**OFFICIAL** Kerry/Bush Debate Thread: 2nd Debate to be 'Town-Hall' Style

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Mar 29, 2004
Even THEY know Kerry won. From Free Republic (a very pro-Bush site):

"This is a sad thing. I am panicking....Bush is not doing well at all."

"I agree. The President is taking this very personally and it's affecting his delivery."

"You're not alone....and this topic is the President's strength.

I have a heart heavy with dread and disappointment."

"Bush is trying to remember points covered in debate prep instead of sitting back and talking as he does on the campaign trail.
Bush is not smooth, is too defensive, and is allowing major openings to pass.

This is not going well for Bush, I'm afraid."

"Well we just lost the election.

The President looks like a wimp and responding very poorly. Kerry is confidant and hitting all his points. Kerry sounds convincing.

I think kerry will convince the fence sitters and add the fraud to the mix we will lose.

And I though GWB was going win by a landslide.

What the hell happened to the President.

I just hope that my expectations were so high that any performance by GWB would be poor and any performance by kerry would be good.

I am not very happy right now."

"Kerry is looking really good.....very articulate, many facts back and forth.

BUsh is just saying the same talking points.


I am just about ready to shut it off....Kerry is going to shoot up in the polls like crazy next week.....it is going to be horrible."

"Oh crap.

Kerry just gave a zinger to Bush on the enemy attacking us.

Kerry is winning by FAR.


"Bush needs more facts, I am very ardent Bush supporter, but Kerry has facts, Bush is not hammering Kerry on things he has said and done in the past. He keeps talking about the messages. Bush needs to get on game or he will lose ground in the polls after tonight."

"Bush is phumphering and sticking too much to catch phrases and cliches.
He is definitely not winning this debate."

"Bush needs to stop hunching over... When shown from behind, as they're doing often, he looks awful, insecure... He needs to be erect.
Man, I don't know how so many of you see this 180 from me. I think that for those who don't know the truth (of Skerry's lies), he's going to convince many that HE's more qualified

His comment ..."Of course I know SBL attacked us. I know that"... What??? ARRRGGGHHH. He's doing AWFUL!!! Wake up folks, and be honest with yourselves."

"Didn't he practice at all?! Geez....he has no facts and figures...Iraq is a huge success, but the American public needs him to clearly tell us...he ain't doing it.


"Bush seems a bit intimidated. Bush still has time, but if he doesn't turn this around, then Kerry's going to benefit quite a bit from this debate. "

"Easy, amigo....if Bush is getting his ass kicked - because he for some reason is NOT rebutting Kerry's lies - he's getting his ass kicked. There's no denying it.

So far, Bush's performance deserves complaints....and if you think I'm a Kerry supporter, have a look at my posting history, Newbie!"

"THIS IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!

We may have lost the election tonight. "

"W- keep the sarcasm out of your voice- it sounds condescending."

"You know, my husband is really making me depressed. He is saying Bush is losing this debate"

"No he's not. Forget about what they're saying. Kerry's attitude and manner are better, and on TV that, unfortunately, is the key."

"I don't think W is doing well at all. I know he's not a smooth talker, but he's way on the defensive and that's because Leher isn't asking anything tough for Kerry to have to defend."

"I totally agree. If Bush says "it's hard work..there's a lot of good people out there working hard...." I'm going to scream.

"He is definitely not winning this debate.
I'm afraid you're right. Bush is trying to remember talking points instead of sitting back, relaxing, and just pointing out all the stuff he knows.

Kerry is very good. He's got command of the facts. Bush is speaking in general platitudes.

I don't like this. Bush is doing just about as poorly as he possibly could do."

"I agree. I had to shut it off for fear of rubbing my face in the floor in frustration. Bush used a 30 second rebuttal to say the same thing he said four times already. Word for word. And even stuttered and stumbled while saying it.

ARGH, here goes the polls up for Kerry. I love Bush, but I don't think he's done well with this. People have gotten bored and moved on to CSI reruns or something on cable by now."

"Kerry IS looking good but his facts are not factual. I agree this is looking like a disaster. This debate is hanging on style NOT substance. I agree. I am scared to death."

