Official Lebron watch thread! Also other 2010 NBA free agent signings

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Aug 26, 2000
The only question that needs to be asked is "Does Lebron owe the Cavaliers or Cleveland anything."

That is a resounding NO in my book. He was paid to play and he played like the freak of nature that he is for 7 years.

That said, his reason for leaving is really none of any one's concern. He went where he thought he'd be happiest and what would be best for him, and if others don't like it and want to be critical, holy sh!t, GET A FVCKING LIFE.


Feb 6, 2000
The only question that needs to be asked is "Does Lebron owe the Cavaliers or Cleveland anything."

That is a resounding NO in my book. He was paid to play and he played like the freak of nature that he is for 7 years.

That said, his reason for leaving is really none of any one's concern. He went where he thought he'd be happiest and what would be best for him, and if others don't like it and want to be critical, holy sh!t, GET A FVCKING LIFE.

Yet he quit in games that he should not have...

he is a quitter, and a fucking toolbag.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
LB should never be compared to Mike or Kobe (and I hate LA AND Kobe) but wow. Whats funny is anything short of a ring next year or the next and its all fail. They only have 3 players, who's going to be out there when they are resting?

I really agree with this

Actions speak louder then words, and his actions basically showed everyone he's not a leader but a follower. It's Wade's team and Wade's city. LB is to Wade that Scottie was to Mike.


Jan 29, 2005
LB should never be compared to Mike or Kobe (and I hate LA AND Kobe) but wow. Whats funny is anything short of a ring next year or the next and its all fail. They only have 3 players, who's going to be out there when they are resting?

I really agree with this

Actions speak louder then words, and his actions basically showed everyone he's not a leader but a follower. It's Wade's team and Wade's city. LB is to Wade that Scottie was to Mike.

same two positions if i am correct.


Aug 26, 2000
Yet he quit in games that he should not have...

he is a quitter, and a fucking toolbag.

haha, ok, then why do you care about any of this...he's obviously not good enough for you wherever he chooses to play. In fact, I'm sure you think he did Cleveland a favor.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Who knows what Lebron told the Cavs during their meetings. Gilbert tirade maybe a result of that.

If Lebron says he's merely flirting with them just for fun and will stay like Kobe did a few years ago with the clippers then he probably has every reason to be pissed as he was lied right to his face.
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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Hmmm...let's see which coward is most likely going to be the MVP next year...again.

How can Lebron be MVP anymore playing along side wade and bosh.

with the Cavs you can argue Lebron is the one who made them that good. They'd be nothing without him. Not so much now with the Heat. If they didn't have lebron they still have wade and bosh.


Jul 12, 2000
He slapped Cleveland in the face by doing the whole "announcement" thing.

You'll never see me defend that egotistical D-bag, but I will say this:

He really owed Cleveland nothing. He needs to do what he needs to do.


Aug 26, 2000
How can Lebron be MVP anymore playing along side wade and bosh.

with the Cavs you can argue Lebron is the one who made them that good. They'd be nothing without him. Not so much now with the Heat. If they didn't have lebron they still have wade and bosh.

Easy, he's better than them. He's the most dominant player in the game, and he will still play with as much energy and focus. He won't be taking as many shots, but will get more assists and be available for more rebounds etc., play in more passing lanes for steals, and so on.

Some people think he's going to ride coat tails now? lol...anything but.


Senior member
Jun 26, 2007
My bad, but let's not get distracted...the emphasis is on *gift* whether it came from Chris Wallace or William Wallace of Scotland.

I'm not getting distracted at all. Incorrectly characterizing the Gasol trade as a "Jerry West gift" is commonly spread misinformation that undoubtedly colors opinions of the trade.

First of all, it's a matter of public record that Jerry West was looking to trade Gasol back while he was the GM.

So everyone around the league had ample opportunity to try to negotiate to trade for Gasol. (Including Cleveland, to bring this little tangent a little more back on topic.) The simple fact of the matter was that due to Gasol's huge contract Memphis simply wasn't getting many offers.

