*** Official Gigabyte P965-DS3 Thread ***

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Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2005
Originally posted by: Kaleid
I have the Gigabyte 965P-S3 v1.0 overclocked and all (see signature) and I have some questions that I hope someone will answer.

Would adding a third Kingmax 1GB (resulting into 3GB memory) be of any benefit? Does it work? Can I overclock? Or would I need to add fourth? Or would two 2GB be best?

Also, I need a reminder, does XP x86 even recognize 3GB of memory or would I need to switch to a x64 OS?

I don't know what will happen with odd number sticks, probably drop you to single channel. As for XP yes it only recognize up to 3.2GB or so, the x64 version can recognize everything. Or you can use VMware and run another OS at the same time, I think that'll suck up all your RAM available if you go 4GB that is.


Junior Member
Mar 14, 2005
I am witnessing some strange black flashes on my 8800GTS. When I run the 3DMark 06 demo, the screen flashes when rendering Canyon flight. The said black flash is a momentary one. It's just like a blank frame rendered amidst all the action. My system config is:

Core 2 Duo E6600
2 GB Corsair Dominator XMS2 DD2-800 (dual channel kit)
XFX Geforce 8800GTS 320MB
Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (rev 3.3) bios F10
Vista Home premium 32 bit
Corsair 620HX 620 watt PSU

Watch the flashing here.



Junior Member
Oct 27, 2007
been trying to install vista ultimate on my rev 1.0

here's my setup

1 sata drive on the intel port
dvd writer and HD on the IDE
nvidia 7900gs
floppy drive
i think i had bios 7 at this time

on the last step "completing installation" it ran for hours, i went to bed and this morning there was a message that said it could not finish for some unknown reason

i went to bios 12, disabled sound and nic, same results except I havent been letting it run long enough to see what exactly the message said but it just goes on forver at completing installation. It is not locked up and the HD activity light lights up a little every 10 seconds or so.

switched to the gigabyte sata port, it took about an hour to unpack the files for step 2 it then rebooted and right now theres a black screen with a mouse cursor. Will post when i get more results



Junior Member
Oct 27, 2007
"Windows could not configure one or more system components. To install Windows, restart the computer and then restart the installation."

ok got it to work, decided to swap out usb keyboard for ps2 and found i still had a usb game controller plugged in. also loaded the sata drivers for vista from the gigabyte website, ended up installing pretty quickly.

on a side note, anyone else in the U.S. get better download speeds from gigabytes asia server?


Sep 20, 2005
I posted in this in the help section, but maybe those who have the same Motherboard me can shed some light...

Last night I was trying to do a little over clocking on the computer and I ran into a couple of snags on the way. It was all fine and dandy though because on my Gigabyte motherboard, if it doesn't start up right the first couple tries it will reset the computer BIOS.

heres where the problem arose...

It restarted and instead of just resetting the BIOS, as soon as the computer turns on I get a continuous short beep, every time I restart it it does the same.

I reset the BIOS-still same thing
I took the battery out for a minute or so-same thing

I looked in the manual and it said that it is a "power problem"
I made sure everything is plugged in and connected fine, no luck...

Anyone have any ideas? Could the PSU have went south on me, it's only 2 years old-Antec 550Watt.

Thank you


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Ejhocky313
I posted in this in the help section, but maybe those who have the same Motherboard me can shed some light...

Last night I was trying to do a little over clocking on the computer and I ran into a couple of snags on the way. It was all fine and dandy though because on my Gigabyte motherboard, if it doesn't start up right the first couple tries it will reset the computer BIOS.

heres where the problem arose...

It restarted and instead of just resetting the BIOS, as soon as the computer turns on I get a continuous short beep, every time I restart it it does the same.

I reset the BIOS-still same thing
I took the battery out for a minute or so-same thing

I looked in the manual and it said that it is a "power problem"
I made sure everything is plugged in and connected fine, no luck...

Anyone have any ideas? Could the PSU have went south on me, it's only 2 years old-Antec 550Watt.

Thank you

Hey, this board hates G. Skill unfortunatley. You can get it going by popping in some 1.8V ddr2 (this stuff is 2.1-2.3V) you should be able to get into the BIOS.


Senior member
Apr 13, 2001
Bought a new Microsoft 6000 USB wireless keybarod/mouose. It works fine except I can no longer turn on the PC either from keyboard or mouse. I have enabled both USB keyboard support and USB mouse support. Is there another option to enable power to the USB ports when the PC is off?

