Official Lebron watch thread! Also other 2010 NBA free agent signings

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Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2006
I know nothing about basketball or sports, but after the whole "Decision" ESPN thing I rather enjoyed the letter put out by the Cavs owner.

I agree he doesn't owe CLE anything, however I saw the whole ESPN thing to be like a "F***-You Cleveland", which is why I feel the "F***-You Lebron" response was appropriate.


Oct 12, 1999
Wow that Dan Gilbert is a major douche.

I don't think so at all. They won't win a championship before Miami though, but everything he said was true. Lebron never even told his team where he was going. Great players elevate their teams to greatness and Lebron just didn't do that. I thought it was cowardly the way he did it.


Mar 20, 2000
I don't think so at all. They won't win a championship before Miami though, but everything he said was true. Lebron never even told his team where he was going. Great players elevate their teams to greatness and Lebron just didn't do that. I thought it was cowardly the way he did it.

Michael Jordan announced on national television he's leaving Chicago to join the Detroit Pistons. Jordan said it was tough to bolt Chicago, where he was the most popular athlete in many years, because he thinks he has a better chance to win a championship if he plays with Pistons star Isiah Thomas. Jordan said by playing together, he and Thomas "won't have the pressure of going out and scoring 30 every night."

That would have sounded absurd, right? Well, it is no more absurd than what LeBron James is doing. Jordan was 27 years old in 1990, slightly older than James is now. He had never been to the NBA Finals. He had been beaten up by the Celtics and Pistons for years. He doubted his supporting cast was good enough.

But he never doubted himself.

And it became very clear Thursday night that LeBron James does doubt himself. James will be a champion in Miami -- if not next year, then sometime after that. If you put James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh together and give Pat Riley five years to find the complementary pieces, that team will win a championship.

But James does not have the heart of a champion. He does not have the competitive fire of Jordan, the bull-headed determination of Kobe Bryant, the quiet self-confidence of Tim Duncan, the willful defiance of Isiah or the winning-is-everything hunger of Magic Johnson.

He is an extremely gifted player who wants the easy way out.

And how do we know this?

James said so himself.

Oh, not in so many words. But once ESPN was done ESPN-izing its LeBron coverage -- filling it with babbling experts, needless hype and Jim Gray submitting his top six entries in the Stupidest Question Ever contest -- the self-proclaimed King said everything you need to know about him.

1. "You have to do what's best for you, and what's going to make you happy."

This is what's going to make him happy? Sharing a stage with two other stars? Really?

I guess that's all LeBron is: A complementary player with superstar talent. We should have figured this out before: He got that giant CHOSEN 1 tattoo on his back and calls himself King James because he is desperate for reassurance.

There is no greater challenge in sports getting drafted by a godawful team, planting your flag in a city and working like crazy until you have turned that team into a champion.

LeBron James didn't want the challenge. He wanted to play with his buddies.

2. "We don't have the pressure of going out and scoring 30 every night or shooting a high percentage."

Whoa. Hold on there. Scoring 30 a night is too much pressure for one of the five most talented players ever?

Find me another all-time NBA great who would utter those words. Jordan would rather do an adidas commercial than say that. Bryant must have laughed as he heard the so-called "King" say that. Larry Bird? The next time he complains about pressure will be the first. Magic was the greatest team player of the last 40 years, but he was also so competitive that he wanted to play Jordan one-on-one in a promotional event -- and this was when Magic had won titles and Jordan had not, so Magic had more to lose.

3. "I know how loyal I am."

The man just dumped his hometown(s) on national television. Cleveland (and, by extension, Akron) happens to be the most tortured sports city in America. To do that, then say "I know how loyal I am" ... wow, wow, wow.

I wish I could sit in on one of LeBron's meetings with his advisers. Does he make them all wear mirrored sunglasses, so that when he looks at them he sees himself?

We really don't ask that much of our sports stars. Try not to get arrested for anything big. Don't curse at the fans. You know, small stuff. We even understand that 95 percent of the time, they will make career decisions based on money -- we might not love it, but we understand it.

But see, the biggest thing that we ask of our sports stars is this: Take the competition as seriously as we do.

