**OFFICIAL** Diablo 3 Thread

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Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
They should just give everyone access to anything they want. Max plevel and any gear thier heart desire. After they have everything, then the game will be fun to play... I guess


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
I can live with BOA. BOP though would be absurd.

It is Bind-on-Pickup. You don't have to equip the item for it to bind to you.

When the item drops and you pick it up, the only people you can give it to are people who were in your current game when it dropped within 2 hours of the drop.

If it drops and you pick it up and leave the game, the item is now bound to you regardless of if you equipped it or not.

I think this will make the D3 community even more non-existent than it already is.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2010
It is Bind-on-Pickup. You don't have to equip the item for it to bind to you.

When the item drops and you pick it up, the only people you can give it to are people who were in your current game when it dropped within 2 hours of the drop.

If it drops and you pick it up and leave the game, the item is now bound to you regardless of if you equipped it or not.

I think this will make the D3 community even more non-existent than it already is.

It's BOA then though, not BOP.


Oct 30, 2000
So I just recently started playing this game again this week. Last time I played was basically the first few weeks at release. I made a monk, got to inferno, barely made it to Act 2 inferno, and was being 1 or 2 shot by damn near everything. I did a whole bunch of auction house tycoon crap and made some money to outfit my toon with some of the best gear in the game at the time. I was over 800+ resists to all, 8K armor, and 60K health unbuffed. I had only the defensive skills for a monk in my bar to try and last just a little bit longer. All that did was make my monk go from being 1 or 2 shotted by everything to barely handling trash mobs but being crushed by elites still. All the while I was watching wizards and demon hunters exploit certain skills to make them nigh unkillable to progress to Act IV and farm it so poor monks like myself had to buy what we can off the auction house. I was tempted to make a wizard or demon hunter, but by that time Blizzard was fixing those unkillable skills people had. So I quit the game thinking they were out of their effing mind if they thought that this was a fun game.

I kept reading a bit on changes made. How they made Inferno finally doable by everyone. I was like too little too late. I had told myself I would never go back to this turd of a game.

I had friends that played out it still on occasion. Those that had wizards and demon hunters originally. They finally convinced me a few days ago to play with them again. And WOW Inferno went from being impossible to wondering if I was on the Inferno difficulty and not the normal difficulty. The game is ridiculously easy now. In a way it is fun, but I already faced rolled this weekend through the rest of the game on inferno without changing anything out of my gear. I then looked to try out some of the new and improved gear by buying some stuff off the auction house. Sure enough I take my 20K dps and have pumped it up to 130K. Yah, not the greatest, but the game went seriously to easy mode after that, although it was pretty easy (if slower) with my original defensive setup. I even toned down all my defenses in favor of more offense. I will say I did have some fun.

My friends and I started new hardcore chars though and are looking to only use what we find. We can trade with each other, but nothing from the AH. The AH really does make the game too easy.

From my take they went from making a ridiculously stupid hard game that was unfun to the complete opposite end of the spectrum. It went from too hard towards too easy, but at least being easy I can still have some fun out of it unlike being so hard that it is no longer fun at all.

Hoping they strike a balance though. I really don't have a problem with the auction house in the game though. I don't really understand why they are getting rid of the gold version. I never really liked the money version as I think it gives too much incentive to players to want to cheat. Cheating = money = win. That has always been my take on that.

Still I don't care about them getting rid of the RMAH, but I think getting rid of the normal AH is stupid. Players can choose not to use it if they don't want to, which is what I'm currently doing with my HC chars.

Diablo 3 was never my favorite game because I do think it was a bit way too dumb down. Without making players commit to a build with their current skill setup doesn't make people feel they have an investment in their characters. That investment into the character is what makes people enjoy the game more. They need to strike a balance between way too hard and way too easy. They should drop the RMAH, but leave the AH up. Also, maybe actually expand the AH to something like the market place on Eve Online to give more tools to people using the AH.

I think the BoP crap is stupid. I don't mind Bind on Equip to the Account. Meaning if one of my guy equips an item then it is bound to the account and not just that one character. This is where the game Path of Exile exceeds diablo in terms of having multiple leagues with different rule sets. I really think Blizzard should just setup a different "league" like PoE with different rule sets so that players that want to play without an AH can do so. Then Blizzard can do a super hardcore league of everything BoP, no AH, and perma death. Hell, even get rid of the stash system. I'm sure some people would find that fun. Those that don't find that kind of rule system fun don't have to play that. Why force all people to play the same set of rules when it is easy enough not to have that?
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Oct 30, 2008
Just FYI - there are monster power levels now; you're on level 0 by default and the game is definitely easy-mode. Pump it up to higher levels and it gets hard again (with more MF and GF).

With a 130k monk, if he still has like 500 AR, decent armor, and a bit of life steal, he shouldn't have a problem in MP10.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
It's BOA then though, not BOP.