Redshirt 24

Jan 30, 2006
BIOS question: will a DS3 revision 1.0 boot with a Q6600 if it has a BIOS version prior to the one that added support for the quad-cores in the first place (F7, I think--I honestly have no clue what BIOS is on this particular DS3 I ended up with, but I don't want to tear my rig apart to verify it yet)?


Junior Member
Jun 10, 2007
@Redshirt 24: I just put a Q6600 in my DS3 rev 1.0 board literally an hour ago as of this writing, and I had the same question...officially, F7 *should* be enough but I updated to F12 on the advice of Gigabyte's tech support. Currently sitting at the now-fairly-common 3 GHz (333x9) and I'll Prime it overnight tonight...I keep hearing GA's tech support is for $h!t but I've yet to encounter any difficulties. Anyway, upgrading the BIOS on these boards isn't nearly as bad as some others, just make sure the floppy isn't a decade old and the drive isn't junk, you should be okay. You can see what BIOS version you currently have in POST (assuming you disabled the splash-screen), it'll be at the top next to the bord's name and revision. You have the opportunity to save the original F7 BIOS on a different floppy so you can revert if it doesn't go as planned. In both cases, make sure you undo anything you've done thus far (i.e. OCing) by setting "Optimized Defaults" in BIOS setup before making ANY changes.

Now, here's *my* sort-of-related question...when I had F7 I had absurdly low temp readings with my E6300, both in BIOS and in my temp monitor (which in my case is Gkrellm in Linux); I'm reasonably sure it's not my temp monitoring because what I get there is pretty much in line with BIOS and idle/load delta is right in the sweet spot (~10C). So as mentioned above, I upgraded to F12 and suddenly my temps were more reasonable for a 2.96GHz E6300. Put in my Q6600 and suddenly I'm getting 19C in BIOS and 15C in my temp monitor again (this is on water btw). What's more, I've got about a 10C delta between cores and that's the part that concerns me...should I have that much difference? The drop in temps can be (sort of) explained by the difference in vcore (1.475 for the E6300 vs 1.300 for the Q) and some new Zalman thermal paste but I'm running essentially 2 E6400s on one die. In no case has the chipset temp budged (33C idle with the stock HS, minus the thermal concrete that I scraped off it).
What I see here is either something's out of whack with the BIOS or I'm a seriously lucky guy who should be looking for 3.4 GHZ assuming my 4GB GeiL Ultra Series will put up with it...

Redshirt 24

Jan 30, 2006
Okay, so yours already had the F7 BIOS on it and booted fine...very good to know...but what if it's a BIOS prior to that version? This is where I don't want to gut my rig if I'm just going to have a non-booting DS3...


Junior Member
Jun 10, 2007
GA says F7 was the first BIOS to support Q6600, dunno about before that...You're right to be wary (you shouldn't update a BIOS unless it's truly necessary), but as long as you're careful it'll work out. Personally, I'd just go with F12 (you don't have to go incrementally, I went straight from one to the other) and be done with it; if I had to venture a guess it'll be the last BIOS update GA will have for this board anyway since Rev. 3.3 gets 1333 FSB support with it and I'm seeing a lot of OCers going to their G33/P35-chipset boards for that. Also, just because mine acted a certain way doesn't guarantee yours will; for the last year I saw people hitting 3.3GHz+ with their E6300s and I never got past 2.96 stable.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 1999
Anyone know if this mobo does that thing where if you put 3+ gigs of ram into it it restricts the ram to run at a reduced speed? I've got 2 gigs in now and am considering adding one more. I'd put 2 more in but it's kinda pointless with 32 bit vista...

Redshirt 24

Jan 30, 2006
Originally posted by: zeno0771
GA says F7 was the first BIOS to support Q6600, dunno about before that...You're right to be wary (you shouldn't update a BIOS unless it's truly necessary), but as long as you're careful it'll work out. Personally, I'd just go with F12 (you don't have to go incrementally, I went straight from one to the other) and be done with it; if I had to venture a guess it'll be the last BIOS update GA will have for this board anyway since Rev. 3.3 gets 1333 FSB support with it and I'm seeing a lot of OCers going to their G33/P35-chipset boards for that. Also, just because mine acted a certain way doesn't guarantee yours will; for the last year I saw people hitting 3.3GHz+ with their E6300s and I never got past 2.96 stable.
Good to know...but what I really need to know is that, if this particular DS3 has a pre-F7 BIOS, will it even boot with a Q6600 plugged in?


Junior Member
Jan 8, 2008
Summary: I got the infamous DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" a few days ago on my Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (Rev 1.0) BIOS F10 system.

