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Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
Originally posted by: CVSiN
tired of yelling.. level 15 rogue LFG......

Hehe....reminds me of that parody post I did of EQ criticizing it for catering to the worst segment in gaming...the hardcore player. Just saying I told you so.

The reason you can't find a group is because the only freaking people who play EQ and, therefore, EQII, are people without jobs or families who belong to guilds of similar players and they're all too busy powerleveling each other to bother with someone who can't play from 4:00 PM till 2:00 AM every day to contribute to the guild or make a name for themself.

Actually I am a hardcore player alot of time do i burn on these games....
my guild and my EQ uber guild from Fen ro none that I know of are playing EQ2.. all are in WoW..
i got 3 friends from my guild here and they are all thinking to much like WoW they want to just solo on greens all day.. farming greens is freaking boring... sorry i want a challenging group..

when I was level 10 in EQ1 i was a barb warrior we made the journey across the world at level 10 to Crushbone to hunt..
never have I felt that kinda awe and danger of trying to get through Runneyeye and the gorge and the karanas as an lowly L10 with no SOW or invis... talk about an insane adventure...
in this game there are NO other cities to travel to.. there is NOTHING but your home town of freeport or quenos.. there is no uber fun newbie dungeons like blackburrow or Crushbone or any of the other stepping stone dungeons for each region that made EQ1 so awesome..

they couldnt have screwed the pooch more on the world itelf..
to me its not EQ at all..
the world they have created is not the fun neat wonderful place that EQ1 was...
its a boring confined game.. im so sick of FP and quenos i wanna puke every time I go there...
all they did is make the world feel small and restrictive...
at least in wow as a newb i can still travel to others home cities and do thier quests.. instead of being trapped in 1 of 2 towns...

I'd be happy to show you where Blackburrow is in EQ2....


Senior member
Jul 25, 2004
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
Originally posted by: CVSiN
tired of yelling.. level 15 rogue LFG......

Hehe....reminds me of that parody post I did of EQ criticizing it for catering to the worst segment in gaming...the hardcore player. Just saying I told you so.

The reason you can't find a group is because the only freaking people who play EQ and, therefore, EQII, are people without jobs or families who belong to guilds of similar players and they're all too busy powerleveling each other to bother with someone who can't play from 4:00 PM till 2:00 AM every day to contribute to the guild or make a name for themself.

That's funny, cuz I'm level 15 with two characters, and I have a full time job, part time job, and am going to school part time as well.


Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: OMG1Penguin
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
Originally posted by: CVSiN
tired of yelling.. level 15 rogue LFG......

Hehe....reminds me of that parody post I did of EQ criticizing it for catering to the worst segment in gaming...the hardcore player. Just saying I told you so.

The reason you can't find a group is because the only freaking people who play EQ and, therefore, EQII, are people without jobs or families who belong to guilds of similar players and they're all too busy powerleveling each other to bother with someone who can't play from 4:00 PM till 2:00 AM every day to contribute to the guild or make a name for themself.

That's funny, cuz I'm level 15 with two characters, and I have a full time job, part time job, and am going to school part time as well.

Same here. Full time job, wife (job all in itself), 2 kids (2 more jobs). I play maybe 10 hours a week. Have a level 12 Crusader. And the 3 times I've looked for a group, it was as easy as turning on the LFG flag. Within 10-15 min I was in a group happily killing away!


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
not here =/ i spend about 45 minutes a day before Ill give up LFG..
seems like the entire server is Predators and Rogues...
yet im not gonna change casue thats the only class i like and play in games...

crusader is a tank class and vital...
Rogue/Preds are just huge damage dealers and HO chain starters... i dont think most peeps in large groups relaize how vital HOs can be... most of the time peeps break my chains and say they are worthless in a group..
Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: codeyf

Same here. Full time job, wife (job all in itself), 2 kids (2 more jobs). I play maybe 10 hours a week. Have a level 12 Crusader. And the 3 times I've looked for a group, it was as easy as turning on the LFG flag. Within 10-15 min I was in a group happily killing away!

