**OFFICIAL** Diablo 3 Thread

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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
This game is pretty buggy. I managed to dupe an item by mistake yesterday. I was just moving something into my inventory and I clicked and nothing happened. So clicked again and nothing happened. So I got pissed off and clicked a few times quickly and then I had two items. One in my inventory and one with my mouse cursor.


Sep 23, 2003
This game is pretty buggy. I managed to dupe an item by mistake yesterday. I was just moving something into my inventory and I clicked and nothing happened. So clicked again and nothing happened. So I got pissed off and clicked a few times quickly and then I had two items. One in my inventory and one with my mouse cursor.

Did the item stay after you logged out and back in?


Feb 8, 2000
You need something like 600 resists to live, plus a good shield and decent dodge. Your going to be a meat shield, like it or not

Kinda low on damage. I'm doing 7k with no fury, around 8.5k with full fury, and then a shit ton more with the various skills if I engage them, and I'm on act I hell

Okay.. just solo'd most of Act 1 Inferno. It's do-able with skills pumped into healing, health regen, and damage reduction. Damage is about 11.5k, health at 60k after adding some more resist items. Resists are still only 130-160 after using Impunity to pump it up. Weapon is only 620 dps, so lot more potential.

Oh ya and lots of running. Run away, use skills to increase fury, shockwave, stomp to stun and/or charge to heal when health is low, rinse repeat. It's only failed me once with effing moths that were fast + invulnerable minions + extra strong (armor or health) boss.... Kind o flame, but no way I can go toe to toe with more than 1 boss and/or a few regulars right now.

Speaking of money... Nephalem-whatever (post level 60 mf and gf boost) is awesome. Managed 100k gold with ~90% gf boost in Act 3 Hell. Would do better in Inferno if I had the gear. Think I've given up on gold find equipment since it seems I end up dying and killing much more slowly with that stuff on.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2007
Finally able to solo Act 2 Inferno with my Monk. 17k Dps, 25k health, 850 resists to all elements, 6k armor, and ~ 700 life on hit.\

Took almost 2 weeks and 5mil gold to get to this point from first hitting level 60. But starting inferno i was doing 20k dps, 40k health, ~100 resists, 2.5k armor and no life on hit.

Yeah I was doing more damage, but they were still able to kill me before i killed them (one shot most of the time). Now i can tank butcher in his fire, and not lose more than 10% health before it is restored from my LoH. Nothing one shots me anymore from the 800+ resists, and i have been able to change my skills from all heal abilities to +dps abilities, and survive easier.

If your a barb or monk, you NEED to stack resists and armor for Inferno. When you do, then focus on damage (through all of this you should have ATLEAST 13k dps to kill mobs, or you just wont kill them fast enough).

Act 3 solo coming soon, i just need about another 4mil worth of gear haha.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2008
Finally able to solo Act 2 Inferno with my Monk. 17k Dps, 25k health, 850 resists to all elements, 6k armor, and ~ 700 life on hit.\

Took almost 2 weeks and 5mil gold to get to this point from first hitting level 60. But starting inferno i was doing 20k dps, 40k health, ~100 resists, 2.5k armor and no life on hit.

Yeah I was doing more damage, but they were still able to kill me before i killed them (one shot most of the time). Now i can tank butcher in his fire, and not lose more than 10% health before it is restored from my LoH. Nothing one shots me anymore from the 800+ resists, and i have been able to change my skills from all heal abilities to +dps abilities, and survive easier.

If your a barb or monk, you NEED to stack resists and armor for Inferno. When you do, then focus on damage (through all of this you should have ATLEAST 13k dps to kill mobs, or you just wont kill them fast enough).

Act 3 solo coming soon, i just need about another 4mil worth of gear haha.

think it'll cost more than 4M

the difference in damage between A1 to A2 is similar to the difference between A2 to A3


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I'm at a good standing now in Act I Inferno. I went in a bunch of public games usually ending up with 4 players, and most of the time I managed to find games in which people were just doing the entire Act, not just specific spots or The Butcher.

