Official Modern Warfare 2 thread

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Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
I don't understand how people can hate on MW2 MP with camping as the issue, especially if you're only playing TDM. There's over a dozen other game modes that you can try, and find that's probably more your style. Don't want campers? Play HQP or Domination. Want something like CS? SnD or HSnD:Ricochet. There's a LOT of different ways to play this game - I feel like the maps are more "open" since there's more buildings and second stories. Some camper takes me out? There's 2-3 ways to get to him other than the one he shot me at. I can also pick my poison on getting him out, launcher, semtex/frag, riot shield, sniping, thermal w/ smoke, etc. You see a problem, I see a challenge & solution. Either change your setup and go after them, or find a game type where camping isn't rewarded.


Golden Member
Apr 17, 2001
I think the multiplayer is freakin sweet.

IMO with all the additions there are so many combos and so many viable specs that the playing field is leveled incredibly. I bounce from really insane games of 40 - 5 to the next game where I can barely scrape out 5-10 by the end.

I play HQP, I can't stand the sneaking and camping of TDM, it is boring to me.

One thing that really matters is all the new insane killstreaks. If your team sucks and just feeds the enemy killstreaks it can make for one frustrating experience. On the other hand, everything in the air can be shot down. I have fun shooting down UAVs with my stinger class.

To anybody bitching about camping in TDM: like somebody already said, try a different game mode. There are always going to be a couple campers but it's much rarer in a gametype like headquarters. As soon as I unlocked HQP, I never went back.
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Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
I don't understand how people can hate on MW2 MP with camping as the issue, especially if you're only playing TDM. There's over a dozen other game modes that you can try, and find that's probably more your style. Don't want campers? Play HQP or Domination. Want something like CS? SnD or HSnD:Ricochet. There's a LOT of different ways to play this game - I feel like the maps are more "open" since there's more buildings and second stories. Some camper takes me out? There's 2-3 ways to get to him other than the one he shot me at. I can also pick my poison on getting him out, launcher, semtex/frag, riot shield, sniping, thermal w/ smoke, etc. You see a problem, I see a challenge & solution. Either change your setup and go after them, or find a game type where camping isn't rewarded.

I agree totally. I think that the kill cam is one thing that really balances out the camping, because you see exactly where they are. If they stay there, they are dead. So many kills come from taking out those campers.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Some camper takes me out? There's 2-3 ways to get to him other than the one he shot me at. I can also pick my poison on getting him out, launcher, semtex/frag, riot shield, sniping, thermal w/ smoke, etc.

Except while you're plotting his elaborate demise and stealthily making your way to his six, some OTHER camping twat who's holed up and practically invisible takes you out. Now you need to track down both of them. Wash, rinse, repeat.

The problem isn't 1 or 2 campers. The problem is 6 of them.

There's a term in poker that I think applies here: 'schooling'. Schooling is the concept that, against any one individual who's an opponent, you are the favorite. Against 2 of them, you are still a favorite, but much less so. Against an entire table of fish who won't fold (or an entire team who camps), you are still favored to win, but not against them as a collective group.

The fact is, the only way to adequately deal with an entire team who camps is to camp yourself and try to beat them at their own game, and that's where we find frustration: that's not the game we were hoping this would be, and it certainly wasn't the game that COD4 was.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2006
well considering ground war is 12 v 12 and goes to 10,000 pts, and normal TDM is 6 v 6 and goes to 7500, it makes sense you hit the 10,000 mark since there are 12 people on each team. that averages out to only like 8 kills per person, whereas the TDM averages out to about 12 kills a person. keep in mind, you only have 6 targets to shoot at as oppose to 12.

then with FFA, again, you have more than 6 other opponents you are shooting at, and nobody is working together. everyone tries to shoot everyone else they see.

we're talking about TDM (at least I am) since that is the "default" for this game (first one in the list and most played).

There isn't that big of a difference between Ground War TDM and regular TDM. In regular TDM, everyone has to average to 1250 points to win. In GW TDM, the average is 1111 points. Not a huge difference.

That said, I have played regular TDM, and I still don't have much of a problem finishing the game. I dunno.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
There isn't that big of a difference between Ground War TDM and regular TDM. In regular TDM, everyone has to average to 1250 points to win. In GW TDM, the average is 1111 points. Not a huge difference.

That said, I have played regular TDM, and I still don't have much of a problem finishing the game. I dunno.

yea but you are also forgetting in GW there are more targets to shoot.


Oct 9, 1999
I'm really surprised so many people are having problems with campers. This isn't unreal tournament, and in the end, it's really not all that different from the first one. Some of the maps encourage it more than others, but sitting in one place isn't really a viable strategy. Just because he caught you by surprise, standing still, at a place you werent expecting him to be doesn't make him a camper. There's even a red dot in your radar whenevr someone fires a shot. You have to go so far out of your way to really pitch a tent in this game it's ridiculous.

