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Golden Member
Oct 21, 2000
Originally posted by: gwlam12
maybe agent smith is a virus now.

anyway, for the poster above who said trinity and neo's child will save them...i dont think thats possible. zion will be gone by the time the child is old enough.

isn't zion basically already gone.....when they were discussing with another ship at the end that saved them that zion was already attacked and massacred?

the child of the one in the terrible twos....man thats gotta suck in the matrix :-D



Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2002
I don't think the real world is another Matrix either. I think Neo's actions at the end with the Sentinels reflects his connection with Smith and maybe just his ability to become the real Savior of mankind. Smith left the Matrix (at least his mind did) so maybe, with his release from his previous bonds, Neo gained some release as well. It was shown that there is a real connection between Smith and Neo.

If that's not it, maybe Neo is really being made into the Jesus he represents.


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2000
if smith can replicate himself why isn't it possible that when he replicatates himself on someone who has been freed from the matrix he can then use their body outside of the matrix also because he was freed from his own constraints when he was destroyed?

and its not another layer of the matrix which he can run amuck in now that he has changed


Oct 9, 1999
I dont think that neo stopped those sentinels. I think the sentinels self destructed. Neo is too important. If they wanted to kill neo, they could have easily done so before. Neo is supposedly breaking the mold of all of the ones before him. Perhaps that is what the machines truely want.

Keep in mind that the architect said that there were earlier matrixes, and they were all failures. One was the perfect place for humanity, supreme happiness, but it failed, ie, the garden of eden. Then theres probably the pre-noah's ark earth, which was also corrupted and ended.

I'm not so sure the "real world" is another form of the matrix. Instead, I think that it is becoming obvious to neo and the architect and everyone else than there isnt so much layers of worlds one of top of the other, but they are all somehow intertwined, each one being a microcosm of the others etc. Kind of how when neo was standing in the room with the architect, and the camera kept panning into the screens and coming back out, and you could see infinite neo's in the screens.

Its not that there is a distinct separation between the matrix and the real world, but that they are more closely related than that.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: JEDI

As for power output, why didnt the machines just build nuclear plants w/half lifes of millions of years?!

morpheus said they have fusion.

someone is going to pop up and say the matrix was invented by humans after they screwed up the world, because the explanation of using people as batteries violates themordynamics

Whoa. Never thought of that. In the Animatrix episodes 1 and 4 ("The New Renaissance"), you first see it as someone accessing a database of history. What if all is this is a lie? Maybe humanity is screwed the world so badly that they are all chained to life suport systems in which to live and the matrix is some sort of consentual reality? What if there is no man versus machine because we have become so intertwined and interdependent on each other to exist?

But if the story is true that we are indeed slaves to the machine, then it does make sense of all the mythological & philosophical references. Machines would have read all the works of man and would have come to the logical conclusion that, although civilized, we are led by our primal instincts to obey "a higher authority."

As to the French guy, he is not machine, AI, nor human.
He is.. uh, French.
(they all are like that)


Senior member
Mar 19, 2000
The oracle never actually tells neo he is not the one. Listen closely, I am not watching the movie ATM, BUT, if I remember right, he says "I'm not the one..." or something to that factand the oracle says "No"... denying what he said.
Even if I am mistaken, she never actually tells him he isn't the one, that was a choice he made in his head.
Also, 2nd level matrix. Anyone think that the 2nd level of the matrix is HUMANS controlling the matrix for the machines, and that they are controlling the matrix that neo was awoken from? Just a thought that passed through my head.


Oct 9, 1999
Right now, I am thinking that if there is a matrix within a matrix, it is not that the machines have two layers of matrix to prevent them from getting out. Only that the machines are in the matrix of their own, and in order to understand their existence, being bound to computer hardware, they have turned to using humans to understand their own reality.

There was a part in the animatrix where the humans throw one of their captured machines into a matrix of its own, and it has no idea what is real or not.

However, that leaves the question up in the air as to who is controlling the whole thing, whether its humans, machines, gods....or something else.


Golden Member
Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: BD2003
Right now, I am thinking that if there is a matrix within a matrix, it is not that the machines have two layers of matrix to prevent them from getting out. Only that the machines are in the matrix of their own, and in order to understand their existence, being bound to computer hardware, they have turned to using humans to understand their own reality.

There was a part in the animatrix where the humans throw one of their captured machines into a matrix of its own, and it has no idea what is real or not.

good point


Senior member
Mar 19, 2000
BD2003, that animatrix ep you are talking about is where my idea stemmed from. Odd.
I'm more inclined to think that Neo is actually in the real world, not a 2nd level matrix and that he is actually mankinds savior, as he is a christ-like character.

The multiple "one" ideas are cool, esp. living inside the matrix. Hmmm, I love this movie because of the so many ways it could happen. It was more action and less plot development... much like I thought LOTR2 was more action and less plot. That's how trilogys work.