Also, I already quoted Chris Wallace in an earlier post explaining the merits of the deal from the PoV of the Grizzlies but I'll go further into it.

Memphis got the rights to Marc Gasol (Pau's brother) who at the time was doing very well in the Euro leagues. (Complaints at the time that Marc was a stiff were simply ignorant.) If he had waited on entering the draft he might have gone in the lottery that year instead of going to the Lakers in the second round when he did.

This past season (just his second!), Marc was 6th in PPG, 6th in RPG and 7th in BPG among centers, so to say that Marc is working out well for them would be an understatement.

Kwame Brown was acquired for his expiring contract, nothing more. Complaints that the trade was "Pau for Kwame" are simply laughable. The expiring contract allowed the Grizzlies to have enough cap room to sign Zach Randolph, so that also worked out pretty well I think.

Beyond that, Memphis also got two first round picks as well additional players to match salaries.

TLDR Cliffs:
(1) everyone knew that Gasol was available and had ample opportunity to trade for him
(2) what they did end up getting from the Lakers turned out very well for them


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
He slapped Cleveland in the face by doing the whole "announcement" thing.

You'll never see me defend that egotistical D-bag, but I will say this:

He really owed Cleveland nothing. He needs to do what he needs to do.

Of course. Only crazy people would think Lebron or any pro player owes cleveland or the cavs anything. Its a business. Lebron is in it for himself. Just liek the cavs are in it for themselves. Teams will try and dump a guy they "love" as fast as they can when he stinks up the joint.

The NFL is where you really see it. Its cut throat. They'll profess loyalty and love for a guy yet are ready and waiting to stab them right in the back as soon as its no longer good for them

I forgot who it was but said some teams will go to a guy a week of a game and get him to redo his deal or cut them on the spot.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2001
Wow that Dan Gilbert is a major douche.

He is a major douche and a crook...

Basically he was and is a rich kid who always had it made, so he got used to owning everybody around him....

Uuuups, that's not the case anymore.
Also, the company that he owns - Quicken Loans is actually a major sweatshop - which Gilbert apparently is moving to Detroit... -> For Fuck's sake the city looks like Pripyat

Good for LeBron.
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Jul 12, 2000
3 starters with no money to get reserves?

3-peat is still smelling rather good.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2000
I will also agree that Lebron owes CLE nothing... the owners and GM did not put the right pieces around him, period. CLE didn't have the pieces to make them the best place to play.

That being said, The Decision show was to narcissistic douche-baggery what the Mona Lisa is to fine art. But for all that, and especially after this letter (, I don't feel at all sorry for the Cavs. That letter is a pretty low way to treat someone who made your franchise relevant again.

I do feel sorry for the Nets, Knicks, and to a lesser degree Chicago...

And I also agree with the sentiments that many others voiced... Lebron must really, really want to win because he just became the Robin to Wade's Batman (don't ask me what Bosh is... i dunno). Miami is Wade's team, Wade is the only one with a ring (one which he as "single-handedly" won as anyone has ever done in a NBA finals, Jordan included)


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Stop surroundeing my man Lebron by chumps and he'll stay. Lets face facts some teams are in it for TV rev and NBA product distribution and owner still makes 100 million... the CAVS have that problem. LA don't ...just sayin.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2001
bullshit, have you seen the team that was created around LeBron from the insane trades, multiple deals, and what not? the team had NOTHING, and became a very powerful and dominant team towards the end, had LeBron not just caved in on himself like a pussy against the Celtics, he would have gone to the championship again...

LeBron is a fucking pussy ass mother fucker who takes the easy way in life.

Wow, what strange angst for someone who claims to not care.

The front office let down Lebron, so did the coaching staff (Mike Brown). You seem to have little knowledge of basketball, and are alone on an angry island of irrational hatred if you feel that Lebron was holding the Cavs back and not vice versa.

I take that back, you aren't alone, you have Dan Gilbert with you.

