* * * OFFICIAL * * * Bush / Kerry Debate . . .

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Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: lordtyranus
Originally posted by: rickn
Bush does to much twitchin' and blinkin'. twintchin' - blinkin' and lyin'

he can't even come up with 3 mistakes he's made. He could only surmise that she meant Iraq. What an idiot. She ASKED for THREE Mistakes. Or maybe he himself believes that Iraq qualifies as 3 Iraq mistakes.

Kerry didn't even volunteer a single mistake of his.

the question was for Bush. Kerry came up with Bush mistakes, exactly what he was suppose to do in his answer


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: lordtyranus
Originally posted by: rickn
Bush does to much twitchin' and blinkin'. twintchin' - blinkin' and lyin'

he can't even come up with 3 mistakes he's made. He could only surmise that she meant Iraq. What an idiot. She ASKED for THREE Mistakes. Or maybe he himself believes that Iraq qualifies as 3 Iraq mistakes.

Kerry didn't even volunteer a single mistake of his.

She didn't ask about Kerry's mistakes, she asked about Bush's. Kerry's rebuttal addressed Bush's mistakes as well.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: DonVito
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no clear victory for anyone. The people who claim someone was smoked are just bias. This was a perfect debate for the undeciders. Nobody should be undecided after tonight. I do not see how the stem cell/ abortion killed either canadiate. It is a question of do you believe it or not. Not a question of wether it is right or wrong.
50/50 each side.

Yeah, I'd have to agree. President Bush definitely showed more energy and skill than last time, and it was a much closer debate. I'd call it 51% Bush, 49% Kerry.

thanks for your honesty, I also agree that Bush won the debate, but I think he won about 60% to 40%.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2002
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: jdogg707
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: Tripleshot
Originally posted by: dwell
Bush did well. He is in his element in a town hall setting. Nobody won this one.

Your crazy! Kerry kicked this guys ass. The only element Bush is comfortable in is sitting on the crapper playing with himself.


Did you not watch or listen to this?

Bush smoked him all the way.

Kerry " your 84 dollars from the lumber company you own"

Busy " WTf? I own a lumber company?"

Kerry "umm, uhh, nevermind"

and another.

Kerry "I am for blah blah blah blah"

Bush "then why did you vote against blah blah blah several times"

Kerry "umm, ahh, umm, uhh," (changes topic yet again)

Did you watch the debate? Fact checkers confirmed Kerry's assertions about the lumber company, and I never heard a single "umm, ah, or uhhh" from Kerry unlike President Bush. Bush did better, but Kerry proved that he is still a better candidate.

:roll: You must be versed at the art of selective hearing.



Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: BDawg
Originally posted by: dderidex
'I made some mistakes in appointing people'



Whitman, O'Neil are two I can guess.
Whitman actually thought her job as EPA director was the protection of the environment and O'Neill thought he was to advise on prudent fiscal policy . . . what the hell were they thinking?!

J.Garner was going to oversee the Rose Bowl parade in Baghdad.

J.Bremer was suppose to keep his damn mouth shut.

Kay and Duelfer were supposed to a) find WMD . . . if not b) find some WMD to find.

Powell was supposed to be head house token but he tends to speak his mind and tell the truth too frequently.

I cannot recall the name of Bush's first SEC head. He was basically a window dressing industry lobbyist but once the word got out . . . Bush had to look for someone with the semblance of credibility.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Bush did better, but Kerry still did better. Bush was way to whiney and defensive on Iraq, he also had nothing to say on the deficit and spending. Kerry came across as more of a conservative. Bush stuck to his base with all the right wing stuff, but I don't think that will help those swing states.

Bush said "internets" LOL.


Junior Member
May 7, 2003
Originally posted by: rickn
Bush does to much twitchin' and blinkin'. twintchin' - blinkin' and lyin'

he can't even come up with 3 mistakes he's made. He could only surmise that she meant Iraq. What an idiot. She ASKED for THREE Mistakes. Or maybe he himself believes that Iraq qualifies as 3 Iraq mistakes.

That was a loaded question, had Bush responded with 3 mistakes Kerry would have pounced all over it and he would have lost points.

