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Sep 28, 2013
Is this game worth getting for a casual player? I mean like i may be on a lot at some times but then not on at all for a week or two do to work and things to do at home.


Junior Member
Mar 6, 2014
Is this game worth getting for a casual player? I mean like i may be on a lot at some times but then not on at all for a week or two do to work and things to do at home.

This game caters to the casual player. Really, it is very casual friendly. If you yourself can justify the subscription fee for how much time you THINK you will be playing, go for it.


Nov 7, 2001
Perhaps I'm jaded from years of hardcore raiding, now I much prefer these puggable one-off encounters, do whatever I need to do whenever I want. Party doesn't work out? pop out and join a new one or make my own. Sure beats having to maintain a guild roster of 20+ and commit entire evenings stuck in a dungeon waiting on "that guy/gal" to stop failing.

Not sure what I'm gonna do about turn 6-9 though, out of my last two coil statics combined only 3 people still play on regular basis, could join a new one but playing the same job over and over again bores me quickly.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
2.2 patch tentatively confirmed for the 27th.

Letter from the producer discussing what's coming in varying degrees of detail.

Other features coming in patch 2.2 include master recipe books for crafters, gardening for free company estates, new hair styles, retainer ventures, big fishing, a challenge log, new mounts, and more. Disciples of War and Magic may also want to dust off their relic weapons if they aren't still using them, as an opportunity to unlock their true powers will present itself.

Interested to find out more about... well almost all those lol.

Famitsu preview of 2.2, japanese but some cool-ass screenshots nonetheless.
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Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I'm cautiously optimistic about the crafting stuff.

Yoshi had already said they don't want to do much with crafts so I'm wondering what those recipes will be for. Probably vanity slots or i70 gear that'll be inferior to the current myth set unless penta overmelded.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2004
Is this game worth getting for a casual player? I mean like i may be on a lot at some times but then not on at all for a week or two do to work and things to do at home.

i have played almost all the MMORPG out there, but this one I skipped, i wasn't a fan of FFX1 (was that the first online one, trying to remember it number) way to grindy. I hesitate to ask this as it will always turn into a pissing match.. But what MMORPG is it most like? me, i look at um like beer, some say beer is beer, but there wouldnt be 100's of kinds if that was true. Pleas dont say WoW clone (as wow is clone, so its incorrect to start).. each game has its ups and downs, and differences. Again not looking for a bitc# fest. just some idea. I picked it up on steam for $19 the other day and was wondering if there was a good Noob webpage to check out for a 100% new player?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2007
i have played almost all the MMORPG out there, but this one I skipped, i wasn't a fan of FFX1 (was that the first online one, trying to remember it number) way to grindy. I hesitate to ask this as it will always turn into a pissing match.. But what MMORPG is it most like? me, i look at um like beer, some say beer is beer, but there wouldnt be 100's of kinds if that was true. Pleas dont say WoW clone (as wow is clone, so its incorrect to start).. each game has its ups and downs, and differences. Again not looking for a bitc# fest. just some idea. I picked it up on steam for $19 the other day and was wondering if there was a good Noob webpage to check out for a 100% new player?

Honestly, just start playing. If you've already paid for it, that's probably your best bet. Get hooked up with a FC that can help you out & just run with it until you make up your mind for yourself.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Whoo got my Primal Ex weapon finally. Took weeks to find a group to down Titan and only a few hours for Ifrit lol. Funny how that works. If I can just get the weekly done once for my Dual Haken I think I'll be pretty content.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
2.2's been out for a bit now and here's my impressions:

1) fuck atma grinds.
2) New dungeons are terrific and tons of fun.
3) Levi is a fun and very visually stimulating fight. No clue about moogle yet.
4) New turns are challenging and very messy, lots going on.
5) Echo allows good players to carry terribads. You can even duty finder titan HM to victory with just 3 players at 50% buff (because people are fucking terrible).
6) New recipes are challenging and terrifically fun to craft. Very difficult to make without good gear though.
7) new gathering stuff is... annoying. You can only guarantee 1 per dig, or if you're feeling lucky you can get 30% on 5 tries. You need like 200 of these fuckers for the new tool, good luck. At least the failed ores you can trade in for cordials.


Nov 7, 2001
4 days of on & off farming and not a single atma, this reminds me of FFXI's god damn lich paper - except I longer have the same amount spare time to power through this RNG bullshit.

Partyfinder Levi is god damn rage inducing....idiots that don't know how to dodge need to go practice in hard mode and stop wasting others' time, but that is of course too much to ask for.

Probably gonna be a while before I get to see the 2nd sets of Coil, finding a static is such a pain in the ass with these elitist dweebs' peculiar requirements - "your goals must be in sync with our mission statement to provide synergy to the team" wtf says that kinda shit? calm the fuck down this is a video game, you wipe until you win or quit, all there is to it.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
fuck atmas.

But Levi is pretty hard to dodge. However there is there's enough room to recover from people dying that people dying from charges a few times won't be a problem, provided the dead person isn't a healer. It gets harder later on but it's still recoverable even in phase 2.