Setup: Built Nov. 2006. Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (Rev 1.0), E6600 Core2Duo, 2GB Corsair 6400 RAM, 2x Samsung DVD-RW's, Seagate 320GB 7200.10 Barracuda Drives, SeaSonic 550W, EVGA 7900 GTO video. BIOS v. F10

Everything day to day goes relatively well, a few problems here and there nothing ever catastrophic, have had at least one HD crash in the past. A little overclocking here and there day in and day out. I came home this past Saturday afternoon to a BSOD--not sure which one, so I rebooted and got the DISK BOOT FAILURE.... First time I had ever seen that. My single HD is plugged in the 0th purple SATAII connector. Previously I had been running 2 320GBs on the 0th and 1st of the purple SATAII in RAID0 but after one crash or so, I just went back to a single drive, and the other just sits on the desk. The 2 Samsung DVD-RW's are Master and Slave connected to the single IDE connector on the mobo.

All of the sudden when I reboot, neither of the DVD-RW's are recognized in booting when it usually lists the devices (HD's, CDROMS) and hence I cannot boot to a CD/Windows/Gigabyte tools. I know they are getting power because the green lights on the blink upon booting and I can open and close them.

Power is getting to the HD I can feel it spin, but it never accesses it when booting so no *crunching* is heard, and no click click of a crashed drive or anything. I then tried to boot to the other HD, same thing. I tried a fresh SATA drive at work.. nothing.. same DISK BOOT FAILURE...

I tried multiple SATA cables to connect a HD to the various SATA connectors.. nothing but the DISK BOOT FAILURE. I even tried a spare IDE HD connected by itself on a different IDE cable (I tried several known good IDE cables connected to the IDE on the mobo). Still nothing. Just DISK BOOT FAILURE....it will boot to a floppy, but when I run SeaTools for DOS it cannot locate anything either.

SATA/IDE in the BIOS is set to [IDE], though I did try [RAID/IDE] but no different. I reset the CMOS with the jumper on the mobo (inconveniently under the video card)...which raises the question, I am assuming I reset the CMOS while it is turned off? Or turn it on with a jumper set? I also tried "LOAD SAFE CMOS DEFAULTS" which undid all overclocking, etc, but still no good. So basically I doesn't detect anything on the IDE or SATA.

One unusual thing though, once when I did connect my SATA drive to the first Orange SATA (controlled by the ICH8) with one of my cables and the HD did show listed (as IDE0 and IDE4 [I think] when it very first boots but then it goes to an empty screen and just sits there.

I am guessing as improbable as it may seem, somehow both the IDE and SATA have gone kerplunk...I have started filling out an RMA for Gigabyte, but was wondering if anyone had any ideas.

As a followup, I was able to borrow a Promise FastTrak TX4310 SATA board to see if it would boot to one of the HDs. It did detect a drive and attempted to start windows however sometimes it would start starting Windows but then quickly reboot. Sometimes I would show the beginning of the WindowsXP Pro splash screen, but as the splash screen is working on being fully seen, there is instantly a BSOD for a microsecond and instantly reboots. Then when I try to reboot it asks if I wanna start in Safe Mode or Normal. So I try safemode and it loads files as far as "giveio.sys" and reboots.

It still won't see either of the Samsung DVD-RWs even if I run just one or the other (switched to Master or CS on the end of the cable). But during booting both the DVD-RW's green lights flash.



Junior Member
Jun 10, 2007
Originally posted by: DJFuji
Anyone know if this mobo does that thing where if you put 3+ gigs of ram into it it restricts the ram to run at a reduced speed? I've got 2 gigs in now and am considering adding one more. I'd put 2 more in but it's kinda pointless with 32 bit vista...

Yup, just ran into that about a month ago...started with 2 GB of GeiL DDR2-800, added 2 more, now it's showing 533 instead of 800. I've read elsewhere that this only happens with certain types of RAM, but depending on which CPU you're running you can get around it by keeping the multi up and running a higher FSB/RAM ratio. If you're not into OCing however, it might be a wash. I saw 3.5 GB on 4x1 GB sticks in 32-bit, it may or may not be worth the effort since RAM isn't exactly expensive lately. I did the switch to 64-bit anyway; was kind of a pain at first but I got over it (running Linux has its privileges)...


Junior Member
Jun 10, 2007
Originally posted by: trex99
Summary: I got the infamous DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" a few days ago on my Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (Rev 1.0) BIOS F10 system.

