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Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Up to 38 weaver, been focusing mostly on cotton/linen due to price of diremite web and fleece. However turning in cotton leves in Quarrymill up to 25ish net me 140 diremite web as part of their rewards, so had some velveteen to work with anyway. Probably going to try to get to 40 simply off linen yarn/cloth/leves and do the linen deerstalker leve 40-45, possibly even 50.

Also I highly recommend 'cycling' crafting gear 30+ if you can swing it. I've made it a point to turn everything 30+ into materia during GSM and WVR, then replace it with more HQ gear with 2-3 materia, bond, disenchant and repeat. Grade 2 crafting materia are pretty valuable on my server, especially Control +2.

I quite like Wanderer's Palace. Not as many tomes, but you can make some cash and it's a nice change of scenery and pace. I'd say some of the gear there is superior to that of AK as well.

I've been thinking about it. What gives you grade 2 materia? Lvl 30+ Gear? I've been thinking about disenchanting my mythril stuff and other lvl 30-40 stuff, but the problem is I don't have enough spare materias to shove back into them so it'd drop my control, so if they DE into other stuff (like CP) then I'm SOL.

For weaver I skipped diremite hell and wool hell. There's a few repeatables in quarrymill that gives webs (like you did) and you can use that to get all the way up to linen, which you can use to get all the way past wool. You'll still need some, but you won't need ridiculous amounts of it. But starting at 35 you can make hats (linen + crow feather, forgot the name) for a nice 3x3 which sometimes gives you flax. After my GSM hits 50 I'll be getting weaver to 50, but damn I'm so low on levequests.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Flax is cheap (to me, at least) on my server so I've basically just been buying stacks of it as needed and churning out lots of linen and yarn in preparation for the Deerstalker leve which I foresee myself doing a lot of.

Grade 2 materia I believe is item level 30-44. Maybe 45? But basically I just dump whatever cheap materia I can find into it an item until it has 3-4 pieces generally depending on whether it has 1-2 sockets; most of my weaver gear has a bunch of +accuracy or +determination materia currently lol. I'm saving the craft materia for my level 50 sets once I settle on how I actually want them to be materia'd. Or you can sell them, even the least valuable one (CP) is probably a net gain in value compared to the mats that go into the item, and if you get craft/control there's a big gil upside. I don't think using them on gear you're levelling in is worthwhile, though if you have enough other crafts using that same piece you might feel differently.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Linen hats might be better, even though they're 35 because they don't use any velveteen at all. But you have a healthy amount so deerstalkers might be the thing for you; I have about 5 dew threads left and I use them daily on the GC supply quests. So many god damned things use velveteen. :\


Senior member
Aug 7, 2013
Hearing good things about steady hands 2 has me wanting to level culinarian no, so i will start up on it and try to do it as fast as possible with leves and sucj, i have about 80 allowances right now


Senior member
May 14, 2008
Hearing good things about steady hands 2 has me wanting to level culinarian no, so i will start up on it and try to do it as fast as possible with leves and sucj, i have about 80 allowances right now

It is REALLY worth it. Amazing the difference it makes in being able to HQ reliably. Took me one weekend to level up culinarian to 37. The most difficult part is finding crafts with minimal components. Lots of the leves take ridiculous mats to produce. There are a few however that are 1 or 2 ingredient recipes.

I just crafted mass quantities of Cider Vinegar, then cottage cheese, then million corn into cornmeal. Eventually the cornmealx6(repeatable) leve opens up, at which time I turned in those mass quantities of cornmeal I made leveling. I also did some chicken stock, as those were cheap to make. I didn't do any leves until the cornmeal leve though. I still have cornmeal to spare for when I have extra leves I wanna use up.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Hearing good things about steady hands 2 has me wanting to level culinarian no, so i will start up on it and try to do it as fast as possible with leves and sucj, i have about 80 allowances right now

SH2 is amazing and it's only 3 cp more. I'm smacking myself for having gone without it for so long. The difference of 10% more success rate is so noticeable. I say you should follow waffle's advice of acorn cookies: there's a leve for 3x3 and those are 80 dur crafts so they're much easier to HQ, and the mats are not bad to obtain at all. (only other crafted component is sunset flour and that's generally very cheap)


Senior member
Aug 7, 2013
Man I'm reading my post and cringing from my typoes, SwiftKey thou hast failed me


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
Logged in yesterday and found myself without a Free Company :\. Guess I joined the wrong one anyways...can't hang out with the hard core folks anymore. Times change.