"W has the facts and the message, Kerry has the rhetorical slicks. The mushy middles don't care to process facts. They go for looks. We'll be down in the polls over the next couple days.
I wish that the President's stage presence had been better tonight. He lost some ground, IMO."

"Damn...I thought it was just me. I live in Austin, TX and have seen W in large & small gatherings, and he is SO stiff tonight (over coached?) and Kerry is smarming charm all over the stage, and probably the undecideds.

Content-wise..W is the man..but his usual natural ease, appeals to common sense, and subtle humor just AIN'T there tonight!!! What happened?"

"I think I'm going to be sick. This is not good.
I'm afraid we may get 4 years of a panderer in chief. And I don't mean President Bush."

"Mr Bush is definitely on the defensive. I really hoped it would go better. I was disappointed he did not somehow link Iraq with the 9/11/01 attacks at al qaeda.

I thought the last time that Gore did better than Bush but polls didn't really reflect this. So hopefully Mr Bush will come out of this better than I think he is.

Again though, Dick Morris was wrong! He said Bush would cream Kerry in the debates. I wish Dick had been right this time."

"I feel sick in my stomach. I think Kerry is winning hands down. I hate to say it, but its what I feel."

"Listening on radio....The President doesn't sound so hot. Sen. Kerry sounds authorative....even though everything he's talking about is all 2nd guessing."

"I don't think I have ever seen such a lopsided debate. Bush has lost his footing if he ever had it.

Kerry supported every decision made and is not being held accountable.

Bush sounds like a high school cheerleader speaking against a seasoned veteran.

It is most regrettable."

"Agree. President Bush must stand straighter. He is leaning on the podium which is not a commanding position for any debate. Keep praying everyone...that is the best we can give President Bush."

"There are millions of Americans who (wrongfully) think Bush is shallow, dumb, airhead, an idiot.
I don't think Bush has changed a single mind.

There are countless millions who belive the Dem lies that Bush lied time and again...

Not only did Bush not change any minds, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that he's added millions more to the ranks by NOT CHALLENGING SKUMBAG SKERRY."

"Did you hear when Kerry caught Bush in the Saddam did not attack us on 9/11 moment?

What was Bush's response....."of course I know OBL attacked us."

THAT was his response? THAT!!!!!!!!!!


"I agree, unfortunately. I'm watching on CSpan with the split screen, and GWB looks too fidgety and frustrated. "

"Been watching for an hour.

Bush is like Reagen in that first debate. He sounds beleaguered, and his plaintive tone is unpresidential.

He is on the defensive, and is the LOSER in the debate. He invokes the extra reburral when he has lost the point, and doesn't know enough to let it go when he has little more to say.

I went in thinking Bush would be the powerful victor. but Kerry owns Bush in this debate.

I hope no intelligent undecided voters are watching!"


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: bozack
Originally posted by: fjord
Originally posted by: bozack
still waiting to hear exactly how Kerry and his cronies are going to bring more nations into Iraq for assistance...that is a promise I eagerly await specifics on....

The current, sitting administration is GW Bush's.

It is they who I demand an answer from with grave urgency--on this score and many others.

I have for more than 3 years. Always with an unstisfactory result.

And you think in this instance Kerry will do any better?? sorry if I doubt it and think he shouldn't be leadng us on with BS.

It is really too bad you don't hold the current president to the same set of standards.

I'll take new bullshit over the same old bullshit every time.


Golden Member
Oct 18, 2003
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: bozack
Originally posted by: fjord
Originally posted by: bozack
still waiting to hear exactly how Kerry and his cronies are going to bring more nations into Iraq for assistance...that is a promise I eagerly await specifics on....

The current, sitting administration is GW Bush's.

It is they who I demand an answer from with grave urgency--on this score and many others.

I have for more than 3 years. Always with an unstisfactory result.

And you think in this instance Kerry will do any better?? sorry if I doubt it and think he shouldn't be leadng us on with BS.

It is really too bad you don't hold the current president to the same set of standards.

I'll take new bullshit over the same old bullshit every time.

Fool me once....


Golden Member
Dec 21, 2002
how do U vote between 2 idiots?

I think the old idiots might be better since he already the territory a little.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000

Bush wants to concede American lives to the terrorists. I'd say any other concessions would pale in comparison.



Elite member
Apr 15, 2000

Excellent post, my man.