The one thing I noticed is that if I happened to join a game in which the "best" player of the group "lead" us and that if the player in question also happened to be "in a hurry", and just kept on moving almost non-stop without giving the time for others to catch up or take a breath after a tough battle, then it just wasn't productive overall. In fact it would often end up being costlier due to multiple deaths and too much repairs, which in the end made me or one or two other guys in the group losing more Gold than we might have gained otherwise. So now I'm trying to stay in groups that by pure coincidence happen to be composed of "similar" players, capabilities-wise. That way we kind of realize by reflex (without even any communications sometimes) that we need to stay grouped without "having to" rush on ahead blindly at the risk of grabbing aggro from across the entire map's mob population just because one or two well-geared players couldn't be bothered to go solo Act IV Inferno instead, and felt like playing Rambo in Act I with lesser-geared players for show-off purposes or something (because on paper they don't need any Act I Inferno-dropped gear, unless they're trying to find gear for a lower-level character).

Anyway, groups efficiency aside, after a week or so of doing that I managed (surprisingly enough) to gear up my whole character from actual drops that I found except for two of them, being one of my two rings and my 2-handed mace, which I bought from the Auction House recently. Now my Barbarian (still focused on DPS, 2-handed, Critical Hit Chance build basically) does 39.2K base DPS, usually crits for around 65K to 70K, and when using Wrath of Berserker along with Insanity (+100% damage when Wrath is active) I can crit for around 140K to 150K or so. The thing is I currently have 47% chance to crit, and the next ring I'll equip will bring that to 50% whenever possible (just need a ring with at least 3% chance to crit on it, of course along with some other useful stats if possible). At that point (and it's almost the case now anyway) 1 hit out of 2 will always be a critical hit (and it does work), so with a build like that I can almost turn a blind eye on base DPS and just think of it as half of my "actual" damage... almost, not quite that but it's really near that point. It's preferable that way over Critical Damage increases, I just find it more useful to crit more often, rather than crit at higher damage but crit less often.

I switched my skills around a bit but each time I go for more survivability I feel like I take too many steps back away from the build I actually have fun with, rather than "having to" stay with a build that would allow me to survive but with which I wouldn't have actual fun playing. It's just not how I see my Barb going. I think that later on I might make another Barb, and THAT one is going to get the actual gear to "support" a properly done tank'ish play-style with a shield and going Frenzy + Maniac like I've seen so many Barbs going with in Inferno so far. To be honest I feel I'm part of a minority of Barbarians in Inferno with my build, of course I haven't seen ALL the Barbs out there, but the ones I do see the most from the games I've been in are indeed using 1-handed (usually they go with Mighty Barb-only weapons) and a shield, using Frenzy, doing low DPS but being able to survive something like two packs of Elites hitting their face while the Barb in question laughs at them. It IS impressive to look at, I admit, but I DO love to bring my ban hammer and go Hammer of Ancients + Smash and ONE-HIT mobs (when I crit) and seeing some of the guys' reactions around ("Holy hell man! Never saw a Barb doing this in Inferno!")... yeah, feels good.

Then comes Act II and I'm still useless there, oh well, at least I can now effectively solo Act I and barely ever die (despite the fact that I am as far as I can be from using a survival-focused build). I don't even have any Life Regeneration or Life Steal (nor "on hit" either), I just kill around 90% of the mobs including most Elite types before they can kill me, raw DPS is the way I wanted to go, and until the next patch it's only going to work "well enough" in the first Act, but it's enough for now. I do wait for the patch changes though, I do not intend to stay in Act I forever, I'm staying there indeed because that patch is needed (at least as far as Barbarians are concerned, well... at least as DPS Barbs are concerned, since Tank Barbs seem to be doing fine so far beyond Act I).


