'm playing around in Wayfarer Foothills or Kessex or anywhere, and I just quest around seeing other players in the zone I can't tell myself "Nice this game is popular people are playing in numbers! This server is great!". That doesn't work anymore. Now I have to tell myself "Well maybe that guy isn't a bot, who knows... but I won't stand here losing my own time to see if the thing moves irregularly so I can report it. Although if I don't stand here for that purpose I won't lose my time and I will do some character progression, I don't exactly feel like going on a bots hunt, I just want to play the game".

I even saw what I suspect being bots (wasn't sure of it, so I did not report them) literally standing idle in front of the Trading Post NPCs in Lion's Arch. There was two of them again with similar names and they literally remained there for approximately three days. By that I mean that for a period of around three days whenever I logged-in to play and I happened to go to Lion's Arch I saw them there, at the exact same spot, never typing nor moving. It might have been a "coincidence" sure, two players of almost identical names (possible) whom happen to not be at home or are at work or whatever, not playing the game, leaving their game running on their PC and never touching their characters for around three days in front of the Trading Post.

Who knows huh?

Bah, so I thought "great, farming bots in the open as real players do their quests or just have fun", and "trading/economy bots" standing in front of the Trading Post NPCs doing God knows what to the game's (or at least server's) economy for their own benefits (or their guild's benefits who knows how far it can have consequences). So, yeah I had that sort of naive bubble before I realized how bad the problem truly is. I thought I was playing a game that was only rarely, very rarely "played by bots". Now it seems that the problem is much more complex and I don't see ArenaNet being able to even scratch the surface of the iceberg's tip. I truly wish them good luck though, I despise bots and I despise the people who create them, and the people who use them.
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Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
So long as there's money to be made, there will be bots. Even with that incentive taken away there would be bots, people want those Legendary weapons and the requirements are insane.

A million Karma... I have invested a ton of time into this game and I only have 41,000 Karma. And I've literally seen dozens of people already with Legendaries popping up around Lion's Arch already, not sure if they're the same people each time but whatev's.

As for bots though, I've never seen one. I've never seen someone warp around or do anything that I can point to as "botting". Guild Wars 2 says I have 242 hours invested in the game across all characters (225 on my main), now I admit a ton of that time was just from leaving the game idle or being alt+tab'ed out but still, I've never actually seen or noticed a bot for what that's worth.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
Not a day goes by i don't notice dozens of bots. I would say in the last 3 days i've reported 200+ bots. I hope Monday they make some announcement of putting something into place. More bots than players now sadly. A couple events i've seen 30+ bots just camping it over and over.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
So long as there's money to be made, there will be bots. Even with that incentive taken away there would be bots, people want those Legendary weapons and the requirements are insane.

A million Karma... I have invested a ton of time into this game and I only have 41,000 Karma. And I've literally seen dozens of people already with Legendaries popping up around Lion's Arch already, not sure if they're the same people each time but whatev's.

As for bots though, I've never seen one. I've never seen someone warp around or do anything that I can point to as "botting". Guild Wars 2 says I have 242 hours invested in the game across all characters (225 on my main), now I admit a ton of that time was just from leaving the game idle or being alt+tab'ed out but still, I've never actually seen or noticed a bot for what that's worth.

wow, I'm actually surprised. Up until this week (well, you can still find them there), there was a permanent bot brigade at the centaur bridge in Kessex, and there were a few at that northeastern arena in Glendarran foothills (where the mobs and bosses spawn for that event). Maybe not bots, but exploiters with their 1 key "taped" down, aimed into the spawn zone.

But I have definitely seen more and more bots over the last week--twin rangers running in synchronized circles around a specific perimeter (also glendarran--but in the northwestern centaur area), a naked, longbow warrior near the large water pipe shooting at grubs, warping in place from spot to spot. I see him die, someone comes by to try and res--I tell them not to.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
Just saw my first obvious bot today, tried my best to aggro everything onto him however each time he survived... his pet kept rez'ing him.

I guess I just don't pay much attention to what others are doing, but I've never seen anyone warping around and although I did see the bridge in Kessex flooded with players, it didn't occur to me they were bots (exploiters, sure).

I'm sure they're out there I just probably haven't noticed them. Now that I'm in Cursed Shore I'll bet I start running into them even more.


Senior member
Nov 22, 2007

I'll preface this by saying I like to play a support type of role in MMO's -- had a monk primary in GW1, Combat Medic in SWTOR, etc. etc. Always found healing/support to be way more intensive/rewarding than than swinging a sword around over and over. If I want to face melt I'll go smack people around in a FPS.