If you hate randoms dying so much, form your own party and kick the underachievers. You really have no room to complain when you have complete control over the vetting process on how much tolerance you want to give to others with party finders now. Leviathan isn't the easiest thing to dodge and I still get hit at least once or twice in every fight. IMO it's harder to dodge than titan because you can't see everything, but there's less penalty for getting hit.

I also find it ironic that you're ranting about elitists in coil but you rant about stupid randoms in leviathan. Sounds like a case of "everyone driving faster than me is too fast and everyone driving slower than me is too slow".


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
Maybe I've been lucky but I got my atma spear yesterday however I've been grinding since 2.2 came out for total of 20 hours of straight grinding. A fellow FC mate got all 12 on the first 2 days and she already working on her 2nd book to enhance it. I'm working on my 1st book for +2 str and the fate in Coerthas I had to wait 4 hours to spawn. Besides that, the rest of the requirements are easily doable (other than the 1500 myth cost, jeesus). All this for a weapon I prob won't use, I'll upgrade my allagan spear for the Tidal Wave Spear then to high allagan spear (if I down T9) so, I can't see where the relic fits yet. Even Animus isn't something I will use.

I've got a good static for T6-9, we got T6 down to 7 percent and probably gonna beat it tonight. Got several FC mates who downed T6 and they say T7 is awesome so I can't wait!!!

Trying to get levi for the spear, so frustrating considering some FC mates have multiple wave weapons and one even has the mirror but not a weapon drop yet, rofl.

Haven't tried moogle ex yet but I got moogle hm in trial roulette and SE musta super nerfed it because the fight was significantly easier than I remember.

Another thing to note is I'm making gil hand over fist, people are on a buying spree or something but I already made couple millions since 2.2.


Nov 7, 2001
That particular coil static was an extreme case of over the top ridiculousness I found highly amusing when they asked for a page n' half application and pledge of undying loyalty as if this was a top 10 WoW guild racing for Deathlord Dickbutt's World First Heroic Mode; except it isn't, just semi-hardcore 8 man content that many parties on the server had already progressed ahead, poke your heads in a few hours a week hoping for the win then come back again next reset, nothing so serious would warrant nightly TS3 standby in case whenever the leader feels like raiding.

To be elitist on Levi EX I think would require putting up "i90 only BLM wep locked if u fk up ill kick and blist ur ass" on the PF(in fact I've seen something along those lines on a few occasions, a good chuckle). It's been quite similar to Titan parties in my experience actually, a revolving door of people talkin' big smack but hadn't bothered to prep themselves with the bare minimum knowledge. I mean, I stuck to the advice many had given and ran hard mode twice to get a good idea of how water sprouts work, sure the first actual EX encounter was really rough when Levi started to troll with cross-mid dives, but that's eventually dealt with so I wouldn't have to be "that guy", hardly get hit by anything now unless I blank out and put myself in a retarded spot; also taken up healing to keep everyone topped off and mirror debuff managed, or off-tanking to lock adds and exploding bawls down, alas there's nothing else to do when people with double weakness get obliterated by Tidal Wave even with the shield up or knocked off the platform right before a burn phase........just like Titan. 'Serious party going for kill please have exp to blue orbs" is not going to deter leechers, sure I can boot them at first sign of trouble(and have) but after a few turnarounds other people wouldn't have the same amount of patience to wait for our party to fill back up since a great deal of 50s are still grinding those damn FATEs. It's definitely something that'd need to be broken through with sheer determination instead of complaining, still you can't help but be frustrated when the 2 hours wasted probably could have spent on farming t2-5/Brayflox or God forbid, freakin' atmas.

fuck atmas.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
haven't bothered making money, nothing to spend it on. I'm making a few 100k here and there fairly casually from random crap I'm selling but I'm not trying very hard.

I should probably cash in on the 3 star crafting stuff (I can make that fairly easily) but I just haven't had to motivation since price of the rare mats (gold ore, etc) just went through the roof.

I'm just leveling botanist at the moment, for some reason I don't want to buy the crawler cacoons and instead want to harvest my own.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
I love the new dungeons and Leviathan, but groan every time they add content that involves fates. Every Single Time.

I finished my Omnilex Atma late Sat night, and 9 of the atmas had dropped between 30-90 mins in a particular zone. The other 3 took much longer, though, and I lost track of time spent after ~4hrs each. It took me over 20hrs total, but less than 30. I encountered my first drought trying to get #5 in western & outer la noscea, and gained just under 100k GC seals over 5 days there before I gave up and moved on. Then after I'd collected #9, I came back and got them both within 90 minutes. Finally, after a couple more 2hr sessions in N. Shroud, I was done. And the only thing I can do for others is say "Good luck!"

IMO the 1500 x 9 myth required for the next step is a bit steep, but I agree with most of the opinions floating around that it is preferable to the random shitty atma drops. Time required per myth will continue to go down over the next several months as people get closer to ilvl110.

