**OFFICIAL** Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread

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Platinum Member
May 22, 2011
I am currently lvl 26 and just about done with this game. It just really isnt any fun. I almost have to force myself to get on and lvl. I dont want to give up until Ive hit 50 but not sure if that is going to happen. Anyone else having this issue?


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I am currently lvl 26 and just about done with this game. It just really isnt any fun. I almost have to force myself to get on and lvl. I dont want to give up until Ive hit 50 but not sure if that is going to happen. Anyone else having this issue?

Not me. I just hit level 38 on the weekend and I'm still having fun going through everything. This is actually the farthest I have ever gotten in an MMO, I usually crap out by about level 30. I am a bit concerned that my main storyline seems to be over, so not sure how compelling the rest of the questing, but I have a feeling if/when I hit 50 I will just want to start another character and do that storyline (probably Sith side this time).

Oh and I am digging PvP more and more. It can be extremely frustrating at times, getting raped by a gang of Sith is not fun, but most of the time I have a lot of fun with it and do pretty well, even though I don't really know what I am doing.

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Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
I know the Sith Inquisitor storyline went all the way to about 50, with the final encounter being a level 49 enemy or something like that so I'm sure you've got more to come.

It's easy to burn out on levelling, after my sorc hit 50 I was done for a while but twinking out my marauder and PVPing with him has been quite enjoyable and I started a Powertech last night as well, it's actually been pretty interesting (not very far in of course) seeing the Empire from the 'non-force' side of things.

Also you'll probably enjoy it more if you don't force yourself to do all the side quests. And there's other good routes to XP as well; even if you lose a warzone it's a lot of XP and completing the warzone daily and space dailies are big XP. I can't say how much XP you get from flashpoints and their quests though, I've only done like three this whole time lol.

Another really potent source is companion quests, if you've got the credits you can power level their affection with gifts, after I picked up Jaesa on my marauder the story progression unlocked a ton of dialog quests for Quinn and Vette (who I'd already maxed) and in just a few minutes of talking to them I got about 3/4 of a level (30-31 or something); my marauder is now 33 and hasn't done a 'normal' quest since Dromund Kaas.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
I am currently lvl 26 and just about done with this game. It just really isnt any fun. I almost have to force myself to get on and lvl. I dont want to give up until Ive hit 50 but not sure if that is going to happen. Anyone else having this issue?

The leveling process was the most fun part of the game for me. So much so, that after I got one guy to 50 and battlemaster geared, I started a new one just to continue to have fun.

The difference between this game and any other MMO is the voice acting. It really does help with immersion and a feeling of importance in the game. Are you space-barring through the dialog? You shouldn't if you are.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
I am currently lvl 26 and just about done with this game. It just really isnt any fun. I almost have to force myself to get on and lvl. I dont want to give up until Ive hit 50 but not sure if that is going to happen. Anyone else having this issue?

What class are you playing and is it Empire or Republic? Each class story is different, each side is different, and the 8 advanced classes all play differently.

If you don't like your class or side, try one of the others.

I found playing a Jedi Guardian a bit frustrating since a few quests are hard to finish at the recommended level (I think they need to make them a bit more durable as a tank), but the trooper Commando and consular Sage are easier to play.


Feb 18, 2004
I'm so torn on my Jedi Guardian... I'm enjoying the class quests, but they have so many abilities I feel like I'm going cross-eyed.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
I'm so torn on my Jedi Guardian... I'm enjoying the class quests, but they have so many abilities I feel like I'm going cross-eyed.

And you need to rotate them properly to do well against bosses.

It might be more survivable when you get your real healer companion, I need to gear him up and try using him more.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2011
What class are you playing and is it Empire or Republic? Each class story is different, each side is different, and the 8 advanced classes all play differently.

If you don't like your class or side, try one of the others.

I found playing a Jedi Guardian a bit frustrating since a few quests are hard to finish at the recommended level (I think they need to make them a bit more durable as a tank), but the trooper Commando and consular Sage are easier to play.

I am rolling a Sith Sorcerer. I love leveling characters though. I played WoW for a really long time and that was my favorite part of the game.

I am listening to most of the questgivers. When I know its just a random side story one I usually wont listen to the whole thing.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I am currently lvl 26 and just about done with this game. It just really isnt any fun. I almost have to force myself to get on and lvl. I dont want to give up until Ive hit 50 but not sure if that is going to happen. Anyone else having this issue?

Nope..but that was my first character - Imperial Operative - very well written story with interesting twists. It's everything you'd expect from a "spy novel" type character. However, at the end of Act 3 - it didn't really feel like my character had any effect on the universe.

However with alts - yes I find myself dreading leveling up alts. I'm purposely skipping any heroics and zerging through side quests. I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of space combat and PVP on alts.


Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2001
I am currently lvl 26 and just about done with this game. It just really isnt any fun. I almost have to force myself to get on and lvl. I dont want to give up until Ive hit 50 but not sure if that is going to happen. Anyone else having this issue?

