**OFFICIAL** Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread

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Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2004
Last night we took down KP SM. It seemed like the trash pulls are harder than the boss fights there. Tonight we're looking to take down Soa in EV on Hard Mode again. Very proud of my little raiders. Looking to start farming Hard Modes then move onto Explosive Conflict.


Apr 8, 2001
The decided single server only for lfg? While an improvement makes it a rather minor one.

And yes, the main problem was they screwed the pooch on how they handled release. Instituting a restrictive log in queue and then feeding in a large quantity of additional realms have left quite a few nuclear waste zones out there to log into.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2000
Hey Dahak! The AT Republic guild is ridiculously geared in PvP now, so that WZ was a bit one-sided...

Yea, usually when I decide to do PVP it seems the reps side wins more anyway


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
So it seems (post #23) that everyone who applied to PTS got a character copied. PTS is up tomorrow.

See you guys for some ranked WZ action with fresh blood!


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
We recently started out on EV SM. Incredably easy. Asside from myself and the tank, no one was geared even to tionese level. From what I gather, this is by far the easiest operation and is merely a 'training mode'.

Interestingly enough, one of the guys said EC SM is easier than LI HM Mode. Although one is a 4 versus 8 man, he will not step foot into LI HM. I don't find LI HM difficult anymore, now that I learned the fights. The last boss can be rough depending on the DPS.

I think in a nut shell, what I came to realize is this:

Gear + Knowing Class = Easy
No Gear + Knowing Class = Easy-Moderate
Gear + Not knowing class = Moderate
No Gear + Not knowing class = Difficult

And so when people thigns like "In order to do this instance, the healer needs 2 Rakata minimum" and, that, IMO is an idiotic simplistic statement. As if taking one piece of Rakata away and putting in Columi in its place would make or break a character. Yet, all over their forums you see stuff like that all over the place.

Most people already know itemized Columi is better than Rakata Stock, but I'll so go so far as to say Itemized Tionese is better than Rakata Stock. Itemization is key in this game. You can have Rakata and perform very poorly if you don't move mods and enhancements around and if you don't know how to play your class no gear is going to save you.

With that said... I am sure EC SM is going to be very difficult for us because only 3 of us in the entire guild 'theory craft' and mix and match mods. The rest of the guys leave everything stock and as much as I'd like to help them out, I don't want to tell them how to play their chracters. I try and nudge them in the right direction, but we are casual... So, I don't want to start turning the guild into 'have this, or you can't come' type deal.

As far as population goes... We are now (I think) the largest guild on our server (Kathol Rift) and we don't have enough for fill out a 16 man raid. That is pitiful... But we are still having fun and that is all that counts, right?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
From what I gather, this is by far the easiest operation and is merely a 'training mode'.

KP SM is directly comparable, Karraga himself is easier then most of the bosses in EV.

I don't find LI HM difficult anymore, now that I learned the fights. The last boss can be rough depending on the DPS.

First boss in LI HM is rough depending on the group makeup. If you have Merc/Sorc/Sniper for your dps then he isn't bad at all, if you have Operative/Marauder/Assassin for your dps it makes it quite a bit rougher.

Most people already know itemized Columi is better than Rakata Stock, but I'll so go so far as to say Itemized Tionese is better than Rakata Stock.

This holds true up to a point, when you start doing some of the bosses in HM ops, and particularly HM EC or either of the first bosses in nightmare mode, Tionese gear won't allow you to survive to heal no matter how well you have it itemized(well, unless you get Rakata level mods and put them in Tionese gear which is no different then having Rakata gear).

With that said... I am sure EC SM is going to be very difficult for us because only 3 of us in the entire guild 'theory craft' and mix and match mods.

EC SM is harder then EV or KP HM. I know Bioware states that wasn't there intent, but it is how it is. If you have DPS that can't crack 1K normally, they shouldn't really be going into EC(unless you have some Marauder pulling 1.6K that can offset them).


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2004
With that said... I am sure EC SM is going to be very difficult for us because only 3 of us in the entire guild 'theory craft' and mix and match mods. The rest of the guys leave everything stock and as much as I'd like to help them out, I don't want to tell them how to play their chracters. I try and nudge them in the right direction, but we are casual... So, I don't want to start turning the guild into 'have this, or you can't come' type deal.