Taking a good position while surveying the area for easy targets or hidden enemies is not camping. Other than in derail, true "I am staying in this out of the way corner and picking off anyone that walks by" camping is not a viable strategy for longevity or score.
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Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2005
I'm really surprised so many people are having problems with campers. This isn't unreal tournament, and in the end, it's really not all that different from the first one. Some of the maps encourage it more than others, but sitting in one place isn't really a viable strategy. Just because he caught you by surprise, standing still, at a place you werent expecting him to be doesn't make him a camper. There's even a red dot in your radar whenevr someone fires a shot. You have to go so far out of your way to really pitch a tent in this game it's ridiculous.

Taking a good position while surveying the area for easy targets or hidden enemies is not camping. Other than in derail, true "I am staying in this out of the way corner and picking off anyone that walks by" camping is not a viable strategy for longevity or score.

^speaks the truth

Camping is just an excuse used by those who are not very good or smart enough to counter it


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
^speaks the truth

Camping is just an excuse used by those who are not very good or smart enough to counter it

Please. Both of you. This isn't my first rodeo, nor is it BoberFett's, Kabob's, purebeast's, etc. I maintain a 1.5 ratio here, and I maintained a 2.2+ ratio in COD4. Let's elevate this above your average pedestrian "you don't have leet gamer skillz so u suck dealing with campers". We've addressed the why, but you (specifically you, PimpJuice), are still speaking in generalities. Yes, the camping can ultimately be dealt with. Though time and time again, I've cited the consequence of the camping - the slowed pace of the game - as my root complaint.

There is oodles more camping here. Hell, go back and read through BD2003's posts and it becomes quite evident that he's riding both sides of the fence here... Mr. "Scavenger is a pain because you have to move to use it"
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Sep 5, 2004
Please. Both of you. This isn't my first rodeo, nor is it BoberFett's, Kabob's, purebeast's, etc. I maintain a 1.5 ratio here, and I maintained a 2.2+ ratio in COD4. Let's elevate this above your average pedestrian "you don't have leet gamer skillz so u suck dealing with campers". We've addressed the why, but you (specifically you, PimpJuice), are still speaking in generalities. Yes, the camping can ultimately be dealt with. Though time and time again, I've cited the consequence of the camping - the slowed pace of the game - as my root complaint.

There is oodles more camping here. Hell, go back and read through BD2003's posts and it becomes quite evident that he's riding both sides of the fence here... Mr. "Scavenger is a pain because you have to move to use it"

Here's the thing, I'm not bothered so much by the guy or the team who holds a key building at Karachi or Invasion, who holds a bridge at Rundown, who holds the tunnels at Wasteland, etc. That's smart. I'm also not bothered by the sniper who picks a pearch that allows him to see a large area and provide support, that too is smart.

What irks me is the guy who's crouching or lying on the ground looking out of a random building on the off chance that an unsuspecting person will wander by eventually and they'll get an easy kill. There's no tactical advantage, there's not a high flow of people, you're just sitting there because you've got no better ideas.

If you spawn on the metal detector side on Terminal there's nothing wrong with holding the check-in-counter area by standing behind them and looking down towards the jet. Likewise if you spawn on the same side and push the enemy back towards their spawn I've got no quarrels of looking down the escelators and mowing them down as they try to take it back...but if you're camping the in the plane or back in the spawn near the metal detectors THAT's what bugs me.

There are certain areas of the map that you NEED to hold which will make winning alot easier, then there are areas that you camp that simply crappify the gameplay. That's where my issue stems from.


Oct 9, 1999
Exactly. Holding a good spot is not camping. Because virtually no good spot is defensible from all angles, an exception being the one that kabob mentioned in terminal. Virtually anywhere else, you can get snuck up on or shot in the side of the face.

Another popular spot is up high in the corner of the building in scrapyard. It's easy to get kills before people see you from up there, it'd also incredibly easy to kill the camper through the wall.

Has the game tactically changed from the first? Sure. But some are acting as if it's ruined or unplayable. It's not. You just need to adapt to a slightly changed style of play. If you can't or don't want to, that's fine. But the game isn't broken by any means.

I've adapted. Generally, when I shoot someone, it's from a good spot under cover, and they're likely to be out in the open...that's why they got shot and I didn't, and that's why I'm not running out there to grab their ammo. Keep moving, stay hidden, be aware of your surroundings, know the likely spots where they'll be.

And your ratio is higher than mine, and higher than average, so what's the problem? That your not invincible and don't have eyes in the back of your head?


