Official GA-8IEXP Thread !!!! Able to hit 150 FSB with 3:4 ratio STABLE!!! RMAing board b/c i found a better board !!!!

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Junior Member
Jun 9, 2002

The EXACT same thing happened to me. I RMA'ed my 8IEXP last week, I was so unimpressed with it. Personally, I find it to be the flakiest motherboard I have used in a while.
It felt cheap to me compared to other offerings from Asus and Abit. Like you I won't be purchasing another Gigabyte product again. I believe I will be ordering the IT7 since that board has gotten rave reviews and I feel much more comfortable with Asus and Abit products. At least I know I'm not the only one that had problems with the 8IEXP.

Edit: One more thing, have you noticed the temp readings are super flaky? I couldn't find any way to monitor system/motherboard temp, and the CPU temp would be 47C idle and as high as 70C(!!). This is using an Alpha 8942 which on my P4B266 gets 28C idle and 42C full load. The memory issues (133FSB @ 2.66 divider for 354Mhz should be easily attainable by Samsung True 2700 and Corsair XMS PC3200, both of which I tried on this board), coupled with this make for a board I would not recommend to anyone.


Originally posted by: gpanda
I've been playing with my 8IEXP. It is sucking bad.
Gig 8EIXP with F4 bios
P4 1.6A
Corsair XMS3000C2 512MB DDR RAM
Here are the modes I have tried:
2.4GHz with 300DDR * 150FSB & 2.0 RAM divider - works fine
2.4GHz with 400DDR * 150FSB & 2.6 RAM divider - no go, this was what I was sure would work
2.2GHz with 352DDR * 133FSB & 2.6 RAM divider - no go, worked fine with the ASUS P4B533 with 222 and no ram voltage upgrade.

I tried upping the ram voltage dropping timings to worst case, etc. but I can't get the ram on the gig board anywhere near 350 or 400.

This board has something broken. I am basically where I was with the ASUS but the ASUS is a better board over all.
I can't even get the much vaunted Easytune 4 to run with Win2K.
I'm just going to hold tight and down the road get another board (after others have found the best of the current crop).
I won't be buying Gigabyte ever again. I should have gotten the Abit BD7II or IT7.



May 7, 2002
One more thing, have you noticed the temp readings are super flaky?

Yep, on the ASUS P4B533-E I read 28c idle and in the 40s under load. The Gigabyte board reports about 10 degrees higher. MBM won't see it at all.

I may RMA, although Googlegear may get pissed since this will be the second RMA to them in 2 weeks of a mainboard. I am thinking that one of the Abits might be best. Need to do a little more research and make sure people are getting good results. All I want is at least 150FSB and 400DDR RAM. Easily attainable with my CPU and RAM. I got 160FSB on the P4B533-E and was able to hit 133FSB with 352DDR with max timings without trying so I am confident that I could reach 155-160FSB and 412DDR-427DDR no problem. Maybe higer since the P4B had some voltage stability issues above 1.7vcore. I can't handle wasting that Corsair XMS3000 RAM although I've already spent close to $100 on shipping to and from after this board is RMAed

Oh well, this is really a stop gap for me until the AMD clawhammer hammers Intel into the ground again


May 7, 2002
Works OK as long as you don't use 3:4 CPU:MEM ratios
I got sucked in too...saw a number of good discussions but either some of us are getting bum boards or nobody else was trying to use or report problems with the 3:4 ratios.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
ok.....i started having some problems as of yesterday with the board. Reinstalled WIN XP again yesterday.

my RAID is not working perfectly now. having some stablity problems when using RAid while overclocking.
Earlier, i used to be stable at 133/354ddr but not anymore. I have samsumg pc2700. it used to be stable before.

i can run stable at 150/300ddr, no problems at defualy setup. but my memory is not doing 354 ddr right now.

will look into that and let you guys know. I might RMA this board and get a new one or maybe an Abit IT7........will let you know but right now, i am not stable at 133/354ddr. Maybe, reinstalling XP might fix the problem but........ah well, we will see.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
81 are my stability results.

