*** Official Soltek 75FRN-L/75FRN2-L (nForce2) Thread ***

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Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
I'll try those settings now, but P95 won't be necessary because F@H stresses the CPU even more in some areas of the chip and the temps in the screenshots are F@H load temps after hrs of running


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
Onto the South Bridge issue:

Ok my 60mm fan has been off for awhile. 12x190 , 1.8vcore...prime 95 running in the background
temps are roughly the same as above.

Applying my finger firmly to the SB , holding it there for 10 seconds ...it is lukewarm at the most.

Before I installed the board I did lap the NB heatsink, I noticed the stuff that was on it was really
stiff and crusty.

If I were you I would try the following, go into your case and firmly try and reseat the F/HS assembly...
see if your temps drop at all.
If they do then pull the mobo and lap the HS and apply some AS3. Also be carful not to set the mobo down on its
back once you reapply the NB because doing so can hinder the contact between the HS and NB...firmly press down the
HS onto the NB , slightly move it around and press hard when the new stuff is on.


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
One other thing that could be helping my situation out is my 80mm Vatec Tornado (aka louder than my Hoover) that is on a
Thermalright SK7 spills alot of air onto the mobo. I just checked and the SB does get some of this air and the NB gets alot
of it.
Maybe you should look into getting a set-up like mine if you dont mind the noise.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Bios Readings
ABS II temp-->55c
System Temp-->38c
CPU external temp-->52c
CPU Vcore fluctuating between-->1.77v-1.79v

Soltek HW monitor after 10mins of F@H
CPU Die temp-->53c
RT1 temp-->39Vcore


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
Bios Readings
ABS II temp-->55c
System Temp-->38c
CPU external temp-->52c
CPU Vcore fluctuating between-->1.77v-1.79v

Soltek HW monitor after 10mins of F@H
CPU Die temp-->53c
RT1 temp-->39Vcore

12x190 vcore 1.8 (hm reads ~1.79)
ABS2 43C
System 22C
CPU external 28C

HM reads CPU Die 29C

That is odd for sure.

What SN is on your board?

Mine is 030B000C052241


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
I'll try seating the NB cooler for effect for now, thanx for the tip

No way am I putting a jet turbine in my case!!! I'll add a 4th 80mm case fan to the bottom bracket that's currently empty since the 1 front fan is in the lower HDD rack so it doubles as a HDD cooler, that will get some air over the SB (should have thought of this before ) once I get the sink on there the fan will have even more effect on the SB temp. I don't understand the discrepancy in temps between the HW and bios on your's though


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
BTW the SN is located under the bottom PCI slot , you might need a small hand mirror to see it.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
SN# 030B000C052045
Ver.4 (in lower left hand corner of board printed on PCB)

F@H is folding@home a distributed computing project I crunch for TeAm Anandtech. We could sure use you if you decide you want to join up and not just run it for stability purposes you can find all the info you need in This thread something for you to think about anyways *shrugs shoulders* If you get a gromacs core work unit then any instability in your system will surface quickly!

EDIT: the SN is also on the box


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
SN# 030B000C052045
Ver.4 (in lower left hand corner of board printed on PCB)

Mine says Ver. D , perhaps this is the problem? If you cannot get your SB to
cool down then I would RMA the board because my SB is cold and my board will easily
run at 200fsb....I bet it will go alot higher with the Mushkin ram.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
I need to put the crack pipe down! it's version D I must have been thinking 4th letter of the alphabit or this crack is messing me up . I still haven't added the ASIII you have or cooled the SB or unplugged the CPU fan from the board header and I am using a true power 330w that only produces 17A on the +12v so I have more tweaking to do yet What is the +12v on your PSU? Sandra has been scaling with my overclock speeds so far and it says I'm drawing approx. 80w from the CPU alone :Q so I may need to get that CPU fan off the header and do the other tweaks plus consider a stronger PSU for this badboy.


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
I need to put the crack pipe down! it's version D I must have been thinking 4th letter of the alphabit or this crack is messing me up .
lol ,well then our boards probably were made the same day because they are only 200 units apart.

I still haven't added the ASIII you have or cooled the SB or unplugged the CPU fan from the board header and I am using a true power 330w that only produces 17A on the +12v so I have more tweaking to do yet What is the +12v on your PSU?
I am using the Antec 350watt smart power that came with my SX830II ....My black SX1040 will be here on monday
which has a slightly better PSU in it.

Sandra has been scaling with my overclock speeds so far and it says I'm drawing approx. 80w from the CPU alone :Q so I may need to get that CPU fan off the header and do the other tweaks plus consider a stronger PSU for this badboy.[/quote]
I am not using the CPU fan header .
I have the following on my Antec 350watt PSU:
The 2 80mm fans than came with it.
1 60mm Delta that used to be on a Coolermaster HS
1 80gb HD
1 Vantec Tornado
Radeon 7200
2 x 256mb PC2700 sticks

I will be adding a Radeon 9800 Pro to the system so things are going to change quite abit , I hope the 400 watt PSU is


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: BentValve
I need to put the crack pipe down! it's version D I must have been thinking 4th letter of the alphabit or this crack is messing me up .
lol ,well then our boards probably were made the same day because they are only 200 units apart.

I still haven't added the ASIII you have or cooled the SB or unplugged the CPU fan from the board header and I am using a true power 330w that only produces 17A on the +12v so I have more tweaking to do yet What is the +12v on your PSU?
I am using the Antec 350watt smart power that came with my SX830II ....My black SX1040 will be here on monday
which has a slightly better PSU in it.