Setup: Built Nov. 2006. Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (Rev 1.0), E6600 Core2Duo, 2GB Corsair 6400 RAM, 2x Samsung DVD-RW's, Seagate 320GB 7200.10 Barracuda Drives, SeaSonic 550W, EVGA 7900 GTO video. BIOS v. F10

Everything day to day goes relatively well, a few problems here and there nothing ever catastrophic, have had at least one HD crash in the past. A little overclocking here and there day in and day out. I came home this past Saturday afternoon to a BSOD--not sure which one, so I rebooted and got the DISK BOOT FAILURE.... First time I had ever seen that. My single HD is plugged in the 0th purple SATAII connector. Previously I had been running 2 320GBs on the 0th and 1st of the purple SATAII in RAID0 but after one crash or so, I just went back to a single drive, and the other just sits on the desk. The 2 Samsung DVD-RW's are Master and Slave connected to the single IDE connector on the mobo.

All of the sudden when I reboot, neither of the DVD-RW's are recognized in booting when it usually lists the devices (HD's, CDROMS) and hence I cannot boot to a CD/Windows/Gigabyte tools. I know they are getting power because the green lights on the blink upon booting and I can open and close them.

Power is getting to the HD I can feel it spin, but it never accesses it when booting so no *crunching* is heard, and no click click of a crashed drive or anything. I then tried to boot to the other HD, same thing. I tried a fresh SATA drive at work.. nothing.. same DISK BOOT FAILURE...

I tried multiple SATA cables to connect a HD to the various SATA connectors.. nothing but the DISK BOOT FAILURE. I even tried a spare IDE HD connected by itself on a different IDE cable (I tried several known good IDE cables connected to the IDE on the mobo). Still nothing. Just DISK BOOT FAILURE....it will boot to a floppy, but when I run SeaTools for DOS it cannot locate anything either.

SATA/IDE in the BIOS is set to [IDE], though I did try [RAID/IDE] but no different. I reset the CMOS with the jumper on the mobo (inconveniently under the video card)...which raises the question, I am assuming I reset the CMOS while it is turned off? Or turn it on with a jumper set? I also tried "LOAD SAFE CMOS DEFAULTS" which undid all overclocking, etc, but still no good. So basically I doesn't detect anything on the IDE or SATA.

One unusual thing though, once when I did connect my SATA drive to the first Orange SATA (controlled by the ICH8) with one of my cables and the HD did show listed (as IDE0 and IDE4 [I think] when it very first boots but then it goes to an empty screen and just sits there.

I am guessing as improbable as it may seem, somehow both the IDE and SATA have gone kerplunk...I have started filling out an RMA for Gigabyte, but was wondering if anyone had any ideas.

As a followup, I was able to borrow a Promise FastTrak TX4310 SATA board to see if it would boot to one of the HDs. It did detect a drive and attempted to start windows however sometimes it would start starting Windows but then quickly reboot. Sometimes I would show the beginning of the WindowsXP Pro splash screen, but as the splash screen is working on being fully seen, there is instantly a BSOD for a microsecond and instantly reboots. Then when I try to reboot it asks if I wanna start in Safe Mode or Normal. So I try safemode and it loads files as far as "giveio.sys" and reboots.

It still won't see either of the Samsung DVD-RWs even if I run just one or the other (switched to Master or CS on the end of the cable). But during booting both the DVD-RW's green lights flash.


First off, clearing CMOS on the board is ALWAYS done while powered off. That much I know for sure.
Did you try changing the SATA/IDE ctrl mode setting to AHCI? Also, I may have missed it but are your opticals SATA too? I remember having a problem with this when I first got the board, but all I remember is boot from an IDE optical until the OS is installed (with SATA drivers). When it's set to AHCI, in POST it will list Intel (ICH8) devices first, then on the next screen it will list the Gigabyte SATA drives.
If I had to venture a guess it sounds like you're having more than one problem going on at the same time. Do you have another sort-of-similar machine with which to test the Windoze drive? (One good thing I can say about XP is you can take a drive out of one machine and put it into almost any other built in the last 5 years and it'll fire right up...if it's Vista, well...)
I'd try the above ideas first; what do you have to lose if you're already planning to RMA the board anyway?



Junior Member
Jun 10, 2007
Originally posted by: Redshirt 24
Originally posted by: zeno0771
GA says F7 was the first BIOS to support Q6600, dunno about before that...You're right to be wary (you shouldn't update a BIOS unless it's truly necessary), but as long as you're careful it'll work out. Personally, I'd just go with F12 (you don't have to go incrementally, I went straight from one to the other) and be done with it; if I had to venture a guess it'll be the last BIOS update GA will have for this board anyway since Rev. 3.3 gets 1333 FSB support with it and I'm seeing a lot of OCers going to their G33/P35-chipset boards for that. Also, just because mine acted a certain way doesn't guarantee yours will; for the last year I saw people hitting 3.3GHz+ with their E6300s and I never got past 2.96 stable.
Good to know...but what I really need to know is that, if this particular DS3 has a pre-F7 BIOS, will it even boot with a Q6600 plugged in?