Finally got my engy all exotic'd out for playing a support/condition role. Running a full set of the prec/tough/cond Orr karma gear, plus full carrion on the trinkets/pistol/shield. Unbuffed I'm around 2500 attack, 22K HP's, and around 2200 defense. Running elixir gun, FT, & Elixir R currently.

Figured what the hell, let's try some Arah Exp and see how it goes. Meh -- made it to that boss that throws the grubs out and couldn't get pass the second stage. Can't really say I felt like I was contributing all that much. Healing is a joke, and if I'm applying conditions there's no good way to know if it's really making all that much of a difference. Elixir R is cool, but the minute cool down is kinda meh for what it actually accomplishes.

I don't know, I can't help but feel that everyone would simply be better off running a warrior and /ggkthxbye. The game is all about DPS, as the support impact is severely gimped -- to the point where there's no point in trying. I know they wanted to get rid of the holy trinity, but essentially what that's done is made it a who can survive the longest and kill the fastest.

Maybe it was just a bad group/experience, but something tells me what I've seen isn't going to change all that much. Should probably just take a break, the grind to get all that gear left a bad taste I guess.

/end rant


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
If I invest in healing line on warrior, does it increase the healing that happens when i do damage?

my understanding is that healing traits or attributes do not affect any type of passive healing, only the healing compliment that is activated by skills.

Not that I've tested this or seen a conclusive test on it--it's probably there somewhere--but I've heard that from a few sources.

passive healing increases with level, and I do believe that if that skill is tied to a particular skill class (like auras or cantrips), the skills effects will get a boost anytime those skill classes are traited--assuming that the trait has functions analogous to that particular skill.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
I noticed that lots of bots are not around anymore. Not sure if anet part, or they just offline atm. lol


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
my understanding is that healing traits or attributes do not affect any type of passive healing, only the healing compliment that is activated by skills.

Healing covers all healing; including passive. That is why Warriors are so OP imo - stack healing with the Regeneration Signet, and you cannot be killed (unless you sit in the middle of 5 mobs and AOE).

Pretty easy to test - get hurt and see how much the regen ticks, then add some healing gear or traits, and see how much the regen ticks. I'm ticking for about 184 @ lvl 50 atm, but can get it up to 300ish (losing a bit of dps).


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Healing covers all healing; including passive. That is why Warriors are so OP imo - stack healing with the Regeneration Signet, and you cannot be killed (unless you sit in the middle of 5 mobs and AOE).

Pretty easy to test - get hurt and see how much the regen ticks, then add some healing gear or traits, and see how much the regen ticks. I'm ticking for about 184 @ lvl 50 atm, but can get it up to 300ish (losing a bit of dps).

yeah, I've been meaning to test this out myself, but my warrior makes me snore. at level 51 now, sitting around farming trees is his main use.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
I need some help guys. I've been playing since launch, but not really sure what goal I should be working towards. I have a level 64 warrior and 51 engineer that I basically just try to level. I did a little WvW, but it was a little confusing. Is there any type of gear grind that helps with PvE, WvW or PvP? Should I be running dungeons? What is the point of being in the guild or how do you contribute? Not sure why I feel so lost as this isn't my first MMO.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005

I'll preface this by saying I like to play a support type of role in MMO's -- had a monk primary in GW1, Combat Medic in SWTOR, etc. etc. Always found healing/support to be way more intensive/rewarding than than swinging a sword around over and over. If I want to face melt I'll go smack people around in a FPS.

Finally got my engy all exotic'd out for playing a support/condition role. Running a full set of the prec/tough/cond Orr karma gear, plus full carrion on the trinkets/pistol/shield. Unbuffed I'm around 2500 attack, 22K HP's, and around 2200 defense. Running elixir gun, FT, & Elixir R currently.

Figured what the hell, let's try some Arah Exp and see how it goes. Meh -- made it to that boss that throws the grubs out and couldn't get pass the second stage. Can't really say I felt like I was contributing all that much. Healing is a joke, and if I'm applying conditions there's no good way to know if it's really making all that much of a difference. Elixir R is cool, but the minute cool down is kinda meh for what it actually accomplishes.

