Official Gears of War 3 thread

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American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
I know what you mean. But the balancing for the retro is the horrible recoil. There are pro's and con's for every gun, which keeps it balanced IMO.


Sep 5, 2004
Matchmaking seemed to be VERY buggy overall last night, I got into a game of KotH twice and both times near the end of the match it booted me back to the main menu, both times we were near victory. Grrrrrr. I switched to TDM with a buddy though and we didn't have any trouble getting into a game.

Got my first "Get 10+ kills and 0 deaths in one TDM match" ribbon last night. Barely got it too, I scored the last kill of the match to get it.

I tell you, playing with a good team drastically enhances your enjoyment of the game. I reconnected with an old XBL friend who I've not played a game with since GoW 1 (he changed his GT and I never knew it) and played with his crew last night. Wow, we stomped the competition most games, had a few VERY close call matches though.

I still maintain that the Sawed-off Shotgun is too powerful, I get killed by it when the enemy isn't even aiming at me it seems.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
True, but Retro has a charging instakill as well. Sure, you have to get a running start but it's just as deadly as the chainsaw (which, if you're shot while revving, you drop) AND it doesn't alert the entire enemy team to your location.

I had success with the Retro two nights ago but last night it wasn't that great. I did three full charges into people and I bounced right off of them, only to eat a shotgun. It also announces just like the chainsaw, just a different sound. Instead of the motor revving, you yell like a maniac.

Sawed off shotgun is hella strong, did some nasty damage two nights ago. Last night I tried out the Gnasher and I have to say, I like it better. I was able to win a 1v2 with the Gnasher whereas if I was using the Sawed Off, I would've definitely lost after killing the first guy. Trick is to just get a little out of range of the Sawed Offed so you don't die after he shoots, then you go in and rape him while he tries to reload.
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Sep 5, 2004
If he's smart he'll melee you after he hits but doesn't down/kill you with his sawed off though. Be careful.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Matchmaking seemed to be VERY buggy overall last night, I got into a game of KotH twice and both times near the end of the match it booted me back to the main menu, both times we were near victory. Grrrrrr. I switched to TDM with a buddy though and we didn't have any trouble getting into a game.

I have yet to have any matchmaking problems. I did have a long period last night where I wasn't able to sign into XBL at all though.

I tell you, playing with a good team drastically enhances your enjoyment of the game. I reconnected with an old XBL friend who I've not played a game with since GoW 1 (he changed his GT and I never knew it) and played with his crew last night. Wow, we stomped the competition most games, had a few VERY close call matches though.

This is especially true with KOTH. I was getting pissed last night at a couple of teams because they seemingly had no interest in trying to cap the rings. Made for a very rough game as I would be the only one trying to cap and defend.

I still maintain that the Sawed-off Shotgun is too powerful, I get killed by it when the enemy isn't even aiming at me it seems.

That's because it has a super-wide area of effect. Pull up on the left trigger and you'll see the reticle takes up almost the full width of the screen.

I finally got the hang of the sawed-off last night but still trying to figure out its most effective range. It feels like others are able to kill me a couple of feet away while I have to be right next to them to get a kill with it. I don't know if this is lag or what.


Sep 5, 2004
I have yet to have any matchmaking problems. I did have a long period last night where I wasn't able to sign into XBL at all though.

I think it was the dedicated servers that were giving me all the issues, once I searched through and found no good dedicated servers it moves to the P2P games and those were fine.

That's because it has a super-wide area of effect. Pull up on the left trigger and you'll see the reticle takes up almost the full width of the screen.

I finally got the hang of the sawed-off last night but still trying to figure out its most effective range. It feels like others are able to kill me a couple of feet away while I have to be right next to them to get a kill with it. I don't know if this is lag or what.

It's almost a gimme kill in the hands of someone who's remotely proficient, they it needs something.

Speaking of which, what do you think needs tweaking?

