**Official** Matrix Revolutions Thread **w/ SPOILERS**

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Nov 25, 2002
I don't know how anyone could complain about this movie. It was one of the best I have ever seen. Whoever said the action sequences sucked must be on crack or something. The invasion of Zion was insane and maybe the best sequence in a sci-fi flick yet.


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2003
The movie was more Gundam and dragonball Z than the "Matrix"

The whole stinking point on the whole dumb trilogy was Yin/yang

Neo and smith

architech and oracle

Machines and humans.

they all need each other to live. to coexist. blah blah blah.

What a bunch of crap.



Nov 25, 2002
When I read posts bashing this movie and the poll where people said that the movie sucked, I am confirmed in my belief that the world is filled with idiots.


Senior member
Oct 12, 1999
Already know i was going to get flammed.

So if smith was to balance neo then neo and smith was not an anomoly at all.

Btw I also vote for a matrix within a matrix.

Neo seem to realize that when he was thinking. He was able to interact with the machine and read them like he did in the matrix. but he has gain the ability to hack the "real world" matrix as he has.

lol puts on flame suit once more.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
I just saw the movie and it sucked!

Zion was not saved, its just going to exist till the machines decide its time for an overclock and go hunting for some more humans.

Also Neo was not used by the Oracle. If he had been, he would stand to gain nothing from it but of course, Zion was "saved" becuase of him.

There were some very good scenes in the movie, I liked the fights between the sentinels and the robots (or whatever they were). Also the scene of trying to break in machine city was awesome. The ending was extremely bad and I was left there thinking about what the hell was going on.


Dec 31, 2002
best. trilogy. ever.

sums it all up, works well... people are just mad because there wasnt anymore left, i felt sad when it was all over...

and do NOT tell me you didn't stay and watch all the credits and in some hope wish there was going to be a sign of hope still was there saying there was going to be more...

matrix 4? 5? 6?


silent tone

Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Persephone is all about love. That's all she talks about. Love causes problems for the Merovingian each time we see him. Smith makes some snide remark about love, and the program in the subway 'feels' love for the girl. I don't know what that's about.

I don't think there was much character left undeveloped. The oracle is a little mysterious, but explaining everything about her character would be bad. I am curious what effect the cookies the oracle was baking would have had on Neo. How can he communicate with the machines in the real world without a physical connection? Do his 'the one' mental abilities extend to telekinesis and a sixth sense?


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2001
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: MacBaine
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: MacBaine
Holy crap guys...

Reading some of these posts make me laugh. I just saw the movie, and I loved it. It explained most everything, and tied up the entire story nicely. I'm sick of these self ritegeous people claiming the movie 'sucked' abd was a 'complete waste of time' because it didn't live up to their standards. These are the people that will complain no matter how good a movie it is, because they hated it from the beginning. They had no intention of liking it from the moment they heard it was being made. They hate it because of the hype. Go cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and I encourage people reading this thread who haven't seen it to go see it, and forget about all the comments you've read. It's pretty much the second half of the second film, and IMO, it was done excellently. Some people just love to hate popular things, especially movies, when that's the fad.


i think some people actually thought that the whole matrix trilogy was truly DEEP. it wasn't get over it. it was what it was a good Sci-Fi action flick with a few good ideas.

I thought it was pretty deep... but after you understand everything it doesn't seem as much so. The reason everybody is upset now is because they've come up with so many outrageous theories having to do with the aspects of the movie which would be considered deep, and now that everything is revealed, they are disappointed that it wasn't as deep as they had imagined.

but isn't it always that way? once you understand it all, and most of the ambiguities are gone, most of the mystery is gone, guess what, it doesn't seem so deep. so what.

who cares about theories or depth...the movie just straight up sucked. it was long, drawn out and boring.


