Official Madden '07 Review Thread


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
So far I'm not seeing many favorable reviews. IGN gave it an 8.5, and it seemed like they were stretching their scores a bit just to keep it above 8. I know user reviews are typically quite polarized and immature, but there seems to be a common thread among them:

- Graphics: amazing
- Gameplay: not so amazing
- Presentation: lacking (lack of commentating, replays, etc)
- Online play: Lag Hell


Senior member
Sep 17, 2003
The gameplay really hasn't changed much over the years. They introduce one new thing every year, and hype it to hell. Like QB vision -- a total joke and horribly implemented. Must be nice to buy that NFL exclusive license and then sit on your butt. My biggest gripe with the series has always been the shotty AI.

Don't get me wrong, I'll get it (for the Wii), but I miss the days of being able to CHOOSE my NFL game.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2000
I liked the part about the game having a tired feature... but it doesn't work so they're going to release a patch on Live... so don't run the same running play over and over again unless you want to fumble.

I guess it's not just the Battlefield series that needs patching to fix things that should have/would have/could have been caught by some public beta testers.

That being said I'll probably play it tonight since my brother in law is getting it for the 360.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Well, I was going to purchase it until I read these reviews. Now I'll wait for a demo and go from there.

In such a well-established franchise and genre, it's absolutely unacceptable to me that this game lacks anything that was popular in a previous release. Also, football is football, at least as far as netcode goes. How many years does it take to pin down whatever it takes to provide a smooth online playing experience? FFS. It blew me away that anyone even HINTED at lag... but to find out that mainstream reviewers were experiencing it when only a couple hundred people were on the servers absolutely shocked me.

And WTF is with releasing a Madden title without Madden's commentary? That's a big WTF with a captial WHAT THE FVCK?!

Originally posted by: Suture
jbourne77 -- is it true they removed the fantasy draft from the game?

I don't have it yet, but that seems to be the word . That's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about when I say "removed features are unacceptable". Missing features were forgiveable last year given Tiburon's timetable and lack of 360 development experience... but come on... this year, too?


Senior member
Mar 13, 2004
The last football game I bought was 2k5. I was really thinking about getting Madden '07 since Circuit City has the 360 version for under $50, but now I'll probably spend my money on either Saint's Row or Enchanted Arms next week. My next sports game will likely be NHL-something-or-other.


Jan 4, 2005
I'm seeing the same old graphics in gamespot screenies , I was hoping for xbox360 style graphics.

Oh well, seems like it will be 2005 with a roster update for me.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2003
WTH, no Madden commentary? I don't care what people say about Madden and Summerall. Even though they sound like idiots, to me, it never felt right unless they are commenting. To not have Madden commenting in his own game... wow.


Feb 28, 2003
Ah well I guess I'll pass on it. So, for those of you who have played both, is it still the usual this year? NCAA > Madden in gameplay and Madden > NCAA in terms of graphical quality?

I miss 2k5 too...


Dec 28, 2003
I picked it up last night at 12am. Got home, and played about an hour of it. I think it looks great. I have to get used to the running highlight stick. I do like the blocking feature, but again, I have to get used to it. Passing seems easier, but maybe thats because my team (Ravens) have a QB now. Im surprised they gave McNair an 89. Overall, Im satisfied and I cant wait to get home tonight to start playing. I told my gf that she wouldnt be seeing much of me this week.



Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Here's a nifty tidbit directly from EA Tiburon's Madden Project Lead:

Issue#2, reported by Madden Nation, was that players weren't fatiguing at all. The initial posting stated they "broke like 3 tackles and laid on the turbo... he's not even in the yellow." (Players fatigue from green to yellow to red.) We asked Mr. Ortiz about this as well. "That's actually not the case. The UI isn't registering it... You fatigue at a lower pace than in the past, but it isn't reflected in the UI. [It's] Something we're addressing and fixing right now." He explained that this fix would be delivered in the way of a patch to the game for 360 users, but didn't have a specific date as to when it would be available. "Very soon. Around the release date," he said, adding "We don't just shove the fix out there. We don't want to slide [the balance] it too far in one direction."

So let me get this straight:

1. The fatigue is actually working as it was designed.
2. The REAL problem is that it's just not reflected in the UI (ie, the fatigue meter isn't updated).
3. ... BUT you don't want to put a patch out too quickly because you don't want to throw the balance off?