No...its bind on pickup. Or really, bind on drop since D3 has private loot.

You are playing a game by yourself. An awesome piece of gear drops, but you can't use it unfortunately. There is NO WAY for you to transfer that gear to someone else.

Maybe the confusing is coming from my understanding of the terminology.

When I say bind of pickup, i meant bind to your account when you pick up the item.

The pickup part is the verb, i.e. that action that instigates the binding. What it binds to is implied.

When people say BoA i assume they mean bind on equip...meaning bind to account when you equip the item. As in, I can find an item and pick it up but still trade it. The item doesn't bind to anything until you equip it.

Either way, there shouldn't be binding of any kind in a Diablo game. Period. This isn't WoW. Or at least it shouldn't be.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2010
No...its bind on pickup. Or really, bind on drop since D3 has private loot.

You are playing a game by yourself. An awesome piece of gear drops, but you can't use it unfortunately. There is NO WAY for you to transfer that gear to someone else.

Maybe the confusing is coming from my understanding of the terminology.

When I say bind of pickup, i meant bind to your account when you pick up the item.

The pickup part is the verb, i.e. that action that instigates the binding. What it binds to is implied.

When people say BoA i assume they mean bind on equip...meaning bind to account when you equip the item. As in, I can find an item and pick it up but still trade it. The item doesn't bind to anything until you equip it.

Either way, there shouldn't be binding of any kind in a Diablo game. Period. This isn't WoW. Or at least it shouldn't be.

BOA = Bind on Account; i.e. you get a drop that's account bound. BOP is bind on pickup, meaning bound to that character only.

BOA is better, but it's still interesting to see the decision to move to BO anything with relation to set/legendary drops. They have something in mind, so we'll see. Rares are still trade-able and even now count for majority of trades.


Oct 30, 2000
With a 130k monk, if he still has like 500 AR, decent armor, and a bit of life steal, he shouldn't have a problem in MP10.

I have 130K dps, 890ish resists, 80K health now.... I think my armor is a bit lower at 7Kish but when I dropped it from what it was to now I went from like 67% damage reduction to 66%. So I'm not worried. And yes I pumped the MP all the way up and I'm still face rolling.

I went from almost 20-30Kish dps, and more defenses back in last May when I quit and not being able to do squat to get past Act 2 inferno to basically smashing everything without even paying attention to the screen most of the time. Sure, I could get better gear to pump myself up to 200K or even 300K dps... but what is the point? Sure I'll kill fast, but I'm completely unkillable now. It was weird looking over my old posts here. When I was playing my monk up through Hell mode back in May, I was unkillable where most people I know would still die occasionally and had problems with the content. Then hitting Inferno was like a brick wall for the monk while range classes could still progress. Now it's back to the game feeling like it was even easier than taking my low level monk through normal difficulty the first time. Hell coming back I only had 500K in gold. Not 500 million, but 500K. I picked up a damn decent Echoing fury hammer with great stats for like 150K through a bid snipe. Worse versions of the same weapon people were asking tens of millions for at a min. I picked up a new helm, chest, gloves, belt, boots, pants, and a second decent weapon for another 500 ish thousand by just working the AH and playing the game a bit to get some more gold. That's all it took to get my character up to a decent gear level for the game as it currently stands.


Aug 5, 2004
The D3 fansites had a Q&A with the developers that covered a lot of topics. It lasted an hour, which makes for a rather lengthy transcript! Here are the most interesting points, with links to that topic in the transcript:

The new Adventure and Story Modes will be balanced, so that both are viable.

The expanded social features coming include Clans and Communities, which are interest based mega-chat channels.

There are a number of Social Features being designed on the PlayStation 4 edition of Diablo III, including: Player Mail, Player Gifts, and a different system called Avenger Kills.

The Combat Pacing Changes will be coming in the Loot 2.0 patch, now officially designated Patch 2.0.

There won't be a Diablo III PS3 to PS4 $10 Upgrade, since the PS4 edition includes both the base game and the Reaper of Souls expansion content. Characters will be able to upgrade from the PS3 to the PS4 edition of Diablo III, for players who have purchased both.

Taking Diablo III development from the PC to the PS4 is an ongoing challenge; the PS4 version won't be released until after the PC expansion comes out.

Although there aren't immediate plans to add VOIP chat in Diablo III, the developers would like to see it at some point.

The developers are having ongoing meetings discussing how to improve Followers in power and item drops, without them becoming imbalanced.

The new Bounty System creates 25 random Bounties every time a player goes into Adventure Mode. There are also targeted areas where certain Legendary items are more likely to drop, to make it easier to have a chance at obtaining specific legendaries.

There is a new Difficulty Setting System, which entirely replaces both the old Nightmare/Hell/Inferno difficulty system, and Monster Power.