In seven seasons, the front office couldn't get a single great player to play alongside James. In seven seasons he had one fellow all star in Mo Williams (!) and he was only on the all star team after pleading by Lebron and injuries to players who actually were picked. The team kept throwing money at players who couldn't contribute in any reliable fashion and passed on opportunities to improve.

The Cavs were a great team two years ago, leading the league in wins. They had the chance to get Shaq via trade (who still had a little gas in the tank) for a couple overpaid players they had wasting roster spots (Wallace, Pavlovic). They sat on the trade and it came back to haunt them when Orlando took them out in the conference finals. Howard dominated the paint and the Cavs had to double him, which led to open threes for Lewis, Turkoglu and Peitrus. The Magic shot over 50% on threes for the series! If the Cavs had someone who could man up against Howard without help they could have defended the perimeter. They didn't and they lost.

Last year they had a chance to finally add a legitimate (in their prime) all star and sat on it again. The Suns were shopping Amare and the Cavs were very interested. The Suns wanted something of value in return, namely JJ Hickson. Lebron would have finally after all these years had a legit scoring threat on the team so he wouldn't have to carry them nonstop. The Cavs wouldn't give up Hickson. At some level I can agree with this idea, young talent with potential to grow. Plays well with Lebron. Amare could easily leave and has had injury problems. Fair enough. But then they landed Jamison (past his prime) and Hickson hit the bench. Come playoff time against the Celtics, how much PT did Hickson get? Bear in mind that the Celtics are an old team and could be run out of the gym. The games where the Cavs destroyed the Celtics they just ran past them. The only chance the Celtics had was to slow down the game and play with more precision, they just didn't have the horses. Hickson got single digit minutes in the 3 straight losses. You don't wanna give up Hickson for Amare and then not play him at all against a team that he would shine? Doesn't make sense. Not at all.

In the playoffs this year Lebron quit? What planet are you from? 29ppg, 8apg, 9rpg. Who has ever had a playoffs like that? His numbers in the three losses to close out the season? 22ppg, 8apg, 11rpg. Oh ya, he averaged 12 fts per game in those 3 losses, so it wasn't like he was playing passive like Kobe does when he quits on his team. If Lebron "quitting" on his team puts up better numbers than almost any player has in the last 20 years in the playoffs, what does that say about Lebron? What does it say about your claims?

He wants to win a championship. He wants to win many. He is doing what he thinks will get him there, good for him. Why would he want to be 31 with bad knees and a crappy front office, poor supporting cast and no championships just to play in Cleveland? Hasn't Dan Gilbert just shown the whole world that Lebron made the correct choice with his actions the last few hours? I personally think Chicago (with Boozer, Noah and Rose) would have been a better fit for Lebron with their style of play and strengths. Lebron felt Miami was the best fit, and I am very eager to see what they can do.

At any point the last few years if anyone on Lebron's Cavs teams would have stepped up and played big for small stretches they wouldn't have exited the playoffs so early. With Wade and Bosh there Lebron can have an off night. You need more than one good player to win it all, as the Cavs have shown us. Lebron is the most dominant player the league has seen in a long time, his numbers are just off the chart. His supporting cast has been just awful, and what they did have to compliment him they didn't properly utilize.

When West and Williams were out for that 13 game stretch (or thereabouts), Lebron ran the point. He was putting up 30, 14 and 10 during that stretch and the Cavs were on fire. Jamario Moon has a 45 in vertical and with Hickson roaming the baseline and Parker as the spot up three man they were just deadly. Varejo could run too if they needed more speed. It was a glimpse of what the Cavs could be, but refused to. It was Lebron being fully utilized. Too bad it only happened just a few games in seven years.

Now this 6'8" 260lb guy who happens to be the fastest on the court and have the best court vision in the game can truly play what he was meant to play, point forward. With Wade and Bosh he has two finishers (and two guys who can create shots if needed) who can run like gazelles with him. They will be deadly. Maybe not Rose, James, Noah and Boozer deadly (because of the rebounding advantage the Bulls would have had), but deadly nonetheless.