When LeBron James loses to Boston in the playoffs, we want him to take the heat, not take the Heat's offer. We want him to spend the summer adding to his game, calling and texting his teammates, plotting to do better next season.

Instead, well ...

4. "It's about joining forces with the other two guys."

He sounds like a nine-year-old playing Star Wars games with his buddies at a sleepover. And again: I do believe this Miami team will win a title. But it won't be as easy as he wants it to be. Miami will have the weakest bench of any contender next season After that, the NBA will have a lockout, and the league could eliminate the mid-level exception, which would be Miami's best tool for adding talent.

So this is a cop-out, but it's not as easy of a cop-out as it appears. And that brings us to ...

5. "This is the greatest challenge for me."

LeBron James just jumped into an elevator and wants us to think he can fly. Sorry, but we know better. We know that he did something Michael, Magic, Bird and Bill Russell never would have done. We know he ditched Cleveland for an All-Star team.

But you know what? In Miami, anything short of a title will be a failure. Nobody outside of Miami will root for this team, and nobody in Miami roots for anybody. They're too busy enjoying the weather.

I thought he would stay in Cleveland, because I thought all he cared about was adoration. I was wrong about Cleveland, but he is wrong about adoration. He thinks he'll get it by winning a title. He has insulated himself from the world, surrounded himself with yes men. He has no idea how much backlash he is about to get.

That's one of the great ironies of this -- James is trying to flee pressure, but he will just face more of it. He is trying to maximize his "brand," but he just damaged it.

The first time I watched LeBron James live, I thought he could be the greatest player ever. The sad truth for us, for him, and for the NBA is that he never really believed it himself.


Golden Member
Feb 14, 2006
As someone who is from Akron I can see why Lebron is leaving. Lebron just doesn't have the right players around him to win a championship. Its funny how we thought that we could beat the old Celtics but unfortunately with Shaq, Antawn, & Z we are old as well.

The Decision was a joke, Lebron could have did a better job of breaking the news to Cleveland, but either way the only answer Cleveland was going to be happy with was for him to stay, and most likely Lebron becomes part of a losing tradition, even if they win so much in the regular season.

Just stating the obvious I guess. Again the truth hurts for Cleveland. Lets see if Lebron can become the winner he views himself as. I've lost alot of respect for him after the way he's dealt with losing lately.


Oct 12, 1999
Wow, what strange angst for someone who claims to not care.

The front office let down Lebron, so did the coaching staff (Mike Brown). You seem to have little knowledge of basketball, and are alone on an angry island of irrational hatred if you feel that Lebron was holding the Cavs back and not vice versa.

I take that back, you aren't alone, you have Dan Gilbert with you.

In seven seasons, the front office couldn't get a single great player to play alongside James. In seven seasons he had one fellow all star in Mo Williams (!) and he was only on the all star team after pleading by Lebron and injuries to players who actually were picked. The team kept throwing money at players who couldn't contribute in any reliable fashion and passed on opportunities to improve.

The Cavs were a great team two years ago, leading the league in wins. They had the chance to get Shaq via trade (who still had a little gas in the tank) for a couple overpaid players they had wasting roster spots (Wallace, Pavlovic). They sat on the trade and it came back to haunt them when Orlando took them out in the conference finals. Howard dominated the paint and the Cavs had to double him, which led to open threes for Lewis, Turkoglu and Peitrus. The Magic shot over 50% on threes for the series! If the Cavs had someone who could man up against Howard without help they could have defended the perimeter. They didn't and they lost.

Last year they had a chance to finally add a legitimate (in their prime) all star and sat on it again. The Suns were shopping Amare and the Cavs were very interested. The Suns wanted something of value in return, namely JJ Hickson. Lebron would have finally after all these years had a legit scoring threat on the team so he wouldn't have to carry them nonstop. The Cavs wouldn't give up Hickson. At some level I can agree with this idea, young talent with potential to grow. Plays well with Lebron. Amare could easily leave and has had injury problems. Fair enough. But then they landed Jamison (past his prime) and Hickson hit the bench. Come playoff time against the Celtics, how much PT did Hickson get? Bear in mind that the Celtics are an old team and could be run out of the gym. The games where the Cavs destroyed the Celtics they just ran past them. The only chance the Celtics had was to slow down the game and play with more precision, they just didn't have the horses. Hickson got single digit minutes in the 3 straight losses. You don't wanna give up Hickson for Amare and then not play him at all against a team that he would shine? Doesn't make sense. Not at all.