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
There's nothing wrong with a slower game pace, slower is actually better since instead of just running around and seeing who's a better twitch shooter, you actually have to slow down, think, and maybe even coordinate with your teammates. If I wanted to play a fast paced twitch shooter, I'll go play Halo 3.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
There's nothing wrong with a slower game pace, slower is actually better since instead of just running around and seeing who's a better twitch shooter, you actually have to slow down, think, and maybe even coordinate with your teammates. If I wanted to play a fast paced twitch shooter, I'll go play Halo 3.

I have TERRIBLE twitch shooting skills, and I mean TERRIBLE. COD4 was HARDLY a "twitch" shooter. And this might come as a shock, but "faster" is a relative term. "faster" does not automagically imply "fast", it just means faster than the reference point. COD4 was faster than MW2; that doesn't make it "fast", nor does it make it a brainless twitch shooter. If COD4 was just another superficial twitch shooter, not only would I have absolutely sucked at it (much like I suck at Halo 3), I would not have played it (much like I don't play Halo 3).

Now, whether the slower pace is "better" is entirely subjective, especially since we don't all agree that MW2 is indeed slower. By looking at this thread alone, it's apparent that some believe MW2 is actually faster than MW1, and consequently, they think it's better as a result.

So let's try not to pass our opinions off as fact, okie? Everything that's being discussed here boils down to little more than personal preference.


Sep 5, 2004
If I wanted to play a fast paced twitch shooter, I'll go play Halo 3.

This is one of the stupidest arguements that I hear over and over. People assume that CoD 4 plays just like Halo 3...I loved CoD 4 and I can't stand Halo. Halo is an "I'm jumping through the air and no aiming" or a "my bullets do no damage so I'll run up and melee you in the middle of being shot" game, there's no tactical aspect to it at all. Stop using this


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2005
All this talk about campers is making me anxious to get on tonight and hunt them down like the dogs that they are!


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
This is one of the stupidest arguements that I hear over and over. People assume that CoD 4 plays just like Halo 3...I loved CoD 4 and I can't stand Halo. Halo is an "I'm jumping through the air and no aiming" or a "my bullets do no damage so I'll run up and melee you in the middle of being shot" game, there's no tactical aspect to it at all. Stop using this

I'm wondering if he has even played Halo 3...

Halo is about as far from a twitch shooter as you can get.


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2005
Please. Both of you. This isn't my first rodeo, nor is it BoberFett's, Kabob's, purebeast's, etc. I maintain a 1.5 ratio here, and I maintained a 2.2+ ratio in COD4. Let's elevate this above your average pedestrian "you don't have leet gamer skillz so u suck dealing with campers". We've addressed the why, but you (specifically you, PimpJuice), are still speaking in generalities. Yes, the camping can ultimately be dealt with. Though time and time again, I've cited the consequence of the camping - the slowed pace of the game - as my root complaint.

There is oodles more camping here. Hell, go back and read through BD2003's posts and it becomes quite evident that he's riding both sides of the fence here... Mr. "Scavenger is a pain because you have to move to use it"

Sorry if it came across that way. I honestly hate campers but personally don't think that camping is out of hand in MW2, at least at the levels of the complaints that I've been reading. I've seen lots of people play very well, much better than I, while running and gunning. I guess we can agree to disagree, but personally I like the realism.

I think the pace of this game allows for better teamwork......COD4 was a clusterfunk and people just ran around. In MW2, I can actually coordinate with teammates better.


Sep 5, 2004
Yeah man if you see me on send an invite. I'm going to try to play some tonight, and definitely will be on tomorrow night and all weekend.

I may be on tonight, tomorrow night, and part of Friday (I'm off on Friday but I've got other stuff to do as well).


Dec 17, 2001
I'm wondering if he has even played Halo 3...

Halo is about as far from a twitch shooter as you can get.

More like a snooze shooter than anything. I've never seen a slower more yawn inducing multiplayer, but that's just my opinion.


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
How much of the SPECOPS missions have you guys done? I've done maybe half of the charlie ones (and all the preceding ones). They are getting pretty darn tough.

The juggurnats are crazy! yeah a flash bang stuns them, but anyone that can take two-three clips out of a SCAR and keep coming is one nasty mother


Oct 21, 2000
I don't know if anyone else feels the same way but my pet peeve with MW1 and MW2 is the number of players that jump when you are going face to face with them in a shootout. I guess it stems from Battlefield 2 days on the PC but I find it very annoying. I personally have NEVER jumped to avoid a kill.

holden j caufield

Diamond Member
Dec 30, 1999
jumping and shooting isn't realistic but it does take more skill than normal. Shouldn't even be a problem in this game. Jump shots and drop shots aren't effective.

yours truly

Golden Member
Aug 19, 2006
i like to think im gung ho, but now ive switched my killstreak loadout to harriers>pave low>chopper gunner, i play more "tactfully" around 6 kills..

remember when you get me its luck, but when i get you its skill
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