Test 1:
FSB: 150 Mhz
CPU VCore: 1.500 v (default)
Memory: 300 DDR
DRAM Voltage: 2.500 v (default)
Ratio used: 1:1

Test 2:
FSB: 150 Mhz
CPU VCore: 1.500 v (default)
Memory: 399 DDR
DRAM Voltage: 2.500 v (default)
Ratio used: 3:4
Stability: NOT STABLE.....will boot, programs will work for a short while and then automatic reboot......upon reboot, blue screen

Test 3:
FSB: 133 Mhz
CPU VCore: 1.500 v (default)
Memory: 354 DDR
DRAM Voltage: 2.500 v (default)
Ratio used: 3:4
Stability: NOT STABLE.....will boot, programs work, random reboots, no blue screen on reboot, but random reboots is a problem

Test 4:
FSB: 125 Mhz
CPU VCore: 1.500 v (default)
Memory: 333 DDR
DRAM Voltage: 2.500 v (default)
Ratio used: 3:4

Test 5:
FSB: 130 Mhz
CPU VCore: 1.500 v (default)
Memory: 345 DDR
DRAM Voltage: 2.500 v (default)
Ratio used: 3:4

Test 6:
FSB: 132 Mhz
CPU VCore: 1.500 v (default)
Memory: 351 DDR
DRAM Voltage: 2.500 v (default)
Ratio used: 3:4
Stability: NOT STABLE......programs work.....random reboots

Test 7:
FSB: 132 Mhz
CPU VCore: 1.500 v (default)
Memory: 351 DDR
DRAM Voltage: 2.600 v (+0.1v)
Ratio used: 3:4
Stability: STABLE

Test 8:
FSB: 135 Mhz
CPU VCore: 1.500 v (default)
Memory: 359 DDR
DRAM Voltage: 2.800 v (+0.3v max ----all options tested here)
Ratio used: 3:4
Stability: NOT STABLE AT ALL.....will boot to windows.....Prime 95 fails within 1 min, on Test 1 or Test 2

Test 9:
FSB: 133 Mhz
CPU VCore: 1.500 v (default)
Memory: 354 DDR
DRAM Voltage: 2.600 v (+0.1v)
Ratio used: 3:4

Conclusion so far:
My CPU seems to be doing fine. it can go atleast 150 FSB at default speeds. The problem seem to be with memory. Note that i am using True Samsung PC2700 memory. Now, i am burning it slowly and performing tests and going up slowly from 133 FSB. i also upped my DRAM voltage to provide little more power to my memory. Could be that i got a bad stick or maybe there is some problems with the Memory Controller on this board. Will test more and let you guys know.

Maybe the board is not that great. If i wont get near 150 FSb/399 DDR setup, i might RMA this board and go for Abit IT7 (ah then....i will need a new USB keyboard, and PCI->Serial Card )

will do some more testing and post here about how high i can go with rock solid stability.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
Interesting, thanks for the results! I'm interested to see if you can get up to 150 FSB 4:3 ratio with 2.7-2.8 RAM voltage.

Is it possible that the RAM is being undervolted and thus won't run at the higher speeds?


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Sukhoi
Interesting, thanks for the results! I'm interested to see if you can get up to 150 FSB 4:3 ratio with 2.7-2.8 RAM voltage.

Is it possible that the RAM is being undervolted and thus won't run at the higher speeds?

OK....It failed 133 FSB/354 DDR with 2.700 v Dram voltage. testing 2.800 v now and seems stable now. atleast i am on Test 3 now....wont pass Test 2 earlier.
What do you mean by Ram being undervolted ? Didnt understand that. Can you please explain that ?

I think that i might have to start looking into different options now. Abit IT7 or BD7II-Raid are my next best options.