In the playoffs this year Lebron quit? What planet are you from? 29ppg, 8apg, 9rpg. Who has ever had a playoffs like that? His numbers in the three losses to close out the season? 22ppg, 8apg, 11rpg. Oh ya, he averaged 12 fts per game in those 3 losses, so it wasn't like he was playing passive like Kobe does when he quits on his team. If Lebron "quitting" on his team puts up better numbers than almost any player has in the last 20 years in the playoffs, what does that say about Lebron? What does it say about your claims?

He wants to win a championship. He wants to win many. He is doing what he thinks will get him there, good for him. Why would he want to be 31 with bad knees and a crappy front office, poor supporting cast and no championships just to play in Cleveland? Hasn't Dan Gilbert just shown the whole world that Lebron made the correct choice with his actions the last few hours? I personally think Chicago (with Boozer, Noah and Rose) would have been a better fit for Lebron with their style of play and strengths. Lebron felt Miami was the best fit, and I am very eager to see what they can do.

At any point the last few years if anyone on Lebron's Cavs teams would have stepped up and played big for small stretches they wouldn't have exited the playoffs so early. With Wade and Bosh there Lebron can have an off night. You need more than one good player to win it all, as the Cavs have shown us. Lebron is the most dominant player the league has seen in a long time, his numbers are just off the chart. His supporting cast has been just awful, and what they did have to compliment him they didn't properly utilize.

When West and Williams were out for that 13 game stretch (or thereabouts), Lebron ran the point. He was putting up 30, 14 and 10 during that stretch and the Cavs were on fire. Jamario Moon has a 45 in vertical and with Hickson roaming the baseline and Parker as the spot up three man they were just deadly. Varejo could run too if they needed more speed. It was a glimpse of what the Cavs could be, but refused to. It was Lebron being fully utilized. Too bad it only happened just a few games in seven years.

Now this 6'8" 260lb guy who happens to be the fastest on the court and have the best court vision in the game can truly play what he was meant to play, point forward. With Wade and Bosh he has two finishers (and two guys who can create shots if needed) who can run like gazelles with him. They will be deadly. Maybe not Rose, James, Noah and Boozer deadly (because of the rebounding advantage the Bulls would have had), but deadly nonetheless.

Jordan won championships with a real coach and a hall of famer as his second banana. The 72 win season and second three peat featured 4 first team all defensive players (Harper, Jordan, Pippen and Rodman) as well as the best rebounder the game has seen. The threepeat Lakers had Shaq in his dominant prime (35 and 20 in any playoff game they needed that production) with a hall of famer as his second banana, and a real coach. Lebron had who as his second banana? Larry Hughes? Sasha Pavlovic? Jamison? Mo Williams? I don't even know who you can say was his go-to guy, muchless evaluate the quality of their stature.

People may think now that any Championships that Lebron wins will be Wade's, but that will pass. I'm not sure why, maybe this 24 hr sports news cycle that needs constant drama, but Lebron is a proven talent like no other. His performances are awe inspiring and his numbers are something out of a video game. He had to have great players to win a championship? That is a knock against him? It is a fact of basketball that has existed through time, and the rings he does get will comfort him from any stupid naysayers.

Dude your whole post is full of selective facts and loses serious credibility in the fact that the Cleavland Cavaliers led the entire NBA in wins two years straight with 66 and 61 wins. So obviously all your who did he have around him is dumb. Couple with facts, not fluff, the Cavs this year had 2-1 lead over the Celtics and Lebron shot 33% over the next several games and they lost. And last year against Orlando he didn't play well in the last few games of that series either.

If he had been Jordan, Olajuwon, Shaq, Duncan great to name a few he would have won a championship. You don't lead the league in wins two years in a row with a bad team, bad ownership, and bad coach. Lebron didn't get it done. Notice I just talked about the last two years. Also this slop around him in 2006-2007 were good enough to help him play in the NBA finals. I don't knock the guy for wanting to win, but to say the Cavs weren't getting it done is just not the facts, Lebron didn't get it done.


