**Official Rome Total War Thread **


Golden Member
Feb 29, 2004
Loading the game tonight (bought yesterday). I guess I may never finish Doom 3 Shogun & Medieval Totalwar were awesome and this one (based on the demo & TV shows) is 100 X better

Strategy.... spears against cavalry, cavalry against missles, missles against infantry, infantry against spears. Manuvering is the fun part!


Aug 10, 2002
I would also add cavalry against spears, as long as you make sure they come up from the rear.
Wardogs at peasants.


Senior member
May 6, 2001
This game is incredible. The hardest thing is balancing a large standing army to defend your cities and still be able to buy other stuff. I can't seem to keep my cities from running a costant profit, my AI isn't doing much better.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2004
damnit i so want to play this game but still working on saving money for a better computer.


Jun 30, 2001
I can make decent money, but the problem is that they complain about Squalor (sp?) alot. Basically that the place is a dump despite the fact that I have built all the good stuff I can. Oh well. They can suck it up.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
I got this yesterday and it's fairly overwhelming still. I played the prologue and started a huge failure Scipii campaign.

I tried the first senate mission too quickly (Syracuse?) and hilarity ensued. I set up a siege and built one ram, hey I was just coming off my total dominance prologue mission! My troops started running the ram up to the front gate and at mid-distance the enemy archers had already set it on fire!! So now I'm stuck out in the open with no way to breach the wall. I thought to myself "I can hide them under the wall edge and they'll be safe". So I moved my troops forward to the wall only to have flaming oil dumped on them!!!

Anyway... I retreated from probably the most humiliating defeats in military history.

My biggest problem so far is understanding how all the menu screens relate to each other and the game. I mean I understand what they say, I just don't understand how they should be manipulated in the most efficient manor. Are any of you guys using auto-manage settings for your cities? I also once had build options for my two starting cities, they seem greyed out now?


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
Im new to this type game and I.m lost too. I use automanage and I see the things grayed out at times. Guess its wheather u are able to build something at that time, I dont know, I suck.


Senior member
May 6, 2001
My biggest problem so far is understanding how all the menu screens relate to each other and the game. I mean I understand what they say, I just don't understand how they should be manipulated in the most efficient manor. Are any of you guys using auto-manage settings for your cities? I also once had build options for my two starting cities, they seem greyed out now?

Things are usually grayed out if A.) you can't currently afford them or B.) you have the AI managing construction. It the training mission, I would enable managed construction, see what the computer picked, and if i didn't agree, I would turn it off, que up what I wanted, then put the AI back on.

Gamespy has a good strategy guide for beginners LINK


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
Originally posted by: goshdarnindie
My biggest problem so far is understanding how all the menu screens relate to each other and the game. I mean I understand what they say, I just don't understand how they should be manipulated in the most efficient manor. Are any of you guys using auto-manage settings for your cities? I also once had build options for my two starting cities, they seem greyed out now?

Things are usually grayed out if A.) you can't currently afford them or B.) you have the AI managing construction. It the training mission, I would enable managed construction, see what the computer picked, and if i didn't agree, I would turn it off, que up what I wanted, then put the AI back on.

Gamespy has a good strategy guide for beginners LINK

Thanks for the help and link goshdarnindie. I think my hang-up is coming from just recently playing Simcity 4 for a while. I'm somehow thinking that city management and finance should be the same (upkeep costs, etc.)... even though logically it doesn't need to be.


Platinum Member
Jul 6, 2001
How much of this game is spend in Warfare vs City mgmt?

I been a big fan of the whole age of empires serious and thinking about giving this a try.

Think a Celeron 2.4 with onboard video is enought for this game?


Aug 10, 2002
Originally posted by: vr6
How much of this game is spend in Warfare vs City mgmt?

I been a big fan of the whole age of empires serious and thinking about giving this a try.

Think a Celeron 2.4 with onboard video is enought for this game?

You can really have as much or as little of both as you like.
You can automanage all of your cities, and just move armies around/fight battles, or you can micromanage your cities, and have battles automatically resolved for you without needing to do any fighting yourself.


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2004
I've got the mouse sensitivity ratcheted up all the way on my PC, but there is apparently no way to do this in the game, and I practically have to go off the mouse pad to move around and change direction. Does anyone know how to increase the game's mouse sensitivity? Thanks.


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2000
Originally posted by: vr6
Think a Celeron 2.4 with onboard video is enought for this game?

Dont think so, you can try with lowest settings but even then its not going to be a good expierence.
I tried it on my office comp with 2.4ghz P4 and onboard video and it was horrible.

On the other hand, it plays quite well with my other comp radeon 9800XT/3200+



Senior member
May 6, 2001
How much of this game is spend in Warfare vs City mgmt?

I been a big fan of the whole age of empires serious and thinking about giving this a try.

Think a Celeron 2.4 with onboard video is enought for this game?

You can fight about as much as you want to. Infact, the little skirmishes that are important become routine and boring, but fight them yourself anyway.