What is real to a machine but what it is told? I like my humans controlling the 2nd level matrix. hehe


Golden Member
Jul 16, 2001
Thinking about some of the other animatrix shorts... Neo's coma parallels the runner's coma in "World Record" ...that would suggest that Neo stopping the sentinels caused some sort of shock-enlightenment and that Zion is indeed a matrix world.


Golden Member
Jun 25, 2001

I have to wait till next friday to watch it cause of stupid finals.
Have to skip every word in this thread to avoid spoilers...


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: placebo139

I have to wait till next friday to watch it cause of stupid finals.
Have to skip every word in this thread to avoid spoilers...

but he still has to get that post in... heh


Senior member
Dec 21, 2000
Originally posted by: placebo139

I have to wait till next friday to watch it cause of stupid finals.
Have to skip every word in this thread to avoid spoilers...

I watched it late last night, and I had 2 finals this morning and one more tomorrow morning. I don't regret it; i think it actually stimulated my mind as I think i did pretty well today.

All these cool ideas everyone is putting out there makes me want to tell everyone who's given the movie bad reviews to really try to think it through again. A lot of people have dissed Reloaded as philosophical mumbo jumbo, but to me and obviously everyone else contributing to this thread, it has provided some very interesting bits of conversation. Behind all the action scenes lie some really thought provoking pieces of philosophy.

Plus, monica bellucci was really good looking.


Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2001
Originally posted by: lowfatbaconboy
Originally posted by: gwlam12
maybe agent smith is a virus now.

anyway, for the poster above who said trinity and neo's child will save them...i dont think thats possible. zion will be gone by the time the child is old enough.

isn't zion basically already gone.....when they were discussing with another ship at the end that saved them that zion was already attacked and massacred?

the child of the one in the terrible twos....man thats gotta suck in the matrix :-D

i thought the ones that got massacred were the five ships that were attempting a counterattack but were set up by the lone survivor


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: lowfatbaconboy
Originally posted by: gwlam12
maybe agent smith is a virus now.

anyway, for the poster above who said trinity and neo's child will save them...i dont think thats possible. zion will be gone by the time the child is old enough.

isn't zion basically already gone.....when they were discussing with another ship at the end that saved them that zion was already attacked and massacred?

the child of the one in the terrible twos....man thats gotta suck in the matrix :-D

it was a counter attack that got wiped by a traiter, not at zion, but tunnels above.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: dfi
Ok, so this is what my friend and I got from that movie.

1) Neo is still in the matrix. In fact, he never left the matrix.

2) The "real" world, containing Morpheus and Zion, is merely another layer of the matrix. It is a method of controlling all "the ones" that would come to be, the 1% of anomalies that is bound to occur. This can be seen from the architect's talk with Neo about the 5 previous "the ones", and also the way the architect says he has become efficient at destroying Zion and the human race. The oracle is merely part of that system. She is does what she is suppose to do, which is give purpose to "the one" and lead him to the architect. That is how the oracle knows that Neo is having dreams in the "real" world, even though she is just a program in the system.

Of course the architect is hoping that all "the ones" always pick the choice of saving all of humanity, and thus somehow dooming Zion/show "the ones" that it's futile. However, as the architect and Neo both said, the problem is "choice". While, according to the architect, the 5 previous ones had a generalized feeling towards humanity (wanting to save humanity as a whole), Neo was different because he had a specific person that he was in love with (Trinity), and therefore (as the architect put it), triggering the chemical effects of love that overpowers logic. The architect is able to see many variations and possibilities and has seen that Neo is the small probability that the outer control mechanism (the "real" world) fails to bring "the one" to the "proper/expected" choice of saving humanity.

3) Agent Smith has found a way to go to the layer of the matrix that Neo is now in. Smith is the guy with the beard. He probably survived the attack because the sentinels realized that the bearded man was not human.

4) The asian guy who fought Neo is not a program, but another "the one", 1 of the 5 the architect spoke of. Which explains why the asian guy was glowing, as if enlightened. Also, this explains why he could keep up with Neo. Besides, when Neo asked the asian guy how he knew Neo was "the one", the asian guy responded that he could tell by fighting Neo.

The asian guy can't be a program; otherwise there would never be "the one" (which the architect said there has been 6, including Neo). If a program can fight on par with "the one", then it would be simple for the matrix to kill "the one" by sending multiple "asian guy" programs.

