**OFFICIAL** Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread

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Senior member
Jan 30, 2007
maybe i am missing it but is there a way to compare companion gear?
I mean when i get new gear it shows what i am wearing and what the new gear
is and what stats change.
But if i have some companion gear, and switch to the companion screen. when i highlight the new companion gear it compares it to what my character is wearing and not what the companion is currently wearing.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
maybe i am missing it but is there a way to compare companion gear?
I mean when i get new gear it shows what i am wearing and what the new gear
is and what stats change.
But if i have some companion gear, and switch to the companion screen. when i highlight the new companion gear it compares it to what my character is wearing and not what the companion is currently wearing.

it's an option somewhere (settings?)


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
maybe i am missing it but is there a way to compare companion gear?
I mean when i get new gear it shows what i am wearing and what the new gear
is and what stats change.
But if i have some companion gear, and switch to the companion screen. when i highlight the new companion gear it compares it to what my character is wearing and not what the companion is currently wearing.

You have to enable the detailed tooltip in the settings. No idea why it is not enabled by default.



Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
maybe i am missing it but is there a way to compare companion gear?
Yeah, in the prefs you can have the tooltip compare every item to your currently deployed companion's slot as well as your own.

I'd also make sure to enable the detailed mod info.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
One legacy feature I think would be great is shared storage and the ability for all your characters to use items bound to you.

Say your guild wants you to raid with your tank instead of your healer, but your healer is your main, this way you could still roll for healer gear even though its bind on pickup.


Senior member
Aug 6, 2001
One legacy feature I think would be great is shared storage and the ability for all your characters to use items bound to you.

Say your guild wants you to raid with your tank instead of your healer, but your healer is your main, this way you could still roll for healer gear even though its bind on pickup.

That would be a terrible idea because ninja looting would rise significantly...people already do stupid stuff like roll need for companion upgrades.
Sep 23, 2011
Say your guild wants you to raid with your tank instead of your healer, but your healer is your main, this way you could still roll for healer gear even though its bind on pickup.

That has nothing to do with the game and everything to do with your guild. Either say no or find a new guild.

If we *require* someone to play an alt for the good of the raid that night (or whatever), that person is in the mix for loot as a main. Simple as that.

And a guild is beyond stupid if they won't let a tank get geared up.

Speaking of raids, I can't wait for a new OPS. We clear our raid in one night (we don't bother with normal mode anymore), so that's 6 days of waiting. Talk about a grind.
Sep 23, 2011
That would be a terrible idea because ninja looting would rise significantly...people already do stupid stuff like roll need for companion upgrades.

Sounds like you're running with PUGs or a poorly-run guild raid. Easy solution is to get a strong leader to run the raid with clear rules.

Before each piece is put up for rolling there should be discussion (shorter for pro groups, longer for newer runs). And yeah, someone might *need* anyway, but that's what /gkick is for.


Golden Member
Aug 18, 2001
One legacy feature I think would be great is shared storage and the ability for all your characters to use items bound to you.
I love shared storage, and with the ship holds I think this would be the best implementation of storage in any MMO. Especially if we get guild banks via ship holds at some point.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
If SWTOR makes this game more about gear than fun/skill, then I will likely cancel my subscription. WoW people were terrible jerks. WoW was a cesspool of greedy terrible human beings. Of course, there were some good people too. Problem is, with so many bad ones, finding the good ones is more difficult.

Get a bad reputation? Name change! Server change! Problems gone. Terrible game.

So far SWTOR has been a good experience in that regard.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
To be fair, there's really no online community that isn't a cesspool of one kind or another. I think in general the in-game community is above average for an MMO though, just wandering around planets questing I've found PUG groups for heroic quests pretty quickly and painlessly and there's times when general chat is genuinely helpful or at least harmless.

It makes up for it with the forums though lol.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
That has nothing to do with the game and everything to do with your guild. Either say no or find a new guild.

If we *require* someone to play an alt for the good of the raid that night (or whatever), that person is in the mix for loot as a main. Simple as that.

And a guild is beyond stupid if they won't let a tank get geared up.