Oct 19, 2011

Barbs my main right now

Act 1 inferno i can blow through after building heavy all resis on all my gear, with warcry impunity around 600-650 resis, 13k dmg with full fury, 50k health, 8k armor.

Act 2 is just retarded, waiting for the next patch before i try farming it. I ran thru to magdah but anything else is just to hard hitting.

For anyone in the same situation there is a nice little thing my friend started doing. If you have road to alcarnus wp, there's like a 20% a treasure goblin spawns in that little area. Worth just farming that guy, a group of us would go looking and join each others game for the kill.

Sent from my Sensation 4G VI 4.0.2 with Tapatalk 2
Feb 18, 2010
At the moment I'm farming act 1 Inferno (I managed to finish act 2) with a 2 hander and no defensive skills. My plan is to farm a few million gold and do act 2 with dual wielding LoH weapons . I saw the other day a barb like that and he had virtually no problem with Belial 3 man (with me and a wizard dead) .


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2008
I do wait for the patch changes though, I do not intend to stay in Act I forever, I'm staying there indeed because that patch is needed (at least as far as Barbarians are concerned, well... at least as DPS Barbs are concerned, since Tank Barbs seem to be doing fine so far beyond Act I).

this is your Barb's future if you got the luck/gold to gear up



Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2004
Just got through Act III Inferno, no real difficulties.

130K DPS DH.

I would say for fellow DH's, Act I requires 45K DPS (basically Hell gear), Act II requires 70K DPS (focus on +crit dmg, +crit chance, +max discipline, obviously dex), Act III is nice around 125K DPS but I would assume 90K is possible.

For gear, make sure your helm and bracers have a +crit chance stat. Both rings, the amulet, and gloves should have +crit dmg,IAS, and dex. Quiver and chest should have +max discipline. Weapon should have crit dmg and IAS.

IAS on the legendary helm and bracers is nice but I wouldn't dish out the gold before the IAS nerf.
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No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
45k DPS on a DH requires a 800+ DPS bow. that is not hell gear

purchasing nothing from the AH i finished hell with under 20k DPS WITH sharpshooter, and that was with the silly 430 DPS legendary bow i found
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Golden Member
Apr 4, 2012
following up with my diablo 3 chronicles (?)...

Chapter 3 - Part 1: Got to 60 yay!

So, like a week ago i got to 60 with my wizard. I had a 350dps 1handed weapon, and about 13k dps and 13k hp and about 300k gold. I Soloed Hell difficulty. I had read about how impossible inferno mode was but i didnt believe it so i started it.
"man this is easy" i thought to myself. Got to new tristram, started the first quest. Everything was nice and easy until... THE HORROR! OOOH THE HORROR! a wild blue enemy appears! is super effective! in fact it was so effective that i couldnt even see what properties it had that i was dead already. Tried a couple times, no good. fuck this i thought.

Part 2: Preparing myself to the challenge.

Partnered with a monk friend who has been lvl 60 for a bit more time than me. We upgraded the Pony staff to hell and started doing runs of it. It was kinda easy, died a couple times but we were able to do it. Lots of blue/yellow stuff dropped. LOTS of junk, but by selling junk at vendor and a couple things in the AH we got to 400k gold again (after upgrading i had... 400). We even equipped a couple things. A friend gave me rare crosbow with 700dps so i was able to get to 14k dps but i was able to increase my resists (to 200-300) and hp (from 13k to probably 20k). We decided to start act1 again.
This time it was different, we were able to kill enemies and i was not getting one shotted (i was getting 2shotted, but i was able to react at least with a teleport/pot/mirror image/whatever).
The friking treasure goblins were impossible though, we didnt have enough damage to kill them before they ran away LOL. 2 more friends joined us and we got to leoric like if it was a walk in the park. 2 monks + dh + wiz, nice setup. We upgraded our gear a bit more. Being 2 again we were able to kill Butcher a couple times.
Bought a 1k dps 2 handed weapon. Now i was at 26k dps (with magic weapon), 30k hp, 300-400 resis.