Though 3 changes to the fate-related crap would make it a half decent series of quests I think:

1) Atma drop rate. What else can you say about it? There's several ways to fix this. What the hell, SE?
2) "Go do fate X" -- These should be quests along the lines of Chimera, should pop within 15mins, or should not be in the game, period. This is some perverted form of "go do quest X" with the prerequisite "sit on your thumb for an undetermined amount of time" (upwards of several hours).
3) Scaled rewards for lower level fates based on your level (and perhaps the time to down the fate).


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
3 atmas in for me. I can't stand grinding fates for more than an hour at a time though.

The drop rate is around 1.7% from empirical evidence. That sucks.

If I have multiple classes with zenith weapons, can I just use a different class that's less boring? (like blm for example)


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
Yes, the atmas you get aren't tied to the weapon you use to get them, so you can use any zenith weapon. Once you have a set of 12 atmas, you could even buy a new Zenith and upgrade it instead.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
that's good to know. Although it's arguably easier to get gold as a paladin, some fates have mobs spawning outside of the fate circle and it's difficult to claim at times.

Got 2 atmas within 15 minutes of each other yesterday then a 2 hour drought in east shroud. On the plus side I have like 5 magitek keys for the sylph dailies which I'll be starting very soon... >_>

Meanwhile some guy was bragging about having done 3 sets of atmas..... just... no.

I fully expect them to bump up atma drop rates after the ps4 release to about 5% or so.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2007
I'm hoping that they adjust it so that your probability of finding an atma increases with each fate you run that has not found an atma.

Or, that the higher your ilvl, the better chance of finding an atma you have.

Or that they do anything at all to make it based not on pure randomness. I've got two stones, and I really just don't want to grind anymore with no assurances of any kind that anything will happen.

I stopped running CT because of this. I figured it was easier to grab myth tomes pre-2.2 than it was to get a good CT drop. Significantly less frustrating too.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2007
Holy moly this most recent patch has just lost me. I'm quite bored with it already, in a big way.

What is everyone doing that is so interesting? I can't manage more than 30 mins at a time without feeling super bored.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I'm quite enjoying trying to down new content. Leviathan ex is arguably the most fun extreme primal fight. The 3 new dungeons, though fairly pointless for anything other than speedruns and myth farming, are all really well done and really fun for me. Amdapoor city especially is a great dungeon, especially atmosphere wise. My FC just downed tier 6 and we're a good ways into turn 7, and the fights are dynamic and fun.

New recipes are fun to make. Lots of shiny new gear to work towards, number crunchers are having some fun min/maxing again.

Not sure what you're doing or not doing. If you don't craft or gather the amount of content this patch offers is pretty much halved.

fuck atmas.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
I'm growing a little bored of it too. The grindiness increased pretty sharply with this last patch, so that + the attitudes and wildly varying skill/experience levels in PUGs have worn me down. The new dungeons/coil/leviathan are enjoyable, but only with my static--I'd rather not do them at all otherwise. I'm capping soldiery tomes each week, doing some beastman dailies, and trying new content with my static a couple times a week, and that's it. I find I can't get motivated to mess with the myth grind for animus weapons, nor will I try for another atma weapon the way it works currently.

As if the atma stuff wasn't bad enough, they also moved the old philosophy mats to GC seal purchases, so my interest in crafting has plummeted yet again to practically no interest at all. I started AAR launch focusing on crafting, and I can't say I've enjoyed it much since the first couple of months. I haven't enjoyed gathering since the AAR launch, and this patch has made it even less interesting if that's possible. That "can only gather these nodes once a day at specific times of the day" crap is too annoying for me.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I can't even get all my atmas. Not sure what i'm doing wrong besides having bad luck. GC seals aren't a problem since I'm practically drowning in fate rewards from atmas not fucking dropping at all. I've spent about 30-40ks on seals on dark matter, ventures and furnitures and I'm still capped off at 50k after yesterday.

If you want GC seals you should be greed-rolling the loot that drops in high level dungeons. They're 600-800 per turn in. Not that you should be crafting 2 stars anyway unless you're bored since there's practically no profit to be made from them anymore. 3 star crafts are more fun and challenging and there's no 100% rotations out there yet, and its profitable for now.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Just caught up over the weekend. The new dungeons are pretty cool, but also a little short I thought - particularly Brayflox with the ease in speedrunning it, but I suppose we 'need' one of those with each patch too.

The new Hilidbrand quest was ridiculous and amazing, the Manderville dance sequence killed me.

Looking forward to taking part in some of the new crafting stuff - the few initially available three star recipes seem to be a pretty major jump in terms of difficulty and quality which is nice. Interested in doing some of the new fishing content as well, I wish I'd kept my Titanic Sawfish - it ended up selling the day after the patch for like 3700g and they're up to 200k on the AH now lol.

Ventures are kind of neat. In a way I'm looking forward to gearing out my retainer lol.

Atmas I think I'm skipping on for now. The overall myth cost/time grind is just more than I care to do - maybe when they're a bit more generous with myth tome rewards perhaps (which I believe is planned at some point).
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