Sandra has been scaling with my overclock speeds so far and it says I'm drawing approx. 80w from the CPU alone :Q so I may need to get that CPU fan off the header and do the other tweaks plus consider a stronger PSU for this badboy.
I am not using the CPU fan header .
I have the following on my Antec 350watt PSU:
The 2 80mm fans than came with it.
1 60mm Delta that used to be on a Coolermaster HS
1 80gb HD
1 Vantec Tornado
Radeon 7200
2 x 256mb PC2700 sticks

I will be adding a Radeon 9800 Pro to the system so things are going to change quite abit , I hope the 400 watt PSU is
That 9800 is gonna suck some juice! I'll be very interested in your results using it vs your present config+the 400watter.

Hey, are you using the nvidia LAN? I'm having a sloooooow boot problem where it hangs at the winXP progress bar for 30+seconds then continues to boot and hangs@a gray screen then boots to windows and no more trouble. I'm thinking it's the integrated LAN or the fact that I'm running F@H as service. Any ideas?


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
I reformatted my HD (I assume you did the same?)
Windows XP Pro SP1..nothing past when SP1 was first released
The mobo drivers that came with the board
The Soltek HM
Apple Q-Time
SiSoft Sandra
Prime 95
and lastly F@H.

Thats all I have installed.

BIOS: 1.3

AGP 8X disabled
FSB 190, ram synced
VCore 1.8v

Thats it.



Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
XP PRO SP1 and haven't run any win updates yet either and everything else you have is on mine except WS FTP, that's on my P4 which I use for uploading stuff to lycos for my PHP based forums . I did use the latest unified drivers though not the ones off the disk, I wonder if that could be the fly in the ointment?

Are you running the GUI for F@H?


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001

Hey, are you using the nvidia LAN? I'm having a sloooooow boot problem where it hangs at the winXP progress bar for 30+seconds then continues to boot and hangs@a gray screen then boots to windows and no more trouble. I'm thinking it's the integrated LAN or the fact that I'm running F@H as service. Any ideas?
Yes I am using the LAN for my DSL router. I think you might consider reinstalling your OS again.

XP PRO SP1 and haven't run any win updates yet either and everything else you have is on mine except WS FTP, that's on my P4 which I use for uploading stuff to lycos for my PHP based forums . I did use the latest unified drivers though not the ones off the disk, I wonder if that could be the fly in the ointment?
Perhaps it is, try the drivers that came with the mobo.

Are you running the GUI for F@H?
I downloaded F@H and signed up with the Anandtech team as BentValve.
F@H is running but waht is the GUI?



Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Graphical user interface, I haven't tried it, I installed the CLI client that you configure through a dos type screen. Did you just download the screensaver one? If so get the GUI at least because the screensaver is slow. Post any questions you have in the DC forum and the Gurus will hook you up. There are tutorials by Narzy in that thread I linked for setting up the CLI and GUI clients if you need them.

BTW, Chizow suggested I disable the SATA options in the bios and it cut the hang time quite a bit so it looks like that was part of my problem. No biggie though 'cause once I'm done tweaking and establishing the sweetspot overclock it'll run 24/7 folding


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
SL-75FRN-L review@


I wasn't real happy with some of the methods and testing but there is some good info for people looking to buy the Golden Flame so have a look. They also used a different revision board than mine which has the AGP retention clip.


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
Yes I am running the GUI.

I have been running my board all day at 12x190 @ 1.8v at first and now 1.7v. I almost don't want to mess around with it anymore
because its running so well. Sure I could squeeze some more from it but at what cost? Reading over at AMDMB.com it looks
like some people have screwed their boards up OCing too much.
But my Mushkin ram will be here tomorrow so I don't have a choice. I need a BIOS that offers FSB settings to 250mhz now.

PC Mark CPU: 6846 Mem: 5149 HDD: 1178



Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
I agree, I'm@190x12.5 and I just tried going 195x12 and 3Dmark2k1se locked up on the first high res test. Backed it down to 190 and upped the multi to 12.5 again and it's back where it had been very stable the last 24hrs. this guy is@225fsb on the FRN2 but his 2700+ is only@2.255ghz not that impressive for a CPU that costs 3times what ours' did. I'm not doing anything on it that uses that extra bandwidth that much so I'll take my 2.375ghz@190fsb for 87$ thanx

EDIT: I'd better shutup since some cats with the 50$ 1700+ are overclocking past us on air!


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
Now I backed it off to 166mhz synced ,14x166 and bumped up the ram timings:
7000 Mem: 4856 HDD: 1149

Still quite respectable! This is a solid 1000 points better in the memory dept than my KT333 board...which
is a pretty fast board itself!


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
I am going to bump up the ram voltage and make a pass at 211mhz right now...wish me luck!


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Careful brudda! I went straight for the throat yesterday by going for 204fsb from 177fsb and nuked my system32/config file and had to do a repair install to fix it. Good luck, I hope it's gravy


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
nope ,

(1.7vcore all all of the following)
10.5x211 nope
9.5x211 nope
10x204 nope
10x211 with 2.8vram ,nope
9x211 with 2.8v ram, nope
9x211 with 2.8vram plus slowed down the ram settings 2 notches each, nope

I might be able to get her up at 204 but I am not going to dink around with it,
I will wait for my new ram.
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