Part 3: The neverending journey to be able to face act2 inferno.

We started act2 inferno, feeling we were ready after realising that we were able to clear act1 (dying a lot on impossible combinations of elites though)
We were so naive. THE HORROR... OH THE HORROR!!!
1 single wasp proyectile from a wasp got half my hp . 3 proyectiles would kill me, even though i had 30k hp and a 22k hp shield.
Back to act1...


long post lol, sorry, i got excited writing the chronicle lol


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Solo cleared inferno on barb this weekend, Rakanoth and Izual are such bastards though and Inferno Diablo is one long ass fight. Was able to take down a couple champion/elites along the way but not too many of them. I think my biggest weakness atm is lack of sustain through LoH, only have about 300 on my amulet; eventually I think with a good Blackthornes Medal and a strong LoH weapon would do a lot for me.

Also DPS has always been the most important stat in Diablo; after all, all the classes are just damage dealers anyway. The only difference is now they actually show it to you rather than you having to bother with calculating how much FCR or IAS you need to reach your 'breakpoints' and making all the interim values meaningless.

Also scaling off weapon damage makes item drops more rewarding for casters and helps alleviate the problem of highly "magic" characters having such immediate power with little to look forward to in gearing up. That was actually one of the biggest imbalances in D2, as you had some casters (sorcs notoriously) who could run around with hundreds of MF while still capably demolishing enemies because their base skills were just that powerful. This was also part of the impetus for the NV buff.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
my prob with inferno is mobs that you simply cant get away from, those fing frog like things in act 1 that leap/ naturally run fast, how the f do you keep them away from you to do any damage, yea as a wiz i can run/telly around and let my hydra kill them for 10 min, but the moment i stop to cast anything there is a near 50/50 chance i get 1 shot, i think its more lke 90% on my DH


Mar 9, 2000
my prob with inferno is mobs that you simply cant get away from, those fing frog like things in act 1 that leap/ naturally run fast, how the f do you keep them away from you to do any damage, yea as a wiz i can run/telly around and let my hydra kill them for 10 min, but the moment i stop to cast anything there is a near 50/50 chance i get 1 shot, i think its more lke 90% on my DH

yea, i was running with a DH last night that constantly got one-shot by the soul rippers in a3. basically anything ranged will one-shot glass cannon builds.


Apr 8, 2001
Wonderful time playing my solo lagfest game last night. Even better when I get to the end of a dungeon and just before I start the boss fight we get the disconnect and log back in with a fresh dungeon.

And I also love that snippet on the fan site about someone doing a write up on goblin spawn spots which blizz then goes and nerfs the spawn rates.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
And I also love that snippet on the fan site about someone doing a write up on goblin spawn spots which blizz then goes and nerfs the spawn rates.

while i do enjoy the game it does seem that blizz is doing everything they can to force you to farm elite packs or buy from the AH

at the rate they are going they are just going to remove drops and force you to simply buy everything with gold/money. korean MMO style


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004

Barbs my main right now

Act 1 inferno i can blow through after building heavy all resis on all my gear, with warcry impunity around 600-650 resis, 13k dmg with full fury, 50k health, 8k armor.

Act 2 is just retarded, waiting for the next patch before i try farming it. I ran thru to magdah but anything else is just to hard hitting.

For anyone in the same situation there is a nice little thing my friend started doing. If you have road to alcarnus wp, there's like a 20% a treasure goblin spawns in that little area. Worth just farming that guy, a group of us would go looking and join each others game for the kill.

Sent from my Sensation 4G VI 4.0.2 with Tapatalk 2

Haha, that's what I've been doing. I'm in the exact same position. Got past Magdah, but need better gear to get through the rest of act 2. So, I've been farming out Road to Alcarnus for a bit. Real easy to do.
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