EDIT: I am having the same problems that gpanda had. No go for 133 FSB/354 DDR even at 2.700 v. seems like it is going at 2.800v. I did a test with 135 FSB with 2.800v and it would fail. so it is like i am stuck at max of 133 FSB if i want to use 3:4 memory ratio....NOOOOOOOOOOOO.

shoulda gotten Abit on the first sucked into features offered by this board. if i wont get anywhere near 150 fsb/400 ddr (atleast 140 fsb), i will be RMAing this board and will never buy a Gigabyte again.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
oh yeah....TOP Peformance is DISABLED and i am running memory at 2.5/3/3/6. The slowest i can go is 2.5/3/3/7 and will be trying that next.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
By undervolting I mean is the board actually delivering 2.5V at default voltage? If it's say .3V low, then setting it to 2.8V will actually be giving you the normal 2.5V.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
how do i test for undervolting ? in the BIOS, i think, right ?

btw.....another update:

the system was stable at 133 FSB/354 DDR with 2.800v (max) voltage. now testing 135 fsb. maybe i just need to burn my samsung memory more but will know tonight on how high this will go.

will keep you all posted.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
I really don't know how to check for it. You could try looking for voltage readings in something like Motherboard Monitor or Sandra.

This is starting to seem to be an issue of the RAM not getting enough voltage from my point of view. We've determined that the 4:3 ratio itself works fine, just not at high speeds. What we really need is someone with an awesome processor to test a 1:1 ratio at the same RAM speed that the 4:3 fails. If the 1:1 also fails then it seems to be an issue of the RAM not getting enough voltage.



Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
i have done that already.

my System is rock solid at 150 FSB with 300 DDR (1:1 memory ratio).
It is not stable at anything over 133 FSB / 354 DDR (3:4 memory ratio) with highest Dram voltage to ram. Right now i am at 133/354 and am rock solid but am not stable at all with 134 fsb with 3:4 ratio.

I wonder if its my Samsung memory, problem with memory voltage on the board, or problem with the board itself or maybe memory controllers.

any input......if i cant surpass 133/354, i might RMA this board but there is a chance that it might be my memory and so no fault of the board at all. Can anyone else with this board test 3:4 memory ratio at higher FSBs ?


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
I should be able to test it Wednesday almost for sure, and Thursday at the latest. My case is coming sometime Tuesday so I'll be spending most of that day putting everything together.


Junior Member
Jun 9, 2002

I received my 8IEXP the same Friday you received yours, and like you were I was very excited. I had the exact same problems you are describing about your memory. I too figured it was my Samsung and that I needed to burn it in, but after days I struggle I decided I got a bum ram stick. I purchased Corsair XMS 3200 which is guaranteed upto 400mhz. It still didn't work. I've since tested both the Samsung (true/original from Newegg) and the Corsair in an IT7 and they both run great up to 400mhz. The 8IEXP has a serious issue with its memory controller, IMHO. I don't know if a bios update can fix it or not, but it is very disappointing. These problems along with the problems found in the 8IRXP lead me to realize I will never be purchasing another Gigabyte product ever. I wish you luck, but I know my problem was identical to yours and my outcome was RMAing the board.


Originally posted by: gsethi
i have done that already.

my System is rock solid at 150 FSB with 300 DDR (1:1 memory ratio).
It is not stable at anything over 133 FSB / 354 DDR (3:4 memory ratio) with highest Dram voltage to ram. Right now i am at 133/354 and am rock solid but am not stable at all with 134 fsb with 3:4 ratio.

I wonder if its my Samsung memory, problem with memory voltage on the board, or problem with the board itself or maybe memory controllers.

any input......if i cant surpass 133/354, i might RMA this board but there is a chance that it might be my memory and so no fault of the board at all. Can anyone else with this board test 3:4 memory ratio at higher FSBs ?



Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
can you test it by Wednesday afternoon ? that way, i will know if its the board or just my memory. If its the board, i can RMA and have the new one by Friday so that i can test a new board over the weekend.

anyway......keep us posted......i still have high hopes for the board but they seem to be diminishing. I am still ROCK SOLID at 133 / 154 DDR.

a point here: Earlier, i wasnt stable at all at 133 / 154 config when the board was new along with my new memory. Seems like its my memory and i will have to burn it more every day. now, since i am stable at 133/154 after my memory has been running quite a while, i might be able to push it more higher tomorrow.

i wont push the memory any further tonight though but i will lower my DRam voltages tonight and see if they affect my current config. Hopefully, its not the board and i just have to burn in my memory.

time will tell.........


