**OFFICIAL** Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread

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Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Ben has very low tolerance for people not at his level. To be fair, not many are at his level of intelligence. Still, he probably could learn to be a bit more patient.

At any rate, I think more of what makes him upset with the player base are the people who don't even care about improving their character or learning the game mechanics.

My guild has two people who couldn't even hit 600 dps in full columi gear. Finally I had to be the 'bad' guy and 'force' everyone to go the operations dummy with me watching. I told them if they can't break 1,000 they will not be joining us for Hard Mode (EV in this case) operations. It took a bit, but after I watch them and pointed some massive flaws, they double their DPS. The Vanguard who was only do 600 DPS is now 1300 DPS.

I can't make this stuff up guys, there are people who don't even want to know how to play better. They 'expect' others to carry them through the content. So, while I don't require the guild to be 'god-like' they have to hit certain goals. 1000 DPS can be hit with the daily gear, provided you know how to spec it out right, which again, is knowledge. Applied knowledge is power in an MMO and if they don't want to learn the game mechanics, it is going to piss off those that do.

But guess what? After you are doing being the bad guy, they come back and thank you. Because they can see now how much better their character is. They can now take their companion and handle the Heroic 2+ that they would have NEVER dreamed of before.

But, here is the deal, I can't tell people how they are supposed to enjoy a game, but I can tell them that they are dead weight to my raid and not allowed until they get his certain requiremetns. It isn't fair to those who put in the time to outfit their character, learn the ins and outs, only for that sloth to roll 'Need' on everything and walk around in full rakata.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Ben has very low tolerance for people not at his level. To be fair, not many are at his level of intelligence. Still, he probably could learn to be a bit more patient.

right....even if that is true, what is this "MMO intelligence," and how does it ever excuse being a jerk?

Makes no sense.

I don't think one has to be the bad guy to help people out and prod them into bettering their game if it helps everyone out. It's quite simple really: Hey, if you ant to join us on this stuff, we need to go over some points and I'll show you how to improve your effectiveness to make the team work. Or, it's cool if you don't want to join us. Whatever works....

that's it, really. No need to force people into anything, or even point out their ...."faults" as it relates to how they play their game. They paid for their game, no one else did. If their shitty play intrudes on you or other's success, then just dont' play with them.

....and there is no MMO where it is ever useful to stay in general chat. That solves about 98% of this "shitty player and sub-human" class of individuals that Ben is so frightened about in this WoW with lightsabers game.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Wow, you're one of THOSE people. Remind me NEVER to play anything with you.

The guild I was last in before quitting ToR had a decent population, a fairly large pools of 50s and a group angrily called the 'elite eight'. Our HM Denova group was lacking a Marauder so I leveled one to 50 and got him in full Columi with a couple Rakata pieces and joined the general population of the guild along with two other members of the 'elite eight'(MT and MH) for a HM EV run to get a chance to roll on some gear. My toon was a progression piece for the guild, but I didn't ask for any favors regarding gear, just wanted a chance to roll.

Running the parser throughout on the first two boss fights I couldn't help but notice that I was in the 45%-48% range of the entire ops groups DPS, whatever, things were going down and we weren't wiping. Then we made it to the council. After the first half hour of wipes I spent the next half hour going around explaining to people how to play their classes so they could kill their mob. I then spent the next *hour* telling a Sorc to cast Crushing Darkness. The fight only lasts a couple minutes before it resets, an hour of that was trying to get through this Sorcs head that Crushing Darkness was his highest DPS spell.

After we finally cleared the event they decided it was time for an afk break, I come back into Vent to hear one of the scrubs that was responsible for wiping us a few times complaining that I got the legs off the first boss and he needed them to finish his Rakata set. I was 53% of total ops damage on Soa.

All of the terribads in that run were from F2P MMOs previously, what's more, they had cleared all content and were considered good players in their previous games. I am not one of the people who will start yelling at someone for only doing 1720dps when they should be at 1795dps, and yes, those people are very real and are what were originally considered elitist jerks, I am however the type of person that gets extremely angry when I am expected to carry people who won't take advice and then also expected to hand over all the loot to them so they can look good walking around the fleet.

Ben has very low tolerance for people not at his level.

Honestly I really don't. What I have very low tollerance for is people who are terrible at the game and don't want to learn. Was going back and forth in this very thread with someone claiming that Sorcs were cookie cutter spec and rotation, which was my main. If the person asked for some different options about what he could play as for different situations, asked for help itemizing his gear ideally, asked how you could go about figuring out weak points on his characer, I have no problem at all giving them a hand. When I see ignorance shouted out when the people don't have a clue what they are talking about, that is what I have zero patience for.

