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Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2000
What role does (Agent) Smith play now? Obviously he still hates Neo, but I guess he's free of being an Agent of the Matrix. Does this mean that the other Agents are out to get him as well? When he saw that one Agent at the park, that Agent was suprised to see Smith. Then of course, Smith made him on of his own.

I assume the version of Smith in Zion (guy in last scene) is gonna play a big role in the next movie. Maybe it's cuz I just saw a uh, certain other movie recently, but I think it'd be interesting if this Smith in Zion somehow ends up helping Neo against the Matrix in the next movie. Perhaps Zion's Smith has a wife and kids and is forced to acknowledge emotions, something he didn't do before and this changes him.

Is this even possible?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: maladroit
And how about this theory that just popped into my head....

Maybe the real world really is the real world, and Neo was actually the first anomaly with his level of power that ever was born into the Matrix. That would explain him having extroardinary telekinetic powers in the real world (ie, his mind is so advanced and evolved that he has amazing psychic powers - almost like an X-Man). The machines have no way to stop him in the Matrix, and they know they are doomed if Neo survives, so they invent this crazy story about how Zion has been destroyed 6 times etc, just to try to force him to choose to give in to the machines. Hmm...

All I know is that I've never had this much fun thinking about a movie before...

I like that theory and definately agree about it being fun to think about. It is the kind of thing that is missing from at least 95% of hollywood films, the use of the brain.


Platinum Member
Sep 2, 2000
so many possibilities, i love this movie more and more every minute!

indeed. if you put it in perspective, it's just a silly sci\fi flick. I think some peolple get overly enthused about these things, but the film did provide my wife, son and I with plenty to discuss afterwards. good clean fun that's all.
As a sequel, I think the film was great and I'm sure it will be the weakest of the three, but good nonetheless. I think that the folks that are dissappointed were expecting that same "fresh" feeling from the original and it just can't happen again, this a sequel it should be viewed as such.

I think for the conclusion they should have one teaser/trailer. too much was shown in trailers prior to the films release I think.


Dec 17, 2001
Originally posted by: RishiS
What role does (Agent) Smith play now? Obviously he still hates Neo, but I guess he's free of being an Agent of the Matrix. Does this mean that the other Agents are out to get him as well? When he saw that one Agent at the park, that Agent was suprised to see Smith. Then of course, Smith made him on of his own.

I assume the version of Smith in Zion (guy in last scene) is gonna play a big role in the next movie. Maybe it's cuz I just saw a uh, certain other movie recently, but I think it'd be interesting if this Smith in Zion somehow ends up helping Neo against the Matrix in the next movie. Perhaps Zion's Smith has a wife and kids and is forced to acknowledge emotions, something he didn't do before and this changes him.

Is this even possible?

I think the BIG final fight that we saw in the previews is going to be Neo vs that guy who is posessed by Agent Smith, when he is plugged in somehow. Since he is plugging into the Matrix from the outside, he will not be "bound by rules" of the matrix anymore, so he will be in essence Neo's equal in ability. The rest of the Smith's that stand around are the normal Agent Smiths that we saw in this movie.

Since they will both be equals with insane powers, this will probably be the best fight scene in history. I heard that Yeun Woo Ping siad that this fight will be his masterpiece. And knowing his work, that's saying a lot.


Dec 17, 2001
As you can tell I'm a tad bit excited... now I'm off to my 3 hr night class. If I didn't have that stupid class I'd be seeing it again.

silent tone

Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Spudd
Maybe that's why Lucas' idea that all movies should be done digital instead of on film will become a reality in the future--at least for sci fi/action moves where there is a lot of fast stuff going on.
I like what Lucas is doing for digital, but I don't think even he has an issue with framerate. AFAIK all the new digital cameras are still being built around 24fps. Eventually I guess the tech will get good enough that higher framerate will be almost free and you won't need a George Lucas to go on a crusade to make it available.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
It seems to me as has been said before, that ZION is actually PART of the matrix and it's all part of the deception that was concieved by the Oracle and the Architect.

HOWEVER, I think in Matrix 3, Neo and the crew will find a way to overcome the matrix and excape to "Reality".

and the surpise will probably be that there is a NEW sun and the matrix is no longer necessary.

Yup. And then it becomes a very long, very expensive "Outer Limits" episode.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Sorry, didn't have time to read thru every post...hopefully my impressions aren't a repeat that will generate annoyance...

It would seem the war is not between humans and machines, but instead between programs.

Agent Smith was apparently morphed when Neo "destroyed" him in the first film. And now his program seems to have lost its association with the master program. Further, he can infect any other program, including agents, and morph them into a duplicate program of himself, which is enough to really cause a balancing problem within the master program. In the first movie, he was quite adament about getting out of the Matrix ("It's the smell...if there is such a thing..."). He knows that once Neo reaches the Architect, that the whole program will start over again with version 7.0, and Smith will continue to be stuck in an infinite loop.

