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Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Hm, i wonder if that means we're not getting new CT until expansion comes out. 2.5 is a big patch # though, I can't imagine they'll open another one so soon after 2.4 releases.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
It'll be the same 3 month-ish wait as between every other major patch (so late Jan or Feb), and the new CT will definitely be in 2.5. I'm curious what else "big" they're trying to get in before the expansion though. I'm gonna take a wild guess that the expansion gets released in May, following their established 3 month release schedule.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2013
I've never played the FF game ever. How do i start? Do I play the gameboy version or what lol? Can anyone care to explain? I really want to get into the Final fantasy games but I have no idea how to start ;(


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2006
We will be getting 2.5 of course, and it will be a 2 part patch actually

1st part will have World of Darkness and new dungeons etc, the usual stuff
2nd part will have Gold Saucer with all the stuff like chocobo racing, triple triad, snowboarding, and all the mini games

Theyll probably release them in January / March, with the expansion coming May
This is just my hunch

Either way, very exciting stuff in the future


Golden Member
Aug 27, 2011
I've never played the FF game ever. How do i start? Do I play the gameboy version or what lol? Can anyone care to explain? I really want to get into the Final fantasy games but I have no idea how to start ;(

That really depends on what your required graphical level is and this probably deserves its own thread. If graphics are of no concern for you or you enjoy the sprite based animations of the SNES era then FF4 and FF6 (2 and 3 in the US) are a great place to start and are usually considered some of the finest games ever made (I like 4 the best). FF3 and FF4 can now be found on steam, along with 7 and 8. FF3 is a very solid game as well.

If you are looking for a solid and stable MMO experience then FF14 is a great option.

Like I mentioned I think this probably deserves its own thread and some more info on what you like and don't like about games in general.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Dark Knight confirmed as Tank with greatswords, that should be interesting. I hope they're sufficiently different from Warrior - surprised to see two 2h tanks. I know this is probably more detail than has been released yet but is there any word on Dark Knight being a "job" or a "class"? (probably a job based off a to-be-released class?)

I think the whole "arcanist can be summoner or scholar" thing is a neat concept - but the problem is if they just add new "jobs" that branch off of the original classes then everyone is just going to have them levelled already which kind of takes away from a lot of the fun of introducing them.

And I think I'll call off tomorrow just to play 2.4 lol. I really enjoyed having a day to dive into 2.3 at release, even if I spent almost all of it just desynthing. While I enjoy desynth, I think I'm looking forward to a patch without such a severe timesink. I'll probably focus on trying to pick up the new crafting offhands and gear, depending on how readily available the Sealant is.

Also Omnilex Animus achieved. It got even uglier. On the bright side what better time to spam DR:Expert than after a patch with new dungeons?


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Never take off on patch day. It'll be filled with lag and emergency maintenances and bugs. I expect at least 1 or 2 and possibly hotfixes for random things and for the server to calm down after 2-3 days. I just want to log in, buy a house, and log out on patch day.

I'm hoping DRK tank will be more of what the warrior used to be: big heals for yourself and a few damage reduction things so you don't get 1 shotted. DRKs were known for their absorbs in FF11, I hope they manage to work that in somehow. Maybe something like Absorb-str = reduce boss melee attacks by 20% for 10 seconds and increase your dps by 20%? That'd be fun as hell to use both as MT and OT.

I'm finally picking up desynthesis after not doing jack diddily squat with it for a while. I don't expect to complete my nexus for a while though, still not fully melded since I was saving for a house + ninja relic stuff.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
The DRK slides said "No base class involved", which I'm assuming means you'll start from level 1 as Dark Knight. I imagine some day we'll get to see the point of base classes. Maybe.

Though I'm surprised you're expecting to not have a huge timesink, dark. I fully expect the effort & cost required to upgrade to the new crafting/gathering gear to be a huge timesink lol. I'd love to be wrong. Grats on the Animus! I agree, the book is pretty ugly.

pic of one of the dark knight slides
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Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Well I think the timesink (perhaps timegate is more a more appropriate descriptor) might be the oaknots/Sealant, that still remains to be seen. Or possibly the new Master books - but I doubt it, they'll probably just require HQ 3star mats or maybe a/some Fieldcraft 3? I have a lot of money so I guess taking that out of the equation changes how I look at it a bit.

