** Official Star Craft 2 Multiplayer Thread **

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Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2001
unrelated to the rush discussion here, but...

on 2v2 (ladder or custom) games, do you guys ever share unit control w/your partner if:
s/he's some random person?
s/he's your friend?

Thoughts/experiences with control sharing?


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2007
I've finally got US access after patch 1.1. Username is September.831. Will be adding all of you
Jul 10, 2007
Stall? Don't get what you mean. Move away probes from mining for 15 sec?
Your economic advantage will be marginal at best.

yes, move probes around until z is out and then fight with the whole mix.
you will lose 2 or 3 probes at most and still be at an economic advantage. gg.


May 12, 2000
I didn't see if this had been addressed, but has backstabbing in multiplayer games been/will be an issue? In the original SC backstabbing became rampant, to the point where I stopped playing online on SC altogether.
Jul 10, 2007
I didn't see if this had been addressed, but has backstabbing in multiplayer games been/will be an issue? In the original SC backstabbing became rampant, to the point where I stopped playing online on SC altogether.

backstabbing was the reason i played SC1.
really funny to surround your ally, pretending to be "protecting" him, only to turn off ally 5 minutes later and watch his base burn to the ground from "friendly fire".
those were the days.

oh, and in ladder, you cannot un-ally.


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2002
on 2v2 (ladder or custom) games, do you guys ever share unit control w/your partner if:
s/he's your friend?

Thoughts/experiences with control sharing?

All the time. If I end up Terran, it's important that he be able to take down the wall without bothering me (although I usually hotkey my supply depots for this purpose), and it can help when scouting as well. However, it becomes a pain in the ass sometimes when trying to create control groups, as you can end up including your partner's units...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2002
The Problem with fast Banshees against a Zerg is that queens are gaining more and more popularity...

a while ago i started using a fe + mass queen build in order to develop a great eco while still being able to defend the early pushes...

the good thing is that these queens are also great against early air harassement... yesterday a protoss tryed a fast VR because he has scouted a fast fe with no fast lair... when his 2 VR arrived 5 queens were waiting there

by the time your banshees arrive, i will have a lair and probably an overseer... if i forgot to build the overseer you have ~15 seconds of free time to kill a few drones... killing the queens is impossible because of transfusion and after the overseer pops the banshees get stomped...

i have seen some pros (dimaga, fruitseller) using mass queens in some games in the last few days and if the metagame for zerg switches to mass queens (which it should! really its THAT good!) any sort of early air attack will fail against zerg...

And yet I kill off queens regularly. The strat has yet to fail against zerg. if they fast expanded kill the 1 queen who is alone, if they bring the second queen fly to the other base and kill more drones. I had a player try the queen + overseer thing on me. I bounced back and forth from main to expo and his queens did jack. Also picked off his lair and spawning pool with banshee's.

Sure if I leave the banshee's sitting there fighting your queens with an overseer they will lose, but queens are incredibly slow and picking off the drones is more than worth it.

Edit: moving your queens to deal with banshee's allows my hellions greater access to expos. I'm not saying banshee's are an immediate game winner, but they are great for harassment.

also it's not hard to bring a viking along if they have fast lair -> overseer going on.

Edit2: However I'd love to practice it against a Zerg who knows what they are doing if you'd want to! I can never seem to find anyone who wants to do some custom 1v1 games just to practice different strats. My friends are all bronze league and don't want to deal with me so I end up trying funky stuff on the ladder and getting rolled.
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Jul 10, 2007

@100gas Factory
@factory 1/3rd done 2nd gas
22 depot
@factory 100% -> tech lab
@factory 100% starport
30-31 depot
@starport 100% swap with factory
banshee + cloak after port lands
depot as needed.


make marines and scv's the entire time this is going on, by the time your banshee gets to his base cloak will be done and you should have around 10 marines and a couple hellions. Drop more rax or expansion or whatever to counter his build.

should have the banshee's + cloak in his base at 8min mark. Just make sure the starport doesn't get scouted... but in bronze it probably wont matter if it does. If needed pull your banshees back to defend and switch tech if you have to.

Against toss that forgo the observer this works amazingly well, really only hard time vs smart terran.

I had a zerg player last night on kulas who couldn't scout past my wall so he assumed I was going reapers, made roaches. Banshee's showed up at 8min and he just said "Holy shit that was fast" and GG'd.