Jordan won championships with a real coach and a hall of famer as his second banana. The 72 win season and second three peat featured 4 first team all defensive players (Harper, Jordan, Pippen and Rodman) as well as the best rebounder the game has seen. The threepeat Lakers had Shaq in his dominant prime (35 and 20 in any playoff game they needed that production) with a hall of famer as his second banana, and a real coach. Lebron had who as his second banana? Larry Hughes? Sasha Pavlovic? Jamison? Mo Williams? I don't even know who you can say was his go-to guy, muchless evaluate the quality of their stature.

People may think now that any Championships that Lebron wins will be Wade's, but that will pass. I'm not sure why, maybe this 24 hr sports news cycle that needs constant drama, but Lebron is a proven talent like no other. His performances are awe inspiring and his numbers are something out of a video game. He had to have great players to win a championship? That is a knock against him? It is a fact of basketball that has existed through time, and the rings he does get will comfort him from any stupid naysayers.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
The only question that needs to be asked is "Does Lebron owe the Cavaliers or Cleveland anything."

That is a resounding NO in my book. He was paid to play and he played like the freak of nature that he is for 7 years.

That said, his reason for leaving is really none of any one's concern. He went where he thought he'd be happiest and what would be best for him, and if others don't like it and want to be critical, holy sh!t, GET A FVCKING LIFE.

Ha, get a f'ing life? You are the one posting the most in this thread and making most comments.

Yeah LeBron has the right to do what's best for him and his family, but the way he did it was extremely classless and that's what I have problem with. He could've done it low profile, thank the fan and the organization for the last few years. But no, he has to have one freaking hour special just about him leaving. One stupid hours about himself and not a word of thanks for the support of the city and fans of Cleveland.

The dude has talent for sure, but all the success had made him a classless human being.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2007
The was a very bad thing for him to do. He had a chance to be something special. Any chance for him to be compared to the greats of the game have evaporated because he gave up when then going got a little tough. Did Jordan, Bird, or Magic go to another team just for an easy ring? No. In Miami he will just be another player on their way through. He could have killed 4000 people in Cleveland and never been charged or it ever discovered. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.

The entire city of Cleveland continues to be cursed, and not only in sports. His decision will probably cost at least 1000 people their jobs. I say this because the Cleveland area is a great area to live in, but the recession has hit it hard, and all the city really had going for it was LBJ. The Browns and Indians, and now the Cavs, suck and will continue to suck for the undetermined future.

Also, I have also heard that the differences in the contracts was negligable.

I have really thought that no one would be able to top what A** M****l did to the area in the 90s but this asswipe has found a way.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I just have to laugh at all the Lebron hate. All the assumptions that he's running away tail tucked groveling at the feet of Wade and "his team".


These three guys have played together for years in olympic teams and have a pretty good off court friendship. If you had a good friend that happened be one hell of a good ball player with an opening on his team wouldn't you take that opportunity to join up and kick some ass?

So much focus on "who's number one" and "who's team is it". There were no real arguments in Boston about who's "team" it was(Well Paul may disagree). It was "The Big Three". Well now Miami has "The Bigger Three".

In the NBA you can still have a legacy as a player and a dynasty as a team. Jordan did both in Chicago. We never said the Chicago Jordan's won 6 championships. It was the Bulls.

Same thing will happen in Miami. If they go on to win 3 ring in the next 5 years it won't be Wade's team, it won't be Lebron's team. It will be "The Heat".

Wade is giving up just as much as Lebron in this. It's no longer "his team". It goes both ways. These guys just want to win and felt they had the best chance to do it together.


Mar 31, 2001
The only question that needs to be asked is "Does Lebron owe the Cavaliers or Cleveland anything." That is a resounding NO in my book.

How about the decency to break up on good terms with some advance notice instead of breaking their hearts over a one hour special by making them find out like everyone else?
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