***Official Gears of War 2 thread***


Sep 5, 2004
Gears of War 2 is here! Post your thoughts and comments and such!

Critic Scores:
Metacritic: 95/100
Gamespot: 9.0/10
Gametrailers.com: 9.5/10
IGN: 5/5
Gamespy: 9.5/10

Gears of War Website

Anandtech Member Reviews (if you wanna write a review lemme know and I'll add it):

*Spoiler free* (as in, all the stuff I'll mention you'll find out about within the first chapter of the game)

I sat down at about midnight and didn't stop playing until I beat the game. Normally I wouldn't do that (and in fact I'd probably laugh at people who did) but I really wanted to know how the game ended, so here's my review based off of 1 days playing.

Let me start off by saying that the rumors are true, there is much more depth to the campaign in the sequel. Characters actually have background and show a little emotion. Dom's struggle to find his wife, Carmine trying to be the great warrior, etc. It's all gravy. I won't spoil anything for those who've not played it so I'll leave it at that. That said, this is a MUCH darker story overall than the first Gears. In this game you want the good guys to win and the bad guys to lose, the good guys have drive and motivation (something that was lacking from game 1). If the first game was Terminator 2 this is more of a "Kill Bill" movie. And there is lots of killing. I take back what I said to James earlier, this is probably the bloodiest game I've ever played all thanks to one chapter (those who have gotten more than halfway through the game know what I'm talking about). But it still holds to the "haha that's ridiculous" gore level than to the scary creepy "holy crap" gore level that some of the more serious games have.

The campaign took me around 7 1/2 hours to complete on my first go around, granted alot of that time was me exploring the game. I didn't want to zip through it TOO fast. But halfway through or so I thought "this game feels longer than the first game did." In reality it's probably about the same, but it seemed to go on for a while. The campaign has a wide range of environments and overall was very good, altough with a bit of a letdown for a "final boss" battle.

On the technical side the graphics have certainly been revamped. Even the character models look more detailed. Facial expressions and mouth movements seem to match the spoken words quite well. The weapons look fantastic as well. The barrel of your Lancer glows red after shooting several shots and smoke billows out of it. The various maps and locales all seem very detailed and realistic. Shooting parts of the map will result in chunks being blown off of the wall. While in a perfect works you could completely destroy the environment even the graphical effects are definately a nice touch. It makes the world seem more concrete.

The sound has also been revamped to give the game more edge. The Lancer has much more of a "pop" than it did in the first game. Explosions sound more real, and the overall sounds of the battlefield work very well to draw you into the game. Bullets whizing by, grenades exploding nearby, it feels very real, mad props to Epic for bringing it all together.

Gameplay is quite good, although if you're familiar with the first Gears there's nothing new. Not necessarily a bad thing, don't miss with a winning formula I guess. For someone who's new to the series the controls might be a little confusing at first (running, diving, taking cover, taking hostages all with the same button), but after a little playing they feel natural. There are definately a few glitches that need to be worked out, but they are relatively minor.

The weapons for the most part are more balanced than they were in Gears 1. There are no more 1 shot downs with the sniper rifle (unless you're already damaged), the hammerburst is actually a good weapon now, and pistol whipping doesn't seem as powerful. My biggest complaint is with the shotgun/chainsaw matchup. I know they specifically wanted to detune the shotgun for Gears 2, but I think they took it too far. I can shoot point blank at someone with it and sometimes it will kill them, sometimes it won't. It definatley lacks the punch it had in the first game...but it's also lost it's effectiveness. The shotgun was the gun I never put down in Gears 1 multiplayer, now it's the first thing I'll get rid of. Also, on a similar note I know the Lancer is the Gears of War iconic weapon, but the chainsaw is once again overly powerful. Just as Gears 1 was when it first came out, Gears 2 is mostly a chainsaw match now. I think it was Purebeast who mentioned that the chainsaw usually beat the shotgun now, I'd take that a step further and say it almost always beats the shotgun now. Considering the short range of the shotgun, by the time you're close enough to stop them in one shot they're close enough to chainsaw you. And I don't think it matters when you pull that trigger, they'll give the kill to the chainsaw guy every time. I tried using the Hammerburst as my default multiplayer weapon but gave it up after I realized how invaluable the chainsaw was (specifically in matches where you respawn, as EVERYONE will be in the same general area with chainsaws running). Chainsaw duels are a neat idea, but I'm not a big fan. Maybe my fingers aren't fast enough (I can't imagine how anyone can hit it much faster), maybe I'm just unlucky, but I (literally) lost every chainsaw duel I've had in multiplayer thus far, and that's probably 25 or so. Even if I've got my chainsaw revving and I run at them, if they get most of the way around and tap the B button it starts the duel...I miss "getting the drop" on people.