If you micro the banshee's well you can get ahead in econ very easily and switch tech if needed.

seems like you're missing a supply in there somewhere (in the area of the ellipsis).
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Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2009
yes, move probes around until z is out and then fight with the whole mix.
you will lose 2 or 3 probes at most and still be at an economic advantage. gg.

Well I will agree with you once I see a replay that actually succeeds in doing this.

Yesterday first game after patch vs zerg -> 6-pool -> loss

And you know what my opponent said?
"I love this patch! Toss has no chance vs 6-pool."

I said that's exactly what I predicted. PvZ will be 6-pool only. anything else would be retarded from the zerg player on 2 player maps.
IMHO they should "nerf 6-pool" and give zerg some other advantage at least vs toss. I don't know if I always get retarded zerg opponents but if they don't 6-pool I like win 90% of the time. (number as always purely guessed, but it's like:"Zerg opponent, that will be easy.")


Mar 2, 2010
And yet I kill off queens regularly. The strat has yet to fail against zerg. if they fast expanded kill the 1 queen who is alone, if they bring the second queen fly to the other base and kill more drones. I had a player try the queen + overseer thing on me. I bounced back and forth from main to expo and his queens did jack. Also picked off his lair and spawning pool with banshee's.

Sure if I leave the banshee's sitting there fighting your queens with an overseer they will lose, but queens are incredibly slow and picking off the drones is more than worth it.

Yeah you kill the lonely queen at the expo against the "normal" zerg strat who has 2-3 queens at this time...
I have more like 5-7 queens... and because these extra queens dont have to make larva or creep tumors they have all enough energy for 1-2 transfusions, making a fast kill of one of them impossible.

And queens are not so slow... they have a speed of ~2,5 on creep and if you harass me with your banshees there is ALWAYS creep...

also it's not hard to bring a viking along if they have fast lair -> overseer going on.

bringing in 1-2 vikings in order to snipe the overseer will be pointless because of transfusion... your banshees/vikings will be shot down by the time the queens are running out of transfusion energy.
the difference between 2-3 queens with energy for 1-2 transfusions and 6 queens with energy for ~6-7 transfusions is HUGE!

Transfusion is the reason queens are so good as early defenders... they can heal spines and other queens multiple times... and if you have to deal ~700 dmg to a spinecrawler/queen instead of 300/175 makes a huge difference in early fights with only a handfull of units...

I am really happy everytime i see an early banshee or VR or one base muta attack coming from my enemy because they spend a lot of resources without being able to deal the dmg and soon i will build mutas with superior economy...

Edit2: However I'd love to practice it against a Zerg who knows what they are doing if you'd want to! I can never seem to find anyone who wants to do some custom 1v1 games just to practice different strats. My friends are all bronze league and don't want to deal with me so I end up trying funky stuff on the ladder and getting rolled.

I think that is impossible because i live in germany.

I don't know if I always get retarded zerg opponents but if they don't 6-pool I like win 90% of the time. (number as always purely guessed, but it's like:"Zerg opponent, that will be easy.")

If the Protoss does an early 2Gate Zealot push, a 4gate "timing" push or a fast VR attack i win 90% of my games against them...

never used 6-pool in a ladder game...
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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2007
Well I will agree with you once I see a replay that actually succeeds in doing this.

Yesterday first game after patch vs zerg -> 6-pool -> loss

And you know what my opponent said?
"I love this patch! Toss has no chance vs 6-pool."

I said that's exactly what I predicted. PvZ will be 6-pool only. anything else would be retarded from the zerg player on 2 player maps.
IMHO they should "nerf 6-pool" and give zerg some other advantage at least vs toss. I don't know if I always get retarded zerg opponents but if they don't 6-pool I like win 90% of the time. (number as always purely guessed, but it's like:"Zerg opponent, that will be easy.")

5 seconds in real time = 3.57 in faster mode (ladder). That's hardly game-breaking. Learn to scout early and put down a gateway and get that zealot out fast. You should win the game.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2009
I think that is impossible because i live in germany.

If the Protoss does an early 2Gate Zealot push, a 4gate "timing" push or a fast VR attack i win 90% of my games against them...

never used 6-pool in a ladder game...

So you play on EU Server like me?

What's your username and code?
If your interested we could play some custom games for training.

you should try out 6-pooling vs toss. Or maybe I just suck. But haven't seen a rep yet from anyone showing the easiness of beating it as claimed.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Does anyone know when the price of Starcraft II might drop?

I'm only interested in picking it up for the single player so don't mind waiting. Just trying to make a nice diary of game release dates..

Already penciled in no life for March 2011 when my fave RTS gets even better.