Something doesn't smell right there. If the UI is just not getting updated, what's there to balance? Sounds to me like Mr. Ortiz needs to get his story straight.


Dec 28, 2003
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Here's a nifty tidbit directly from EA Tiburon's Madden Project Lead:

Issue#2, reported by Madden Nation, was that players weren't fatiguing at all. The initial posting stated they "broke like 3 tackles and laid on the turbo... he's not even in the yellow." (Players fatigue from green to yellow to red.) We asked Mr. Ortiz about this as well. "That's actually not the case. The UI isn't registering it... You fatigue at a lower pace than in the past, but it isn't reflected in the UI. [It's] Something we're addressing and fixing right now." He explained that this fix would be delivered in the way of a patch to the game for 360 users, but didn't have a specific date as to when it would be available. "Very soon. Around the release date," he said, adding "We don't just shove the fix out there. We don't want to slide [the balance] it too far in one direction."

So let me get this straight:

1. The fatigue is actually working as it was designed.
2. The REAL problem is that it's just not reflected in the UI (ie, the fatigue meter isn't updated).
3. ... BUT you don't want to put a patch out too quickly because you don't want to throw the balance off?

Something doesn't smell right there. If the UI is just not getting updated, what's there to balance? Sounds to me like Mr. Ortiz needs to get his story straight.

damn it, thats the last thing I want to hear. I was soo pumped about going home after work and playing it.


Mar 1, 2000
Its the same fvcking game with a HORRENDOUS user interface and supposidly better gfx (personally I think the new version is worse than last years).
To me, and most in my leauge, thus far its a dramatic step backwards.

On that note, we're still looking for 4 or so DEDICATED and GOOD GMs that are football players (not video game players) for our Madden League (see sig). The site is kinda goody right now as the stats etc aren't all there because of the new version.



Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2002
The franchise sucks ass. And I'm a football fan.

I'm of the belief that some games (like football) lose much of their appeal with the advent of all this modern day "realism". But then again, maybe I'm now just a cranky old bastard at 27.

I remember playing Madden '94 on SNES. "HB Toss Left" FTW. It was FUN and arcadey. The crap out there now feels like work, more than anything.


Mar 1, 2000
I remember playing Madden '94 on SNES. "HB Toss Left" FTW. It was FUN and arcadey. The crap out there now feels like work, more than anything.

but you couldn't set the price of hotdogs and you coulnd't make a superfan!



Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2006
Originally posted by: Homerboy
I remember playing Madden '94 on SNES. "HB Toss Left" FTW. It was FUN and arcadey. The crap out there now feels like work, more than anything.

but you couldn't set the price of hotdogs and you coulnd't make a superfan!

That's the problem. Now I find myself more interested in simming a season than actually playing a game


Mar 1, 2000
the problem is playing the CPU is the most mundane, boring thing ever. I simply can't stand it. Join an online league (see sig still need 4 committed GMs!) or play with friends in front of your PC. Otherwise its boring as hell no matter what the hell you do.



Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2000
This game is a bugfest on 360. I've played for 45 minutes and I already have a showstopper. I'm playing against the CPU, and after I run a play, the playcall screen won't come up again. The controller won't respond to any input either. I had to wait until I got delay of game to chose another play. Then after a TD, the game is hanging indefinitely and not letting me kick off.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
- Better than 06, worse than 08.

Well, I got a chance to try Madden 07 out last night. Wow. What a mixed bag of results. Let's get started. I'm not going to give a detailed run-down of all the features in the game. There are a million other reviews that do that and it's a bore. The meat and guts of this - what people want to hear - is 'what's good and what's bad'. The stuff in between is of little consequence.

As far as Madden goes, this is the best gameplay I've seen hands down. As much as I hate to bring this up, I still have to say that 2k5 had the best on-field gameplay, but Madden 07 closes the gap a LOT. There's an actual running game - one that's FUN - in the game now, and it's much appreciated. I think Madden has passing down to a science, so no complaints there. I love what they've done with the kicking game (using the right analog stick for the entire kicking motion - think Tiger Woods PGA Tour). My only complaint regarding gameplay is that defense can be frustrating to play. I can't put my finger on why, it just is. Maybe I just suck at it, but it seems darn near impossible to get involved in a tackle. I'll leave it at that.