Feb 3, 2004
I don't think so at all. They won't win a championship before Miami though, but everything he said was true. Lebron never even told his team where he was going. Great players elevate their teams to greatness and Lebron just didn't do that. I thought it was cowardly the way he did it.

His team? What part of free agent don't you understand? Do you tell your old employer where you are going next?


Mar 20, 2000
Dude your whole post is full of selective facts and loses serious credibility in the fact that the Cleavland Cavaliers led the entire NBA in wins two years straight with 66 and 61 wins. So obviously all your who did he have around him is dumb. Couple with facts, not fluff, the Cavs this year had 2-1 lead over the Celtics and Lebron shot 33% over the next several games and they lost. And last year against Orlando he didn't play well in the last few games of that series either.

If he had been Jordan, Olajuwon, Shaq, Duncan great to name a few he would have won a championship. You don't lead the league in wins two years in a row with a bad team, bad ownership, and bad coach. Lebron didn't get it done. Notice I just talked about the last two years. Also this slop around him in 2006-2007 were good enough to help him play in the NBA finals. I don't knock the guy for wanting to win, but to say the Cavs weren't getting it done is just not the facts, Lebron didn't get it done.

Right on. He's not the superstar Jordan, Kobe, etc are. I think Lebron himself realized that. Roseberg's article hit the nail on the head. Jordan got beat up to all hell by Pistons but did you see him run away? Bitch? No. He got his and his team's mind right and won some championships. Lebron did kind of handle this whole thing like a big pussy...and I am a fan of the guy.


Mar 1, 2000
Right on. He's not the superstar Jordan, Kobe, etc are. I think Lebron himself realized that. Roseberg's article hit the nail on the head. Jordan got beat up to all hell by Pistons but did you see him run away? Bitch? No. He got his and his team's mind right and won some championships. Lebron did kind of handle this whole thing like a big pussy...and I am a fan of the guy.

Roseberg's article is so spot on it's painful.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I just have continue LOL'ing at people and sports writers about this whole situation comparing him to Jordan and the others. Jordan was one of the most arrogant SOB's that ever played the game with a pile of skeletons in the closet that he kept hidden. The guy was an unfaithful husband and a gambling addict. And lets not forget his whole adventures in baseball that turned up a dud. And his decision to come out of a couple retirements and eventually play for Washington AKA: The Favre Syndrome. But nobody talks about that because he was a great player and had more than a handful of rings.

These sportswriters just want to go on for pages lamenting this and that about how pathetic this situation was and how he handled it yadayadayada.

Well guess what? You are nothing more than a parasite feeding off this hysteria and it's putting a paycheck in your pocket. Suck it up. If he just released a quick statement ala Durant that "I'm signing with Cleveland for 7, see ya in October" you'd have dickall to write about. Now you've had weeks of rumors and hype to blabber on about and you'll have a whole nuther summer to continue on blathering on about the situation and how it'll play out.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
thank you, someone finally understood what i was saying.

the point is, kobe didn't want to play second fiddle and proved he could do it without playing second fiddle. lebron has shown, he clearly doesn't have that kind of confidence.

you are really stupid if you think that the help surrounding kobe in LA is as good as the help surrounding lebron in Cleveland.

Cleveland made NO moves for their team to try and get some good players to work along side of Lebron, while LA made tons of moves to try and get a better squad to surround Kobe in LA a few years back.

and guess what, LA has since won championships, Cleveland hasn't. wow shocker...

anyone who thinks ill of Lebron for this move really has no clue about basketball. as the celtics and lakers have shown us the past few years, the NBA is no one man show.


Oct 12, 1999
you are really stupid if you think that the help surrounding kobe in LA is as good as the help surrounding lebron in Cleveland.

Cleveland made NO moves for their team to try and get some good players to work along side of Lebron, while LA made tons of moves to try and get a better squad to surround Kobe in LA a few years back.

and guess what, LA has since won championships, Cleveland hasn't. wow shocker...

anyone who thinks ill of Lebron for this move really has no clue about basketball. as the celtics and lakers have shown us the past few years, the NBA is no one man show.