This line is precious and speaks volumes: "I hope no intelligent undecided voters are watching!"




Nov 25, 2001
Let's focus on the Tuesday Cheney/Edwards debate for a moment. I have a difficult time determining who has the advantage here. Both are excellent debaters -- Cheney possibly moreso than Edwards. It should be interesting to say the least.

Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Let's focus on the Tuesday Cheney/Edwards debate for a moment. I have a difficult time determining who has the advantage here. Both are excellent debaters -- Cheney possibly moreso than Edwards. It should be interesting to say the least.


It'll be interesting. Cheney is certainly felt to have more gravitas than Edwards, but polls show that Cheney has the lowest likeability ratings of the four men on the major-party tickets, and Edwards the highest. Edwards has apparently never engaged in one-on-one political debate, but was an incredibly successful trial lawyer, a job that involves substantially the same skill set, so I can't imagine he'll get spanked.

These two couldn't be much further apart in terms of their style.

Given the momentum the Kerry campaign is presently enjoying, I think the Democratic camp will be happy to escape this debate with a draw. No idea how it will actually play out.


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: DonVito
It'll be interesting. Cheney is certainly felt to have more gravitas than Edwards, but polls show that Cheney has the lowest likeability ratings of the four men on the major-party tickets, and Edwards the highest. Edwards has apparently never engaged in one-on-one political debate, but was an incredibly successful trial lawyer, a job that involves substantially the same skill set, so I can't imagine he'll get spanked.

These two couldn't be much further apart in terms of their style.

Given the momentum the Kerry campaign is presently enjoying, I think the Democratic camp will be happy to escape this debate with a draw. No idea how it will actually play out.
While I'm more interested in the substance of their debate, most viewers will be judging on appearances. It will be nigh impossible for Cheney to come off as likeable sitting that close to Edwards. I mean, the boyish good looks, the hair <ahem>, the smooth southern style. If Cheney insists on talking out the side of his mouth and generally behaving in a lizard-like manner, it will be difficult for Cheney to win on that front.

I'll be zeroing in on what each of them has to say however. It'll be interesting to see if Cheney maintains that if Kerry is elected we'll get hit by terrorists again. I mean, look how Bush danced around that question at his first debate.



Sep 10, 2001
I just wanted to vent my frustrations with the CPD. Here's an e-mail I just got from Washington U in St. Louis.
The number of students who entered the lottery was 5,873. At this point, no tickets have been issued to the University by the Commission on Presidential Debates. The students in the top 300 of the lottery results have been notified of their status, however we do not know how many, if any, of those students will receive tickets.
So the school pays >$1,000,000 and supplies thousands of students and faculty as volunteers, sacrifices parking on campus for the entire week, and the CPD doesn't deem the school worthy of giving us ANY tickets? Yet my job as a volunteer is to escort Anheuser-Busch personnel between the security checkpoint and their seats. I'm glad their contribution is worth more than the host schools. </rant>

[edit]Oh, and I wouldn't be so pissed if Anheuser-Busch's beer didn't SUCK![/edit]


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Budwieser really does suck.

I just read this editorial about the debates from Paul Krugman. It' a quick read. See what you think.

The Falling Scales


Published: October 5, 2004

Last week President Bush found himself defending his record on national security without his usual protective cocoon of loyalty-tested audiences and cowed reporters. And the sound you heard was the scales' falling from millions of eyes.

Trying to undo the damage, Mr. Bush is now telling those loyalty-tested audiences that Senator John Kerry's use of the phrase "global test" means that he "would give foreign governments veto power over our national security decisions." He's lying, of course, as anyone can confirm by looking at what Mr. Kerry actually said. But it may still work - Mr. Bush's pre-debate rise in the polls is testimony to the effectiveness of smear tactics.

Still, something important happened on Thursday. Style probably mattered most: viewers were shocked by the contrast between Mr. Bush's manufactured image as a strong, resolute leader and his whiny, petulant behavior in the debate. But Mr. Bush would have lost even more badly if post-debate coverage had focused on substance.

Here's one underreported example: So far, Mr. Bush has paid no political price for his shameful penny-pinching on domestic security and his refusal to provide effective protection for America's ports and chemical plants. As Jonathan Chait wrote in The New Republic: "Bush's record on homeland security ought to be considered a scandal. Yet, not only is it not a scandal, it's not even a story."