Players looking for more Stash and Character Slots will get half their wish: there will be more character slots in the expansion, but no inventory or stash changes.

There will be a greater number of Side Dungeons in Act V compared to the previous Acts, and many of them are more in-depth.

There will not be any damage reduction on the Crusader, like the 30% damage reduction bonus that Monks and Barbarians receive.

The developers are looking into gating Adventure Mode, so that a character can only go into Adventure Mode in the Acts that they have completed in Story Mode.

There are a lot of reasons for removing the Action House, and the developers explained the thought process there.

All Legendaries are Account-Bound in the new Loot 2.0 system, although players will have 2 hours to trade a legendary or set item with other players who were in the game when it dropped.

Work is being done on the older Monster Affixes, as well as new ones being added.

With the Auction House removed, Blizzard won't be getting any RMAH fees, but the developers stated that it won't impact Diablo III's future development.

There won't be any Hardcore specific features added, since they want hardcore to feel as close to Normal mode as possible.

In Loot 2.0 Rare items are auto-identified on the PC Diablo III, as it already is in the console versions.

There will be changes to the cosmetic rewards with the Paragon 2.0 System aesthetics, since the old ones don't fit with unlimited levels in the new system.

The Reaper of Souls expansion size is about equal to Act II in base content, but more story with all the scripted sequences; with Adventure Mode it is substantially more to play.



Oct 30, 2000
Looks like I'll probably play D3 for a bit more now until they make some of those changes. Not happy with the removal of the AH. Again, I rather them set up another tier of play that doesn't allow access to an AH if they are that worried about it. If they are trying to force me to play a game that has those changes I'm not going to play the game anymore. I hate companies that go full retard and take away accustomed and expected functionality by the users. Feels like Verant/Sony Online all over again.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
There is a new Difficulty Setting System, which entirely replaces both the old Nightmare/Hell/Inferno difficulty system, and Monster Power.

That's really strange. Wonder how that will work.

Players looking for more Stash and Character Slots will get half their wish: there will be more character slots in the expansion, but no inventory or stash changes

This is really disappointing. What am I supposed to do with my account-bound legendaries? The argument for account-bound gear is that when you get good gear you can't use, you can use it on an alt. RoS promotes switching betweens characters, but where the heck am I supposed to store the gear?

There will not be any damage reduction on the Crusader, like the 30% damage reduction bonus that Monks and Barbarians receive.

I never understood why melee classes received a 30% damage reduction bonus. Way to limit class flexibility and even further promote build convergence.

All Legendaries are Account-Bound in the new Loot 2.0 system, although players will have 2 hours to trade a legendary or set item with other players who were in the game when it dropped.

ALL legendaries? Well that a bummer coming from someone who doesn't think any loot should be account bound. I feel like this kills the 'community' even more.


Oct 30, 2008
That's really strange. Wonder how that will work.
It will start off being too hard at the highest difficulty, people will whine, and Blizzard will nerf it. 6 months later, the same people will whine it is too hard and only <insert flavor of the month build for some class> are the only ones that can do it, and Blizzard will nerf it back to easy mode. Then, the rest of the slowpokes will get their classes up to where the previous mentioned class was, but still whine they need to nerf that class.

This is really disappointing. What am I supposed to do with my account-bound legendaries? The argument for account-bound gear is that when you get good gear you can't use, you can use it on an alt. RoS promotes switching betweens characters, but where the heck am I supposed to store the gear?
Throw it away.

I never understood why melee classes received a 30% damage reduction bonus. Way to limit class flexibility and even further promote build convergence.
Melee classes are actively getting hit most of the time. If they didn't have the damage reduction, it would have been impossible for melee classes to do Inferno at the start of D3. They couldn't kite without getting hit like ranged classes. It made sense until they nerfed everything.

ALL legendaries? Well that a bummer coming from someone who doesn't think any loot should be account bound. I feel like this kills the 'community' even more.
This is so they can just make every item you find an upgrade and not have to worry about people crying they bought an item for $250, and then found a better one just after. No trading will happen anymore.


Sep 21, 2000
I have 130K dps, 890ish resists, 80K health now.... I think my armor is a bit lower at 7Kish but when I dropped it from what it was to now I went from like 67% damage reduction to 66%. So I'm not worried. And yes I pumped the MP all the way up and I'm still face rolling.