I can't make this stuff up guys, there are people who don't even want to know how to play better.

That is what gets me livid. Had one guildy that was learning how to play the game as a Sorc healer. Didn't know what to do, how to spec, etc. Spent a couple weeks and dropped a few million credits getting the toon geared and teaching rotations for different situations and force management etc. That person is now healing HM Denova runs. I have no problem at all giving people a hand. The ones that expect the world to cater to them and refuse to put in the work and then whine that us 'elitist pr!cks' aren't doing enough for them get my blood boiling.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
The guild I was last in before quitting ToR had a decent population, a fairly large pools of 50s and a group angrily called the 'elite eight'. Our HM Denova group was lacking a Marauder so I leveled one to 50 and got him in full Columi with a couple Rakata pieces and joined the general population of the guild along with two other members of the 'elite eight'(MT and MH) for a HM EV run to get a chance to roll on some gear. My toon was a progression piece for the guild, but I didn't ask for any favors regarding gear, just wanted a chance to roll.

Running the parser throughout on the first two boss fights I couldn't help but notice that I was in the 45%-48% range of the entire ops groups DPS, whatever, things were going down and we weren't wiping. Then we made it to the council. After the first half hour of wipes I spent the next half hour going around explaining to people how to play their classes so they could kill their mob. I then spent the next *hour* telling a Sorc to cast Crushing Darkness. The fight only lasts a couple minutes before it resets, an hour of that was trying to get through this Sorcs head that Crushing Darkness was his highest DPS spell.

After we finally cleared the event they decided it was time for an afk break, I come back into Vent to hear one of the scrubs that was responsible for wiping us a few times complaining that I got the legs off the first boss and he needed them to finish his Rakata set. I was 53% of total ops damage on Soa.

All of the terribads in that run were from F2P MMOs previously, what's more, they had cleared all content and were considered good players in their previous games. I am not one of the people who will start yelling at someone for only doing 1720dps when they should be at 1795dps, and yes, those people are very real and are what were originally considered elitist jerks, I am however the type of person that gets extremely angry when I am expected to carry people who won't take advice and then also expected to hand over all the loot to them so they can look good walking around the fleet.

Honestly I really don't. What I have very low tollerance for is people who are terrible at the game and don't want to learn. Was going back and forth in this very thread with someone claiming that Sorcs were cookie cutter spec and rotation, which was my main. If the person asked for some different options about what he could play as for different situations, asked for help itemizing his gear ideally, asked how you could go about figuring out weak points on his characer, I have no problem at all giving them a hand. When I see ignorance shouted out when the people don't have a clue what they are talking about, that is what I have zero patience for.

That is what gets me livid. Had one guildy that was learning how to play the game as a Sorc healer. Didn't know what to do, how to spec, etc. Spent a couple weeks and dropped a few million credits getting the toon geared and teaching rotations for different situations and force management etc. That person is now healing HM Denova runs. I have no problem at all giving people a hand. The ones that expect the world to cater to them and refuse to put in the work and then whine that us 'elitist pr!cks' aren't doing enough for them get my blood boiling.

This is the majority of MMO players. They act like elitist jerks, just not elitist. This is the sole reason, I agree with dps meters, and anything else that can show performance so people can see where the weak link is. This 9/10 shuts up bad players or at least changes their complains to people are being unfair to them, that this game is being unfair to them.

I don't know how many times I carried guilds healing in WoW, getting upset when (most recent - 10mans in cata) I was doing 65% of the healing, with 3 healers. What were the other healers doing most of the fight? And then they complain that they should get all the gear because they are "the best" in the guild at healing. I never said anything, I just told a night off to do things, and came back the next day with so many QQin they couldnt even down stuff we have killed for weeks w/o issue. Serves them right


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
right....even if that is true, what is this "MMO intelligence," and how does it ever excuse being a jerk?

Makes no sense.

It is true, and I am not referring to MMO knowledge. He has an elite title for a reason. Look up some of the threads he has created. And if you are wondering I am not his 'buddy' trying to defend him. I just have been here a long time...