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2000
a few thoughts

1) beginning was hard to sit through. too much talking. at least 1 and 2 had cool fight scenes at the beginning

2) machine's invading zion was too long...they fought for like 45 minutes and never cut back to what the heck neo et al were up to

3) I think the ending worked. it's true, it's an ending most people wouldn't have believed they could use, and it pretty much beats out all other endings people could probably come up with. (albeit the very last scene was pretty weak with the sun and everything)

4) overall, i can watch the first matrix over and over and never get enough...i've watched the 2nd dvd a bunch of times for the cool scenes and to continue to try to figure out the plot, but the 3rd was kinda just hard to sit through and drawn out...it also really wasn't THAT complicated. as others have said, smith was a virus, infected neo, it's job is done, so it gets deleted. just sucks that those in zion have to live in their crappy bat-caves!

edit: oh yeah, and i think a lot of the "disappointment" with 3 and a lot of it with matrix 2 comes from the fact that in the first one neo was human and began to acquire god-like abilities. however, for the 2nd and 3rd, he is basically all-knowing from beginning to end and that whole aspect is gone....i think that was one of the big reasons the first was so good. then again, how many trilogies really *are* well liked?


Apr 9, 2000
God, should I ditch work tomorrow and see this movie again?

This movie had some of the best visuals I have ever seen in a Motion Picture. The plot moved along perfectly. The ending was sketchy, but how in the hell could one man destroy an entire city of machines? It would have been impossible. If you watch Reloaded, the filmmakers try to drill the idea that Neo, although he is all powerful, is still Only Human.

P.S. I never figured out that Smith was deleted by the Machine because his purpose was over. I originally thought that since Neo was positive/good and Smith was his direct opposite, when Smith took over Neo's body, that created another Negative, and that throws the equation out of balance, hence destroying Smtih.

The whole purpose of the Matrix, IMHO is balance. The Oracle was a problem solver of these equations, hence why she knew so much.


Senior member
Oct 4, 2001
Originally posted by: waylman
Originally posted by: Blindman
some people will never be satisfied.


ok so u basicly went to see a movie that u hated to begain with on opening day. Then you cry about it because its a story that you didnt like even in part 2.

So your statment basiclly said it was great untill they messed it up by making sequals.

sequals are money milking tools. An system for a mean.

you look at the glass. u can identify that it contain water or it dosnt. u can argue its half full or its half empty. It is even better if you can support your argument on that glass of water being half full or half empty if you have prrof for your theory.

Your true argument the movie sucked because its a sequel.

Its like ur arguing that glass is half full because its another glass of water that you never really cared if its empty or full. But yet its a paradox because you took the time/money to make that claim that its half full.

I'm pretty sure this is the most retarded post I have ever read in my entire life.

*Confirmed* The Dumbest Post ever!



Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2002
OK, just returned from the movie. First, let me state that I am big fan of both of the previous two films.

As of right now, I'm a little disappointed. I'm going to see the film again, but I left the theatre a little irritated. Why?

a.) If Neo is the protagonist, the central character of the trilogy, we don't spend enough time with him in this film.
b.) Yes, the fight to save Zion is obviously epic, but did we need to experience so much of basically the same sequence.
c.) Trinity's death was a cop-out. Write the character off to tie-up a loose end. "She's a major character, and she'd be out of place battling to save Zion, but we can't keep her alive if Neo dies - then what would we do with her? Have her fly back to Zion? Hang out in the Machine City? Nah. Let's kill her off in a totally random way."
d.) Morpheus is useless in this film.
e.) If the machines are incapable of emotion, why would they bother honoring their truce with the humans? Why not wipe them all out? Their continued existance is unnecessary once Neo had sacrificed himself and destroyed Smith.
f.) The ending was a little too sweet.
g.) Neo, and indeed Trinity, should not have been killed off. I believe a more satisfying ending could have been written.

Basically, this film has lead me to believe that the brother's tried to do a little too much, and, as a result, have upset movie-goers. Is it cheesy to end it all in a nice, neat little package where all the good guys survive? No, I don't think so.

I'm going to see the film again, but as of right now I'm disappointed.


Senior member
Oct 12, 1999
Ok so smith was not a virus.

He simply envolved to destroy Neo.

When his program was complete he was erased.

Ok I buy that. = )

For now.