I'm running a Sempron 2400+, the marketing equivalent of a celery2.4 and I have been very pleased. I've got a Radeon 9000 64mb DDR, so if your onboard video is anything comprable, you'll be fine.

If you like Ceaser3 or the Age of Empires, you'll like this. It's a little different, but that makes it more intriguing.


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2000
Originally posted by: goshdarnindie
This game is incredible. The hardest thing is balancing a large standing army to defend your cities and still be able to buy other stuff. I can't seem to keep my cities from running a costant profit, my AI isn't doing much better.

Dont use your army to defend cities. Use the town watch. Your armys should be attacking other people. For getting money, improve the roads and docks. Tax them as much as you can. ( 80% happiness should be enough so that they dont riot) Also watch your governers and train them to have good management.(build academy in 2 -3 cities and send the governers)


Jun 23, 2001
I usually keep a low to normal tax rate. Town watch should be all you need to defend a city, if you are being proactive with your armies. Closest call I had was when an army of rebels laid siege to one of my cities. Had to bring reinforcements from another city in to defeat the rebel army.

I do with they had a more open style of gameplay. Something like an empty map, some 'settler' units, maybe a world map.
Hehe, a Civ3 scope tech tree would make a TW game the definitive strategy game for a long time.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
Syracuse fell to my wrath! I know this is pretty lame as it's the first and arguably a trainer mission, but I'm happy anyway. The depth of this game is amazing.


Aug 28, 2001
So is this game what lords of the realm 3 was supposed to be?

It sounds very similar to LOTR2 mechanics (which were completely abandoned in 3, that steaming pile of game is the worst RTS ive ever played)


Apr 5, 2002
This game rocks...

I put together a quick list of tips that I got from all those forums:

Battle Deployment
You can move your men around before a battle! (dumbass)
I think this is common sense, but ALWAYS click-drag any unit of non-spearmen troops as long as possible in the deployment menu. This will increase the surface area of impact and damage to the enemy troops, and it's especially important with calvaries. HOWEVER, if the enemy troops are superior to yours, you should always try to make the formation as "deep" as possible so they can hold out longer.

Right click on the Agent tab in the control panel and you'll be able to see all your agents, their attributes, and their locations.

Build them... (on your borders to see oncoming troops)

Face the right direction!
The way to which an army is facing in the campaign map is important. It will always be manifested in battles. If you attack an army from it's back in the campaign map, in the battle you will be at his rear. Cool, huh? :cool

Charge, don't throw?
Click on Alt to let your legionaries charge without first throwing their javelins.

Big Three Cities
1. Pick your three biggest cities to be war factories.(usually capital and two others)
2. Assign each a task of either Infantry, Cavalry, or Missile units. (All other cities trade while producing ships and agents)

Which buildings to build?
When you construct new buildings, before you click on them to place them in the construction queue, open the Settlement Details Scroll. Once you place the new building in the queue, you will be able to see the changes in form of "grayed-out" icons.
I use it all the time. It helps me determine which buildings will help me the most in a given situation.

Peasants / Squalor
You can create peasants from one city, send the peasants to another city, and then disband them. The peasants will be AUTOMATICALLY added to your latter city as population. So you actually dont' have to enslave a city to increase the population of other cities.
Now, this is an extremely effective way of fighting squalor. You basically create peasants in cities that have lots of squalor, and then transport and disband them in cities that need a pop. increase. Nice, huh?

Right click!
I hope people are smart enough to realize that you can also right-click on all the four tabs to bring up information associated with each category--Army, Agents, Cities, Fleet.

Change Capital
Changing capitals doesnt cost you anything to do, and doesnt give any negatives.
It just changes the centre point of your empire,
If you want to 'spawn' your comming of age general, or senate reward units, or marriage general, just before it happens switch capital to where u want, as soon as its done switch it back. Nice and easy.

Starve out Cities
How long the enemy city can hold against your besieging until starvation is determined not by the city population or city size but the level of its city WALL. The stronger the wall is, the longer a city can self-sustained. So normally if you want to do mutiple city conquest and don't want to waste your troops, just pick cities defended by crappy walls and starve them to death.

Available Siege Equip
The kind of seige weapons you can use depend on the size of the enemy city. So don't whine next time when you can't use a seige tower against a town.

Grouping - Formation
Once you have set up *whatever* formation you want, select *all* the units involved and 'group' them (one of the buttons on the control panel, or press 'G'). Once they are grouped, they will maintain whatever formation you set them up in (if you continue to move them as a group). DO NOT group them until they are in the formation you want.
Holding Alt key while clicking on the destination point seems to make them stay in their current formation.

