**OFFICIAL** Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread

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Oct 30, 2000
Just an FYI on that one because for whatever reason it sounds like the first boss is still the most difficult, and the easiest way to beat it is:
simply ignore the adds and focus everything you got on the boss, and it should go down from that. If you died from that when you come back you won't have to take on the boss again.

In the past all my groups have been great! I wonder if will all the people now in if it's changed much. Only time I've ever had problems finding one is for heroics kinda on the edge of the world or during down times.

Killing Ironfist was pretty easy for me. Never once wiped or died to him. Only once wiped on the Esseless flashpoint instance and that because my group wanted to try it without a healer. Without a healer it is going to fail. Otherwise it is pretty easy. The first HARD instance I ran into was the Trouble In Deed instance on Coruscant in the Justicar area. Now THAT WAS HARD!!! I'm talking 2-4 elite mobs per spawn with 2-5 strong mobs in the pull. Max pull was 7 mobs though. There was also a couple patrolling elites. At least the boss at the end was an easy tank and spank. I was tanking and able to hold agro on him well enough so allow the healer to spam heal me while everyone else just poured on the DPS.

Only reason we even beat some of the tougher spawns in that instance was due to crowd control. Scoundrel had a droid disable ability that lasted for 15 second or so and works on droid elites. I had lift that lasts for 8 seconds along with the Jedi Sage in the group who also had lift which lasted longer for him. Also prodigious use of stuns helped immensely. Still we wiped a few times. At least we managed to take down an elite or two before we wiped which made clearing the spawn once we rezzed easy.


Nov 4, 2011
Killing Ironfist was pretty easy for me. Never once wiped or died to him. Only once wiped on the Esseless flashpoint instance and that because my group wanted to try it without a healer. Without a healer it is going to fail. Otherwise it is pretty easy. The first HARD instance I ran into was the Trouble In Deed instance on Coruscant in the Justicar area. Now THAT WAS HARD!!! I'm talking 2-4 elite mobs per spawn with 2-5 strong mobs in the pull. Max pull was 7 mobs though. There was also a couple patrolling elites. At least the boss at the end was an easy tank and spank. I was tanking and able to hold agro on him well enough so allow the healer to spam heal me while everyone else just poured on the DPS.

Only reason we even beat some of the tougher spawns in that instance was due to crowd control. Scoundrel had a droid disable ability that lasted for 15 second or so and works on droid elites. I had lift that lasts for 8 seconds along with the Jedi Sage in the group who also had lift which lasted longer for him. Also prodigious use of stuns helped immensely. Still we wiped a few times. At least we managed to take down an elite or two before we wiped which made clearing the spawn once we rezzed easy.

Thats what I like to hear. Where you go in and they say what you have to do is hard, and it is.

We did Black Talon wth 3 healers (SI:Sorc). We already figured one would heal and everyone else use lightning abilties etc. Took us a bit longer than we wanted, and I died, but we downed the first boss on our first try.

I cannot understand why some people demand that an MMO be 100% soloable for almost all content. I realize that you shouldn't have to group up to get things done, but also grouping up shouldn't come to mean pawnage on elites.


Nov 4, 2011
Umm, they were all in the same state of "playable." If you mean playable by servers being up, but there being long queue times and occasional disconnects or crash to the desktop. All three had those problems. Well AoC didn't have the queue times at least. The servers were up and mostly stable and same with the client for all of them.

Now if you want to talk about a failed launch, look no further than Everquest. The servers were almost constantly down for the first month. They ended up having to extend the free month period because of that.

Never played EQ, but I am hoping SWTOR has smoother launch than the others, and think they may end up doing so.

I do think SWTOR is going to be the biggest launch in MMO history to date. WoW didn't hit the 700k til January of 2005, and it's release had only about 350,00. SWTOR has over 600,000 just for North Amerca.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
SWTOR has over 600,000 just for North Amerca.
It has over 860,000 just for *physical copies* in North America.