Nearing 1 month of playing, I'm loving the game though from a fairly casual perspective. Plenty of stuff to do, easy to get where you need to be, and I don't feel like my time is wasted if I can only log in and do stuff for 30 mins before having to walk away from the PC. Even after keeping up with 1.0 and watching the progress SE made during that time, this game is a lot more polished and better all-around than I expected it to be. End game atm might not be as polished as it needs to be, but you can color me very impressed overall. This is easily the most enjoyable MMO I've played at launch, even with the early login woes.

They're saying the 1st major update is going to have several new dungeons including a 24-man Crystal Tower, a 4vs4 pvp arena, player housing, daily primal quests, treasure hunting (no real description yet), another Hard Mode foe (moogle king?), some sort of Content Finder (random matchups for various content), and a beauty parlor for changing hairstyles. That sounds like a major update to me!


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Sad. I've been reluctant to join a GC because I've been meaning to transfer off the server, but now I want to find one with +Exp bonuses to mining so I don't kill myself trying to hit 50 miner.

The game is definitely one of the better launches. It's just so polished, and I'm mainly addicted because of the crafting system. I gotta level my paladin though, she's lagging behind at only lvl 40.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
I'm curious about pricing on the housing, though I had heard guild housing was coming first and player would be later down the road, who knows. I don't know what it will do but I'm pretty sure I want it anyway. It'd be cool to have your own instanced area; I liked it in SWTOR and if they were to put in things like mini-games, extensive decorations, more guild storage, I think that'd be great.

Maybe guild housing will let you expand guild storage with some special furniture or something. 50 carpenter definitely seems a bit lackluster compared to other crafts currently in terms of their level 50 "catalogue".


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
They will be allowed to make furniture in the future, I'm sure of it. I can't wait to make a pretty house. :awe:

Now only if they'll let us craft in the damn thing. I hate having to run outside and finding a quiet corner to craft so my speaker doesn't explode from the 5000 BLING ZAP POPs going on.


Senior member
Aug 7, 2013
i was hoping to be able to craft in the inn room, i run around town looking for a nice place to sit down that wont bring my laptop down to a crawl, inn room crafting would have been awesome


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Yeah, even just running to the north end of the Gridanian markets makes a world of difference in noise. And my FPS is noticeably smoother crafting over at the mailbox lol.

Volume controls on "crafting sound effects" (or maybe just sound effects for other PCs) in particular would be nice.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2009
Finally hit 50 today, and finished up my level 50 monk quest, so got the yellow shirt, and more importantly, dragon kick. And, I haven't even attempted Operation Archon yet.

I hit 46 doing the main quest, and then came the point that I needed to hit 49 before being able to continue it. So, I went out and farmed flame leve's, and did the 47 dungeon about 4 or 5 times (you really get to seeing just how incompetent alot of players are in that dungeon).

So, I get 49, and head back to the main quest place....and what do I see, side quests for levels 47 and up :\ I really wish I'd seen those earlier. Knocked them out, and managed to get 50 with them So, all thats left now, is to finish up the main story line. Then, I suppose it's farm armor, or weapons, or whatnot. Plus, leveling up other classes.

But, you know, I played everquest for many, many years. I was never in a top tier raiding guild, but we did raid, alot. We also farmed dungeons, alot. Later, when the instances opened, we farmed those like crazy also.

As much as I loved the game way back when...I'm sort of burned out on that stuff, ever since then. I'd like to see all the dungeons...once, and then never go back, unless it's just for the heck of it. Same with raiding. I've never been interested in any kind of pvp (being in a quake team fortress clan for a long time burned me out of anything competitive too).