Jul 7, 2002
just returned, and i can honestly say i wanted to like it, even had high expectations and hopes for it, and left disappointed. ziptar summed it up pretty well, and even went on some tangents i didnt even consider. i didnt go into this movie searching for deep philosophical meaning or logic, i figured i would take what i can from this movie and sort it out later on dvd. that doesnt mean i was completely unattached from it. a few scenes were visually impressive, but overall, as its already been said, the people are at the exact same point as which they started, sans a few zion residents and a docking station. i appreciated all the hand to hand combat that was emphasized in the first movie, and didnt get it in this movie in the large doses i grew so accustomed to.

since there are enough "this trilogy ruined the series, how can i watch the first knowing now how it ends"-comments, i dont feel the need to come back to this thread and defend my position on a consistent basis. it seems that the thread is divided on the movie, and there is enough people here to continue the 'why it isnt good'-crusade. thanks for taking your time to listen to my opinion, whether you agree with it or not.


Golden Member
Feb 26, 2000
Too many loose ends? Did we watch the same movie? From what I saw they tied up everything pretty good. As for the possibility of there being a 4th installment I highly doubt that will happen. From everything I've read there will be no 4th. It ends here. They do leave it open but I just took that to mean that this Neo completed his task just like the other 4 or 5 did...then the cycle will start all over again. I think you guys are looking too deep into this movie. It's entertainment pure and simple so just leave it at that.


Dec 31, 2002
its funny how much you people complain..

they got your money.. thats what they wanted.. now go to sleep..



Apr 9, 2000
What was Smith's famous words to Neo in every Matrix movie? "It is inevitable!"

Neo realized that it really was inevitable that the only way Smith could be defeated, is if he died. Thus, Smith had no purpose for existing.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2003
Neo should've just beaten the crap out of Smith in the first movie and done away with him instead of being all super neat and diving into him like that.
None of this would've happened if he had just shot him in the head at point blank like Trinity did to that other agent on the rooftop.


Senior member
Jun 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Aftermath
Neo should've just beaten the crap out of Smith in the first movie and done away with him instead of being all super neat and diving into him like that.
None of this would've happened if he had just shot him in the head at point blank like Trinity did to that other agent on the rooftop.

Diddnt that agent just end up respawning in another vessel?


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2003
Diddnt that agent just end up respawning in another vessel?

Well, that IS true, they can just respawn. But at least a default v1.0 Smith would be a lot easier to deal with then tens of thousands of v2.0 Smiths. They made it a point to demonstrate how Neo could fight Smith with one hand behind his back at the end of The Matrix.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2000
Originally posted by: Aftermath
Neo should've just beaten the crap out of Smith in the first movie and done away with him instead of being all super neat and diving into him like that.
None of this would've happened if he had just shot him in the head at point blank like Trinity did to that other agent on the rooftop.

They covered this quite well in reloaded - Smith talks to Neo about purpose. He told him he knew he was supposed to do, but he didn't. Smith became a exiled program.



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I just came back from seeing the movie and I too thought it was a complete waste of time. I did love the first movie and I did love the second movie (I bought both DVD's) however the 3rd movie was very pointless to me and made the second movie worthless as well. Don't get me wrong the first 75% of this movie was great and I was at the edge of my seat. The action in zion was awesome but from the point where they cut to Neo/Trinity untill the credits was just worthless. I don't see why they had to make Neo blind, it did nothing but make some FX look cool, it was pretty stupid to have Neo make the wrong call in powering up the ship and in doing so killed Trinity, then the ending fight..... The fight its self was awesome however the last 60 seconds of the fight was just pointless. I saw it as Neo giving up to agent smith... not beating him. Then the Machines gave Neo's body a jult and blew up agent smith and now Neo is dead. Then the final sceen the little indian girl asks if they will see Neo again and she said in time yes.... HUH? This is supose to be the ending of the matrix, the oracle left it open. I hate to sound cheesy but it would have been a better ending if they never included Bain(aka agent smith) into the movie, left trinity to fight with Morphous in Zion and give a sad but happy ending when Neo finally distroyed agent smith, there is peice w/ the machines and then came back to Zion, Trinity, Morpheous and had a huge party and then they cut to the sceen w/ the oracle, chineese guy and indian girl.

i'm sorry, I loved the first movie with all my heart and really loved the second one too but the 3rd one was just pure crap. It took a few years for them to go from part 1 to part 2. I think they should have done the same w/ part 3. Get some reactions from the people first before even filming the 3rd movie.

EDIT.... another thing they could have done w/ the ending fight sceen is instead of Agent smile turning Neo into another agent, Neo takes a page from his book and shoves his fist through Agent smith, thus creating a sh(t load of Neo's end of war, end of movie.
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