Speaking of raids, I can't wait for a new OPS. We clear our raid in one night (we don't bother with normal mode anymore), so that's 6 days of waiting. Talk about a grind.

I don't think you understood the point I was trying to make at all. You are talking like I was referring to a situation I was in, which I wasn't. I don't even have a healer, I simply picked 2 random classes as an example.

I'm only suggesting that bound items br usable by all your accounts characters as a legacy feature. Bound to your "family" rather than individual.

I guess it could increase the "ninja" (bad term for modern mmo loot stealing) situation, but only for jerks and PUGs. I can't see myself doing OPs outside of my guild personally.


Golden Member
Mar 16, 2004
To be fair, there's really no online community that isn't a cesspool of one kind or another. I think in general the in-game community is above average for an MMO though, just wandering around planets questing I've found PUG groups for heroic quests pretty quickly and painlessly and there's times when general chat is genuinely helpful or at least harmless.

It makes up for it with the forums though lol.

Eh, I'd say General Chat on Dromund Kaas is pretty pathetic.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2010
Completed EV, regular mode, last night for the first time...was REALLY fun!

On our last, "well if we don't get it this time we can try Sunday since it is locked," we got it!

You REALLY need two tanks for the last boss, a ranged one at first, and a melee for the end fight...



Feb 18, 2004
maybe ignorance is bliss, because I never had slicing before the nerf, but I've really been enjoying leveling up with it.

my level 20 jedi guardian with slicing has about 60,000 credits at the moment, as opposed to my sith sorcerer who skipped training some skills and still just barely had the money to train riding at 25.

synthweaving, on the other hand, really feels worthless... at any given point, I can nearly always find comparable (or better) items in the trade network than what I can craft. at 100/400, I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't drop it and get another gathering profession.

I'm currently synthweaving/archeology/slicing. I have underworld trading on my trooper, so when I need to do missions for rare metals/cloth, I just switch characters and run missions on my trooper while cleaning my house, taking a shower, watching tv, etc.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
maybe ignorance is bliss, because I never had slicing before the nerf, but I've really been enjoying leveling up with it.

my level 20 jedi guardian with slicing has about 60,000 credits at the moment, as opposed to my sith sorcerer who skipped training some skills and still just barely had the money to train riding at 25.

synthweaving, on the other hand, really feels worthless... at any given point, I can nearly always find comparable (or better) items in the trade network than what I can craft. at 100/400, I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't drop it and get another gathering profession.

I'm currently synthweaving/archeology/slicing. I have underworld trading on my trooper, so when I need to do missions for rare metals/cloth, I just switch characters and run missions on my trooper while cleaning my house, taking a shower, watching tv, etc.

I never had a problem with enough credits until the very end. I found that now with my alts, a good dose of daily space missions and PvP will get you more than enough credits to do what you want.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
I enjoyed synthweaving as a side game, eventually making a bunch of purple gear with augment slots (selling the non-slotted "failures" on GTN).

It was a huge money sink at first, though at level 40 / synth 400 I make decent money crafting a few things like empty orange gear (hood-free light armor, yay!) and the few purples that sell at a decent profit.

A good purple + slot with augment is several levels above orange + commendation mods, and the only orange boots, gloves, belts are rare loot drops. I don't think there are any orange bracers yet.

Supposedly with the March update, critical success with crafting empty orange gear will get you one with an augment slot, which will be very nice, but you will be able to buy those on GTN too at a price. End-game crafting is supposed to be improved too.

So: do it if you enjoy it, otherwise it's fine to just buy gear on GTN or if you're in a guild find a crafter who'll do what you need for credits or mats. Blue gear should be a cheap request, since the recipes and mats are easy to get.

Edit: slicing is still a great money-maker. Loot cases you can gather and don't need to sell (unlike mats), lockbox missions that turn a profit, and augment missions that get you fun stuff on critical success.

The alt I have that's dirt-poor and needed a loan for speeder training was my trooper with biochem, bioanalysis, and diplomacy. Bio-bio-diplo is a money pit that nets you reusable medpacks and stims, but your purples are worthless on GTN because only others with bio can use them -- they just craft their own.
Last edited:


Dec 5, 2000
I see there is a promotion or something now to get the standard edition for $50. Is it worth it? I kind of want to get into a mmo again since I quit rift last year, but nothing really interests me.