I don't think one has to be the bad guy to help people out and prod them into bettering their game if it helps everyone out. It's quite simple really: Hey, if you ant to join us on this stuff, we need to go over some points and I'll show you how to improve your effectiveness to make the team work. Or, it's cool if you don't want to join us. Whatever works....

that's it, really. No need to force people into anything, or even point out their ...."faults" as it relates to how they play their game. They paid for their game, no one else did. If their shitty play intrudes on you or other's success, then just dont' play with them.

You are just phrasing it a different way. Basically the same thing I said with a slightly different tilt. It still makes you the bad guy, because if they opt not to take your suggestions, they are left out of the raid...

....and there is no MMO where it is ever useful to stay in general chat. That solves about 98% of this "shitty player and sub-human" class of individuals that Ben is so frightened about in this WoW with lightsabers game.

I lean more towards Ben's opinion. Especially after running a guild and building it from the ground up. Of course, I see it at my job too. People just don't care.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
I lean more towards Ben's opinion. Especially after running a guild and building it from the ground up. Of course, I see it at my job too. People just don't care.

This. People don't care about a lot of things. This is also the reason you should find a job your passionate about, and a game you Love to play also. Then none of this is work, just a "hobby".

But I have seen it time and time again. People just get too set in their ways, even though its wrong. Or they think its fine to try and get by the absolute minimum because of a natural law of least resistance.

Its a well known fact, Electricity travels down the path of least resistance. So does air flow, liquid flow, heat transfer and so on. Osmosis is testament to this. As long as no external forces are being applied, everything in nature wants to travel down the path of least resistance. Same with people too. Work, games. Whatever, people try to get by with the least amount of effort or work possible unless they drive themselves or an external force pushes them to do more.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2010
The level of maturity in this game has gone to hell. Tried to do some PvP today but guess what happens? As soon as we start losing people leave or they just give up and remain in the WZ doing nothing at all. I swear it's getting worse and worse as time goes on because people know there are no ramifications for their actions.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
That's been going on for ages, though it got worse when they changed it so that completing a losing warzone gave you credit towards your daily. I think the current system is the lesser of the two evils at least, but you'll never eliminate that entirely.

When I was playing heavily it was basically a running joke in our group that 2-0 was as good as 6-0 in Huttball since we saw so many people give up whenever they were down by more than one point.


Platinum Member
Oct 15, 2010
Well, I cancelled my sub finally. I hadn't really played in over a month I think. I really enjoyed playing and had fun leveling up with friends and being in a 'serious' raiding guild that really got stuff done for a change. I liked it because it was star wars and I had fun because I was with friends, but after so many people left with D3 (in my guild) and we stopped raiding, I didn't want to start over on a new server with a new guild. Still ran some flashpoints with my friends for a while, but I just can't see me getting back into this game with Borderlands 2 and Guild Wars 2 just around the corner. Plus I have all those games I got in the steam sale.

It was, in my oh-so-humble opinion, a really fun game for a good while tho.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Lack of passion for Star Wars Universe a lot of you have...

Bored with this game, move onto the next. Bored with that game, move onto the next. No passion for any games - just consume them and throw them out when you're finished.

They did just add in The Grand Acquisitions Race quest line to the game for level 50's.

The game is going F2p - how can you quit a game that's going to be FREE?

/shrug - I still have 4 other class quests to do on the Republic side. I've yet to reach max legacy level, find everything in the Codex on my main character, run through every instance, etc.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Lack of passion for Star Wars Universe a lot of you have...

Bored with this game, move onto the next. Bored with that game, move onto the next. No passion for any games - just consume them and throw them out when you're finished.

They did just add in The Grand Acquisitions Race quest line to the game for level 50's.

The game is going F2p - how can you quit a game that's going to be FREE?

/shrug - I still have 4 other class quests to do on the Republic side. I've yet to reach max legacy level, find everything in the Codex on my main character, run through every instance, etc.

well, there's no reason to reach max legacy level as of yet. The current event isn't just for level 50s. It can be done at around level 20 or so, (earlier levels than the previous Rakghoul event.) Though, this one is a bit disappointing in comparison. The items are generally lackluster, though I like the appearance of "Bind to Legacy," which should have existed on everything from the start (of legacy update, at least).