Except this time, some things happened that were different from the previous versions: first, Agent Smith got out of the Matrix by infecting a resistence fighter and exiting to a hovercraft. Then Smith attempts to assassinate Neo in Zion...thus preventing him from full-filling the "prophecy" that would result in a version 7.0.

Rogue programs are rampant, and causing a bunch of problems. And apparently, they are not deleted with installation of newer versions of the Matrix, and also are continuing to modify their programming.

It seems the Oracle program was written so that each version of the Matrix properly followed the exact recreation (deja vu) of each previous version before it, culminating in the destruction and recreation of Zion. Obviously, the machines need Zion to exist, and to be repeatedly destroyed. Why, I'm not sure, but it may be because there are certain "gifted" people ("potentials") that need to be unplugged from the Matrix, or otherwise they would cause problems that cannot be solved with the software. So there needs to be someone available to unplug them and get them out, thus the necessity of Zion. The reason it needs to be repeatedly destroyed may be so that it begins again with only 16, and then grow again to a quarter-million, with most or all of them not having any idea just how old the Matrix truly is, keeping each generation ignorant of just how much control the Matrix truly has...and also ignorant that they are being controlled while they believe they are "free".

Neo somehow knew the Sentinals were about to send a bomb to the hovercraft...they didn't use bombs before, so how would he know this? Then he could feel the Sentinels coming toward them. And then he knocked them out. I'm not sure why he was able to do all of this while unplugged, but I'm pretty sure the machines never expected it, or knew that it was possible. So now the Matrix has problems both within its own programming...which cannot be upgraded now to v7.0, and has a buttload of rogue programs running around...and also in the real world, where a truly gifted person is about ready to wreak havoc from the outside.

Even if I'm totally off base, Revolutions should make for an interesting conclusion...


Oct 11, 1999

Going tomorrow for 8 oclock show tomorrow.

Man the fight scenes were freaken amazing, but the conversation between the engineer of the matrix and Neo was a bit confusing so hopefully this will clear things up.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: istallion
Originally posted by: Spudd
Maybe that's why Lucas' idea that all movies should be done digital instead of on film will become a reality in the future--at least for sci fi/action moves where there is a lot of fast stuff going on.
I like what Lucas is doing for digital, but I don't think even he has an issue with framerate. AFAIK all the new digital cameras are still being built around 24fps. Eventually I guess the tech will get good enough that higher framerate will be almost free and you won't need a George Lucas to go on a crusade to make it available.

they should double the framerate to 48, they do have cameras that record like this and it is a nice jump in moving image quality. It would cause an increase in visual effects cost by doubling the number of frames that have to be rendered/altered, but i think it is a much better solution than digital projectors, which cost a ton right now and constantly need repairs and do not last as long as a traditional projector.


Jan 3, 2001
Ugh...I'm afraid. All of the reviews I've read so far have been mixed. Every one of the reviews said comments like "cartoonish, non sensical, no plot-all action". I'll see if they're right tonight I guess.


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2001
Originally posted by: CrazyDe1
That's actually pretty good except it seemed like the Architect was implying that the previous Neos were the previous 6 "The One's". It seems like hes explaining the ones before him chose to reload the matrix or something. But then you also look at it and see that theres been 6 previous "the one's" and you see more than 6 on the screens....

The way I saw that was the architect could see all the possibilities with which Neo, the 6th "the one", would respond. The Neo we know is 1 continuation of all possibilities seen by the architect.




Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Slugbait
Sorry, didn't have time to read thru every post...hopefully my impressions aren't a repeat that will generate annoyance...

It would seem the war is not between humans and machines, but instead between programs.

Agent Smith was apparently morphed when Neo "destroyed" him in the first film. And now his program seems to have lost its association with the master program. Further, he can infect any other program, including agents, and morph them into a duplicate program of himself, which is enough to really cause a balancing problem within the master program. In the first movie, he was quite adament about getting out of the Matrix ("It's the smell...if there is such a thing..."). He knows that once Neo reaches the Architect, that the whole program will start over again with version 7.0, and Smith will continue to be stuck in an infinite loop.

Except this time, some things happened that were different from the previous versions: first, Agent Smith got out of the Matrix by infecting a resistence fighter and exiting to a hovercraft. Then Smith attempts to assassinate Neo in Zion...thus preventing him from full-filling the "prophecy" that would result in a version 7.0.

Rogue programs are rampant, and causing a bunch of problems. And apparently, they are not deleted with installation of newer versions of the Matrix, and also are continuing to modify their programming.