Mar 2, 2010
So you play on EU Server like me?

What's your username and code?
If your interested we could play some custom games for training

Yes, my username is homerx but i dont know the number... i am at work atm.

you should try out 6-pooling vs toss. Or maybe I just suck. But haven't seen a rep yet from anyone showing the easiness of beating it as claimed.

Quoting myself:

really dont get the point of these rush tactics in ladder games...

if the other player has walled off / is able to defend it, its nearly an autolose...

so depending on metagme/ladder/luck you achive probably a 50% win chance... you can be lucky and win like 60-70% and you can probably even reach diamond only with 6-pool every game...

but whats the point?

It doesnt make you a better sc2 player...

i often stop the early aggression of a zerg/terran/protoss and advance to the midgame and suddenly the other player has no chance... he makes silly desicions, has a bad macro etc... and then i realize i have met another of these "i can only play the first 10 min of this game" players that think they are great at this game because the are playing in diamond using a 2gate zealot rush every single game...

if you are playing on a tournament/against another person you are familiar with and you KNOW they are probably making a lot of drones/going for a fe etc then go for your rush... but really... whats the point in ladder matches?


Nov 18, 2007
Think the game would be better if you started with one base defense structure when the game started. It would be tricky since the terran can't be given free marines nor the Protoss a free pylon. It wouldn't prevent rushes but just delay them until you get a large enough force to take out the defense.

For example all would get a structure that is movable at the start but can't be moved once placed. Maybe a structure you can place from the CC/Nexus/Hatchary, that would have to be placed within a certain radius of the start location.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2002
Think the game would be better if you started with one base defense structure when the game started. It would be tricky since the terran can't be given free marines nor the Protoss a free pylon. It wouldn't prevent rushes but just delay them until you get a large enough force to take out the defense.

For example all would get a structure that is movable at the start but can't be moved once placed. Maybe a structure you can place from the CC/Nexus/Hatchary, that would have to be placed within a certain radius of the start location.

This is a terrible idea.
Jul 10, 2007
Think the game would be better if you started with one base defense structure when the game started. It would be tricky since the terran can't be given free marines nor the Protoss a free pylon. It wouldn't prevent rushes but just delay them until you get a large enough force to take out the defense.

For example all would get a structure that is movable at the start but can't be moved once placed. Maybe a structure you can place from the CC/Nexus/Hatchary, that would have to be placed within a certain radius of the start location.

bronze noob!!!!111!


Nov 18, 2007
bronze noob!!!!111!

Hey, I'm in Sliver.

I actually don't mind rushes. Playing terran, rushes aren't too bad, you just wall and pick them off. I do better if the games are over in 10 mins. I don't make a transition into the late game very well. Usually by the second attack, I've forgotten to build more guys or expand. I don't expect to ever be more than a casual player in the game. Things just don't click and watching the replay, I can see all the obvious mistakes that weren't apparent while playing.


Jan 4, 2005
Think the game would be better if you started with one base defense structure when the game started. It would be tricky since the terran can't be given free marines nor the Protoss a free pylon. It wouldn't prevent rushes but just delay them until you get a large enough force to take out the defense.

For example all would get a structure that is movable at the start but can't be moved once placed. Maybe a structure you can place from the CC/Nexus/Hatchary, that would have to be placed within a certain radius of the start location.
Play the maps with the word "novice" before the name. You'll like them.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2002
Play the maps with the word "novice" before the name. You'll like them.

Ugh I remember playing a practice match on those maps when i first got the game. Built an army and when I tried to leave I ran into those damn rocks. Went wtf? and then the next match I just built reapers and went around them. Then stopped playing practice as it's on normal.. omg so slow.
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Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2001
Ugh I remember playing a practice match on those maps when i first got the game. Built an army and when I tried to leave I ran into those damn rocks. Went wtf? and then the next match I just built reapers and went around them. Then stopped playing practice as it's on normal.. omg so slow.

lol, when I first played starcraft (6th grade? maybe), I played it on the slowest speed & thought shit was happening too quickly D:

Recently I went back to play some old SC (slider still set to slowest) and OMG, how did I ever sit through that?!?!


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2002
lol, when I first played starcraft (6th grade? maybe), I played it on the slowest speed & thought shit was happening too quickly D:

Recently I went back to play some old SC (slider still set to slowest) and OMG, how did I ever sit through that?!?!

haha same thing. Makes me hate the challenges, I sit there yelling at the scv's etc to mine faster as I watch the minerals slowly tick upwards.
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