The forum poll indicates that this represents less than 27% of all pre-orders. This means *three and a quarter million* pre-orders already. It could launch bigger than WOW is now in the countries TOR is available.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Just an FYI on that one because for whatever reason it sounds like the first boss is still the most difficult, and the easiest way to beat it is:
simply ignore the adds and focus everything you got on the boss, and it should go down from that. If you died from that when you come back you won't have to take on the boss again.

In the past all my groups have been great! I wonder if will all the people now in if it's changed much. Only time I've ever had problems finding one is for heroics kinda on the edge of the world or during down times.

This reminds me. I only ever played EQ, is WoW similar to EQ in terms of how mobs (both raid sized and group) can require specific tactics ( must kill adds, ignore adds, do this before you can harm it, etc)? and with that said, more importantly, is TOR like that?


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Killing Ironfist was pretty easy for me. Never once wiped or died to him. Only once wiped on the Esseless flashpoint instance and that because my group wanted to try it without a healer. Without a healer it is going to fail. Otherwise it is pretty easy. The first HARD instance I ran into was the Trouble In Deed instance on Coruscant in the Justicar area. Now THAT WAS HARD!!! I'm talking 2-4 elite mobs per spawn with 2-5 strong mobs in the pull. Max pull was 7 mobs though. There was also a couple patrolling elites. At least the boss at the end was an easy tank and spank. I was tanking and able to hold agro on him well enough so allow the healer to spam heal me while everyone else just poured on the DPS.

Only reason we even beat some of the tougher spawns in that instance was due to crowd control. Scoundrel had a droid disable ability that lasted for 15 second or so and works on droid elites. I had lift that lasts for 8 seconds along with the Jedi Sage in the group who also had lift which lasted longer for him. Also prodigious use of stuns helped immensely. Still we wiped a few times. At least we managed to take down an elite or two before we wiped which made clearing the spawn once we rezzed easy.

I vaguely remember that one. I've found the Jedi sage lift lasts until someone aggros that character, so if you're careful you can just leave him hanging for awhile take out the other guys, heal up..take him out.

One of the tougher ones was on Taris fighting (I think mandalorians..its been awhile). Every enemy was of decent level so it would take a couple minutes per mob, then there were like 2 boss in there, and an extra quest boss. Whole thing took me and my group 2 hours and I earned like 100k+ in xp points.


Oct 30, 2000
Almost everything is soloable, and even the group content, not raid content, but GROUP content can be done with a group of 2. It's not easy with a group of 2, but it is doable. This is because of the companion system. Companions are no where near as good a competent players, but you can get by with them if you are careful.

Unlike games like EQ2 and others where the moment you hit level 10+ you basically need to group for just about anything is retarded. That and having to always find a perfect group composition with a 6 man group of the best "tank" and best "healer" and good dps trinity is just retarded. So if you are a strange hybrid class you end up left in the wind. I always hated that about other games. Most games to a degree have broken that mold somewhat at least. SWTOR just goes further with the companion system. Sure there is group only content, but nothing requires a 6 man group. A group of two competent players, where one is a healer, will suffice.

Which means if you have one buddy and yourself to play most of the time, or a spouse, it is real easy to do so and complete damn near ALL the content in a very casual way.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Almost everything is soloable, and even the group content, not raid content, but GROUP content can be done with a group of 2. It's not easy with a group of 2, but it is doable. This is because of the companion system. Companions are no where near as good a competent players, but you can get by with them if you are careful.

Unlike games like EQ2 and others where the moment you hit level 10+ you basically need to group for just about anything is retarded. That and having to always find a perfect group composition with a 6 man group of the best "tank" and best "healer" and good dps trinity is just retarded. So if you are a strange hybrid class you end up left in the wind. I always hated that about other games. Most games to a degree have broken that mold somewhat at least. SWTOR just goes further with the companion system. Sure there is group only content, but nothing requires a 6 man group. A group of two competent players, where one is a healer, will suffice.