It seems the Oracle program was written so that each version of the Matrix properly followed the exact recreation (deja vu) of each previous version before it, culminating in the destruction and recreation of Zion. Obviously, the machines need Zion to exist, and to be repeatedly destroyed. Why, I'm not sure, but it may be because there are certain "gifted" people ("potentials") that need to be unplugged from the Matrix, or otherwise they would cause problems that cannot be solved with the software. So there needs to be someone available to unplug them and get them out, thus the necessity of Zion. The reason it needs to be repeatedly destroyed may be so that it begins again with only 16, and then grow again to a quarter-million, with most or all of them not having any idea just how old the Matrix truly is, keeping each generation ignorant of just how much control the Matrix truly has...and also ignorant that they are being controlled while they believe they are "free".

Neo somehow knew the Sentinals were about to send a bomb to the hovercraft...they didn't use bombs before, so how would he know this? Then he could feel the Sentinels coming toward them. And then he knocked them out. I'm not sure why he was able to do all of this while unplugged, but I'm pretty sure the machines never expected it, or knew that it was possible. So now the Matrix has problems both within its own programming...which cannot be upgraded now to v7.0, and has a buttload of rogue programs running around...and also in the real world, where a truly gifted person is about ready to wreak havoc from the outside.

Even if I'm totally off base, Revolutions should make for an interesting conclusion...

The architect needs Zion (and zion is PART of the program btw) because w/o it the matrix is TOO perfect and the human mind rejects it. the existence of Zion forces everyone to make a choice to stay in the (perfect) matrix or take the pill and go into the (imperfect) matrix. It's CHOICE that keeps the humans subjugated because they believe they are making a choice.

That was Neo's realization in the room with the architect and the reason he choose Trinity over destroying the program and having everything start all over again.

Matrix 3 will resolve this. Neo will find a way to leave the (perfect) Matrix and the (imperfect) matrix (aka zion) and find the "REAL" Reality.



Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Beast1284
Originally posted by: TheShiz
Originally posted by: Beast1284
References to Christianity out the ARSE. The references were so blatant I was laughing to myself through the entire film. But, an excellent sequel and I can't wait to see what happens in the next.

i've never read the bible or been to church, so point out some of the references you found amusing.

Basically everything. If it was in the movie you can find it in the bible... Just to name a few....

- Jesus could heal people, Neo heals Trinity
- When Neo returns to Zion, he is greeted by people with gifts, and one person asks him to heal her daughter, straight out of the bible.

That's just two of the MANY stories that are straight from the bible.

Matrix is fake
ALso the scene where you see jesus when he enters the matrix... resembles that religion is a form of control


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2001
OK My take on it..... this is gonna be llllllllooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg... Bear with me....

Yeah there were bible references, and yes Satan is French... are you suprised?? I am not

but that's not what struck me... What made it clear for me was the Architect...

Look at it from a software/system design standpoint. Programmers will get this...

Remember the matrix only exists to to keep humans alive to produce energy. Energy for what?? to keep the matrix going? pointless... There is a mainframe we have been told that but, in Reloaded they never get to it...

Neo is a bug in the Matrix, there were 5 previous versions with 5 bugs, Neo is the sixth in the sixth version.. The room where the Arctitecht exists is a system outside the Matrix. It's in a middleware/messaging system between the Matrix and the Mainframe. The entire interaction between the Architect and Neo was a Debug session. The Architect told Neo that there would be a new version, and he had to proceed to the mainframe and give it the anomolie in order for the new version to be reloaded, if he did not everyone would die.. The Architect Lied!! He needed to trap the error in order to fix it . Neo dind't accept the parameter. No one would die if he went back into the Matrix, if Neo returned there would be no debug, no hotfix and no new version. The architect couldn't very well trash the old version without a new one otherwise everyone would die, then they would have no power. So he lied.. Neo didn't take the bait... You'll notice the world did not end when he went back. He didn't lie about Trinity, she did die... Neo just brought her back..

The Oracle is also a debug routine.. she handles things differently, she interacts with Neo in order to debug him. She also LIES! remember in the first movie she said he wasn't the One... Why would she tell him that it was either a Lie or she doesn't know as much as she lets on. She was right that Neo's road ended at the door to the main frame, and if he had gone through that door of the architects little room it would have but, he didn't.

Ok so what about Zion?? I get the imperssion Zion is a system on the outside of this middle system behind a Firewall or exists in a DMZ outside of this middleware system. Why else would the Sentinals keep on digging after they attacked Zion?? Where are they going??? The people in Zion access the matrix via this middle system that has been hacked and protected via this DMZ/Firewall. Why don't the people of Zion realize this?? I dunno maybe the system in which they exist and is hooked to the firewall/DMZis also a matrix (anti-matrix???) The Arcitect refers to destroing Zion, and if fact maybe they did destroy the connection to it and as far as he is concerned that would destroy Zion.. then again he could be LYING!!