I had that same problem in my guild. I don't have time to theorycraft but have a couple of guys who put together some rock solid guides for theorycrafting for a number of advanced classes. Those guys that didn't pay attention to the guides realized that we would never see any advanced content without changing the mods and enhancements out. We're now kicking some serious ass in Operations. If the guild wants to progress, they're going to have to spend that 33k to remod their gear, or wait until 1.3 hits when it'll be cheaper.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Damn, I logged in for the first time in about two weeks courtesy of D3 and the AH on Daragon Trail is barren. There wasn't a single epic companion gift up and only a page of bioanalysis mats available. Looks like everyone's still honeymooning with Diablo lol.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2004
Most AH on servers are a joke these days.
Jung-ma only really has the more expensive companion gifts up for sale. Usually within a week of sending out your companions before logging out you can get enough relics to purchase your own.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
KP SM is directly comparable, Karraga himself is easier then most of the bosses in EV.

First boss in LI HM is rough depending on the group makeup. If you have Merc/Sorc/Sniper for your dps then he isn't bad at all, if you have Operative/Marauder/Assassin for your dps it makes it quite a bit rougher.

This holds true up to a point, when you start doing some of the bosses in HM ops, and particularly HM EC or either of the first bosses in nightmare mode, Tionese gear won't allow you to survive to heal no matter how well you have it itemized(well, unless you get Rakata level mods and put them in Tionese gear which is no different then having Rakata gear).

EC SM is harder then EV or KP HM. I know Bioware states that wasn't there intent, but it is how it is. If you have DPS that can't crack 1K normally, they shouldn't really be going into EC(unless you have some Marauder pulling 1.6K that can offset them).

you guys stick to the columni only for feet and gloves, right? Augmented head, chest, legs, belt and bracers add far more advantage than the unaug "advanced" stuff with their 2nd bonus.

Just spend comms on those pieces, rip out the mods, and toss them on augmented orange gear. I wonder what will happen, though, with 1.3, now that we can aug waist and bracers and, perhaps, feat and gloves?

I also find the columni/rakata/Tionese gear to look atrocious.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
you guys stick to the columni only for feet and gloves, right? Augmented head, chest, legs, belt and bracers add far more advantage than the unaug "advanced" stuff with their 2nd bonus.

Greatly depends on the particular class and what they are doing. The 4pc bonus on my Assassin for dps increases the crit chance by 15% on the ability that does 70% of my total dps(via hundreds of parses). That is *kind of a big deal* Some of the 4pc bonuses are very weak, and even the ones that are really good may only be really good depending on the particular build you are using.

Bracers and belt everyone should have Rakata augmented shortly after hitting 50, level synthweaving/armortech first, then level artificing to get your augmented Rakata relics then level bio. This is assuming people are true min/maxers- no reason not to have all four of those augmented Rakata pieces before stepping into your first op.

My most recent toon, 5 days 12 hours /played 6 pieces of Rakata gear without stepping foot into an op or HM. Gearing up in this game is absurdly easy, the amount of effort taken to min/max is actually very, very small compared to most MMOs.

Just spend comms on those pieces, rip out the mods, and toss them on augmented orange gear. I wonder what will happen, though, with 1.3, now that we can aug waist and bracers and, perhaps, feat and gloves?

You can augment everything in 1.3, no need to swap to orange gear. Actually, in 1.3 you should just be buying black hole mods with commendations along with augment kits. You can be geared better then is possible in 1.2 without ever stepping foot in an operation.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Damn, I logged in for the first time in about two weeks courtesy of D3 and the AH on Daragon Trail is barren. There wasn't a single epic companion gift up and only a page of bioanalysis mats available. Looks like everyone's still honeymooning with Diablo lol.

If our guild is any indication - it's not Diablo 3 - it's the fact that everyone is end game geared and has already leveled up 3 alts [or were leveling up but grew tired of repeating non-class specific content].

They are disappointed that the devs are just now putting in things we asked for during beta [LFG tool, Cross server transfers, etc] and concentrating on "legacy" which they honestly aren't interested in.

And they are also disappointed at the broken pvp system - ilum is dead zone [assuming it was closed down] and the warzones are a joke.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Brought one of my alts into a Nightmare Mode KP last night going for a title run. Haven't done it in a while, Fabricator went down and we still had over an hour left(just under 45 minutes left when we cleared it). Nice that KP Nightmare drops black hole comms, guess running that on a weekly basis is an easy way to gear up now.

Servers are down for maintenance now, they said that server transfers were supposed to go live today, not sure if that means 1.3 is coming with it or not.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2000
It is for a minor bug that some people are having with the server transfers and this maintenance should help prevent the issue. At least that is what i gathered from the dev tracker


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Transfered off of Kathol Rift to Canderus Ordo. Went from an average of 10 people on the fleet at any given time and 2 - 4 hour PVP queue pops to a server that had over 280+ on the flleet from the time I logged in (6:00pm) to the time I logged out (12:00am EST). PVP queue is usually instant pop and when it is not, it is only a minute or two wait, at most.