I don't know, I can't help but feel that everyone would simply be better off running a warrior and /ggkthxbye. The game is all about DPS, as the support impact is severely gimped -- to the point where there's no point in trying. I know they wanted to get rid of the holy trinity, but essentially what that's done is made it a who can survive the longest and kill the fastest.

Maybe it was just a bad group/experience, but something tells me what I've seen isn't going to change all that much. Should probably just take a break, the grind to get all that gear left a bad taste I guess.

/end rant

I wouldn't consider this a rant, it's merely your observations. I do still wonder if getting rid of the trinity system was a good idea or not, I have mixed feelings about that myself. For me there's advantages and disadvantages to both having and not having a trinity system, so it's difficult to have preferences... I think I like both (having and not having that system). The thing is with a trinity system everything is clear, you have one (or more) healer, DPS players and one or more tanks, then you have those "middle ground" support "off-heals", "off-tank" classes to fill in the gaps if any.

You'd go to a dungeon and you'd know... ok guys we need a healer, a tank and DPS classes, then they all have specific roles that we all know well. The healers... heals and also removes debuffs (conditions in GW2) or purifies negative effects... etc. The tank(s) need to hold aggro on one or multiple mobs (or bosses and their adds if any) while relying on being healed by the healers and the DPS players of course are there to have fun by swinging and casting their stuff around (without breaking aggro and letting the tank do his or her job... in the best of worlds that is, we know it doesn't always work). I mean, a trinity system is "clear", you know... there's no problem to distinguish roles and you know what every players are supposed to do (that's excluding the players whom actually don't know how to play their roles which happens in all similar games unfortunately).

Without a trinity system... well we have Guild Wars 2 (and maybe other developers tried to remove the system out there for other games but I'm not aware of any others myself). What I notice is that without such a system then... it favors a much more independent play style without having to rely on specific roles to do this or that dungeon, you pick almost anyone or almost any classes and you just cross your fingers that at the very least the players know how to play their classes but that's about it. No one "has to" hold aggro... the mobs target players randomly anyway (which is the point, no tank needed). And of course everyone can heal themselves, and no one has to heal others... you CAN if you WANT to, but you don't *have to* like an actual healer class would. And... well everyone can be either pure DPS or somewhere in between DPS'ing and supporting, throwing a bunch of CC spells left and right and some off-heals (usually barely worth it, but it's there for use) and so on.

For me personally, so far I do not feel the "need to" join a Guild with the sole purpose of doing character progression, since indeed everything can be soloed if I do feel like it, and I can do it because the game's system allows it. I mean it's not about being anti-social either. If you are used to single-player games and you end up playing GW2 (not exactly my own case but there's people like this out there) you won't exactly notice much of a difference if you essentially just play it "as if" it was a single-player out of pure reflex... you know I.E. not joining Guilds and ignoring party invites (because you don't even have to be in one to get rewards from Tasks or boss fights in the open zones).

On the other hand I'm not certain if playing independently to this extent was actually the developers' intention. What the developers clearly intended to and managed to do was obviously to get rid of the trinity system, ok done. But that brought this aspect of individualism into MMORPG territory which in itself is contradictory. I do understand why they basically tried to reinvent the wheel, but ironically I think that the PvE portion of almost any MMORPG games are perhaps more "organized" socially (in-game I mean) if a trinity system is present. In PvP however it can be viewed differently. I've played healer classes in a few MMORPGs and it's usually quite boring to PvP as one, not to mention tanks who can usually barely do enough DPS per se and are stuck with using CC-style or knock down skills. So doing PvP without a trinity system is better, in my opinion, which is the case in GW2 and I believe it works well (being the case for WvW). It's just the PvE aspect that seems... I don't know... well it's different, but nothing is "missing", it's just different.

Now I wouldn't exactly expect GW2 to change overnight you know. I mean the developers had a goal in mind and it was amongst other things to get rid of the trinity system. So GW2 will please the audience that wanted it and embrace it, and will at least be there as an option for those whom were at least just curious about it to see how it'd turn out to play a MMOPRG without a trinity system. I for one cannot say that I really like it, but I don't exactly dislike it entirely either. I think that the "best of both worlds" would be to play both GW2 and another "preferred" trinity-based MMORPG to have your fill. The one uncontested advantage about GW2 however is of course that there's no monthly fee so... you bought it and if you eventually get tired of it then it's not much of a deal really, just put it aside for a while and play a more standardized MMORPG be it a F2P one or a subscription-based one.