So the folks from Zion don't realize they are in yet another system, however in the end Neo does realize this, and realizes that it operates under the same priciples and rules and is able to stop the sentenals. The other ship didn't do it, the ships need to be shut down in order to do an EMP. Why the comma?? dunno maybe it takes more to stop the programs in the middle system, maybe the realization of this put him in tyhe coma. Remember he blacked out in the first one when he found out about The Matrix.

What's with Agent Smith?? Well he is still a program, however he is a rouge and apperently has some of Neo's code. Rouge programs we are told do exist in the mtarix and are ghost, vampires, and whatnot. However like all of the other programs in the Matrix outside of the French Satan, The oracle, and the Key maker he has very little knowledge of systems outside the matrix. In the first movie we know he knows an outside exists and wants to get there but, Why? He also has a need to get into Zion in order to do this. At the end of the last Matrix he is already pretty much a rouge program. So his motivation is the same is Neo, get out of the Matrix and and be FREE and maybe take control of the Main frame. At this point though he is not very bright, If he was he would have realized he is capable of the same things as Neo. All 100 of him could have taken off after Neo when he flew away. So he is still bound and ruled by the contructs of the Matrix.

What about the other smith?? Yeah the guy that gets copied and into Zion?? Simple same Smith different copy but he is connected to Neo as well and Neo connected to him. What bugged me was what was with the ZionSmith cutting his hand making it Bleed and then shaking Neo's hand?? Was the Blood another Code exchange perhaps?

This could explain why Zionsmith survives the sentinals and is also in a comma, he and Neo are linked by common code and common purpose. I think in revolutions you will see Neo and Smith become one unit...

Ok there is more but this is long enough....

Oh yeah, except this... I thought the Primal / Rave bit was way too long and seemed out of place too.. I think that is just window dressing to spice up Trnity and Neo getting it on...



Platinum Member
Nov 29, 1999
Since the Matrix is MultiTier-ed - More than 2 layers for sure, I think Zion is just the catalyst that causes so many humans in the 2nd matrix *real world* to be the energy producing source for the matrix layer outside that. I mean, imagine how much energy the rave scene produced!


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2002
Ziptar + Maladroit = my take on this movie more or less.
Thanks for summing it up for me guys (although you purposely didn't intend to) but you guys are thinking along the wavelength I am.
I can't wait for the next one.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Skoorb
I found it, compared to the first, quite underwhelming. It was a connect the dot of fights with a weak plot at best. Plus the fighting just frankly got boring. It was a big wire string mess and the CGI for the fight with the bar at one point I was sure I was looking at a real time render of what they must use on the console version of the matrix game.

Ah, very similar to how I feel. But my expectations were lowered substantially after reading the reviews and speaking with people who saw it the previous night. So it was as I expected. I'm looking forward to REVOLUTIONS, and actually watching all three together. But one thing the first one had that the other two probably won't, a... I don't know, I can watch Matrix over and over and always enjoy it. But with the second one, I don't think I could do the same... something with the pacing or story...


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2002
Lots of stuff to talk about, but one thing that did not impress me was the music. I didn't like it and didn't think it fit the fight scenes well at all.

It's quite possible that I'm comparing it all to the lobby scene in the first movie and Propeller Heads, Spybreak. That music fit perfectly IMO at least.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2000
I really loved the movie... Zion was boring at times... way too long, but the fight scenes were great.

I loved the burly brawl, but surprisingly to me I think one of my favorite fight scenes was when Neo fought the 3 agents near the beginning. For some reason it just was really really cool to me... reminded me of the first movie

I've seen it twice, and its definately better the second time around.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2002
After just watching the Revolutions trailer, I saw Seraph with guns and he gave me a very Agenty feel - I also saw him fighting Morpheus.
Something (another thing) to think about.


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2000
lots of good stuff in this thread!

just saw the movie

i think you really have to be into the matrix to fully appreciate it. kinda like star wars episode II

(although i hate that comparison, it's kinda accurate)

music in reloaded was pretty weak too i would agree, compared to the first one

good movie though, they got lots of new characters introduced and lots of plot development. i enjoyed it, but judging by audience reaction as a whole, i don't think it really clicked


Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2001
Originally posted by: sohcrates
lots of good stuff in this thread!

just saw the movie

i think you really have to be into the matrix to fully appreciate it. kinda like star wars episode II

(although i hate that comparison, it's kinda accurate)

music in reloaded was pretty weak too i would agree, compared to the first one

good movie though, they got lots of new characters introduced and lots of plot development. i enjoyed it, but judging by audience reaction as a whole, i don't think it really clicked

I think the music in the trailers was better than the music chosen for the movies.

That Speed Demon track and Supermoves both tore sh!t up. The Juno Reactor/Don Davis Burly Brawl track wasn't bad, it just lacked the thump of the previous two.
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