Downloaded Rift again since they have a play for free until level 20 thing and the game has changed a bit but I don't see anyone i used to play with and I can never get back into a game that I've quit for some reason. Once I hit max level or run out of stuff to do and quit, playing it over again even with an alt just feels like a chore.

They really need a trial for this game.


Sep 3, 2010
They really need a trial for this game.
This. I'm more into the PvE aspect of this game and heard it's a lot of fun leveling. I just don't know if I wanna plunk down $50 and be done with it in a month if the end game content is so weak at the moment.


Feb 18, 2004
I see there is a promotion or something now to get the standard edition for $50. Is it worth it? I kind of want to get into a mmo again since I quit rift last year, but nothing really interests me.

Downloaded Rift again since they have a play for free until level 20 thing and the game has changed a bit but I don't see anyone i used to play with and I can never get back into a game that I've quit for some reason. Once I hit max level or run out of stuff to do and quit, playing it over again even with an alt just feels like a chore.

They really need a trial for this game.

I think it's worth it for a casual.

I bought it like a week after release and am still having a great time -- but I also haven't hit max level on any character. I've just been screwing around and enjoying the quests/storyline and bouncing between alts.

I get the impression that there's not a ton to do at endgame right now, but that's mostly affecting the people who are rushing there.


Oct 9, 1999
I guess the cause of the issue is that I started a new job and don't get home until 6:30-7...I don't necessarily feel like being stuck doing an Op for 1+hrs. I'm to blame for that.

180 (alts included mind you) is nothing. We may be one of the bigger guilds on the republic side, but i've heard that some of the sith guilds are 500+. That puts it into perspective how unbalanced it is.

Server merge please . I miss how SWG Pre-cu Coronet was...now that was busy!

Same here. Game feels empty most of the time for me. Gonna take a nice long break.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
You REALLY need two tanks for the last boss, a ranged one at first, and a melee for the end fight...

Or you could just run out before the floor drops Honestly we have never even tried to use a ranged tank for Soa as our main is a Jugg and he never has any problems(tanking wise, floor screwing up or encounter resetting OTOH.... ).

Downloaded Rift again since they have a play for free until level 20 thing and the game has changed a bit but I don't see anyone i used to play with and I can never get back into a game that I've quit for some reason. Once I hit max level or run out of stuff to do and quit, playing it over again even with an alt just feels like a chore.

Leveling in ToR is significantly better then leveling in Rift. I couldn't force myself to get more then two toons in Rift to max level(Mage/Cleric) because of how tedious the process was. I've gotten two Inquisitors to max level(both branches) in ToR already. The storyline and overall presentation of ToR makes leveling the best part of the game atm, there is a reasonable amount of end game content given how long it has been out(more then any other MMO of comparable age that I can recall), but leveling alts seems to be keeping the interest of most of my guildies atm when they aren't doing PvP or raids.

They really need a trial for this game.

If they do, I hope they quarantine them to a particular server. They made the server I was on in Rift the trial server and I had to move all of my toons off, that was painful(in no way am I saying you would make it that way, just the quality of general tends to hit sub Barrens levels within 24 hours of any F2P being introduced to a server ).

The alt I have that's dirt-poor and needed a loan for speeder training was my trooper with biochem, bioanalysis, and diplomacy. Bio-bio-diplo is a money pit that nets you reusable medpacks and stims, but your purples are worthless on GTN because only others with bio can use them -- they just craft their own.

Heh, for end game, bio-bio-diplo>>>cybertech>>>>>>>all. I find slicing to be extremely close to useless at end game(credits honestly just aren't worth much), Synthweaving unfortunately only lets you create decent leveling gear(outside the Rakata belt/bracers which are both BoP unfortunately). Biotech gives you reusable and vastly superior(in some cases) consumables that nothing else can approach or replace(Cybertech's grenades are also something without equal, just not anywhere close to as good as biochem's benefits).
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