It was really a lose / lose type of question; answering it would hurt him and avoiding it also hurt him. I don't think any of you who are upset that he dodged the question would respect him more for answering it. In fact I wager that you would pounce on the mistakes he listed.



Diamond Member
Aug 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Deus3344
It was really a lose / lose type of question; answering it would hurt him and avoiding it also hurt him. I don't think any of you who are upset that he dodged the question would respect him more for answering it. In fact I wager that you would pounce on the mistakes he listed.

That is a statement that I simply cannot argue with a clear conscience.
Jan 18, 2001
Bush got beat pretty soundly.

Yes, he did better than his first attempt...BUT:

1) Bush came out very far right/conservative. This will not help him get the middle of the bell curve at all. He was an idiot to let himself get manuevered into wearing his conservative philosophy as a badge of honor.

2) Bush was overly aggressive. Compared to his first debate where he was too passive, this reminded of Gore in a way.

3) Bush played the only three songs he knows; Kerry is a FlipFlopper, Low Taxes from Texas, and The World Can Kiss My Ass. Voters will either get bored of this crap, OR they will begin to see that Bush's ideas are over simplistic.

Kerry on the other hand made some mistakes too.

1) He did start to sound like a typical politician in that I am going to offer you everything AND balance the budget. This might really start working against him if he continues to let Bush push him into making promises.

2) He didn't talk about his own past decisions at all, on the question about the mistakes. He could of played this up.

All in all, I think Kerry probably touched more potential votes than Bush. There are so many things that a person might really object to with the Bush Administration and Kerry knows that you just have to get people to believe that thier issue IS important enough to swing.



Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: Tripleshot
Originally posted by: dwell
Bush did well. He is in his element in a town hall setting. Nobody won this one.

Your crazy! Kerry kicked this guys ass. The only element Bush is comfortable in is sitting on the crapper playing with himself.


Did you not watch or listen to this?

Bush smoked him all the way.

Kerry " your 84 dollars from the lumber company you own"

Busy " WTf? I own a lumber company?"

Kerry "umm, uhh, nevermind"

and another.

Kerry "I am for blah blah blah blah"

Bush "then why did you vote against blah blah blah several times"

Kerry "umm, ahh, umm, uhh," (changes topic yet again)



Senior member
Feb 3, 2003
I looked at the Factcheck link for the Lumber Buisness Bush is supposed to own. The $84 is from a company named The Lone Star Trust, and is described as dealing with oil and gas production. That matches a Yahoo buisness search for Midland Texas.

So no, he doesn't own a lumber company.


Sep 10, 2001
How does making $84 off a timber company constitute owning it? I think I'm missing something here. If that's all he made, I'd have to assume he chopped down an old tree and made it into about 25 2x4's, as that's what $84 amounts to.


Junior Member
May 7, 2003
Originally posted by: Emveach
I looked at the Factcheck link for the Lumber Buisness Bush is supposed to own. The $84 is from a company named The Lone Star Trust, and is described as dealing with oil and gas production. That matches a Yahoo buisness search for Midland Texas.

So no, he doesn't own a lumber company.



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Emveach
I looked at the Factcheck link for the Lumber Buisness Bush is supposed to own. The $84 is from a company named The Lone Star Trust, and is described as dealing with oil and gas production. That matches a Yahoo buisness search for Midland Texas.

So no, he doesn't own a lumber company.

no...but his own definition makes this statement...

But it counts every high-salaried person who has even $1 of outside business income as a "small business owner" -- a definition so broad that even Bush and Cheney have qualified while in office. In fact, hundreds of thousands of those "small businesses" have no jobs to offer.

(From Factcheck.org)....



Senior member
Aug 5, 2004
I believe Kerry won strongly. But, for those of you who thought Bush won, do you think he did anything to stop Kerry's momentum?


Senior member
Feb 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Emveach
I looked at the Factcheck link for the Lumber Buisness Bush is supposed to own. The $84 is from a company named The Lone Star Trust, and is described as dealing with oil and gas production. That matches a Yahoo buisness search for Midland Texas.

So no, he doesn't own a lumber company.

no...but his own definition makes this statement...

But it counts every high-salaried person who has even $1 of outside business income as a "small business owner" -- a definition so broad that even Bush and Cheney have qualified while in office. In fact, hundreds of thousands of those "small businesses" have no jobs to offer.