I went from almost 20-30Kish dps, and more defenses back in last May when I quit and not being able to do squat to get past Act 2 inferno to basically smashing everything without even paying attention to the screen most of the time. Sure, I could get better gear to pump myself up to 200K or even 300K dps... but what is the point? Sure I'll kill fast, but I'm completely unkillable now. It was weird looking over my old posts here. When I was playing my monk up through Hell mode back in May, I was unkillable where most people I know would still die occasionally and had problems with the content. Then hitting Inferno was like a brick wall for the monk while range classes could still progress. Now it's back to the game feeling like it was even easier than taking my low level monk through normal difficulty the first time. Hell coming back I only had 500K in gold. Not 500 million, but 500K. I picked up a damn decent Echoing fury hammer with great stats for like 150K through a bid snipe. Worse versions of the same weapon people were asking tens of millions for at a min. I picked up a new helm, chest, gloves, belt, boots, pants, and a second decent weapon for another 500 ish thousand by just working the AH and playing the game a bit to get some more gold. That's all it took to get my character up to a decent gear level for the game as it currently stands.

Link to character?


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Throw it away.

Just throw away your legendaries? What the hell is the point of them then. Thats not fun or rewarding and kind of leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

Melee classes are actively getting hit most of the time. If they didn't have the damage reduction, it would have been impossible for melee classes to do Inferno at the start of D3. They couldn't kite without getting hit like ranged classes. It made sense until they nerfed everything.

But that's just a balancing issue. Giving barbarians and monks a 30% defense just shoehorns them into a certain type of build and playstyle while preventing others from joining.

For example, if I wanted to make a melee wizard, that lack of 30% defense acts as a deterrent.

One of the fun parts of D2 was experimenting with different builds, but the way classes and skills are set up in D3 just nullifies that.

No trading will happen anymore.

I just don't get why blizzard is doing this. For bots? Why shoot legitimate customers in the foot to 'save them' from bots.

Just because you have no AH doesn't mean you have to disable normal trading.


Sep 21, 2000
The no trading changes are a big positive from my point of view. First, you won't have to deal with spamming trade channels, and actually just be able to play the game. Second, the drop rates, and perhaps even merchant's goods, will be adjusted to make up for it.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
The no trading changes are a big positive from my point of view. First, you won't have to deal with spamming trade channels, and actually just be able to play the game. Second, the drop rates, and perhaps even merchant's goods, will be adjusted to make up for it.

That doesn't really make sense.

1. If you don't want to hear the trading channels, then don't go in them. Also, have you never heard of trading with friends? Diablo 3 is pretty boring to play alone, so its fun to get with friends sometimes. But its not like you play with the same people 100% of the time. It will suck if you aren't playing with a friend and something that they could really use drops in your game.

2. The removal of the AH is enough to adjust the drop rates. Manual trading isn't a factor here.


Sep 21, 2000
That doesn't really make sense.

1. If you don't want to hear the trading channels, then don't go in them. Also, have you never heard of trading with friends? Diablo 3 is pretty boring to play alone, so its fun to get with friends sometimes. But its not like you play with the same people 100% of the time. It will suck if you aren't playing with a friend and something that they could really use drops in your game.

2. The removal of the AH is enough to adjust the drop rates. Manual trading isn't a factor here.

None of my friends are into games. I always play alone.


Junior Member
Nov 15, 2013
That doesn't really make sense.

1. If you don't want to hear the trading channels, then don't go in them. Also, have you never heard of trading with friends? Diablo 3 is pretty boring to play alone, so its fun to get with friends sometimes. But its not like you play with the same people 100% of the time. It will suck if you aren't playing with a friend and something that they could really use drops in your game.

I play Diablo 3 alone 80% of the time. In the current state of the game, the only incentive to play MP is for the increased loot and exp. While that is a nice little bonus, almost nobody socializes. Everyone is just farming paragon levels and stacking them before they go account-wide.

The only thing keeping me playing D3 now is the smooth combat system and the excitement of killing demons.

When the itemization patch is released around March 18th next year, many players who previously went back to D2 will come back to enjoy D3 again, so don't worry. Blizzard knows this, and I doubt they'll disappoint again.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
I got my monk to around 200k unbuffed, 550+ ar, 40k health, and he is a beast. having fun playing my monk right now. Just wish there were more content.


Apr 8, 2001
Watched the last of three blizzcon panels I hadn't seen yet (excluding the cosplay & wow sound which I'll skip). This was 2 D3 and one on HotS.

Some interesting items in the D3 ones. Crafting reagents being revised to only one tier of materials will be much welcomed.

Sounds like they are looking to limit bound gear to the set pieces or top most level legendaries. While not great, easy enough to live with.

Also love that you can now enable a UI on gear to see the range of values possible when it was rolled so you know how close to max it is.

Hoping the reforge cost isn't too absurd for those of us that didn't play the AH when gold was plentiful.

What I don't get is the one lead guy lamenting so much that players are excessively stacking +damage and life steal on their gear and not using other utility abilities to create a more diverse player base. This makes me wonder if this guy has played at any level beyond the intro. Melee classes use large quantities of lifesteal as mitigation and ranged classes have virtually no ability to sustain any damage so why would they chose anything but damage. You run into an elite pack and the only thing a utility stat gets you is a shorter time till you're looking at the you're character is dead announcement
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