Golden Member
Apr 12, 2002
I have my 8IEXP running at 150 fsb right now, with a 2.26B cpu and Kingmax DDR400 RAM. It's running just fine, although I can't for the life of me find the place in the BIOS to get memory multipliers other than 1.5, 2.0 and auto. They really should say 4:3 and 1:1, like most other BIOS's I've seen.

If someone wants to tell me how to arrive at a memory speed in excess of 2*fsb I'd really appreciate it, and will do more testing with Samsung, Mushkin and Corsair mem.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
bwass, what BIOS are you using ? it seems like you are using F1 or F2. my board came with F3 and it had 2.0, 2.66 and Auto for the memory ratios. I upgraded to F4 and it had the same as F3. so make sure that you upgrade to F4 first.

from your post, it seems like you are running at DDR 300 (150 x 2.0). my system (Samsung PC 2700 ddr 333) was rock solid at that config. Can you go any higher ? Like 155 fsb or 160 fsb with 2.0x memory ratio ?

let us know.


Golden Member
Apr 12, 2002
Thanks gsethi! I'll d/l the new BIOSwhen I wake up in the morning.

Right now it's running at 152FSB, Vcore=1.575, 304 mhz. mem with the Kingmax DDR400 stick. I've run Prime95 for about 20 mins with no errors. Sandra mem score is about 2380 and the 3Dmark2K score is around 10650. These scores aren't so great, but the board has only been out of the box for 5 hours.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
run Prime 95 for atleast 30 min to test if you are going at the next level.

Run it for atleast 1 hour for a major step if you are going to the next level.

Run it for atleast 2-3 hours if you are planning to stay at your current level.

20 min is not enough......i have gotten errors when i thought my system was rock 2 hours into it. Now, i run it for atleast 3-4 hours (preferably 12 hours) if i am going to stay at that level.


May 7, 2002
Well, mine is also rock solid at 150FSB with 300DDR. Just can go 3:4 (2.6) ratio. It's definitely not my RAM (Corsair XMS3000) since I could run on the ASUS at 350DDR (132FSB with 3:4 CPU:MEM ratio) at best timings (222) and NO voltage bump. I can't even boot into windows with worst timings and bumped RAM voltage at 350DDR on the Gigabyte. The Gig is seriously broken.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
I should be able to do it by Wednesday afternoon depending if I have to do any housework on Wednesday (I really hope not). If everything goes right I'll get the processor, HSF, and RAM mounted on the motherboard tonight. Then tomorrow when my case and PSU come I should be able to install everything in there fairly quickly. The long part is going to be the partitioning, formatting, and installing Win98SE and Win2KPro, along with patching them (luckily I have cable). After I get all that done then I'll do the overclocking.


Golden Member
Apr 12, 2002
VERY frustrated...

OK, I updated the BIOS to ver f4 (I'd like to slap the person responsible for the Q-Flash utility in the BIOS! How difficult and unintuitive can you make such a straightforward function?) but I STILL CAN'T GET ANY MEMORY MULTIPLIERS besided 1.5 and 2.0. What am I doing wrong here? (Yes, I did make sure that it was booting from the f4 BIOS during POST.)

On a positive note, while I had some stability problems running yesterday at over 152 fsb (2.26B CPU, Vcore 1.575), today, after the BIOS change it's running quite solid at 156 fsb.

I'm dying to know what I'm doing wrong with the memory multiplier. Please help.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
I might be wrong since I haven't had the chance to use this board yet, but 1.5 and 2 really don't sound like memory multipliers. They sould a lot like CAS RAM speeds. I would think the memory ratios would be listed as DDR200 and DDR266 or 1:1 and 4:3 in the BIOS.
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