This cleverly disguised server transfer was merely a consensual merge. I'd hate to be sitting back on Kathol rift in a few days. Anyone who didn't transfer is truly playing a single player game. Although I would argue it was already a single player game on that server. Now it will be worse.

I wonder how long before they close down these ghost origin servers?

Regardless, my entire guild is very happy. Although, after playing with 10 people on fleet for the last 3 months, going to a server with 280+ is OVERWHELMING! I needed a mental break.

The GTN actually has items on it! I couldn't believe there are BH player crafted items on the AH. Columi too! On Kathol Rift we didn't have anything greater than the L49 crafted implants, ear pieces, gear, etc...
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Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Yea, we're transferring from Daragon Trail to The Bastion. I haven't played yet but it'll be nice to be on a busy server, even if everything we do is in-guild pretty much.


Golden Member
Nov 10, 2005
My roomates just started playing swtor and I am thinking about getting back into it but I noticed there's only 2 high pop servers and 1 standard pop in the west coast and about the same for east coast. Does no one not play the game anymore?


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2010
Transfered off of Kathol Rift to Canderus Ordo. Went from an average of 10 people on the fleet at any given time and 2 - 4 hour PVP queue pops to a server that had over 280+ on the flleet from the time I logged in (6:00pm) to the time I logged out (12:00am EST). PVP queue is usually instant pop and when it is not, it is only a minute or two wait, at most.

This cleverly disguised server transfer was merely a consensual merge. I'd hate to be sitting back on Kathol rift in a few days. Anyone who didn't transfer is truly playing a single player game. Although I would argue it was already a single player game on that server. Now it will be worse.

I wonder how long before they close down these ghost origin servers?

Regardless, my entire guild is very happy. Although, after playing with 10 people on fleet for the last 3 months, going to a server with 280+ is OVERWHELMING! I needed a mental break.

The GTN actually has items on it! I couldn't believe there are BH player crafted items on the AH. Columi too! On Kathol Rift we didn't have anything greater than the L49 crafted implants, ear pieces, gear, etc...
Same experience. People who are not moving over will have to eventually IMO or be stuck on an empty server that will more thank likely get shut down.

My roomates just started playing swtor and I am thinking about getting back into it but I noticed there's only 2 high pop servers and 1 standard pop in the west coast and about the same for east coast. Does no one not play the game anymore?
People do play still but we were spread out over too many servers after the population had a good drop rate.

They are offering server transfers to specific servers. Seems like they have 10 or so servers they want to fill up. Make sure you check the forums for the list of servers people are getting transferred too. Damn near every server not getting people transferred to is dead.
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Apr 8, 2001
haven't logged in about a month but just got an email about eligible for server transfer. was a faily packed one at release, specially for the dark side, will have to see what's up now.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
It could, I think there's only so many people willing to pay to play [these days] and that market is already highly saturated courtesy of WoW and other legacy titles.

I'm curious what kind of limitations they might put on free to play, maybe you could only complete up to Chapter 1 of your story or only level up to 20, only use one of your companions, etc. As it is I'm not sure how many immediate applications of a typical 'cash shop' there would be. All the cosmetic changes are already built into orange gear really, though I guess they could offer race changes, faction changes, name changes, that kind of thing.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
It could, I think there's only so many people willing to pay to play [these days] and that market is already highly saturated courtesy of WoW and other legacy titles.

I'm curious what kind of limitations they might put on free to play, maybe you could only complete up to Chapter 1 of your story or only level up to 20, only use one of your companions, etc. As it is I'm not sure how many immediate applications of a typical 'cash shop' there would be. All the cosmetic changes are already built into orange gear really, though I guess they could offer race changes, faction changes, name changes, that kind of thing.

Actually from what I heard next patch will allow free game "trial" up to 15 (kinda like WoW currently has free up to lv X (10 or 20... cant remember)

They are considering being free to play (to max level), much like Dungeons and Dragons online or LOTRO, where you can basically play the game for free, but some premium content may require payment. Or they may try the Guild Wars approach and not have anything added for $, just no big updates until an expansion.

And like LOTRO/DnD, you can pay X a month to have everything unlocked. Or you can pay some small amount ($3-4) to unlock the use of X instance/Operation for yoru account. (So this is another way to gain money through premium content)


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
We did some PVP last night and we got smoked, obliterated twice in a row. There are clearly some skilled and well rounded guilds out there at PVP. These 'super' servers really have brought the best from each server into one. So we are playing the best of the best and we are clearly not the best.
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