The new mix of multiplayer maps are great (although I've not played most of them). The levels are well made and balanced, and the locales are excellent. River seems to be the most detailed. One of my favorite little bits though is on the level with the dock on it, there's actually things happening around the battlefield (this is the first level I noticed it on). King Ravens flying all around, a very small but very impactful effect, suddenly the worlds don't feel so small.

The new game modes are good as well, although I've already found fault with the Submission mode. Games...can...last...FOREVER! We had one round (not match, one round) that lasted over half an hour yesterday. Moving with the submitted guy is way too slow in my opinion. By the time you kill off the opposing team and drag him to towards the goal they've all respawned and...well...it just takes too long. The one good part though is that they've made the submission characters VERY tough. At the end of our long round he had more kills than any of the players in the game. He'll shotgun you or beat you down, it's really quite funny. At one point we had a guy in our game yell "OH CRAP, CHAPS IS UP!" He then killed 4 players before going down.

Wingman is one of my favorite modes, I love the small multiple teams. Although I kinda wish it was Warzone style rather than Execution style, having to run up to finish someone off often ends in your death.

Horde is a ton of fun, I can't say much about it as I've only played 8 rounds but it's designed well and it's fun to strategize with friends rather than try to kill each other every once in a while.

Overall I'm extremely pleased with the game. I honestly think I like the "total" package of Gears 1 just a slight bit more, but Gears 2 is oh so close, and it definately has alot more variety. And as I play it more I'm sure there'll be more bits that I enjoy.

Alright, I've played a few rounds of vs. mode on multiplayer and I have the by far my biggest gripe with the game. The lag can be HORRIBLE! Forget host advantage from the first game, at one point I was getting 8-9 seconds of lag. And it didn't matter who the host was. A guy on our team, a guy on another team, lag was terrible both times. It concerns me that it is moving this slowly. The only one unaffected was the host (who, of course, just ran around and shotgunned people). This has got to be addressed...
Oct 19, 2000
I'm looking forward to it. Loved the single player in the first one, and I think it'll be even better this time. Never was much of a Gears multiplayer jockey, but the Horde mode sounds fun.

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
I'm definitely excited. I'll be playing it day one as soon as I get home from work.


Platinum Member
Apr 29, 2002
Probably won't play until next year. Fallout 3 now. Fable 2 later. Rock Band 2 now and later. I know Epic is the developer, but is this a MS published game? I wonder if I can get it.


Platinum Member
Apr 29, 2002
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: ducci
I know Epic is the developer, but is this a MS published game?


Hmm... nice. Maybe I'll play it before next year, then. I have a few friends who are big into it - I never got into the first one.

4-player online coop? (I know I can google this stuff but I'm lazy)

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
Originally posted by: ducci

4-player online coop? (I know I can google this stuff but I'm lazy)

Not really. There is a 5-player "Horde" mode where you face seemingly endless waves of enemies. Co-op is still limited to 2-players.


Golden Member
Dec 15, 2005
Stoked!!! Pretty upset they didn't keep the 4 player co-op but still be great all the same.


Sep 5, 2004
Originally posted by: purbeast0
game is of epic proportions!


Just beat the first game to freshen up on the story...still alot of fun although for time's sake I beat it on casual.

I've heard if you've beaten certain parts of the first game it unlocks stuff in the 2nd game. Anyone know all the details? I think part of it is the ability to use Carmine in multiplayer but that's all I've heard.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Originally posted by: kabob983
Originally posted by: purbeast0
game is of epic proportions!


Just beat the first game to freshen up on the story...still alot of fun although for time's sake I beat it on casual.

I've heard if you've beaten certain parts of the first game it unlocks stuff in the 2nd game. Anyone know all the details? I think part of it is the ability to use Carmine in multiplayer but that's all I've heard.

I haven't heard of that, and you unlock Carmine in multiplayer by doing something else in Gears 2 that has nothing to do w/what you did in gears1.


Sep 5, 2004
Hrm, I coulda sworn Queasy posted an update talking about it, similar to the Rainbow 6 Vegas/Vegas 2 rank transfer.


Senior member
Sep 29, 2006
Still haven't played through the first one.