I'm sure nobody gets annoyed when you, their tank, log off an hour after joining the group.


Golden Member
Aug 14, 2003
Funny I haven't seen alot of rogues on Crushbone. Anyway, my understanding of them is that beyond a certain level they can deal a ton of damage.....from behind. I would probably still want a regular tank in my group and a a tank/rogue melee team would be outstanding. I played a shammy in EQ 1 (usually easy to find a group) and decided on a bard this time around. I've enjoyed both classes and picked them, in part, because they are group-friendly.


Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
Originally posted by: codeyf

Same here. Full time job, wife (job all in itself), 2 kids (2 more jobs). I play maybe 10 hours a week. Have a level 12 Crusader. And the 3 times I've looked for a group, it was as easy as turning on the LFG flag. Within 10-15 min I was in a group happily killing away!

I'm sure nobody gets annoyed when you, their tank, log off an hour after joining the group.

:roll: Is that all you got? I'm sorry, but do you know me? Have you played with me before?

So far, I've always been A) the lowest group member, and B) the 2nd (or 3rd) tank. And each time i've been on 2-3 hours. In fact each time so far, the group broke up when I still had plenty of time to play.

Besides, at this point in the game, we're fighting in the open plains, at one of the many mob camps. It's not like I group with people to get down to some dungeon and 2 hours in to it peace out. In either case I wouldn't do that anyway. I always give plenty of notice when I need to leave, and find a replacement whenever possible.

So don't pretend like you know me, and know what happens when I play.

I grow tired of everyone waving their WoW e-penis, saying EQ2 sucks "cuz it's SOE". Well good, I'm happy you enjoy WoW, and I'm sure it will be a great game and you will have tons of fun. And EQ2 will also be a great game, in which lots of people will have tons of fun.

But here's a news flash:

What's good for you IS NOT necessarily good for everyone else. So don't go knockin on people, pretending like you know something about them (when you don't), just cuz they gave their opinion on something you for whatever reason don't like.


Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: Hadsus
Funny I haven't seen alot of rogues on Crushbone. Anyway, my understanding of them is that beyond a certain level they can deal a ton of damage.....from behind. I would probably still want a regular tank in my group and a a tank/rogue melee team would be outstanding. I played a shammy in EQ 1 (usually easy to find a group) and decided on a bard this time around. I've enjoyed both classes and picked them, in part, because they are group-friendly.

w00t. CB server as well. What is your toons name?
Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: codeyf
So don't pretend like you know me, and know what happens when I play.

Sorry, it was easy math for me.

10 hours a week / 5 days = 2 hours a day - 15 minutes looking for group - 15-30 getting to group/banking/settingup/misc = 1.25-1.5 hours to play before logging off...I rounded down.

I don't play WoW. Didn't like it. So, uh, like don't pretend you know me, or, like, something.


Sep 6, 2000
You're assuming I play 5 nights a week. I don't. So your math is flawed.

Difference is, I didn't knock on you or imply anything about you based which game you do/don't like.
Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: codeyf
You're assuming I play 5 nights a week. I don't. So your math is flawed.

Difference is, I didn't knock on you or imply anything about you based which game you do/don't like.

I'm not knocking anybody but the game...and so-called "hardcore" players. Have fun trying to level at 37 when you've only got a couple hours a night to play.

each time i've been on 2-3 hours

I assumed 2, so I was pretty darn close for not knowing you. You did say "maybe" 10 hours so I assumed that meant "almost" so if you're playing 3 hours you're only playing 3 days a week. Then again, I did get a 700 on the math SAT, so...


Junior Member
Nov 15, 2004
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
Originally posted by: GopGuyCA
MMORPGs are the only game I can play.

Ever since my first, UO, I haven't been able to play non-online games. And even games that have online play but that are not continous as are MMORPGs... I have a hard time putting time into them.