Which means if you have one buddy and yourself to play most of the time, or a spouse, it is real easy to do so and complete damn near ALL the content in a very casual way.

I don't know about EQ2 but EQ1 was like this up until a few years ago. Now with mercenaries and enhanced regen anyone can do minor work alone. (funny note: Soloing with a merc, which is thus not really soloing, is called "moloing", lol)

anyway, to do really tough group work, or to kill things really FAST, you still need a group. In these days of the merc, you're never left sitting there begging for a group but having 4 DPS classes, a slower and a tank is still your most brutalizing group.


Oct 30, 2000
Now here is my good, neutral, bad, and ugly break down. I did not try PVP so I will not comment on that.

The Good:
- Non stop questing without the constant kill X quests. Actually 95% of the quests are simple, rewarding and don't force you to grind on killing 50 monsters. However, those quests DO have bonus rewards if you decide you want to grind out X amount of monsters in the area. Up to you if you want to do the bonus or not. Even still most grind I had to do was 45 monsters. Typically the bonus kill objective is to eliminate 15-30 mobs which you end up killing just to complete to the main objective. Which means getting to a spot and click on something and doing some dialog, but getting to that spot means having to wade through monsters and kill them to reach it.

- TALKING NPCs!!!! Nothing helps the immersion factor like NPCs that actually talk and with pretty damn good voice acting. I love it!

- Dialog choices make a difference. Most of them don't make a huge impact on what happens. You can be a goodie jedi and say something sarcastic and it usually won't matter. When it comes time to getting either lightside or darkside points there is an indicator of which dialog option will give you which so you don't make the wrong choice. What you do not see is the companion affecting dialog options. Many companions respond to what you say in a dialog if they are nearby. Which may or may not be based on lightside or darkside. For example my companion was a super honorable Trandosian Hunter. So long as I was straightforward, deliberate, and "honorable" in my dialog choices I gained favor with him. If I said something not so honorable I lost favor. Favor with companion improves their performance in many areas from combat, to side missions, to crafting. So how you pick your dialog choices can make a pretty good impact on your character overall.

- Combat. Combat is actually pretty fun. Nothing seems over powered yet and most classes are pretty damn powerful. In fact everyone can solo any character with relative ease. There is no auto attack, and there is no spamming the keyboard for abilities either. You have to pick and choose your combat options a bit more strategically as you fight.

- All the traditional MMO goodies. Talent trees, social pane, LFG tools, maps, fast transport, instancing, and other assorted sundry things that MMO's have put in the game to make them fun without being tedious unlike the early MMO games (couh everjunk).

- Ease of play. Really easy for anyone to start right up and go about playing. No massive learning curve, no trying to figure out what the hell you are doing now or next. You'd have to be pretty brain dead to not figure out how to play this game from the start. Mastering everything is a different story. I prefer games that are easy to learn, but difficult to master. This is shaping up that way.

- The companion system. This is like Guildwars henchmen system. But you only can have out for combat. Other companions you receive later can be put to work as slave labor Literally. You can send companions out to do "missions" where basically they are unusable for a period of time and come back hopefully with some reward. They also do the actual crafting as well in this game for you. You can send a companion off to do work at any time. Which means if you are in a full group of 4 people you can have your companions crafting or gathering materials for you while you adventure with people. Speaking off which group sizes are capped at 4. With two players in a group the other two spots are filled with companions. Once a third player joins the lowest level companions drop out. Once the fourth player joins, all the companions are dropped out of the group. For reference you get your first companion around level 9 from questing.

- The social system. Love it. The more you group the more social points you get. The bigger the group of actual players will also net more points. The game random rolls during dialog options to see which person in the group gets to "speak" for the group for that option. Even still your choice is what directly impacts your character for lightside, darkside, or companion influence points. So even if the "speaker" chooses a darkside option, the actual event shown will be darkside but you won't get darkside points if you picked the lightside dialog option. You'll get the lightside points. Still it's funny to do this to see alternative points of the quest story you are in that you normally wouldn't experience.

