Official Modern Warfare 3 thread


Sep 5, 2004
I figure it's about time to start the thread up.

Release is set for November 8th.

Reveal trailer was shown last night, looks pretty good, nothing really new but considering IW's track and sales records why would they change anything?


Lots of epicness included.

While I know there's really nothing new to be had in the series it'll still be a day 1 purchase for me. I'll be happy to go back to modern times, I've never really been enthralled with Black Ops.

More stuff:
Kotaku leak breakdown (maps, game modes, weapons, etc).
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Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
I'm interested, but I'll be very, very cautious since IW isn't really the same company now. I also didn't care for Black Ops, but I don't like Treyarchs CoD's. I'm watching this and BF3.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
It looks cool, but saying that, I never even played through the mw2 or black ops campaign. I got sick of both games and didn't bother buying map packs for them.

I think I'm going to avoid the hype train on this one.


Sep 5, 2004
BF3 will probably be a better game all around but I'll probably play MW3 more. I enjoy the CoD style of gameplay.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
BF3 will probably be a better game all around but I'll probably play MW3 more. I enjoy the CoD style of gameplay.

Same here. BF3 will probably look better and such, but it just won't have the crazy twitch gameplay that I enjoy with the COD games.

The campaign looks pretty epic from the trailer. Looking forward to using the m4 and acr again


Senior member
Nov 3, 2009
Torn. MW shoot/move mechanics are awesome, but I resent paying $60 each year for what are essentially glorified expansion packs. Wish they would just break these "sequels" down into DLC so as not to force community migration.

Still, it will sell like crazy, and all my friends will buy it for 360, so who am I kidding? I'll buy it too.


Oct 9, 1999
Torn. MW shoot/move mechanics are awesome, but I resent paying $60 each year for what are essentially glorified expansion packs. Wish they would just break these "sequels" down into DLC so as not to force community migration.

Still, it will sell like crazy, and all my friends will buy it for 360, so who am I kidding? I'll buy it too.

There's no way this could be DLC. I can envision a future where SP and MP are separate products, with MP having a steady trickle of content akin to rock band, but that would require a ground up redesign which I wouldn't hold my breath for until the next gen of consoles.

Even if the core gameplay doesn't change much, Ive never felt like I didn't get my moneys worth. A short exciting campaign, a solid coop mode and endless MP, all with new and inproved content is a great value for $60.

American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
I am sure I will get lit up for this, but can I ask what was so impressive about the trailer? All I noticed was the outdated graphics and horrible looking explosions. Am I missing something?


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
I am sure I will get lit up for this, but can I ask what was so impressive about the trailer? All I noticed was the outdated graphics and horrible looking explosions. Am I missing something?

At this point in the COD lifecycle, I don't expect MW3 to have impressive graphics. I'm just looking for a continuation of the story and action from the first two. It looks like they've ramped things up based on the trailer by turning it into WW3.

I honestly wouldn't expect a new engine for COD until the next Playstation and Xbox consoles are released.

American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
At this point in the COD lifecycle, I don't expect MW3 to have impressive graphics. I'm just looking for a continuation of the story and action from the first two. It looks like they've ramped things up based on the trailer by turning it into WW3.

I honestly wouldn't expect a new engine for COD until the next Playstation and Xbox consoles are released.
I am not expecting a new engine either, I have just seen on several sites that people think the trailer was amazing, and I am not seeing it. The WW3 idea does sound cool, but will it be only 5 hours again? I am hoping they do ramp up the single player and co-op stuff in the game, something that would give a good break from the MP at times.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
Please put the release date in the OP.

Unfortunately, I'll be in Ireland during the release so everyone will have a week head start on me


Senior member
Nov 3, 2009
There's no way this could be DLC. I can envision a future where SP and MP are separate products, with MP having a steady trickle of content akin to rock band, but that would require a ground up redesign which I wouldn't hold my breath for until the next gen of consoles.

Even if the core gameplay doesn't change much, Ive never felt like I didn't get my moneys worth. A short exciting campaign, a solid coop mode and endless MP, all with new and inproved content is a great value for $60.

I disagree. Each MW campaign is broken down into acts that could easily be distributed digitally. It could almost become episodic content/missions.

I guess I am kind of sick the unbelievable MP-focus of FPS games now. The original Half-Life is probably as long as Mass Effect 2. Now we have games like Homefront, with a 5-hour campaign.