I'm with you Sixguns. The game really isn't that good. I've leveled a Sith Assassin to 42. I'm not having fun with this game at all. The story was ok but that's not what drives a game for me. It's the actual game play.

The fights are repetitive. That Khem dude is suppose to tank and he can't tank for shit because I have no way of healing him during a fight. So I have to tank my own fights with one of my other companions healing me. Leveling slows way down then.

There are allot of things that bother me about this game and I'm not going to list them all. I've turned off my account and I'm really disappointed. I had really hoped Bioware was going to have a winner.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
If you need to heal after every pack of normal mobs I'd say you're either underlevelled or undergeared or some of both, the difficulty curve is very mild and pretty much every non-Heroic quest/area should be soloed with ease by a character at the appropriate level with their companion.

Unfortunately Inquisitors don't get a healer companion until Hoth but my friend who levelled assassin had a pretty easy time of it turning himself into tanky DPS and letting Ashara supplement that, Andronikos would work too. If you prefer Talos you could just go all DPS mode probably, though I think a tanky hybrid of sorts would probably be best all around for levelling. Overall companion tanks leave something to be desired since they're not particularly resilient and prone to breaking CC, but companion DPS and healers are pretty solid; I'd stick with them when possible unless you're a healer.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2010
If you're not having fun switching classes and sides is one of the better things to do. I play a BH and love it, it's a fun class and I like the story. My brother is doing an Imperial Agent and the story is trippy. If you like Bond type stuff you can play that one.

All of the classes play so different and the stories are so different. But you have to like stories and games like that.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The server as a whole seems to be dying (the Constant). I'm hoping they are thinking of merging servers soon because it's pretty pathetic how empty everywhere is...republic fleet rarely passes 75 people during prime time.

If the Imperial outnumber the republic 4:1 on your server, that would have the Imperial Fleet pushing 300 people on prime time? On my server we are normally looking at about 1/4 the population on the fleet at any given time and I would assume your server is in that ballpark(WoW seemed to be about the same as was Rift). That would have peak population during primetime in the ~3K region- that isn't anywhere close to a server merger level. I played on a launch WoW server that had ques for new content, free server transfers with every new expansion due to overpopulation, and it was about at that level during a normal day. That is assuming that the 4:1 ratio is correct.

That Khem dude is suppose to tank and he can't tank for shit because I have no way of healing him during a fight. So I have to tank my own fights with one of my other companions healing me. Leveling slows way down then.

If you don't like doing it that way, roll two dps and kill them faster. Yes, I have a 50 assassin. The game gives you flexibility, as long as you don't suck horribly then you can play it pretty much any way you want(dual healers on a healing class is kind of boring and takes a long time, but other then that the combos all seemed to work).

Overall companion tanks leave something to be desired since they're not particularly resilient and prone to breaking CC

Shut off their AoE and they won't break CC(although they can't tank packs of mobs very well at that point). I've had Xalek tank level 50 normal mode flash point bosses and didn't have a problem with the amount of damage he took(he filled in for the tank we had, he was better geared, that was on my Sorc). HM's would be a bit much, maybe after I get him in full Columi gear....

Anyone seen patch notes for 1.1.4 live yet? Been looking around, really hoping that Soa gets sorted out, getting sick of getting to him in 45 minutes then taking twice that long to get him down because he bugs out so many times(although sometimes he doesn't bug and goes down easy, meh).


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
If you need to heal after every pack of normal mobs I'd say you're either underlevelled or undergeared or some of both, the difficulty curve is very mild and pretty much every non-Heroic quest/area should be soloed with ease by a character at the appropriate level with their companion.

Unfortunately Inquisitors don't get a healer companion until Hoth but my friend who levelled assassin had a pretty easy time of it turning himself into tanky DPS and letting Ashara supplement that, Andronikos would work too. If you prefer Talos you could just go all DPS mode probably, though I think a tanky hybrid of sorts would probably be best all around for levelling. Overall companion tanks leave something to be desired since they're not particularly resilient and prone to breaking CC, but companion DPS and healers are pretty solid; I'd stick with them when possible unless you're a healer.

I think I am under-geared, but I honestly have no idea where to start in getting properly geared. I've just been grabbing what I can and then crafting the occasional mod to upgrade my orange gear. I've not been struggling with my questing or anything, but I feel pretty squishy and not overly strong in the combat department either (I am a healer though, so that definitely has something to do with the latter part).

Do I bother worrying about gearing up at 38, or do I just do all of that when I hit 50?



Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
I think I am under-geared, but I honestly have no idea where to start in getting properly geared. I've just been grabbing what I can and then crafting the occasional mod to upgrade my orange gear. I've not been struggling with my questing or anything, but I feel pretty squishy and not overly strong in the combat department either (I am a healer though, so that definitely has something to do with the latter part).

Do I bother worrying about gearing up at 38, or do I just do all of that when I hit 50?