5) The french guy and his wife are possibly both also 2 of the 5 previous "the ones". The french guy is totally jaded; this can be seen in the way he criticizes Neo for following the oracle's order like a simple drone. And I don't think he is a program unless programs like getting blowjobs. This also explains why the french guy can make "special" cakes, and have renegade programs as part of his gang without the sentinels coming to try and delete them. This is also why the matrix has never sent sentinels to get the keymaker: because the keymaker is protected by "the ones". The reason I think the french guy's wife is also "the one" is because she said that she came "together at the beginning" or something along those lines. She was also able to kill one of the renegade programs with ease, and the other renegade program feared her. And she is openly defiant of the french guy, yet the french guy does not punish her. She misses being loved, which no program has shown a propensity towards thus far.

6) The scene with Neo and the counselor at the bottom of Zion, looking at the machinery, seems to foreshadow that somehow the humans do not NEED the machines, yet still depend/want them. Which could actually said to work in reverse for the machines. Maybe the machines don't actually NEED the humans to survive, but depend/want humans. This can be seen in when the architect says that the machines are prepared to live at a low level of survival without humans for energy.


That's actually pretty good except it seemed like the Architect was implying that the previous Neos were the previous 6 "The One's". It seems like hes explaining the ones before him chose to reload the matrix or something. But then you also look at it and see that theres been 6 previous "the one's" and you see more than 6 on the screens....


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2000
oh sorry wasn't to terribly clear on who got killed by the machines...

and to all those who say the movie isn't worth time or money...
what did you expect its a sequel to an extremely orignial movie you can't make a sequel be as original because its still based off another movie

just don't go in there with the HIGHEST expectations thinking your going to be blown away like you were by watching matrix for the first time...... its like watching memento and then expecting it to be as surprising and thought provoking the second time you see it
just treat the movie like its part of a triology when u go to see it

IMHO the fight scenes and special effects were worth the money to see it
(honestly id like to hear some reasons from people why they didn't like it)


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: CrazyDe1
Originally posted by: dfi
Ok, so this is what my friend and I got from that movie.

1) Neo is still in the matrix. In fact, he never left the matrix.

2) The "real" world, containing Morpheus and Zion, is merely another layer of the matrix. It is a method of controlling all "the ones" that would come to be, the 1% of anomalies that is bound to occur. This can be seen from the architect's talk with Neo about the 5 previous "the ones", and also the way the architect says he has become efficient at destroying Zion and the human race. The oracle is merely part of that system. She is does what she is suppose to do, which is give purpose to "the one" and lead him to the architect. That is how the oracle knows that Neo is having dreams in the "real" world, even though she is just a program in the system.

Of course the architect is hoping that all "the ones" always pick the choice of saving all of humanity, and thus somehow dooming Zion/show "the ones" that it's futile. However, as the architect and Neo both said, the problem is "choice". While, according to the architect, the 5 previous ones had a generalized feeling towards humanity (wanting to save humanity as a whole), Neo was different because he had a specific person that he was in love with (Trinity), and therefore (as the architect put it), triggering the chemical effects of love that overpowers logic. The architect is able to see many variations and possibilities and has seen that Neo is the small probability that the outer control mechanism (the "real" world) fails to bring "the one" to the "proper/expected" choice of saving humanity.

3) Agent Smith has found a way to go to the layer of the matrix that Neo is now in. Smith is the guy with the beard. He probably survived the attack because the sentinels realized that the bearded man was not human.

4) The asian guy who fought Neo is not a program, but another "the one", 1 of the 5 the architect spoke of. Which explains why the asian guy was glowing, as if enlightened. Also, this explains why he could keep up with Neo. Besides, when Neo asked the asian guy how he knew Neo was "the one", the asian guy responded that he could tell by fighting Neo.

The asian guy can't be a program; otherwise there would never be "the one" (which the architect said there has been 6, including Neo). If a program can fight on par with "the one", then it would be simple for the matrix to kill "the one" by sending multiple "asian guy" programs.

5) The french guy and his wife are possibly both also 2 of the 5 previous "the ones". The french guy is totally jaded; this can be seen in the way he criticizes Neo for following the oracle's order like a simple drone. And I don't think he is a program unless programs like getting blowjobs. This also explains why the french guy can make "special" cakes, and have renegade programs as part of his gang without the sentinels coming to try and delete them. This is also why the matrix has never sent sentinels to get the keymaker: because the keymaker is protected by "the ones". The reason I think the french guy's wife is also "the one" is because she said that she came "together at the beginning" or something along those lines. She was also able to kill one of the renegade programs with ease, and the other renegade program feared her. And she is openly defiant of the french guy, yet the french guy does not punish her. She misses being loved, which no program has shown a propensity towards thus far.

6) The scene with Neo and the counselor at the bottom of Zion, looking at the machinery, seems to foreshadow that somehow the humans do not NEED the machines, yet still depend/want them. Which could actually said to work in reverse for the machines. Maybe the machines don't actually NEED the humans to survive, but depend/want humans. This can be seen in when the architect says that the machines are prepared to live at a low level of survival without humans for energy.