I have so much gaming to do but I'm always pushing it off in favour of doing stupid random shit on my computer. Sigh.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
I'm definitely psyched. Loved the first one; it was the first game that made the 360 worth its investment (to me). I enjoyed the SP quite a bit and did fairly well in MP for a short while, then I got raped so often that I put the game down. Horde mode sounds like a blast since I'll be able to play online without having my ass handed to me by 14 and 15 year olds who shouldn't even have the game


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: kabob983
Hrm, I coulda sworn Queasy posted an update talking about it, similar to the Rainbow 6 Vegas/Vegas 2 rank transfer.

Yep. link

Even more interesting was the announcement that Gears of War 2 would feature "linked Achievements." In short, goals reached in the original Gears of War will carry over to the sequel, giving the player bonuses. Cliff listed three examples of how linked Achievements will work.

Keep in mind, some may be light spoilers.

- Complete Act One in Gears Of War, unlock a playable Anthony Carmine in Gears of War 2
- Find 10 COG tags in Gears Of War, unlock Minh Young Kim in Gears of War 2
- Kill Raam in Gears Of War, unlock a playable Raam in Gears of War 2


Sep 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: kabob983
Hrm, I coulda sworn Queasy posted an update talking about it, similar to the Rainbow 6 Vegas/Vegas 2 rank transfer.

Yep. link

Even more interesting was the announcement that Gears of War 2 would feature "linked Achievements." In short, goals reached in the original Gears of War will carry over to the sequel, giving the player bonuses. Cliff listed three examples of how linked Achievements will work.

Keep in mind, some may be light spoilers.

- Complete Act One in Gears Of War, unlock a playable Anthony Carmine in Gears of War 2
- Find 10 COG tags in Gears Of War, unlock Minh Young Kim in Gears of War 2
- Kill Raam in Gears Of War, unlock a playable Raam in Gears of War 2

Thanks for the clarification Queasy!! I hope none are related to the weapons achievements from Gears 1 as I think I played a grand total of 3 ranked matches. And it wouldn't surprise me if your kills from Gears 1 carry over to Gears 2 as the new Seriously 2.0 achievement is gonna be tough to get (100,000 kills, and you thought the original Seriously was ridiculous enough!). As far as I know I've got every achievement in the original gears minus the ranked achievements and the DLC achievements.

And I added the Launch Trailer to the OP last night, it looks cool but a bit jumpy. I've yet to see anything that equals the Mad World trailer from Gears 1 (the Last Day trailer didn't do much for me).


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
I normally don't get excited about games or rush to get them release day.

I'm thinking about taking a day off work JUST to play this game.


Sep 5, 2004
Originally posted by: spidey07
I normally don't get excited about games or rush to get them release day.

I'm thinking about taking a day off work JUST to play this game.

You addict...

Wish I could take off but A) my boss would kill me and B) my wife would kill me...and I don't wanna be dead yet.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Originally posted by: kabob983
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: kabob983
Hrm, I coulda sworn Queasy posted an update talking about it, similar to the Rainbow 6 Vegas/Vegas 2 rank transfer.

Yep. link

Even more interesting was the announcement that Gears of War 2 would feature "linked Achievements." In short, goals reached in the original Gears of War will carry over to the sequel, giving the player bonuses. Cliff listed three examples of how linked Achievements will work.

Keep in mind, some may be light spoilers.

- Complete Act One in Gears Of War, unlock a playable Anthony Carmine in Gears of War 2
- Find 10 COG tags in Gears Of War, unlock Minh Young Kim in Gears of War 2
- Kill Raam in Gears Of War, unlock a playable Raam in Gears of War 2

Thanks for the clarification Queasy!! I hope none are related to the weapons achievements from Gears 1 as I think I played a grand total of 3 ranked matches. And it wouldn't surprise me if your kills from Gears 1 carry over to Gears 2 as the new Seriously 2.0 achievement is gonna be tough to get (100,000 kills, and you thought the original Seriously was ridiculous enough!). As far as I know I've got every achievement in the original gears minus the ranked achievements and the DLC achievements.

And I added the Launch Trailer to the OP last night, it looks cool but a bit jumpy. I've yet to see anything that equals the Mad World trailer from Gears 1 (the Last Day trailer didn't do much for me).

ah sorry for the mixup, when I saw the 3 unlocked characters I thought it meant beating those acts in gears2, not gears1 heh.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
FREE 1600 POINT XBL card when you buy GOW2 at Circuit City.

Now I gotta re-think things because I wasn't going to buy this for awhile.
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