Oh by the way, Triglet this reply isn't targeted at you individually it's just me thinking out loud... the removal of the trinity system I'm sure is at least a mixed bag for a lot of players and MMORPG veterans alike out there. I never played World of WarCraft myself (well I tried the trial a few months ago for around a week and got bored of it), but I do know someone who has played it for I believe a few years (don't know how many exactly) but he tried GW2 (well he bought it of course) but went back to WoW because he missed his preferred "role" of tanking. And he said that he cannot stand the chaos and disorganized fighting in groups of mobs and players when mobs just randomly target people around and whichever class you happen to play as cannot do anything about it. You're just powerless (against that chaos and disorganized fighting) and like other players in the chaos have to dodge around and just cross your fingers (especially if you're a caster or long-range class) that nothing will come at you to interrupt you yet again. While on the other hand had there been one or two actual tanks in there and if there was an actual aggro system then mobs wouldn't just target everyone at some point and running around like headless chicken.

So, I fully agree with him on that aspect, but then again there are things that I do like such as the more contradictory (for MMORPGs in general) self-satisfying individualistic play style that I happen to have in GW2. So, in other words, I like not to have this trinity system in GW2 specifically (generally anyway, excluding some situations as exceptions to the rule) because it encourages a more independent play style which I happen to like and I find it to be fitting for this game. Exactly because nothing in the game's overal mechanism tells me that I'm doing it "wrong", since there's no demands from and for specific classes, I can just be and do whatever I want if I feel like it. And joining a Guild is just a matter of preference rather than being a matter of viability for character progression like in other MMORPGs with a trinity system. So, yeah there's Pro's and Con's to this this whole "be what you want and do what you feel like" system in GW2. In the end, it's a matter of preferences I guess.
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Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
I guess my confusion with the game matches what Triglet posted. I want to be more to a group than another independent person that does his own thing. There is just something wrong with a warrior or guardian not being able to draw aggro and protect the casters or ranged classes.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
We had a small cell within the guild that did dungeons and other stuff together, but for the most part the guild members don't seem to be particularly talkative. Another reason I pretty much stopped playing is that even when the guild has a LOT of members on, only 5-7 of us are actually talking whatsoever. Game is definitely a lot more fun (and unfortunately easier) to play with a group, until dungeons which were designed for a full group.

That and Warriors typically can't survive many hits because they all spec into full damage more or less, hell even a lot of Guardians will spec into damage oriented stuff and just face-tank and kill mobs themselves. Ranged people need to master kiting and dodging, more engaging and fun to me but it is also a lot more work for some.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
Btw... I was right about two things.

First, we are not currently playing HoD in wvw; I assumed the servers would change and they did. Second, our locations in wvw change (ie our start area is not always the same spot on the maps).

So you don't need to switch to another server to get all the wvw poi's and vistas... I jumped on last night and got all of them I was missing, because our start point and keeps/etc currently is the one HoD used to hold.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Pretty easy to test - get hurt and see how much the regen ticks, then add some healing gear or traits, and see how much the regen ticks. I'm ticking for about 184 @ lvl 50 atm, but can get it up to 300ish (losing a bit of dps).

healing blows on a warrior once u get lvl80.
stack healing blows again, as 15 points in defense is not the optimal solo pve trait.

i added 300 healing to my traits to test, and guess what?
it only gave me 15hp more tick then without it.
your better off with Pwr, Toughness, Vit.

I guess my confusion with the game matches what Triglet posted. I want to be more to a group than another independent person that does his own thing. There is just something wrong with a warrior or guardian not being able to draw aggro and protect the casters or ranged classes.

Dude i have tried and tried to get parties together.
As the guy below me says, no one seems to care to play in groups, and we lost a couple of the old people.

Losing Tigg especially has hurt dungeon runs for me.

That and Warriors typically can't survive many hits because they all spec into full damage more or less, .

dude tig and i are the last ones to die!!!!
Always were the ones face tanking while the other tries to res.

You mean poorly built warriors die... my warrior with tigg's guardian is like the energizer bunny we keep kiting and kiting...


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
Just saw my first obvious bot today, tried my best to aggro everything onto him however each time he survived... his pet kept rez'ing him.

I guess I just don't pay much attention to what others are doing, but I've never seen anyone warping around and although I did see the bridge in Kessex flooded with players, it didn't occur to me they were bots (exploiters, sure).

I'm sure they're out there I just probably haven't noticed them. Now that I'm in Cursed Shore I'll bet I start running into them even more.