War Dogs!
1: War Dogs are your best friend.
- They are cheap but effective flankers.
- They are very effective against infantry, but against missile units they are devastating because their speed and size make them very hard targets to hit.
- When attacking with the Dogs, make sure you don't let the handlers get into combat. Once the dogs are loose, send the handlers behind your lines.
- 2 units of War Dogs will usually deal effectively with even the strongest enemy units. If they don't kill them off, they will rout them and chase them right off the map.
3. wardogs regenerate after each battle.
4. Make sure the handlers stay back, after the dogs attack
5. Easiest way to lift any seige even if the enemy as out of your archers range (as you don't need them ) place a few packs of wardogs in your cities, when ever it gets seiged sally forth and launch your dogs make sure to get the trainers back inside, once all dogs are dead end the battle, then sally forth again (since you can do it as long as you have move points) and since dogs recharge after everybattle you simply let them out again... and again... and again and eventually you will kill the entire army lifting the seige dealing a blow to your enemies... nice and easy lemon sqeezy

To see Generals
Right Click on a General to see his stats, then Right click on the Army Tab to bring up all the Generals. Now left click on your other Generals to see their stats aswell.

Plagued SPies!
when there's a plagued city present, send your spies in to get them infected with the plague, then those spies becomes the carriers which u can send out to spray the plague in other cities

You can only command 20 units. So if you have 18 units yourself and you have 5 units of reinforcements, you can only control 2 of those 5 until one of your units die or rout, then you can control more of the reinforcements but never more than 20 in total.
If your reinforcements are commanded by a general, you'll never be able to control them and they will engage in combat by themselves (under the command of the general).
Make sure you always attack with a general and never with a captain if you have the choice.

Bribe Generals and Governors!
You can send out diplomats to foreign lands, when they see a general from another faction make them talk to them and offer them a bribe.

Get rid of useless troops
I just got done switching my backwater settlments' garrisons to all town watch, retiring old units of hastatii, archers, equites, etc. I figured it is now saving me 2,000 denarii per turn! 2 turns was enough to recoup my investment. I would have saved even more by going to peasants, but just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Fight with Generals!
Under no circumstances should you fight with just a captain at the head of your army, unless you are sure of victory or you are simply stalling the enemy.
True, you may get to adopt a good captain on rare occasions, but this is...well, rare. The advantages of having a general with even one star are huge.

Bribing is Cheaper than Training
If you bribe enemy Armies and they want to join you they cost normally half as much gold as when you are training them on your own.

Free Look
There is a free look mode in the game which allows you to look in any direction (up/down/left/right) in a battle using your mouse pretty much like you would in and FPS ... invaluable in hillier terrain. I think it's mapped to something wierd like 'ins-shift' by default. Hit 'F1' and reassign it to something more accessable such as '¬' or '\' and use it!8)

Manage all your Provinces without the help of any Ai-Governours:
First use the City-Overview Screen (rightclick on the City Panel on Campaign-Screen).
Second sort them after unrest/order (don't know how the english term is in the game, I'am playing the german version)
ascending by clicking on the header of the column.
Now you have all Cities with which tend to revolt (order (always remember raise the temple in conquered Cities and build your own...), or just lower the taxes if possible.
Now you take a look at all Cities with a order >=130% and raise the taxes.
With this tactic you can easily keep your province stable...I suffer only once every years a minor revolt (but I'am not thrown out of town)...

Spys and Bacchus Temple
Spys left in cities with a temple of Bacchus will quickly find lovely company, and it will well be worth it in terms of their career...

The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
very helpful..

Ive just reached the stage an the civil war has started. Having a hard time earning money and keeping my smaller cities safe from the Bruttii and rebellions Also how do you change capital? My original capital is too small and too deep within the empre to actually be uselful. I want to make my biggest city which is at the edge of the empire capital. So Townwatch is good enough for any invading army? I like to keep 2 pretorian and 1 urban cohort in all major cities on the border to quell a rebellion or invasion. Ans the ememy just keeps seiging my makor cities. Don't know where they get the troops from. Also should I take Rome first now that the civil war has started or should I kill the Brutii first? BTW im the julii.


Oct 20, 2004
Diplomats are incredibly powerful in this game. Once my economy took off, it was simply cheaper to buy every enemy (or even friend) I saw, except for the biggest or highest level ones. If your city gets sieged, bribe the force. If you spot an army headed your way, bribe it. If you see another faction's family member or diplomat with decent stats, buy him. This lets you keep your armies on the move, and continuing to conquer new regions.

The cost to bribe back is reduced, but the computer never seems to do it.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: ducksoup0
Diplomats are incredibly powerful in this game. Once my economy took off, it was simply cheaper to buy every enemy (or even friend) I saw, except for the biggest or highest level ones. If your city gets sieged, bribe the force. If you spot an army headed your way, bribe it. If you see another faction's family member or diplomat with decent stats, buy him. This lets you keep your armies on the move, and continuing to conquer new regions.

The cost to bribe back is reduced, but the computer never seems to do it.

Yes it is powerful, and the computer rarely takes advantage of it.

However, they did bribe one of my towns once. That angered me.

BTW... what campaign do you guys think is the hardest? I'd have to say that either the Germans or Carthage is the hardest.
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