Why do people keep saying this? Did anybody watch the NBA games? I like King James, I have said multiple times in discussions with people, I think he is the best player in the game. But he didn't elevate his game when he needed to. I don't like what he did, I am not going to totally trash him, but I am also not going to remember only certain facts and make excuses for him either.

Dude your whole post is full of selective facts and loses serious credibility in the fact that the Cleavland Cavaliers led the entire NBA in wins two years straight with 66 and 61 wins. So obviously all your who did he have around him is dumb. Couple with facts, not fluff, the Cavs this year had 2-1 lead over the Celtics and Lebron shot 33% over the next several games and they lost. And last year against Orlando he didn't play well in the last few games of that series either.

If he had been Jordan, Olajuwon, Shaq, Duncan great to name a few he would have won a championship. You don't lead the league in wins two years in a row with a bad team, bad ownership, and bad coach. Lebron didn't get it done. Notice I just talked about the last two years. Also this slop around him in 2006-2007 were good enough to help him play in the NBA finals. I don't knock the guy for wanting to win, but to say the Cavs weren't getting it done is just not the facts, Lebron didn't get it done.


Aug 26, 2000

Gilbert alleges LeBron "quit" on his team in Games 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the team's second-round series against the Celtics this past May. He also said James quit on the Cavs in Game 6 of the team's Eastern Conference finals series against Orlando in 2009. That game eliminated the Cavs from the playoffs.

LeBron's Game 5 performance against Boston was perhaps the most talked-about playoff game of the season. The Cavs were blown out on their home floor, with James appearing aloof and disinterested at time, and having shot only 3-14 from the floor. But few if any observers called LeBron out for his performance in the other three Boston games Gilbert brings up.

Essentially, Gilbert is arguing that all four of the Cavs' losses to the Celtics happened because LeBron quit on his teammates. To which I respond, "What?"

In Game 2, James tallied 24 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks. He went to the free throw line 15 times. He held his counterpart, Paul Pierce, to 14 points, driving the lane repeatedly to put Pierce and Boston center Kendrick Perkins in foul trouble. The Cavs still lost by 18 points, as LeBron's teammates combined to shoot 38 percent and the Celtics as a whole shot 51 percent.

In Game 4, LeBron had 22 points, 9 rebounds, 8 assists, 2 steals and a block. He had 11 free throw attempts. Pierce again was ineffective, scoring just nine points. The Cavs lost by 10 in Boston, where the Celtics lost just one game the whole postseason. Cleveland's three-man backcourt rotation -- Mo Williams, Anthony Parker and Delonte West -- combined to shoot 6-of-23, 26 percent. Boston's backcourt shot a combined 23-of-49, or 47 percent.

In Game 6, the Cavs' series-clinching loss, during which Gilbert alleges James quit on the team, LeBron had a game-high 27 points, a game-high 19 rebounds, a team-high 10 assists, a team-high 3 steals, a block and a whopping nine turnovers. The post-game analysis was that LeBron tried to do too much.

The inexplicable nature of LeBron's Game 5 performance will never be forgotten by the city of Cleveland, which is unfortunate because of all the memorable good performances he gave Cavs fans over the years (like a certain Game 5 against Detroit in 2007).

This f'tard owner doesn't deserve a winning team.


Mar 20, 2000
I just have continue LOL'ing at people and sports writers about this whole situation comparing him to Jordan and the others. Jordan was one of the most arrogant SOB's that ever played the game with a pile of skeletons in the closet that he kept hidden. The guy was an unfaithful husband and a gambling addict. And lets not forget his whole adventures in baseball that turned up a dud. And his decision to come out of a couple retirements and eventually play for Washington AKA: The Favre Syndrome. But nobody talks about that because he was a great player and had more than a handful of rings.

These sportswriters just want to go on for pages lamenting this and that about how pathetic this situation was and how he handled it yadayadayada.