For me it's mostly minor stuff (balancing issues):
-Decrease the damage/"cone of damage" of the Sawed-Off just a little bit and make it an "all or nothing" weapon (you either gib 'em or you don't).
-Increase the time between shots on the Gnasher
-Decrease the hip-fire accuracy of the Retro Lancer
-Increase the initial damage of Ink Grenades (they have about as much kick as a smoke grenade) and increase the area of effect.
-Make the concussion from smoke grenades more powerful (now they do almost nothing) or add a flash element.
-Increase the damage of the Lancer a little bit
-Revert the Lancer Chainsaw back to a Gears 1 style (shorter revv time, but if you're shot while revving you lower it). I've been killed several times after shotgunning someone up close who's revving and he just walks through it and saws me. BS.
-Remove the vaulting knock back (rapidly becoming a BS offensive tactic)

There's probably a few more things that I can't think of off the top of my head.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
For me it's mostly minor stuff (balancing issues):
-Decrease the damage/"cone of damage" of the Sawed-Off just a little bit and make it an "all or nothing" weapon (you either gib 'em or you don't).
That's pretty much the way it is now though isn't? You pretty much have to be 1 step or closer to get a kill with the Sawed-Off (though getting a double kill with it is freaking sweet).
-Increase the time between shots on the Gnasher
Maybe by a half a count.
-Decrease the hip-fire accuracy of the Retro Lancer
I think this is balanced by the recoil and lower ammo clip.
-Increase the initial damage of Ink Grenades (they have about as much kick as a smoke grenade) and increase the area of effect.
I don't have a problem with the way hey are now.
-Make the concussion from smoke grenades more powerful (now they do almost nothing) or add a flash element.
Probably increase the area of affect for the concussive blast. You have to be right next to the smoke grenade for it to do anything.
-Increase the damage of the Lancer a little bit
Ehhh. It's so much more accurate and has a higher rate of fire than the Hammerburst or Retro that it almost doesn't need it.
-Revert the Lancer Chainsaw back to a Gears 1 style (shorter revv time, but if you're shot while revving you lower it). I've been killed several times after shotgunning someone up close who's revving and he just walks through it and saws me. BS.
Can't say I've had that happen to me. I've been having my chainsaw kill attempts stopped and have stopped others.
-Remove the vaulting knock back (rapidly becoming a BS offensive tactic)
I actually like this. Helps keep the game moving and people from camping. Definitely a big risk reward. At best, I would reduce the stun period.


Sep 5, 2004
Pfft, well fine, just shut me down why don'tcha Queas!

Got off of work really early due to the insane weather (although it is just now about to hit us). Played a few more games again this afternoon and I used the Sawed Off. I maintain my previous statement, it needs it's damage or "cone of damage" reduced. I can't count the number of "haha you had no change" kills I got with the thing. Sure, if you miss and you're going against a Gnasher user you're in trouble, but the spray is so wide it's hard not to get the kill.

Switched to the Lancer from the Retro and yeah, it does need a damage boost. I went toe to toe with a Retro Lancer in one game and lost. Now, you'd say "well yeah, you will die" but I started shooting him a second or more before he started shooting at me and he downed me first. Even against a Hammerburst it's just outclassed like it's nothing.

Those are the two things that need to be changed the most IMHO, I'll stick with that.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
Pfft, well fine, just shut me down why don'tcha Queas!

Got off of work really early due to the insane weather (although it is just now about to hit us). Played a few more games again this afternoon and I used the Sawed Off. I maintain my previous statement, it needs it's damage or "cone of damage" reduced. I can't count the number of "haha you had no change" kills I got with the thing. Sure, if you miss and you're going against a Gnasher user you're in trouble, but the spray is so wide it's hard not to get the kill.

Switched to the Lancer from the Retro and yeah, it does need a damage boost. I went toe to toe with a Retro Lancer in one game and lost. Now, you'd say "well yeah, you will die" but I started shooting him a second or more before he started shooting at me and he downed me first. Even against a Hammerburst it's just outclassed like it's nothing.

Those are the two things that need to be changed the most IMHO, I'll stick with that.

Also, with the sawed off, if you do get in trouble you can usually bounce around and run away while the reload bar is charging. Then, bounce right back over... and bam.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2003
Since the pre-order beta started, roughly 95% of the games I've played are p2p lag fests and meh, not going to buy it at this rate.


Sep 5, 2004
Odd, very very few of the games I've been in have been laggy. Not sure why you've had such bad luck.

Played a bunch of games with Queasy last night, we were on a win streak when I finally had to call it a night! Unlocked Cole Train in the retail (all 5 guys on our team were using Cole Train in one game last night).

Also, my wife left early this morning so I hopped on for a game or two before work. I notice they added Capture the Leader back in as a gametype. I tried it for one match and realized quickly that like KotH if you don't have a good team it's not even worth the effort.

I also switched to the Hammerburst this morning to get a feel for it, not bad but I still think the Retro Lancer dominates it in most situations (at least in those you're most likely to encounter).