That's actually pretty good except it seemed like the Architect was implying that the previous Neos were the previous 6 "The One's". It seems like hes explaining the ones before him chose to reload the matrix or something. But then you also look at it and see that theres been 6 previous "the one's" and you see more than 6 on the screens....

i don't think the screens were showing the other ones. they were showing neos other possible "choices". kinda like the infinite possibilites of you in other dimensions i guess.


Dec 17, 2001
Originally posted by: koolhand
So what's the deal with Neo being able to stop the Sentinels as if he was "in" the Matrix when he's
out in the "real" world??

it's a matrix within the matrix if you ask me


Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2001
one reason i didnt like it was because of the fight scenes. i mean, neo will not die. he is practically invincible. so fight scenes got boring for me.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2001
It seems like the whole thing is a simulation for the machines. As it is right now, it seems like the machines aren't truly living because they don't have a choice and they can't choose. They're preprogrammed and you always know which way they will choose based on the code. Choice are not really choices. It seems like Neo is a software program written by the machines to try to make themselves truly intelligent and feel things human such as emotion and love. Everytime they run the simulation with a few changes, the software program "the one" chooses the same wrong path. They want him to choose the other path and figure out what's truly different between humans and machines, in this case, human nature. If machines can love, then they can peacefully coexist with humans.

If Neo was real, then I don't see how there could have been previous versions of him as a few people hae implied. I don't see how there were so many versions of him on the screen. If he had been there before it would imply that there were previous versions of him, and this would imply that he is software, not real. If he was real, he would be a completely different person, looking completely differently...I've never seen 2 people that looked exactly alike and behaved exactly the same. Everytime the matrix resets, he comes back in the same form...again implying that he is a software program, a result of some equation gone bad in the matrix.

The choice in the end will be probably if he wants to end the matrix and kill his love with trinity, because she is human. If he chooses to end the matrix, he will dissappear because he is only software. If he chooses to keep it intact, humanity will continue to be enslaved. I'm guessing that somehow, the machines are going to learn to love and humans and machines will live together in some kind of world...


Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2001
but...the only way he could be software would be if there is no 2nd layer to the matrix.


Feb 13, 2000
Originally posted by: BD2003
Ok, I'm onto something hardcore. The guys name is merovingian.


A few choice quotes:

"The Frankish King Dagobert II, and the Merovingian dynasty from which he came, have been romantically mythologized in the annals of both local legend and modern mystical pseudo-history, but few have understood the true meaning and origins of their alluring mystery. The mystique that surrounds them includes attributions of saintliness, magical powers (derived from their long red hair), and even divine origin, stemming from their supposed descent from the one and only Jesus Christ."

"They created mankind as a slave race to work on their farms and in their gold mines, among other things. The Sumerian legends are very clear: man was made to "bear the yoke of the gods." Man was separate from the gods, like a domesticated animal, and there was a great cultural taboo amongst the gods against sharing any of their sacred information with humanity, even things such as writing and mathematics. These gods ruled directly over Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley, and their rule is recorded in the histories of all three civilizations."

Very importantly:

It was just a rebellion such as this that lead to the downfall of the entire glorious Empire. At some point, it is told, some of the gods broke rank. This is again recorded in just about every culture on Earth that has a written or oral history of legends. Some of the gods, finding human females most appealing, intermarried with them (breaking, of course, a major taboo within their own culture), and creating a race of human/god hybrids. Some of these offspring are described as taking the form of giants, dragons, and sea monsters, while others are said to have born a normal human countenance, with the exception of their shimmering white skin and their extremely long life spans. This is the bloodline that brought us Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David, Jesus Christ, and many others, in other words the Grail Bloodline. Legend has it that these beings taught mankind their secrets, including the above-mentioned arts of civilization, as well as a secret spiritual doctrine that only certain elect humans (their blood descendants) would be allowed to possess. They created ritualistic mystery schools and secret societies to pass this doctrine down through the generations.

Why is she helping neo, and why is neo the one with all these powers? My guess...Cause persephone is his mom, and that french dude is his dad! Why else wouldnt he have just killed him on the spot?

Read from the link, and all will make sense...

You're a little late to the party

that link was posted before you posted it

by your's truly, of course



Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: lowfatbaconboy
if smith can replicate himself why isn't it possible that when he replicatates himself on someone who has been freed from the matrix he can then use their body outside of the matrix also because he was freed from his own constraints when he was destroyed?

and its not another layer of the matrix which he can run amuck in now that he has changed

He doesn't know that the real world is another matrix. So he thinks hes bound by the constraints of the real world because he doen'st knwo that he can manipulate the code to find holes.

To me it seems like Smith is more like a Virus that replicates. Maybe the machines need Neo's help to eradicate the virus that will destroy all humans...
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