I got EQ2 when it launched but can't play it because my computer doesn't support it. I can't play until this Friday when my new PC from Dell comes in the mail.

I was the same way. UO freaking rocked my world when I started playing it in '97.

I too couldn't play any non MMO game.....I guess because they suddenly felt very contrived....almost like watching a movie since every other person who played that game went through it the same exact way. After years of UO I moved on to every other MMO released (except AC) and I began to notice a trend AWAY from the open ended variety gameplay of UO towards instanced zones for guilds and zero emphasis on crafting and community building. Remember player-run taverns and cities in UO? Can you imagine anybody taking more than a half second break from leveling in Wow,EQ, EQII, DAOC, or AO to waste on a frivolous undertaking like that? No way. No freaking way in hell.

So I'm back on single player games and online games like C-S and BF1942 and maybe Guild Wars for my multiplayer fix.

In UO, the interaction between thousands of players CREATED myriad stories each day. In every game since, you've followed scripted quests (like you would in a SRPG) or kill untold kobold-Xs while saying no more than "Heal!" or "Mez!" during a four hour gaming session.

Some day some developer will understand what it was about UO that triggered a new genre. Because no publisher will fund a game that doesn't adhere to the sure-fire money-maker EQ clone architecture, it'll be a rogue or independent developer and it will spark the renaissance of MMORPGs. Hell, I've got a plethora of ideas that would make the ultimate MMO and a lot of other guys do too, but we're not accountants so we won't be making any of the design decisions any time soon. :roll:

Yeah... UO was a great game and still stands as the best MMORPG in my book. I would still be playing it, if it weren't for EA Games taking over and turning it all corporate... Ruined the entire game.

EQ though was no fun to me because it was simply a game.

MMORPGs have the possibility of being more then just a game but being a virtual world in which people come togehter to form a community. For that community to form a MMORPG needs to have a level of realism and that level comes from vanity and real estate. Changing clothes and appearance, owning homes and decorating them, going shopping, riding around on mounts/vehicles... Make the game more of a virtual world.

The only MMORPGs I ever got into was UO and then SWG. Now I'm hoping for WoW and EQ2.

SWG, to me, is still the only sucessor to UO as it features home ownership, decorations and vanity... It has what UO had. The problem with SWG is the poor team of developers who either: A) Have absolutely no clue, which I doubt due to the open discussions they take part-in on the forums or, B) They are intentionally trying to stripe the game of all its potential while dragging their reputations through the mud -- I for one will never play any game that has even the slighest thing to do with anyone from that development team.

The greed of SOE also shines through in SWG which plays a huge role in dictating many aspects of the game, thus ruining it.

Most every other MMORPG has failed to create that level of realism that puts you into a virtual world. All they are is mindless grinding. The first EQ served no point to me as there was no home to own or clothes to change into or appearance to change... Money and leveling didn't seem to add up to anything other then being able to boast about being at level so and so, and exploring the new expansions. As where on UO you would level and earn money to buy homes and decorate them while also changing appearane and running around on horses.

Still though, non-online games are just 0 fun for me. I have a hard time enjoying them as they feel pointless to me. RPGs I like because I enjoy the cut-scenes and the storyline but the random battles and leveling, just to get pass the next boss, is boring.

The only non-online games I can play are those that are non-linear which create a virtual world filled with NPCS. Such as Harvest Moon (Excluding the PS2 and GC version). Other then that I only like multiplayer games that I can play with friends, which are pick up and go (I hate those games that have multiplater but you first have to beat single player a million times over in 10 different ways to unlock all the multiplayer -- I buy games mostly for the multiplayer, I hate having to "earn" the better levels.)

... I was AFK for a few minutes and lost my thought.... I think I made my point though.


Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
Originally posted by: codeyf
You're assuming I play 5 nights a week. I don't. So your math is flawed.

Difference is, I didn't knock on you or imply anything about you based which game you do/don't like.