(From Factcheck.org)....

But the important thing is...his joke on wood stands.



Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Emveach
I looked at the Factcheck link for the Lumber Buisness Bush is supposed to own. The $84 is from a company named The Lone Star Trust, and is described as dealing with oil and gas production. That matches a Yahoo buisness search for Midland Texas.

So no, he doesn't own a lumber company.

Here's the quote from factcheck.

President Bush himself would have qualified as a "small business owner" under the Republican definition, based on his 2001 federal income tax returns. He reported $84 of business income from his part ownership of a timber-growing enterprise. However, 99.99% of Bush's total income came from other sources that year. (Bush also qualified as a "small business owner" in 2000 based on $314 of "business income," but not in 2002 and 2003 when he reported his timber income as "royalties" on a different tax schedule.)


Golden Member
Oct 18, 2003
Originally posted by: Deus3344
Originally posted by: Emveach
I looked at the Factcheck link for the Lumber Buisness Bush is supposed to own. The $84 is from a company named The Lone Star Trust, and is described as dealing with oil and gas production. That matches a Yahoo buisness search for Midland Texas.

So no, he doesn't own a lumber company.


The issue wasn't if he owned a lumber company. It was that Bush under the numbers that he uses (900,000) of small businesses that Kerry's tax increase will effect for the people making $200k+, Bush himself will be considered a small business owner. I know it's ridiculous but thats how Bush came up with the numbers. The true number of small businesses effected is less than half of the 900,000 figure at 417,000.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2003
Originally posted by: JHoNNy1OoO
Originally posted by: Deus3344
Originally posted by: Emveach
I looked at the Factcheck link for the Lumber Buisness Bush is supposed to own. The $84 is from a company named The Lone Star Trust, and is described as dealing with oil and gas production. That matches a Yahoo buisness search for Midland Texas.

So no, he doesn't own a lumber company.


The issue wasn't if he owned a lumber company. It was that Bush under the numbers that he uses (900,000) of small businesses that Kerry's tax increase will effect for the people making $200k Bush himself will be considered a small business. I know it's ridiculous but thats how Bush came up with the numbers. The true number of small businesses effected is less than half of the 900,000 figure at 417,000.

Actually, the issue being made was that Bush lied when he said he didn't own a lumber company. He never lied.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
LOL.....That reminds me of the Beavis and Butthead Parody of Bush and Cheney...

I can only imagine Bush's thoughts...

"he...he...heh......he....heheheheh.....He Said Wood....heh....he....he....heheheh....hu....he......"


Bushis and Butthead!


Aug 23, 2004
Originally posted by: batchusa
I believe Kerry won strongly. But, for those of you who thought Bush won, do you think he did anything to stop Kerry's momentum?

I feel that the 2 close victories in the last 2 debates for the Bush/Cheney campaign can slow Kerry's momentum enough to keep him in the lead. As long as he continues this performance in debate 3 he will be in good shape.

Jan 18, 2001
Originally posted by: lordtyranus
Originally posted by: batchusa
I believe Kerry won strongly. But, for those of you who thought Bush won, do you think he did anything to stop Kerry's momentum?

I feel that the 2 close victories in the last 2 debates for the Bush/Cheney campaign can slow Kerry's momentum enough to keep him in the lead. As long as he continues this performance in debate 3 he will be in good shape.

I also hope he gives us more of the same, because Kerry is slicing votes out from underneath Bush as a pretty good rate.


Junior Member
May 7, 2003
Originally posted by: JHoNNy1OoO
Originally posted by: Deus3344
Originally posted by: Emveach
I looked at the Factcheck link for the Lumber Buisness Bush is supposed to own. The $84 is from a company named The Lone Star Trust, and is described as dealing with oil and gas production. That matches a Yahoo buisness search for Midland Texas.

So no, he doesn't own a lumber company.


The issue wasn't if he owned a lumber company. It was that Bush under the numbers that he uses (900,000) of small businesses that Kerry's tax increase will effect for the people making $200k+, Bush himself will be considered a small business owner. I know it's ridiculous but thats how Bush came up with the numbers. The true number of small businesses effected is less than half of the 900,000 figure at 417,000.

I don't think there is a doubt that both sides twist numbers for their own agenda.
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