But point being whereas I've dumped hours into Desynth, getting the new stuff is more a matter of just buying the mats and completing the craft. I mean I won't be surprised if I have all the new gear in a few hours - but again that all comes back to sealant I think.

I am curious to find out how hard/easy 4star crafts are. I've never bothered with any Supra tools, I don't see them being that important yet. I think the most valuable upgrade will be the offhand by far with the boots/pants/gloves more a convenience than anything else.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
a FC member did some math and you need like 3 months' worth of oak knots if you want all the new gear. At this point I don't really care too much about the crafting stuff anymore with expansion and level raises on the horizon in spring of next year. At the very least you'll have new crafting sets, possibly new tools to go with it as well. I'd be surprised if they make supra required before you can get i60 mh though.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Well I got up early to play but decided against taking the day off, I need more people putting crap on the AH for me to get to do what I want to do

Sealants are tradeable, around 150-300k each on my server currently. Will probably spike up in the short term and then drop significantly before too long.

I'm focusing on getting the new OH tools first. It seems that the other new gear cannot actually be crafted without the new Master books and the turnins for getting the new Master books are actually pretty steep - need to HQ 3x of the Supra turn-in items (which require 2x FC3 each to craft) and those things have some pretty steep difficulty levels and quality requirements. On the bright side I think they made it so that those items can be desynthed now if you NQ and even if you can't desynth the NQs can still be turned in for Supra if you don't have it.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2013
That really depends on what your required graphical level is and this probably deserves its own thread. If graphics are of no concern for you or you enjoy the sprite based animations of the SNES era then FF4 and FF6 (2 and 3 in the US) are a great place to start and are usually considered some of the finest games ever made (I like 4 the best). FF3 and FF4 can now be found on steam, along with 7 and 8. FF3 is a very solid game as well.

If you are looking for a solid and stable MMO experience then FF14 is a great option.

Like I mentioned I think this probably deserves its own thread and some more info on what you like and don't like about games in general.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I thought all the FF games are sequels and prequels? Aren't I suppose to start FF 1 first? So I will know the main characters and whatnot? Why do I have to start FF 3 and 4? Just wondering. :biggrin:


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
They are more like spiritual sequels, except for cases like FFX, FFX-2, etc which are direct sequels. Play them in any order you want, cause the main games have nothing in common story wise except a few themes.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
so all the wedding gear desynthes into FC3 materia, so those will crash before long. The clothcraft stuff also yields vanya.

I finished off hildebrad storyline, will probably finish MSQ today. the new dungeons are... interesting to say the least. Noticeably harder than the previous set, especially satasha. With even just 1 bad DPS the fights last very long and is a pain, since the bosses do a lot of damage.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Craftin up a storm last night.

Got WVR/LTW/CRP supra'd and obtained the Master2 books for them and then crafted the new Artisan pieces for myself. It's not that bad with the abundance of FC3 now (which can be obtained by desynthing cheap vendor bridesmaid/best man's items) which cuts the cost tremendously. It's still not easy to HQ the supra turn-in items but now they're 60k synths instead of 600k.

Also for what it's worth, you don't need to HQ the new Artisan equipment. They're easy enough to meld (with 3 slots natively) that you can reach the same stat caps with an NQ piece and it will cost you far less than crafting a whole new piece. I ended up failing on my Culottes with 88% HQ but it worked out fine.

The off-hand, however, is a different story. HQ is necessary and you will need to meld it with a bunch of craftmanship (as well as have a significant amount melded into your chest piece) to reach the amount necessary for 4star. Even then I'm currently using the +craft FC buff to avoid fussing with melding my chests/OHs further. You don't really need any +control in it truly.