I'm not knocking anybody but the game...and so-called "hardcore" players. Have fun trying to level at 37 when you've only got a couple hours a night to play.

each time i've been on 2-3 hours

I assumed 2, so I was pretty darn close for not knowing you. You did say "maybe" 10 hours so I assumed that meant "almost" so if you're playing 3 hours you're only playing 3 days a week. Then again, I did get a 700 on the math SAT, so...


Well, i guess it's more like 10-15. Anyway, I did manage to hit 57 with my toon in EQ1. GRANTED it took close to 3 years.......Quit as I got epic'd, guild disbanded, that level, guildless and casual player = teh suck. But I had lots of fun for a long time. Was well worth the $13/month.....lord knows caused many a sex-less nights, and was the cause of more cat fights with the wife than I can remember....

Who knows, maybe that's why I like EQ2. I never got in to the real end game of EQ1. Never had any problems/run ins with CS. The one time I did my problem was fixed in a timely manner.

Although I was irritated when they made me change my name....was originally Muffdogg!


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2003
I'm enjoying the game so far. Play almost every night. Pretty fun game. My bf is always playing Half-Life, or Far Cry or Doom. So it doesn't really interfer with the relationship. Quests are fun, they pretty much got me to lvl 15, with a bit of grouping between quests.
Seen a few bugs, crashed a few times. But my system is not up to the rec. specs. So I probably just need to get some more ram or/and a better video card.
Otherwise having a blast. If anyone wants to group let me know. I'm on the Befallen server.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Anyone know if it's possible to play EQ and EQ2 at the same time if you are signed up under SOE all access?
Sorry for the OT but I was curious.

Hmm according to their FAQ you can't but I am curious if it blocks you from doing so.


Jun 23, 2001
I play EQ2 almost every night.

Grouping becomes more and more necessary as you level. I'm only level 14 right now because I usually prefer to work alone. Only grouping when people ask me. If I chose to join a group, I don't think it'd be a problem, there are always people asking for groups and groups asking for people.

Still working on this Tour of Antonica quest. Its a quest that has you tour all the landmarks in Antonica. I originally got the quest at level 10, but moving into East Antonica at that level is suicide. Last night, I hit 3 more landmarks, but there's still a few more to go. Should finish it up tonight.


Golden Member
Jul 26, 2004
Originally posted by: CVSiN

Ive noticed same thing..
game is very antisocial and cold...
im L15 and im done.. wont be playing anymore..
tired of yelling.. level 15 rogue LFG......

I dunno honestly ... I think alot of that might be people like me who are just getting into it and are still fascinated by the solo things. Don't want to get into a group and screw up because I haven't really learned the systems yet ya know?



Junior Member
Nov 24, 2004
Well, I have played EQ live for just shy of a year now cause my friends did and I got to play with them. I played the WOW beta and thought the game was nice but a little too cartoony for me. Now don't get me wrong I have Warcraft 3 and I have owned every Warcraft since the first one and love the collection, but I was looking for a darker more realistic (I know it is fantasy I mean not as cartoon like.) game to replace EQ live so I am now playing EQ2.

No matter what game you choose the one thing to remember is that both games (WOW - EQ@) should be viewed as a "work in progress" I like many elements of both games, but for me even with the steep requirements of EQ2, I IMHO like it for what it is. Its huge, theres plenty to do, nothing is so far different between WOW and EQ2 to say that the quests stink in one more than others really, I mean sharing quest is a nice novelty but really I think that may very well support lazyiness. Quests are still talk to this person, go find/fight/create this and bring it here. It is just done differently. I am more hopeful for both games to see what they will become, even in EQL you can watch it morph into something different. Pay as you go games tend to have one nice side effect, many times your game will patch on a regular basis. I bet you can list more than 12 games you may own that you pay for but not monthly that have things still needing a patch. In 6 months when it comes out you wonder why I dont mind spending 15 a month, I tend to think of it as a service contract.

Either way you all have fun in whatever you choose to play in. BTW I got my wife to play EQ2 and that was a larger quest with a bigger reward than any quest in either game! woot woot!


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