Can't say; mine shipped with F7 and I rode it all the way 'til I got the Quad. F7 solved a LOT of problems and I breathed a big sigh of relief when I first booted mine a year ago and found I already had it.
Don't stress too much about upgrading the BIOS; if you weren't meant to do it, Gigabyte wouldn't have come up with QFlash and all that other jazz...you can even use the @BIOS thing right in Windoze. Trust me, from someone who's already done what you want to do (i.e. running the Q in a Rev 1.0 board), it'll be worth it...I've got an even 3.6 GHz on this truck, and if I play the RAM & volts right there's more to be had-:clock:


Junior Member
Jun 10, 2007
I think this question got lost in the replies up there so I'll try it again, to anyone who might know what it's about...
When I had F7 I had absurdly low temp readings with my E6300, both in BIOS and in my temp monitor (which in my case is Gkrellm in Linux); I'm reasonably sure it's not my temp monitoring because what I get there is pretty much in line with BIOS and idle/load delta is right in the sweet spot (~10C). Someone else in this thread mentioned that they figured the BIOS temp to be about 10C off with F7 but anyway...So as mentioned above, I upgraded to F12 and suddenly my temps were more reasonable for a 2.96GHz E6300. Put in my Q6600 and wh-wh-what? I'm getting 19C in BIOS and 15C in my temp monitor again (this is on water btw). What's more, I've got about a 10C delta between cores and that's the part that concerns me...should I have that much difference? The drop in temps can be (sort of) explained by the difference in vcore (1.475 for the E6300 OCed vs 1.300 for the Q) and some new Zalman thermal paste but I'm running essentially 2 E6400s on one die. In no case has the chipset temp budged (33C idle with the stock HS, minus the thermal concrete that I scraped off it).
What I see here is either something's out of whack with the BIOS or I'm a seriously lucky guy...


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2006
I have the Revision 3.3 with the F10 BIOS.

How much FSB does this board typically max out at?


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 1999
Originally posted by: zeno0771
Originally posted by: DJFuji
Anyone know if this mobo does that thing where if you put 3+ gigs of ram into it it restricts the ram to run at a reduced speed? I've got 2 gigs in now and am considering adding one more. I'd put 2 more in but it's kinda pointless with 32 bit vista...

Yup, just ran into that about a month ago...started with 2 GB of GeiL DDR2-800, added 2 more, now it's showing 533 instead of 800. I've read elsewhere that this only happens with certain types of RAM, but depending on which CPU you're running you can get around it by keeping the multi up and running a higher FSB/RAM ratio. If you're not into OCing however, it might be a wash. I saw 3.5 GB on 4x1 GB sticks in 32-bit, it may or may not be worth the effort since RAM isn't exactly expensive lately. I did the switch to 64-bit anyway; was kind of a pain at first but I got over it (running Linux has its privileges)...

Anyone else experience these slower speeds when using more than 2gb of ram?


Jun 20, 2007
rofl I didnt even know it was possible to support 45nm on P965... we all should ask by email a new bios from gigabyte.

JAREDPACE, can you give me the bios settings you are using to get that e4300 to 3.3? I have DS3 rv3.3 too and im stuck at 300x9.
PM me thanx.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2006
I would love to get mine past 450FSB but that seems to be where my board maxes out.

Also Revision 3.3 using F10 BIOS.


Aug 19, 2002
In F12 - there seems to be an AHCI ENABLE/DISABLE on the very top option of the INTEGRATED CONTROLLER menu... Is this for Intel ICH8? Does that mean the ICH8 for the DS3 will now have AHCI functionality?

Is so which one is the best to use performance wise - the orange or the purple SATA port? Currently I have it on the JMicron (purple) port with AHCI enabled and my HDTach benchmarks are terrible - burst at 133.5MB and 62.8MB Average Read (using a SATA II Barracuda drive). Is this normal?


Golden Member
Dec 27, 1999
Will this MB (rev. 3) run the new 8400 chips? I cant seem to find out...

Edit: I guess this sort of answers it not yet but maybe....
Like the other manufacturers, Gigabyte is in the process of releasing optimized BIOS releases at this time that address both performance and CPU recognition on their motherboards that use Intel chipsets. We will be testing their P965 motherboards shortly to see if the latest revision 3 boards work properly or not. However, since the P965 chipset does not officially support the new 45nm processors, there is no guarantee of compatibility.
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