Enjoying all the new crafting challenges. Not sure how I feel about necessitating allagan leather/silk/wootz (desynthed only from T1-T5 Allagan gear afaik) for a bunch of the new gear crafting however. I can sort of see why but at the same time it's a bit of a PITA, especially with the max 70% success chance for desynth on them.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
Time for me to hang up the crafting progression for a while. Ehcatl Sealant is over 200k on my server, and with that on top of the demimateria needed, it's more cost+grind than I care to deal with. I enjoy crafting some, but I'm not willing to invest that much for the new gear when I won't be crafting enough to make the money back. Selling the sealant, however, is working out just fine atm.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Time for me to hang up the crafting progression for a while. Ehcatl Sealant is over 200k on my server, and with that on top of the demimateria needed, it's more cost+grind than I care to deal with. I enjoy crafting some, but I'm not willing to invest that much for the new gear when I won't be crafting enough to make the money back. Selling the sealant, however, is working out just fine atm.

I'll be dumping my sealants as well while the prices are high. I think I'll be renewing my crafting once the level caps hit 60, but right now I'm not really seeing the point to crafting when raid gear is way better than any crafted alternative. There's also not much to spend money on, and money you spend (melding novus for example) doesn't see a useful return except in making more money or as glamours.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Yeah, if you can't dive in early (and cash-in early) you're probably better off taking it slow. I finished off BSM last night with book/supra, going for ARM tonight. Still haven't crafted any of the actual 4star gear because of the lack of the allagan materials but I have crafted some of the new furniture/gathering/crafting gear to sell. Even with sealants fairly pricey I should still turn a very healthy profit on them.

I thought about making a personal mercenary LS to run primals for demimateria a few months ago, I might resurrect that idea to farm T4 or something for the allagan mats lol.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I'm just leveling ninja right now and doing some gardening now that I got my own house. Going to grow some jute and krakka root~


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Got my story all caught up this weekend - I thought it was pretty drab for the most part UNTIL you get to/past Shiva. The Shiva fight itself was really easy (Story mode, go figure) but it was a gorgeous fight, I thought the spell effect visuals were outstanding. Even the story picked up as
more about "Ivy" is revealed/discovered, the Ascians pop in for a bit, more history/events in Garlemald are explained, and the political intrigue in Uldah (and it's future) goes deeper.
It's a little hard keeping track of all the factions/groups involved however, lol - especially when the last time we heard the names was 3+ months ago.

Hildebrand was alright, I don't think it was quite as amusing as the previous ones.

The Moogle mail quests are great. I think I was (still am?) behind on them but the goofy humor and innuendo in them are pretty funny. I also like how it gives a little personality to more NPCs, especially those that you might "take for granted" as it were.

New dungeons are nice while fresh at least. I do genuinely love the Snowcloak music, reminds me of being in the fields outside of Lutie back in 8th grade - there's something really relaxing about how there's no combat music there.

Also starting to sell the i110 gear with a little more regularity. Getting the bodies/legs below 3m and the other pieces below 2m seems to be an appropriate price point for at least some of the market. Been doing a lot of commission work as well, it's fun.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I'm just leveling ninja and growing some of the plant minions (eggplant knight, etc) now that I got my own little plot to play with. My group is slamming our heads into turn 10, what a fun fight. If we have our regulars on (we have replacement healers this week) I think we'll be able to clear it this week or the next. We have her down to 50% and we're working out the mechanics on the last phase.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
I've been real busy with stuff and haven't played a lot the past week, basically just enough to unlock expert roulette, cap tomes, and try t9 a couple nights with our static. Yep, we're still working on t9.

I inadvertently got our MT kicked out of the group a while back after a particularly bad night. I said something about group focus (to summarize) and the group leader made the decision he'd been considering for a while. The guy couldn't go 5 mins without starting some completely random and very distracting conversation during raids. Anywho, hopefully we'll get it soon. We had been stuck on reaching phase 3 consistently, much less reaching phase 4, and with the new guy it took about 2 weeks with our limited schedule to clean it up and start seriously working on phase 4. A couple guys cleared it last night by themselves too, so that should help. Looking forward to trying the new coil!


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
whats your problem with reaching p3? First set of golems should die easily enough and after that just run around the ring until meteors are done, and then drop the golems somewhere safe.
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