Well guess what? You are nothing more than a parasite feeding off this hysteria and it's putting a paycheck in your pocket. Suck it up. If he just released a quick statement ala Durant that "I'm signing with Cleveland for 7, see ya in October" you'd have dickall to write about. Now you've had weeks of rumors and hype to blabber on about and you'll have a whole nuther summer to continue on blathering on about the situation and how it'll play out.

Those "skeletons" in his closet aren't skeletons because it's public knowledge. I'd say majority of NBA players aren't exactly faithful to their wives. It's not like he didn't get punished for it either. He got a divorce and his wife got some hundred million bucks or something. So, whatever.

And, wait, he's a gambling addict? No, he has the means to support his gambling HOBBY. If he was an addict he'd be scrounging around for dollars, stealing people's money. Last time I checked MJ had a few hundred million in the bank. I'd say he can gamble all he wants.

As Charles Barkley once said "Do I have a gambling problem? I do have a gambling problem, but it's not really a problem because I can afford to gamble."
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Apr 15, 2004
I Lawl'd so hard at Dan Gilbert saying he will win a championship before LeBron now, and how he is all "cursed" and taking the Cleveland curse with him. LOL, so hilarious.

Heat will win it next year, Cleveland will never win one


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2001
Has anyone else noticed when the Cavs picked up guys like Mo Williams, D West, Shaq and Antawon Jamison, everyone thought the Cavs would the the favorites to win it all, he has the guys that could help him now, pieces that would compliment his skills. But as soon as he gets bounced from the playoffs, everyone goes off on how his teammates weren't good enough, he needs a supporting cast.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
Has anyone else noticed when the Cavs picked up guys like Mo Williams, D West, Shaq and Antawon Jamison, everyone thought the Cavs would the the favorites to win it all, he has the guys that could help him now, pieces that would compliment his skills. But as soon as he gets bounced from the playoffs, everyone goes off on how his teammates weren't good enough, he needs a supporting cast.

The Cavaliers bent over backwards trying to get better players for Lebaby. He simply couldn't deliver when it mattered.


Platinum Member
May 9, 2005
Same arguments about Lebron over and over, but just getting longer and longer. Time to unsubscribe from thread.
Jul 10, 2007
In the NBA you can still have a legacy as a player and a dynasty as a team. Jordan did both in Chicago. We never said the Chicago Jordan's won 6 championships. It was the Bulls.

No, really it was Jordan or Jordan's Bulls.
Ask a casual fan to name some of the other players and they'll name Pippen...and uhhhh the guy with the funky hair and tats.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
The Cavaliers bent over backwards trying to get better players for Lebaby. He simply couldn't deliver when it mattered.

And West, Jamison and Williams did? Those guys largely disappeared against Boston. Shaq had a few good games, Williams had one. But for the most part those guys did dickall.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
No, really it was Jordan or Jordan's Bulls.
Ask a casual fan to name some of the other players and they'll name Pippen...and uhhhh the guy with the funky hair and tats.

Ah yes because casual sports fans really know about things. It's like asking a Best Buy bench tech to diagnose an enterprise network routing problem.

I grew up in Illinois during the Bull's run and any real fan could name off half a dozen or more players on those teams even 20 years later.
Jul 10, 2007
I just have continue LOL'ing at people and sports writers about this whole situation comparing him to Jordan and the others. Jordan was one of the most arrogant SOB's that ever played the game with a pile of skeletons in the closet that he kept hidden. The guy was an unfaithful husband and a gambling addict. And lets not forget his whole adventures in baseball that turned up a dud. And his decision to come out of a couple retirements and eventually play for Washington AKA: The Favre Syndrome. But nobody talks about that because he was a great player and had more than a handful of rings.

No, Jordan was not just a "great" player; he was the BEST player ever, and has the confidence and charisma Lebron will never have and that's why he will be revered.
Jul 10, 2007
Ah yes because casual sports fans really know about things. It's like asking a Best Buy bench tech to diagnose an enterprise network routing problem.

I grew up in Illinois during the Bull's run and any real fan could name off half a dozen or more players on those teams even 20 years later.

And that's exactly the point. The casual fan will know it was Michael Jordan's Bulls.

Just your best buy tech will know that's an ethernet/fiber cable coming out of the router.
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