And the MP doesn't even change that much. The differences between MW1 and MW2 are maps, weapon/skins, and they changed up some of the killstreak dynamics. But that's really about it. Even the subtle changes to the engine could probably be downloaded.

I know COD is COD, and I can't change that. I guess I just long for the era when you actually explored during SP campaigns, and everything wasn't completely scripted, guided, or a QTE. I really don't need to be told press the button every single time I bring up a sniper scope or want to jump an obstacle. Black Ops' campaign was insulting in how much it babies you and holds your hand.

I'm excited for MW3 because I actually do follow the stories. I liked that Soap, the faceless SOB from MW1, was your CO in MW2. I was stoked when Price reappeared. I like it when developers create characters, maintain continuity, build their worlds. But I sadly know the SP campaign in MW3 will be short, excessive, and linear. The AI will be stupid, spam endless waves of fodder at you, and force you to progress as quickly as possible. And MP will be more of the same, and everyone will pay $15 for 4 new maps, and two of those will be maps from either MW1 or MW2.

I'll still enjoy it for the superb mechanics. I just long for a little bit more than online MP 3.0.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
There's no way this could be DLC. I can envision a future where SP and MP are separate products, with MP having a steady trickle of content akin to rock band, but that would require a ground up redesign which I wouldn't hold my breath for until the next gen of consoles.

Even if the core gameplay doesn't change much, Ive never felt like I didn't get my moneys worth. A short exciting campaign, a solid coop mode and endless MP, all with new and inproved content is a great value for $60.

Agreed... I've never felt ripped off by the purchase of any of the recent COD games. Black Ops value is pretty amazing. A decent campaign, zombie mode, mp had a multitude of options.


Oct 9, 1999
This is why I'm hoping BF3 can break the mold and continue off it it's own direction. Instead it's becoming more like CoD.

I can understand people getting tired of the formula, but I don't think anyone should be looking at CoD to be the one to break its own mold.

There are plenty of games exploring new styles of play...crysis 2 is an excellent example.

I'll be surprised if the campaign is more than 5 hours. I'd rather play an awesome 5 hour campaign twice than a 10 hour campaign stretched by filler.

In either case we know literally nothing about MP other than that it exists. Ive got my fingers crossed they've learned a lot of valuable lessons from MW2 and BO.


Sep 5, 2004
In either case we know literally nothing about MP other than that it exists. Ive got my fingers crossed they've learned a lot of valuable lessons from MW2 and BO.

That's one of my few hopes I have for the new studios, maybe they'll listen to the fan base and fix a lot of the issues with the other games. Here's to hoping.


Senior member
Nov 3, 2009
This is why I'm hoping BF3 can break the mold and continue off it it's own direction. Instead it's becoming more like CoD.

I can understand people getting tired of the formula, but I don't think anyone should be looking at CoD to be the one to break its own mold.

There are plenty of games exploring new styles of play...crysis 2 is an excellent example.

I'll be surprised if the campaign is more than 5 hours. I'd rather play an awesome 5 hour campaign twice than a 10 hour campaign stretched by filler.

In either case we know literally nothing about MP other than that it exists. Ive got my fingers crossed they've learned a lot of valuable lessons from MW2 and BO.

Absolutely, which is why I was such a staunch defender of Crysis 2, flawed as it was, because dammit, I had more fun playing that game's campaign than any other in recent memory (other than Reach). The levels where you break in Wall Street in Crysis 2, like the level where you fight your way to the launch pad to take flight in the Saber jet in Reach, are the stuff that great gaming memories are made of.

And I agree that ten-hour filler campaigns are awful (Halo 3, anyone?). And maybe it's a lot of nostalgia, but I don't remember feeling like it was filler when I played Half-Life for the first time. But I guess that was back when players were expected to soak up atmosphere and be intelligent, whereas now it's assumed we're brain dead, hopped on up ritalin, with the attention span of an infant and the maturity to match.


Oct 9, 1999
That's one of my few hopes I have for the new studios, maybe they'll listen to the fan base and fix a lot of the issues with the other games. Here's to hoping.

I was impressed with how much treyarch fixed and got right, even as they introduced their own nonsense such as the RC cars and 30 round LMGs.

I don't want to see stuff like stopping power return, and I hope the CP and Wager modes stick around. This isn't the same IW, and that gives me hope that they'll take a second look at everything.


Sep 5, 2004
I was impressed with how much treyarch fixed and got right, even as they introduced their own nonsense such as the RC cars and 30 round LMGs.