I still think the game is great leveling through to 50, and end game content is more or less fun....one time through. I have one geared-up Sin, that is mainly there now to help other guildies on gear runs (though it's primarily the same group of over-geared people running these events in our guild :|), got bored with my level 35 bounty hunter, and am now running a Sentinel through, now level 30 (fun).

again--this game shines while leveling and for story content. It suffers when the MMO stuff fizzles out at level 50. It's still relatively new...but, you know. At the very least, they could make these events far more frequent to help with the dearth of content in end-game.

so, to me--the F2P model for this is about right--F2P until level 50, where the game poops out anyway

I think the best that can be said about this game--while there is difficult and engaging content in end game--is that it has solid replay value--if you roll a class on each faction.
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No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
I wonder if I can sell my collector's edition disks/keyfob for anything.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
I wonder if I can sell my collector's edition disks/keyfob for anything.

I don't even have a working authentication anymore. I swapped out phones and not really interested in getting it setup on my new one. Same goes for the Blizzard one, but I don't see anything new on the horizon from them either.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Lack of passion for Star Wars Universe a lot of you have...

Bored with this game, move onto the next. Bored with that game, move onto the next. No passion for any games - just consume them and throw them out when you're finished.

They did just add in The Grand Acquisitions Race quest line to the game for level 50's.

The game is going F2p - how can you quit a game that's going to be FREE?

/shrug - I still have 4 other class quests to do on the Republic side. I've yet to reach max legacy level, find everything in the Codex on my main character, run through every instance, etc.

I agree with this post. While you do run out of content eventually (all depends on how fast you want to speed through it), you do have some alternate options. Starting an alt, doing all the H4's, etc... I have done MOST of the content, but I will flat out admit I spent too much time in the game. When I dialed that back things felt fresh and great again.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
I think I might go back and finish levelling my operative at least. My friends and I do miss SWTOR sometimes since the 'big' games for us since then, D3 and GW2, just haven't had the same 'team' elements to them which is what really makes playing fun for us.

I'd like seeing the new Operation(s) too, but I don't think we'll get enough people back into it for that.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Have they decided to switch to true F2P or is it still B2P?


nothing has really changed since they announced the F2P option.. they did loosen up some of the restrictions but not many..

I've still had my sub since day 1 and a CE on top of that.. I'm going to be very wealthy with Cartel tomorrow.


Apr 15, 2004
Have they decided to switch to true F2P or is it still B2P?

Its been true F2P you just couldn't interact really with anyone else, which suited me fine because I was playing for the story and single player aspects of the game and not the MMO part of the game. So basically it was the whole game minus the MMO aspect. Now, as far as I know, its the whole game and free for everyone. Anyone who had been paying is awarded with 'Cartel points' for the months that they paid to play, 200 for each month or something that you paid. Which you can use to buy gear and stuffz.


Apr 15, 2004

nothing has really changed since they announced the F2P option.. they did loosen up some of the restrictions but not many..

I've still had my sub since day 1 and a CE on top of that.. I'm going to be very wealthy with Cartel tomorrow.

And then after tomorrow you can cancel or keep paying to get cartel points, correct?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
And then after tomorrow you can cancel or keep paying to get cartel points, correct?

You can cancel and lose access to 85% of the game sure.. I dont see why anyone would bother with the F2P option as it is really crippled unless you pay them.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
You can cancel and lose access to 85% of the game sure.. I dont see why anyone would bother with the F2P option as it is really crippled unless you pay them.

So what all do you NOT get access to then?

I was thinking of coming back when F2P hit. I really got bored with the game, it was way too easy to solo/hit 50 and the lack of small scale cooperative and/or solo gameplay offerings at 50 bored me to tears. I was looking forward to possibly trying out some of the new content, but if they're going down the same failure route that companies like Cryptic SOE did and actually TAKE AWAY what you've already paid once for and try to make you pay again for it, well I have a problem with that.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
So what all do you NOT get access to then?

I was thinking of coming back when F2P hit. I really got bored with the game, it was way too easy to solo/hit 50 and the lack of small scale cooperative and/or solo gameplay offerings at 50 bored me to tears. I was looking forward to possibly trying out some of the new content, but if they're going down the same failure route that companies like Cryptic SOE did and actually TAKE AWAY what you've already paid once for and try to make you pay again for it, well I have a problem with that.

Yup.. read the link I just posted..
and your purple gear becomes unequipped as well unless you buy a license.

as well as char slots.. if you have all 50s like I do you would eb forced to chose which ones are available in F2P.
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Apr 15, 2004
If anyone doesn't play the game anymore and would be willing to sell me your credits at a reasonable price, the prices of online eTailers is way too high, I would be willing to buy a few.

I'm on "The Harbinger" and can take either Empire or Republic
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