One thing that I do appreciate, however, is how accessible all of the moves in the game are. For a game with so many available options on the field (spinning, juking, etc etc etc), the controls are intuitive and easy to learn. I hope they don't fsck with this next year.

Visually, it's everything you've heard. It looks great. I think people are being a little too critical with regard to player animations, because I think they look great. Yeah, there is a weird transition every now and then, but it didn't take anything away from the experience for me. The stadiums, turf, players, etc., all looked fantastic. There's some bizarre modeling here and there (if I were Peyton Manning I'd sue), but you get over it real quick. That's probably just one of those things that, as each release comes out, they're able to get a more complete set of true-to-life models. I just would have thought that Peyton Manning would have been a little higher on their list of priorities. That said, it really isn't much of a distraction.

There's a lot of work to be done here. First the menu system. Truth be told, I prefer an unconvoluded, straightforward, unglitzed approach to menus. Madden delivers on that, for the most part. They take a menu/submenu approach, which is fine by me, except you can't tell which menu options have sub menus. A minor annoyance that is easily overcome as you play the game, but it makes it less approachable. Other than that, it's fine. It's bare bones stuff, but I don't buy games for their menu systems. Menus are a means to an end, and Tiburon apparently agrees.

Madden has done away with the broadcast approach to game presentation, however. Instead, they have tried to present the game as if you were actually on the field. It's a noble idea, but it just doesn't work very well - at least not as it's implemented. I suspect that the resources weren't available to get true commentating into the game, so instead, they took this approach. You hear on-field chatter and the stadium announcer, but that's it. It does give the experience a more authentic feel - which is nice - but it wears thin fast due to it's shallow/incomplete implementation. I'd either like to see this idea taken much further or I'd like to see them get back to a TV-style broadcast. Regardless, this area desperately needs more man hours devoted to it.

Basic auto-replays are there, but are largely uneventful. A 70-yard run might result in a replay, but with little fanfare. Short-yard runs for touchdowns result in jack squat and I don't understand why.

It sounds like football. It's good. Not much to say here.

Sucks, plain and simple. This would normally get lumped in with presentation, but it deserves it's own little rant. While on-field play is unhampered by hitching - thankfully - the rest of the game suffers from pauses and unresponsive controls. For instance, once a play is finished and you're taken back to the playbook, you'll experience a long drawn-out hitch/pause. This REALLY - I mean REALLY gets annoying, as it detracts from the natural flow of the game. Madden is all about adrenaline pumping blood rushing gameplay, and getting stopped in the middle of it all while transition loads take place SUCKS. Also frustrating is the occassional lock-up.

What's Missing
I want to see EA focus on what's missing for next year's title rather than looking for the next gameplay gimmick. I really think they've got gameplay where it needs to be. A few tweaks here and there will be nice, but there are other things that need attention now, such as:

For fsck sakes where the hell are the online leagues? 2k had this down THREE YEARS AGO... how the hell does a AAA football title get released without this??? With the power of Xbox Live, there's no excuse for not having extremely robust, polished league management right in the game. Creating leagues, adding GM's, managing game rules, real-time ticker updates from throughout the league in-game, etc. Where is it all?! There should literally be a dedicated staff whose only job is to make this the best it can be. If Madden could only have 1 extra feature - screw all the minigames and Create-A-Grandparent - this should be it. And this is coming from someone who doesn't even play online. Why? BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE DOES!!!!!

Again, just absolutely no excuse for not having this. As I stated in another thread, I think EA committed a cardinal sin by ommitting this. Madden is the definitive PARTY GAME. WTGDF?!?!?!

- Grass roots Madden needs to return. Give us the option to experience the game from "on the field", but the game really needs to have a more robust presentation Madden-style. In your face scoreboards, staffs, stupid on-screen diagrams from the man himself, etc. Getting Madden without this is like getting a Quarter-pounder without fries. It just doesn't work.

I hope that for next year's title, EA focuses on refining 07 rather than looking for that "breakthrough feature" in 08 (unless said breakthrough feature is online leagues and/or cooperative multiplay). Leave the core gameplay alone - you guys got it.

Get the Madden-style in-your-face TV broadcast presentation back in there, optimize the game's screen transitions, add a few more true-to-life player faces, make online leagues and cooperative multiplay THE priorities, and you've got Madden 08. Unfortunately, it should have been Madden 07, but you've trained us well.