But Mr. Kerry raised the issue, describing how the administration has failed to protect us against terrorist attacks. Mr. Bush's response? "I don't think we want to get to how he's going to pay for all these promises."

Oh, yes we do. According to Congressional Budget Office estimates, Mr. Bush's tax cuts, with their strong tilt toward the wealthy, are responsible for more than $270 billion of the 2004 budget deficit. Increased spending on homeland security accounts for only $20 billion. That shows the true priorities of the self-proclaimed "war president." Later, Mr. Bush, perhaps realizing his mistake, asserted, "Of course we're doing everything we can to protect America." But he had already conceded that he isn't.

It's also not clear whether voters have noticed the collapse of Mr. Bush's cover story for the disastrous decision to invade Iraq. In Coral Gables, Mr. Bush asserted that when Mr. Kerry voted to authorize the use of force against Saddam, he "looked at the same intelligence I looked at." But as The Times confirmed last weekend, the Bush administration suppressed intelligence that might have raised doubts in Congress.

The case for war rested crucially on one piece of evidence: Saddam's purchase of aluminum tubes that, according to Condoleezza Rice, were "only really suited for nuclear weapons programs." But the truth, never revealed to Congress, was that most of the government's experts considered the tubes unsuited for a nuclear program and identical to the tubes used by Iraq for other purposes. Yes, Virginia, we were misled into war.

Now it's Dick Cheney's turn.

Mr. Cheney's manufactured image is as much at odds with reality as Mr. Bush's. The vice president is portrayed as a hardheaded realist, someone you can trust with difficult decisions. But his actual record is one of irresponsibility and incompetence.

Case in point: Mr. Cheney completely misread the nature of the 2001 California energy crisis. Although he has stonewalled investigations into what went on in his task force, there's no real question that he placed his trust in the very companies whose market-rigging caused that crisis.

In tonight's debate, John Edwards will surely confront Mr. Cheney over that task force, over domestic policies and, of course, over Halliburton. But he can also use the occasion to ask more hard questions about national security.

After all, Mr. Cheney didn't just promise Americans that "we will, in fact, be welcomed as liberators" by the grateful Iraqis. He also played a central role in leading us to war on false pretenses.

No, that's not an overstatement. In August 2002, when Mr. Cheney declared "we now know Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons," he was being dishonest: the administration knew no such thing. He was also being irresponsible: his speech pre-empted an intelligence review that might have given dissenting experts a chance to make their case.

So here's Mr. Edwards's mission: to expose the real Dick Cheney, just as Mr. Kerry exposed the real George Bush.



Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
The best beer is the one you've got in your hand.

Hopefully it is Sam Adams.



Oct 11, 1999
Looks like Edwards already took off his boxing gloves...

"I'd say if you live in the United States of America and you vote for George Bush, you've lost your mind."

IMHO, this'll be the best debate...

Dem vp hopeful John Edwards cut to the chase last night on ABCNEWS NIGHTLINE:

ABC'S BOB WOODRUFF: "He has avoided the kind of negative attacks that can make national news, although recently, he has stepped up his rhetoric."

SEN. JOHN EDWARDS (D-NC) (clip of a speech): "I'd say if you live in the United States of America and you vote for George Bush, you've lost your mind."

WOODRUFF: "There's been criticism that you have been too soft."

EDWARDS: "Do I seem soft to you?"


Sep 28, 2004
Originally posted by: steeplerot
Even THEY know Kerry won. From Free Republic (a very pro-Bush site):

"This is a sad thing. I am panicking....Bush is not doing well at all."

"I agree. The President is taking this very personally and it's affecting his delivery."

"You're not alone....and this topic is the President's strength.

I have a heart heavy with dread and disappointment."

"Bush is trying to remember points covered in debate prep instead of sitting back and talking as he does on the campaign trail.
Bush is not smooth, is too defensive, and is allowing major openings to pass.

This is not going well for Bush, I'm afraid."

"Well we just lost the election.

The President looks like a wimp and responding very poorly. Kerry is confidant and hitting all his points. Kerry sounds convincing.

I think kerry will convince the fence sitters and add the fraud to the mix we will lose.

And I though GWB was going win by a landslide.