- Moddable items that scale up with you. You'll find many items in the game take mods. Which can later be switched out. Switching out the mods to higher level mods will level up the item. So if you happen to like to look of an item, want to keep it, and it is a moddable item it is now something you can do. Just switch out the mods to something better and it will "grow" with your character. Not all items are moddable though. The great thing is that mods are NOT bound to your character. So when you find a better mod you can sell the old one away to another player.

The Neutral:
- Graphics. Could be better. Need to get AA working. Some might rate the graphics pretty bad, but I think they just haven't tweaked the settings. I am not saying they are mind blowing, or even really good graphics. They are decent enough though using a gaphic engine that looks to be about 5 years old or so. Which it is.

- Having to wait to craft. No level 1 crafting bots. You HAVE to reach level 9 and get a companion and then reach the first space station to train a crafting skill. Even then, it is slow going due to lack of node spawns early on.

- Quest spawns. It is still in this game that if you are clearing out a spot to click on a quest item and someone runs up and clicks before you then you have to wait on the respawn. Typically most of them are fast at about a minute or so. Some are longer though at 5 to 10 minutes. This really only sucks when there are a whole bunch of people in the are all trying to do the same thing. Which will be the case at launch. Afterwards this will be a non issue since nothing I've seen or heard of has the epic 8+ hour spawn timers from MMO of days of yore (cough everjunk).

The Bad:
- Graphical bugs. I hate them. At one point I couldn't look east on the map of Coruscant without all textures disappearing. If I looked another direction they came back, but looking east made everything poof. Reloading fixed it, but then after playing awhile random shit with the graphics would happen. Just annoying.

- Guild support is spotty at best. No guild bank, and a plethora of other problems. Most of what I heard was bitching from my guild mates and officers about it all. I didn't test it, but I took their word for it.

- Must have a healer for groups. While you can get by with 2 players and 2 companions for all group content (at least from my experience and the experiences of others I know up to level 34), one of the people in the group must be a dedicated healer. Luckily EVERY base class can potentially be a healer class at level if you pick that class progression. Sadly, most people pick DPS as always.

- Healers are OP. Like when AoC came out, the healer class is OP. Damn near the same dps as another other classes, and can tank almost as well with the exception of a dedicated tank. Not sure why more players weren't playing healers.

- Not all classes and races are in game as promised thus far on the forums. Whether they will be in at release or shortly after I have no clue. Right now all the races are "humanoid" in nature. Nothing outlandish at all can be picked. The other races are in the game, but they just are not playable.

- Game world feels a bit small and empty. The maps are a bit too small and not really all that populated. I also hate static NPCs just standing around. I like seeing kids run around chasing a toad, or a couple walking down the street holding hands and kissing. Things that only add immersion to the game world. Right now things are a bit to static and empty for my tastes.

- The disconnects and crashes. It could have been only because of the stress testing during the weekend. As many I've talked to who have been testing haven't experienced anything "bad" like that yet. Still having servers and the client jump from handling 5,0000 players to 100,000 players and both clients and servers having problems is not good. Then again that is what testing is for and I hope it gets fixed at released.

The Ugly:
- Level progression. Slows down massively once reaching level 10. I don't mind slowing down, I just hate the fact it felt like I was cruising along at 75 mph and then once I reached level 10 I got stuck in 15 mph traffic jam. That is what it felt like to me. Sure I still progressed without having to grind, but either the early part needs to slow down, or the transition to slower leveling needs to taper a bit to not feel so sudden.