I saw the most ridiculous botting ever today. Was in a 70-80 zone. 5 naked warriors at level 42ish just standing in one spot, not moving at all spamming #1 and HB waiting for mob respawn. 1 lvl 74 warrior in the group there presumably to revive/rez.

The game for me was getting boring so I started a new char and it renewed my interest. But it seems now alot of folks have stopped playing....


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I ventured in WvW for my first time, for actual PvP. I did go to WvW zones before, but only at starting areas just to get a first glimpse. So today I wanted to go out and try some PvP. I did that mainly to get rid of the monotonous questing mostly due to bots and how it affects my game-play (I really hate those bots). So I go outside and see an enemy flag on the map, I go there and see some enemy Charr NPC that I have to kill... it's not a player, just an NPC... huh ok.

Ok, so I thought "They included NPCs in their WvW mode?". I thought it was strange... but anyway I went on. It wasn't exactly easy, I almost died (playing as a Thief) but I won (thanks Caltrops). Then I captured the point from where I killed that NPC. I then checked the map and moved around a bit (and always cautiously). Then... what is that? I see actual mobs just like in regular non-WvW questing zones? Why? Some are neutral, some are hostile to any players. I mean it's literally just like non-WvW zones, except of course that there's PvP going on in the "grand scheme of things" in this WvW mode so... mmm'k alright.

I mean what's the point exactly? Why not just allowing areas-restricted and areas-specific PvP within the actual questing zones themselves then? It'd be just the same without the castles to conquer. But alright I won't complain any further. Yeah I know... WvW... some people play that mode exclusively and level-up from that so having some mobs around is like... the... normal game but they perhaps prefer them there instead... or something.

Anyway, to make a rather long story short... I met my first WvW bots... wow.

Bots in WvW? What? Really? I mean... ok so why did they add mobs in WvW again? The problem now is that WvW can be grinded just like regular zones. Yes, of course those bots might get owned by enemy players or... God forbid enemy bots. I know that. But the reason as to why bots are present is because they grind there in WvW zones, yeah? That's what I've seen myself anyway. The bots I've seen were doing the exact same thing that they usually do in regular questing zones. They follow a per-determined path in a line following each others (when obviously more than one, but sometimes there's lone bots roaming around as well) and... well they grind mobs, as soon as they spawn and yeah... they... just do that.

What else are bots doing in WvW if anything? I mean are they actually programmed to capture flags and try to siege castles or what? Is it in their actual code, did they go that far with bots?

Anyway, this is ridiculous. So yeah I did get my PvP against HUMAN players maaaaaaaan I was happy to see some of those around (guys where are you all?!). Now the problem is I'm in Darkhaven and I did NOT know before selecting that server (I swear to God it's a very bad coincidence) that basically it absolutely dominates all competition, making the whole thing even more boring. It's not like the zones are about 50/50 or maybe 30/70... no no... think more along the lines of 95/5 (in my server's favor that is). So the whole map in all four WvW zones are almost all green. Now occasionally some very courageous enemy players (humans... I hope? Well yeah I do hope) try and do manage to capture some... thing... like a Tower? Maybe a Camp or two but... that's about it.

So, the WvW zones are basically almost deserted... with the occasional enemy players, and if not, filled with a bunch of bots herds here and there seemingly just farming non-stop.

I don't know what to do. First, I might change server, but that will only alleviate the boredom-related problems in WvW since of course the new server I might chose will (I hope) not be dominant to that extent. I mean sure... being competitive and victorious and all... yeah I know, yay we win, like all the map is ours guys yay! Ok ok... but does it have to be like that for a week plus? When do I get to see them epic 15+ Vs 15+ players battling in open fields or trying to break a siege and so on? Meh...

And, sure changing server for a potential fix regarding WvW but then what about questing and regular (non-WvW) game-play in questing zones and instances. I mean bots are present in all servers so... yeah. The only thing I can do is to join a Guild and force myself into making sure that I am invited by actual human players or I do the same for them, form teams, and go play with them. I don't even type anything anymore in Map or Say chat when I play around UNLESS someone types something first, then I answer or I help if necessary, otherwise I consider pretty much everyone a bot.

Man I hope Arena Net finds a solution, but that's wishful thinking.
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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2002
I have to say, the server me and my wife play on is pretty lame. There absolutly no social interaction with other players.

So far we have just been leveling and currently at level 25. I don't know if I should be saving my karma or what. When I ask in the map chat I just get a lot of trolls. : /
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