What the hell happened to the President.

I just hope that my expectations were so high that any performance by GWB would be poor and any performance by kerry would be good.

I am not very happy right now."

"Kerry is looking really good.....very articulate, many facts back and forth.

BUsh is just saying the same talking points.


I am just about ready to shut it off....Kerry is going to shoot up in the polls like crazy next week.....it is going to be horrible."

"Oh crap.

Kerry just gave a zinger to Bush on the enemy attacking us.

Kerry is winning by FAR.


"Bush needs more facts, I am very ardent Bush supporter, but Kerry has facts, Bush is not hammering Kerry on things he has said and done in the past. He keeps talking about the messages. Bush needs to get on game or he will lose ground in the polls after tonight."

"Bush is phumphering and sticking too much to catch phrases and cliches.
He is definitely not winning this debate."

"Bush needs to stop hunching over... When shown from behind, as they're doing often, he looks awful, insecure... He needs to be erect.
Man, I don't know how so many of you see this 180 from me. I think that for those who don't know the truth (of Skerry's lies), he's going to convince many that HE's more qualified

His comment ..."Of course I know SBL attacked us. I know that"... What??? ARRRGGGHHH. He's doing AWFUL!!! Wake up folks, and be honest with yourselves."

"Didn't he practice at all?! Geez....he has no facts and figures...Iraq is a huge success, but the American public needs him to clearly tell us...he ain't doing it.


"Bush seems a bit intimidated. Bush still has time, but if he doesn't turn this around, then Kerry's going to benefit quite a bit from this debate. "

"Easy, amigo....if Bush is getting his ass kicked - because he for some reason is NOT rebutting Kerry's lies - he's getting his ass kicked. There's no denying it.

So far, Bush's performance deserves complaints....and if you think I'm a Kerry supporter, have a look at my posting history, Newbie!"

"THIS IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!

We may have lost the election tonight. "

"W- keep the sarcasm out of your voice- it sounds condescending."

"You know, my husband is really making me depressed. He is saying Bush is losing this debate"

"No he's not. Forget about what they're saying. Kerry's attitude and manner are better, and on TV that, unfortunately, is the key."

"I don't think W is doing well at all. I know he's not a smooth talker, but he's way on the defensive and that's because Leher isn't asking anything tough for Kerry to have to defend."

"I totally agree. If Bush says "it's hard work..there's a lot of good people out there working hard...." I'm going to scream.

"He is definitely not winning this debate.
I'm afraid you're right. Bush is trying to remember talking points instead of sitting back, relaxing, and just pointing out all the stuff he knows.

Kerry is very good. He's got command of the facts. Bush is speaking in general platitudes.

I don't like this. Bush is doing just about as poorly as he possibly could do."

"I agree. I had to shut it off for fear of rubbing my face in the floor in frustration. Bush used a 30 second rebuttal to say the same thing he said four times already. Word for word. And even stuttered and stumbled while saying it.

ARGH, here goes the polls up for Kerry. I love Bush, but I don't think he's done well with this. People have gotten bored and moved on to CSI reruns or something on cable by now."

"Kerry IS looking good but his facts are not factual. I agree this is looking like a disaster. This debate is hanging on style NOT substance. I agree. I am scared to death."

"W has the facts and the message, Kerry has the rhetorical slicks. The mushy middles don't care to process facts. They go for looks. We'll be down in the polls over the next couple days.
I wish that the President's stage presence had been better tonight. He lost some ground, IMO."

"Damn...I thought it was just me. I live in Austin, TX and have seen W in large &amp; small gatherings, and he is SO stiff tonight (over coached?) and Kerry is smarming charm all over the stage, and probably the undecideds.

Content-wise..W is the man..but his usual natural ease, appeals to common sense, and subtle humor just AIN'T there tonight!!! What happened?"

"I think I'm going to be sick. This is not good.
I'm afraid we may get 4 years of a panderer in chief. And I don't mean President Bush."

"Mr Bush is definitely on the defensive. I really hoped it would go better. I was disappointed he did not somehow link Iraq with the 9/11/01 attacks at al qaeda.

I thought the last time that Gore did better than Bush but polls didn't really reflect this. So hopefully Mr Bush will come out of this better than I think he is.