- Game play progression still revolves around combat and questing, with a splash of pvp and crafting thrown in. The crafting system is pretty damn good, especially with reverse engineering option thrown in, but still it does not feel like a major focus. I like other forms of progression and play. Somewhat like Vanguard's diplomacy. It doesn't have to be that at all, besides I hated Vanguard, but allow other things to do to have fun without FORCING people to do those things. Like dancing naked wookies at the cantina. SWG had this which was a good idea but a bad execution of originally forcing people to watch them. Right now the game seems to 1 dimensional in progression. As long as the game doesn't resort to loot style progression only (ala WoW), I'll be happy. But add in something like puzzles or what not.

- The UI. Right now there is very limited customization. Hopefully this changes. It works, but not being able to drag things around or really customize my UI is a major pain in the ass. At least the default they currently have is usable. I've seen much worse UI's that couldn't be customized.

- The NDA. Nuff said This one will go away at some point though.
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Oct 30, 2000
I don't know about EQ2 but EQ1 was like this up until a few years ago. Now with mercenaries and enhanced regen anyone can do minor work alone. (funny note: Soloing with a merc, which is thus not really soloing, is called "moloing", lol)

anyway, to do really tough group work, or to kill things really FAST, you still need a group. In these days of the merc, you're never left sitting there begging for a group but having 4 DPS classes, a slower and a tank is still your most brutalizing group.

Meh, it's one thing to optimize for efficiency. It's another to be FORCED to use the most efficient group to do anything. Many games in the past never made that distinction to their downfall. Not everyone wants to play the most "optimized" class and not everyone can wait for hours on end to get into a group that needs their role to be filled. I'm glad to see SWTOR not fail hard on this point like so many MMO's in the past.


Oct 30, 2000
Oh I forgot to add to my GOOD list above one last thing.

Put it in the list above.
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Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
The Bad:
- Graphical bugs. I hate them. At one point I couldn't look east on the map of Coruscant without all textures disappearing. If I looked another direction they came back, but looking east made everything poof. Reloading fixed it, but then after playing awhile random shit with the graphics would happen. Just annoying.

I think this is driver conflicts, TOR has been kind of on/off glitchy with certain drivers (in particular AMD). This should be fixed around release time. I've never seen that issue, nor really heard about it.

- Healers are OP. Like when AoC came out, the healer class is OP. Damn near the same dps as another other classes, and can tank almost as well with the exception of a dedicated tank. Not sure why more players weren't playing healers.

Well, in the case of jedi sage it seems that way but in practice it doesn't feel so OP. The biggest thing is that hand to hand combat = bad on that class, so all the powerful stuff is from afar. Since you only get light armor you can't really tank all that well in the end.

- Game world feels a bit small and empty. The maps are a bit too small and not really all that populated. I also hate static NPCs just standing around. I like seeing kids run around chasing a toad, or a couple walking down the street holding hands and kissing. Things that only add immersion to the game world. Right now things are a bit to static and empty for my tastes.

I thought this at first too, but the worlds get progressively larger as you move up. Some of the next planets you visit will take a decent time to walk across. Considering how many planets there are, I find it acceptable especially since each is pretty different.

- The disconnects and crashes. It could have been only because of the stress testing during the weekend. As many I've talked to who have been testing haven't experienced anything "bad" like that yet. Still having servers and the client jump from handling 5,0000 players to 100,000 players and both clients and servers having problems is not good. Then again that is what testing is for and I hope it gets fixed at released.

This is likely mass testing result. Was quite rare before unless the server had some issue.

The Ugly:
- Level progression. Slows down massively once reaching level 10. I don't mind slowing down, I just hate the fact it felt like I was crusing along at 75 mph and then once I reached level 10 I got stuck in 15 mph traffic jam. That is what it felt like to me. Sure I still progressed without having to grind, but either the early part needs to slow down, or the transition to slower leveling needs to taper a bit to not feel so suddent.

Yeah, it can feel pretty slow in the teens. Various classes seem to have different slow points in there, but once you start heading towards 20 it improves and your character abilities improve nicely up there as well. The early part can't really slow down as your suppose to leave the first planet at lvl 10, +-a level or so.