Mar 1, 2000
For fsck sakes where the hell are the online leagues? 2k had this down THREE YEARS AGO... how the hell does a AAA football title get released without this??? With the power of Xbox Live, there's no excuse for not having extremely robust, polished league management right in the game. Creating leagues, adding GM's, managing game rules, real-time ticker updates from throughout the league in-game, etc. Where is it all?! There should literally be a dedicated staff whose only job is to make this the best it can be. If Madden could only have 1 extra feature - screw all the minigames and Create-A-Grandparent - this should be it. And this is coming from someone who doesn't even play online. Why? BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE DOES!!!!!

The last time Madden had an online league function was 01 (IIRC) and we used it and it was fine. Then you know what? THey dropped it. And you know what? We (the community) took matters into our own hands. And you know what? Its 110% better now than whatever tripe EA can come up with.

I have a good freind that works as EA community leader, and I talked to him over and over about this. He LOVED what we were doing with leagues and TOTALLY respected it, tried to sell it to the powers-that-be and they balked at it. Total joke.

So now, we have our leagues, run them the way we want and honestly... they are perfect.

If you want a league jbourne, look around they are there and they are great. We still need 4 more for our league if you want to join I will vouche for you.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Thanks for the offer Homerboy. I'd certainly take you up on the offer if it weren't for the fact that I absolutely suck. The only other football game I've ever really been able to immerse myself in was 2k5, and because of that, I don't have the exposure to strategy, play calling, etc., that many other people have.

In fact, I think this leads us to a great potential feature. Let's assume for a moment that Madden had an online league system. Perhaps prior to joining a league you had to "earn" the title of GM via pick-up games. The number of games necessary to achieve GM status would be determined by whatever number would be necessary to assess your skill level. League managers could opt to restrict their leagues to certain skill categories (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, etc). They could select whatever levels they'd like to admit into their league, and players who's ranking matched your league's requirements would be permitted to apply.

With a little thought, an integrated league system could be one of the most powerful tools ever seen in a football video game. An online league system should have insane integration into the game. Even if you're playing against the CPU at the time, if there is a league game taking place online, you should be getting ticker updates. The potential here is just unreal, and that's why it's so frustrating to see a total lack of a system in place, let alone a complete one.

When you create a league, you should automatically get a home page with schedules, stats, recent activities, highlight clips, forums, etc. Come on EA! This is 2006! Have you seen the Intarweb lately!?


Mar 1, 2000
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Thanks for the offer Homerboy. I'd certainly take you up on the offer if it weren't for the fact that I absolutely suck. The only other football game I've ever really been able to immerse myself in was 2k5, and because of that, I don't have the exposure to strategy, play calling, etc., that many other people have.

In fact, I think this leads us to a great potential feature. Let's assume for a moment that Madden had an online league system. Perhaps prior to joining a league you had to "earn" the title of GM via pick-up games. The number of games necessary to achieve GM status would be determined by whatever number would be necessary to assess your skill level. League managers could opt to restrict their leagues to certain skill categories (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, etc). They could select whatever levels they'd like to admit into their league, and players who's ranking matched your league's requirements would be permitted to apply.

With a little thought, an integrated league system could be one of the most powerful tools ever seen in a football video game. An online league system should have insane integration into the game. Even if you're playing against the CPU at the time, if there is a league game taking place online, you should be getting ticker updates. The potential here is just unreal, and that's why it's so frustrating to see a total lack of a system in place, let alone a complete one.

When you create a league, you should automatically get a home page with schedules, stats, recent activities, highlight clips, forums, etc. Come on EA! This is 2006! Have you seen the Intarweb lately!?

Well we do have some pretty ****** players in the league as is. All we really care about is dedication and not being a prick (hard combo to find). Admittedly we have some of the best players out there (football players NOT video game players) but for us lowly skilled ones, its more about the fun of it, not going for the gold.

As for you league ideas, trust me, I've had similar in depth discussions with peopel at EA ove this. People that run their "communities" and crap... while interesting to them, they simply dont care. EA's game rooms fill up with button smashers and idiots and "league" work fine for them. People that want to play in REAL leagues, with rules, boundries etc sadly have to set up their own. EA still pulls them in by the millions because little Johnny just wants to go deep with CJ or TO and not worry about boring stuiff like gameplay.
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