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
I agree with Kabob, I've run into a little bit of lag here and there, but most games have been great.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2003
I usually play after midnight so I guess it is possible they are taking all of the servers down to tweak but I doubt it. The other day I played around 5 pm and had 2 server matches, 8 p2p and gave up. While the game plays great on servers it's still a pos p2p.

I also ran into pseudo lag switcher and an aimbot in different matches last night :/

Also, active Hammerburst will own a retro (on servers) if you're at least at mid range =P


Sep 5, 2004
Also, one thing to remember, they just finished adding a bunch of servers last night and said that during the addition process matchmaking would be buggy. You might give it another whirl.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2003
I guess I am just cursed. Seven games last night, one server six p2p. I honestly have no faith they'll have enough servers to cover the games actual launch pop.


Sep 5, 2004
That's crazy. I played a ton of games last night and didn't land in a P2P server a single time (and it wasn't just one lobby, it was 5-6).

Played with an outstanding party of 5 last night and in 15+ games we lost once, we absolutely rolled most everyone we played. One game we joined a new lobby and it was all bots, the other team was winning 15-5. We all spawned and got them down to 1 spare respawn before they killed all but our last guy. He single handedly killed all 5 of them + their respawn by himself, they were furious!

Unlocked my Gold Retro Lancer in the retail, not sure why I cared to get it since I know I'll never use it but hey, it's one extra thing so why not.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
funniest thing about this game, the finishing move where you rip a person's arm out and beat them down with it. Hillarious to have teammates join in at the end of a round. I laugh at myself when it's happening to me.. funny as hell. lol


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Just FYI - MS setup a new promotion for the Gears 3 beta. Do the following to receive codes to give out to friends on May 8.

  • Purchase any &#8220;Gears of War&#8221; content from Xbox LIVE Marketplace (including a &#8220;Gears of War&#8221; Game Add-on, a &#8220;Gears of War&#8221; Games on Demand title, or a &#8220;Gears of War&#8221; Avatar item)
  • Play 20 or more hours of the &#8220;Gears of War 3&#8221; beta (any time already spent in the beta will count toward this challenge)
  • Add a 12-month Xbox LIVE Gold subscription to your existing account (purchased from retail or online)
  • Play more than 100 hours of any &#8220;Gears of War&#8221; title, lifetime to date


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2005
Just FYI - MS setup a new promotion for the Gears 3 beta. Do the following to receive codes to give out to friends on May 8.

  • Purchase any “Gears of War” content from Xbox LIVE Marketplace (including a “Gears of War” Game Add-on, a “Gears of War” Games on Demand title, or a “Gears of War” Avatar item)
  • Play 20 or more hours of the “Gears of War 3” beta (any time already spent in the beta will count toward this challenge)
  • Add a 12-month Xbox LIVE Gold subscription to your existing account (purchased from retail or online)
  • Play more than 100 hours of any “Gears of War” title, lifetime to date

I've done 1,2, and 4. Does that mean I get 3 codes? Also, does 1 count for prior purchases or just new ones?


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
I've done 1,2, and 4. Does that mean I get 3 codes? Also, does 1 count for prior purchases or just new ones?

Yeah, you can get up to five codes.

I'm not sure if prior purchases count or not.


Sep 5, 2004
That sucks. I had a 12 month card sitting around and I used a few weeks or so, had I known I'd have waited.

If anyone has any extras that they know they won't use I've got some good friends who'd love to give the beta a try. I don't know how many codes I've used, I played a TON of Gears 1 and I'll keep going on the Gears 3 beta to get more time into it, but 20 hours is a lot.


Apr 27, 2011
So the only way to get the beta is to buy the beta from gamestop? Help me here, I'm kind of new on the whole GOW beta thing lol.


Sep 5, 2004
That, having the Bulletstorm disc, winning a code on Twitter, or (starting Monday) getting a friend token will get you in.

Played a bunch of games last night with PimpJuice and some other friends, yet again we steamrolled the competition. Tons of fun playing Capture the Leader and then we switched it up to TDM. I had one of the so called "greasiest" moments last night on Thrashball. We were pushing them back and back into their spawn and I knew we were about to swap spawns. So I aimed my mortar back to the other spawn's exit and launched, the moment they stepped out of their spawn two of them were instantly killed. I admit, I felt kind of bad about it. But then I didn't...

We were in party chat so I couldn't hear what they were yelling at the end of the game but their mics were going off like crazy. We won that round with 12 reinforcements left.
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