Again though, Dick Morris was wrong! He said Bush would cream Kerry in the debates. I wish Dick had been right this time."

"I feel sick in my stomach. I think Kerry is winning hands down. I hate to say it, but its what I feel."

"Listening on radio....The President doesn't sound so hot. Sen. Kerry sounds authorative....even though everything he's talking about is all 2nd guessing."

"I don't think I have ever seen such a lopsided debate. Bush has lost his footing if he ever had it.

Kerry supported every decision made and is not being held accountable.

Bush sounds like a high school cheerleader speaking against a seasoned veteran.

It is most regrettable."

"Agree. President Bush must stand straighter. He is leaning on the podium which is not a commanding position for any debate. Keep praying everyone...that is the best we can give President Bush."

"There are millions of Americans who (wrongfully) think Bush is shallow, dumb, airhead, an idiot.
I don't think Bush has changed a single mind.

There are countless millions who belive the Dem lies that Bush lied time and again...

Not only did Bush not change any minds, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that he's added millions more to the ranks by NOT CHALLENGING SKUMBAG SKERRY."

"Did you hear when Kerry caught Bush in the Saddam did not attack us on 9/11 moment?

What was Bush's response....."of course I know OBL attacked us."

THAT was his response? THAT!!!!!!!!!!


"I agree, unfortunately. I'm watching on CSpan with the split screen, and GWB looks too fidgety and frustrated. "

"Been watching for an hour.

Bush is like Reagen in that first debate. He sounds beleaguered, and his plaintive tone is unpresidential.

He is on the defensive, and is the LOSER in the debate. He invokes the extra reburral when he has lost the point, and doesn't know enough to let it go when he has little more to say.

I went in thinking Bush would be the powerful victor. but Kerry owns Bush in this debate.

I hope no intelligent undecided voters are watching!"

I think its kind of sad to see people's ignorance from these reactions to the debate, but whats even more sad is I've spoke with people who think Bush actually won the debate. How dillusional could they be to think Bush was the winner?
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: flawlssdistortn
Any Bush supporters here? This thread is pretty one sided.

There are certainly a number of Bush supporters on the board generally. I doubt you'll find TOO many people saying President Bush won the debate, because Kerry won it so decisively in most people's opinion.


Senior member
Sep 21, 2004
Well I would admit that Kerry seemed to come off better than Bush, I'm not so sure if he "won" the debate. Bush kept emphasizing that Kerry was indecisive on his position regarding Iraq, and that he couldn't lead a post-war effort there if he was going to change his mind all the time. Kerry should have put an end to those statements from the beginning by saying that while it is important to draw lines in the sand, remain steadfast, be unwavering, ect... That does not release Bush from the obligation and responsibility of admitting mistakes and being accountable! Kerry was trying to point out that entering the war in the way we did was a mistake and Bush tried to pull the "OH, so you're gonna tell Mr and Mrs AmericanCitizen that their son died for nothing." That was a huge turd Bush was trying leave Kerry holding, one that I'm sure would hurt him in the polls. It's tough to try and tell the families of soldiers that mistakes were made, but the truth is, they were made and now we have to clean up the mess. It seemed as if Kerry wasn't able to fully articulate himself and shut down Bush's "flip-flop" accusation. So Bush kept repeating it all night. Frankly, almost every reply from both opponents was more or less "well actually it was blah blah million dollars, and blah blah percent funding increase." Really, there should have just been a hired fact checker to make sure all the quoted figures were accurate. Neither of these guys came off as that intelligent, and it was clear on many occasions that they were just regurgitating what they had memorized the night before.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
No new thread for the second debate? This thing is too cumbersome. Imagine a dial-up user waiting fot it to load.


Jul 1, 2004
I thought Edwards looked good, better than I thought. Cheney, IMO, was not at his best.



Jul 5, 2000


Who won Tuesday night's vice presidential debate?

a. Vice President Cheney (41%)

b. Senator Edwards (57%)

c. I did not watch (1%)

d. None of the above (1%)

39,639 total votes


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Marlin1975


Who won Tuesday night's vice presidential debate?

a. Vice President Cheney (41%)

b. Senator Edwards (57%)

c. I did not watch (1%)

d. None of the above (1%)

39,639 total votes

Did they take down the poll already?

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