- The UI. Right now there is very limited customization. Hopefully this changes. It works, but not being able to drag things around or really customize my UI is a major pain in the ass. At least the default they currently have is usable. I've seen much worse UI's that couldn't be customized.

There are a few things you can move around, and the UI has progressively gotten better with every build so I suspect it will continue to improve.



Senior member
Oct 13, 2004
*Humble's review*
Excellent observations there Humble. Pretty much agree with it all. The server instability/crashes/bugs I'm sure will be fixed come release as well as the UI customization. They have stated they are open to community suggestions for the UI too.

As for all the beta keys up for grabs...if you already were invited to this past Beta Test Weekend, you won't need one of those keys. Save 'em for the less fortunate.


Oct 30, 2000
I think this is driver conflicts, TOR has been kind of on/off glitchy with certain drivers (in particular AMD). This should be fixed around release time. I've never seen that issue, nor really heard about it.

Not all of it is driver issues in the least. Things like the tentacles on twileks doing crazy stuff twitching all over the place in some scenes, or armors not showing up correctly, or some textures not being there and the word "DEFAULT" instead being there. Those are the universal and already acknowledged graphical bugs I'm talking about. There are some other bugs I wasn't too keen on like stuck in geometry bugs for either npcs or players. The force knockback ability I learned to be a bit more directional when I use it because I've knocked enemies into the geometry where they get stuck and just beat the hell out of you until you run away forcing them to reset.

Also, and this didn't happen to just me, in the Esseless flashpoint instance, if you get disconnected sometimes you will randomly reconnect not outside in the station ready to run back in, but back inside the instance by the engineering door and literally STUCK inside the door unable to move. Using the /stuck command fixes it sometimes, but when it does it sometimes bugs it so you can't click on anything in the instance. Again, I had it happen twice to me, and I saw it happen randomly to about 6 different people I randomly grouped with over the weekend.

Well, in the case of jedi sage it seems that way but in practice it doesn't feel so OP. The biggest thing is that hand to hand combat = bad on that class, so all the powerful stuff is from afar. Since you only get light armor you can't really tank all that well in the end.

I thought this at first too, but the worlds get progressively larger as you move up. Some of the next planets you visit will take a decent time to walk across. Considering how many planets there are, I find it acceptable especially since each is pretty different.

Yeah, it can feel pretty slow in the teens. Various classes seem to have different slow points in there, but once you start heading towards 20 it improves and your character abilities improve nicely up there as well. The early part can't really slow down as your suppose to leave the first planet at lvl 10, +-a level or so.

I didn't get high enough as I only played the weekend. Still, some of these observations are the same I heard from higher level chars. That the healer classes even in higher levels were OP, mainly because of the companion being used as a tank, and that leveling slows to a crawl. in several spots along the way. I don't mind that leveling slows down, I do mind the massive jarring and obvious attempts to force a slower leveling at a given point. Such as EQ hell levels. Anyone remember those? I didn't like it then and I don't like it now. Make it smoother is my opinion.

This is likely mass testing result. Was quite rare before unless the server had some issue.

Hopefully it was because of the testing ONLY. I was merely pointing out that it is still a huge indicator of possible release performance based on prior games released when their betas where in a similar state this close to launch. They jumped from 5K players to 100K players and the servers/client didn't handle it so well. I waited for 10 hours to play on Friday and another 6 hours to play on Sunday. I managed to get in early and play most of the day on Saturday at least. I am not stating the game will release this way, I hope it doesn't, but I am pulling out my skeptical card to them getting this fixed in time. They couldn't handle the jump from 5K to 100K. What makes me think they'll handle the 800K+ at a minimum expected on launch day?