I don't want to see stuff like stopping power return, and I hope the CP and Wager modes stick around. This isn't the same IW, and that gives me hope that they'll take a second look at everything.

See, I didn't like a lot of the changes that Treyarch made. So much of the stuff is just silly.

At first I was in the same boat as you, get rid of stopping power. Why have it? Now I realize that it's actually kind of good for balancing purposes, it seems that 1/2 the people use Ghost in Black Ops. That kills the usefulness of the most popular killstreak in the game.

I'm glad they got rid of Killstreaks adding to Killstreaks, Danger Close, OMA, and Commando, but Chopper Gunner is MUCH power powerful than any of the killstreaks were on MW2 (save for Nuke), the RC car at 2-3 kills is absolute BS, and just the addition of the tattooed, bullet belt laden, double M4 characters was stupid (granted, it's not in MP). It was trying to appeal to a younger more over the top crowd.


Oct 9, 1999
See, I didn't like a lot of the changes that Treyarch made. So much of the stuff is just silly.

At first I was in the same boat as you, get rid of stopping power. Why have it? Now I realize that it's actually kind of good for balancing purposes, it seems that 1/2 the people use Ghost in Black Ops. That kills the usefulness of the most popular killstreak in the game.

I'm glad they got rid of Killstreaks adding to Killstreaks, Danger Close, OMA, and Commando, but Chopper Gunner is MUCH power powerful than any of the killstreaks were on MW2 (save for Nuke), the RC car at 2-3 kills is absolute BS, and just the addition of the tattooed, bullet belt laden, double M4 characters was stupid (granted, it's not in MP). It was trying to appeal to a younger more over the top crowd.

Well, now that people are using UAVs because KS don't stack, ghost is actually worth using on it's own. I don't see the problem. Besides, I don't see everyone using it - flak jacket and hardline are way better IMO anyway. Either way, the answer isn't to bring back SP, it's to fix/UAV ghost if that's problem to people. SP is just too powerful.

But yeah, the RC cars are retarded. Even the napalm seems way overpowered to me.

Saint Nick

Jan 21, 2005
I'm more interested in how they will change the leveling system, the gun purchasing, kill streaks... I really lost interested in BO and MW2, so maybe this will spark it up again.

But probably not.


Sep 5, 2004
See, I didin't think that SP was that overpowered. There are certain weapons where it was a massive boost, others that it wasn't so much. How would you fix UAV/Ghost? You've either got to get rid of Ghost, get rid of UAV, or give people back the option of SP. I think Ghost is better than Hardline or Flak Jacket, although I don't use it very often.

Napalm's issue is that it blocks off a section of the map for a time. Playing objective games makes it's use a bit ridiuclous (don't want your bomb defused? Just drop napalm on top). Sure, it covers a large stripe of the map but it's pretty narrow, especially compared to the airstrike in MW2.


Oct 9, 1999
See, I didin't think that SP was that overpowered. There are certain weapons where it was a massive boost, others that it wasn't so much. How would you fix UAV/Ghost? You've either got to get rid of Ghost, get rid of UAV, or give people back the option of SP. I think Ghost is better than Hardline or Flak Jacket, although I don't use it very often.

Napalm's issue is that it blocks off a section of the map for a time. Playing objective games makes it's use a bit ridiuclous (don't want your bomb defused? Just drop napalm on top). Sure, it covers a large stripe of the map but it's pretty narrow, especially compared to the airstrike in MW2.

The problem with SP was twofold. It was a huge boost to many guns, and it was a major 40% boost to every bullet you fired. The other perks in that helped you occasionally or minorly, but SP was so universally useful that I basically felt forced to use it.

The end result is I'd say a full 90% of shots fired by everyone were SP bullets, and it made everyone go down so quickly that it didn't leave room for a good gunfight. It's just too brutal.

BO strikes a good balance. Lack of SP and more recoil means the fights across medium distance are far more dynamic and exciting.

I wouldn't touch ghost and UAV. The only tier 1 perk that needs balancing is scavenger. Its too weak IMO.


Sep 5, 2004
See, that number seems deceivingly high. A 40&#37; boost per bullet equated to 1 fewer bullet to kill for each weapon (except the UMP which got essentially no benefit at all unless you were right up on your target). 5-4, 4-3, etc. On top of that it didn't turn the sniper rifle into a 1 hit kill machine, even with that boost a shot that wouldn't be a 1 hit kill normally was the same.
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