The general rule of an MMO is don't spend a lot of time and money before 50. You certainly should upgrade, but trying to deck yourself out at 38 is a waste of time. Don't be affraid to drop some cash for some really big upgrades. Money is pretty easy to come by in this game.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
The general rule of an MMO is don't spend a lot of time and money before 50. You certainly should upgrade, but trying to deck yourself out at 38 is a waste of time. Don't be affraid to drop some cash for some really big upgrades. Money is pretty easy to come by in this game.

That's kind of what I figured, seemed like a waste of time worrying too much about gear. I've been spending most of my money on crafting; I'm 400 on one and around 350 or so on the two others, but with selling on the AH I hover around 500K in credits. I've just not really found much worth buying.

One question, what does Legacy Experience do? I noticed that little purple bar on my UI a little while back, but not really sure what the point of it is and did not see anything on the tips. :hmm:



Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
That's kind of what I figured, seemed like a waste of time worrying too much about gear. I've been spending most of my money on crafting; I'm 400 on one and around 350 or so on the two others, but with selling on the AH I hover around 500K in credits. I've just not really found much worth buying.

One question, what does Legacy Experience do? I noticed that little purple bar on my UI a little while back, but not really sure what the point of it is and did not see anything on the tips. :hmm:


What I typically do to stay geared is to run level appropriate flashpoints. 3-4 runs will typically net me several pieces of good gear. Also, I only take commendation rewards for quests and buy commendation gear or even better, buy commendation mods and upgrade all my orange gear.

I never felt it was hard to stay decently geared.

Also, once legacy system is implemented you will get legacy abilities that span all of your characters that is supposed to give you an edge in PvE and PvP.


Senior member
Dec 24, 2007
One question, what does Legacy Experience do? I noticed that little purple bar on my UI a little while back, but not really sure what the point of it is and did not see anything on the tips. :hmm:


Nothing at the moment, but the current plan is to have something implemented for 1.2.

"Daniel Erickson: Game Update 1.2 will bring you the first big step in the Legacy System but it’s important to understand that the Legacy System will continue to grow, bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game Update 1.2."

There is a teaser video out there as well and it shows how the legacy levels give special ability to alts. Also, the amount of alts may also play a factor.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOOge9Plnz0 (1:04)


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
The general rule of an MMO is don't spend a lot of time and money before 50. You certainly should upgrade, but trying to deck yourself out at 38 is a waste of time. Don't be affraid to drop some cash for some really big upgrades. Money is pretty easy to come by in this game.
Basically true, but mid-30s is where commendation gear starts to become useless if you're a non-tank. Definitely worth crafting/GTNing some blue bits.

Also, having good gear for your level *does* improve where the WZ bolster puts you, so if that's something you want an edge in, money is pretty easy to get back when you hit 50.
One question, what does Legacy Experience do? I noticed that little purple bar on my UI a little while back, but not really sure what the point of it is and did not see anything on the tips. :hmm:
Nothing yet, but starting from next month's patch 1.2 it will offer all sorts of crap (devs have teased extra races, extra/early talents -- maybe level 1 speeder! -- and a Bind on Legacy item category).


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Cool, thanks guys. I did figure out the commendation thing a few levels ago; seems to be a good way to get mods at the very least.

Can't read the links unfortuantely, but from those snippets the system does sound cool. I have not created any alts yet; does it only apply to alts on the same side? So if I create a Sith guy next, will that guy take up my last name, or only my Repblic alts?

That's my last annoying question for now, I promise.


Edit: whoa, just watched the video; patch looks awesome.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
There's a lot of legacy possibilities. I'd love to see something like making a character the "Patriarch" or "Matriarch" of your legacy which would, say, give them limited access to other character's vaults/companions/auctions or maybe the other way around. Something like that would really enforce the idea that the legacy of characters are actually united in some way to me, and at the same time would be a nice legacy reward.

What I'd really like to see legacy do is use rewards to address some of the meta-game aspects and make the game more 'convenient' essentially. More AH slots, longer auction times, maybe additional crafting queue slots (in exchange for longer craft times?), droid affection (or customization, binding the two and giving your droid talent points or such to really 'build' him).

Lots of directions they could take it. Really though, if I get to play a Basic speaking Nikto I'll reroll every character I can to it


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
I'm taking a break from SWTOR. Might come back when BW releases some more shit.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
I'm taking a break from SWTOR. Might come back when BW releases some more shit.
If you feel like playing with other folks, we already seem to have one Imp-side refugee in the Republic guild...

(Yeah, we try to run stuff together.)


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
If you feel like playing with other folks, we already seem to have one Imp-side refugee in the Republic guild...

(Yeah, we try to run stuff together.)

too lazy right now to grind back up to 30.

WoT seems to be working better for me anyway right now - less time commitment since I can bang out a round in 1-15 minutes and do stuff while I'm waiting. I'd like to come back to SWTOR eventually though...maybe when I have more time.
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