So, now I'm left to wonder, how long will I continue to play the game. I've sincerely loved the game up to now, but I doubt it will hold my attention, since I've come to despise anything end game related.

Leveling up alternate classes and jobs sound perfect, in theory. But, since there are no quest left, and leveling them up means tedious fate grinding, I doubt I'd do it for very long before throwing in the towel.

Meh, perhaps I've just grown out of mmo's, in some way.


Senior member
Aug 7, 2013
i have been reluctant to do any questing besides class and storyline on my archer, most quests i will use to level marauder and other classes


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
Heh...I don't know how long it's gonna take for new classes to be added, but I too am saving a lot of quests for just that occasion. I've been doing all the quests near the camps the main story takes you to, but ignoring the other camps. Though I haven't really had a need to branch out and find other quests yet.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
80% done with goldsmith lvl 49...

speaking of which, how are you supposed to up your crafting levels to that high to do 1star and 2 star stuff? You need AF, but how do you get that? Buy gear off weavers? Or materia? (or both)

Then how do weavers get the required amount of crafting...?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Getting your 'blue' tool (from the level 50 craft guild quest) and pairing it with a good offhand will get you very close if not there entirely. When my crafts first started hitting 50 I made HQ cobalt offhands from blacksmithing for myself and it made a world of difference getting to that first star requirement. At this point though you can just buy NQ militia off-hands (or even HQ) for quite cheap though, I'd just go with that. Again, I'd save valuable materia for the 'real' gear however.

Food is also quite good if you're short a few points of craftmanship or control.

45 weaver, I was hoping I might get some Fleece from the linen deerstalker leve but no luck so far. Seems like material rewards are much better from the 'field' quests (I was able to 'farm' 200+ more diremite web in under an hour doing quarrymill leves again last night), but since the 40/45 weaver field leves require wool/fleece in the first place I'd just as soon burn all my linen on hats and not worry about it.

I love crafting but weaving focuses so much on the 'micro crafts' that it's a bit tiresome, especially given the prices and material ratios for them. It'd be like if every blacksmith craft required rivets and ingots, I'll be glad to be done with it lol. Probably do alchemy or finish cooking next.


Senior member
Aug 7, 2013
havent gotten a good chance to play extensively, last night i barely finished my lvl 30 class quest and opened the quest for bard, then went cooking, made it from 5 to 11, only 26 more levels haha


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
I have the same thoughts about weaver. It's rather annoying.

And yeah, buying a cheap militia offhand tool will help, and maybe a cheap NQ AF body. If you aren't going to have weaver or leatherworker for a while, you're stuck with buying all your AF gear. So, it's up to you to decide if you want to go ahead and buy a full set of HQ AF or cheap NQ AF.

For LTW or WVR, you'd just focus on getting your blue tool and militia offhand first (maybe NQ AF, up to you), and then try to HQ 1 piece at a time til you're decked out, starting with the body. Every piece you add makes the next a little easier. Then when LTW or WVR is decked out, it's easy to HQ your AF for other crafts.

I started with BSM to make some HQ offhands (just below militia), then got really lucky on my 1st attempt at militia BSM offhand (18% to HQ, but HQ'd ), and then I had very little trouble from that point...made LTW militia offhand, etc.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
so would you recommend wvr or ltw first? I have both hovering around the high 30s (39 wvr and 37 ltw i think). GSM will be 50 today and I'll follow your advice and get a militia offhand (BSM is lagging behind), and then probably will try to get GSM's craft up so I can make some 1 star stuff.

How difficult is 1 star stuff to HQ?


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
Looking to gear up, I'd say weaver before leatherworker for 2 reasons:

1) they make the most AF gear pieces
-most of the WVR/GSM/ALC/CUL pieces and 1+ pieces for each of the other crafts

2) the lvl 50 ability is awesome. Careful Synthesis II - 120% efficiency progress, 0 CP cost, 100% success rate
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