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Has anyone redeemed one of those codes posted? My account now shows this:

Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account.
11.16.2011 BETA Testing Code (Event 1)

I'm hoping that means I can start playing again tomorrow! :awe:



Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2005
Has anyone redeemed one of those codes posted? My account now shows this:

I'm hoping that means I can start playing again tomorrow! :awe:


I think the date is just when you enter the code. I put one in earlier in the afternoon and it said the 11/15.

Really starting to look forward to this game. Wasn't sure about it at first, but the more I read about it, the more I want to play. Not to mention, Star Wars >>>>> medieval fantasy.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Yeah, was just wishful thinking unfortunately. I did put it in on the 15th, so thought I had somehow gotten lucky. ^_^

I am seriously considering a pre-order here; for those that have pre-ordered, which one have you picked (it looks like there are three options)?



Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
I haven't received ANY information on either my existing beta test account, my pre-ordered account (both of which received the emails saying they would be part of the next beta test event), nor the account that I activated with a beta key.

KT: I preordered just the standard digital edition. None of the "bonuses", aside from MAYBE the training droid (jury is still out on exactly what it does), really seemed worth it. The CE - my friend got that one. But he always orders CE's of every new game anyway cause he's baller like that.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I haven't received ANY information on either my existing beta test account, my pre-ordered account (both of which received the emails saying they would be part of the next beta test event), nor the account that I activated with a beta key.

KT: I preordered just the standard digital edition. None of the "bonuses", aside from MAYBE the training droid (jury is still out on exactly what it does), really seemed worth it. The CE - my friend got that one. But he always orders CE's of every new game anyway cause he's baller like that.

Yeah I was trying to determine whether any of those additions were worthwhile. If it's just akin to a shiny badge on my character saying I bought the CE, well screw that noise.

I can't believe I am going to pre-order another MMO. D:



Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Yeah I was trying to determine whether any of those additions were worthwhile. If it's just akin to a shiny badge on my character saying I bought the CE, well screw that noise.

I can't believe I am going to pre-order another MMO. D:


For what it's worth, the ONLY thing the deluxe edition brings to the table that's worthwhile is the speeder, which I'm told can be crafted easily early on in the game. The CE gives you a personal vendor... but I'm not sure how useful that is overall.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
For what it's worth, the ONLY thing the deluxe edition brings to the table that's worthwhile is the speeder, which I'm told can be crafted easily early on in the game. The CE gives you a personal vendor... but I'm not sure how useful that is overall.

Yeah, the speeder lokos cool, but if I can make it, then it's pointless.

I wonder how the personal vendor works. Presumably you can just open it up everywhere and buy/sell stuff? Useful for re-stocking healing things and whatnot I guess, but with how travel works and the way the droid can sell your stuff for you (which is freaking awesome by the way) it may not be all that useful. Of course hard to say with me only playing up to level 10 or so in a relatively limited area.



Oct 30, 2000
Yeah, the speeder lokos cool, but if I can make it, then it's pointless.

I wonder how the personal vendor works. Presumably you can just open it up everywhere and buy/sell stuff? Useful for re-stocking healing things and whatnot I guess, but with how travel works and the way the droid can sell your stuff for you (which is freaking awesome by the way) it may not be all that useful. Of course hard to say with me only playing up to level 10 or so in a relatively limited area.


This game is pretty user friendly in that regard. One thing they allow you to do with your companion is to send them off to sell your "junk" items for you. The companion disappears for 60 seconds and all items that are at a certain low threshold, such as grey and white items, are taken out of inventory. When the companion returns you are given the credits a vendor would have paid for those items.

I'm guessing a personal vendor allows you to skip all that and save a minute more of your time.

Speaking of which, for the life of me I couldn't find a sell all junk button in the UI when I was at a vendor. I had to click on each item I wanted to sell. So no automagic selling of vendor trash. But I could do so through the companion menu if I wanted to wait a minute for the companion to sell the vendor junk for me instead.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
Personal vendor? The CE store is in your faction space station, not portable.
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