**OFFICIAL** Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread

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Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
I'm wondering where the 3 silvers+gold is, though. Daily quest groups are either all trash, 1 silver + some trash, or a single gold that's totally optional.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
I doubt people would be very receptive to sitting in 'locker room limbo' until each side has a full team or whatever you consider a minimum; or they sit there until the game decides it's a no starter and they're kicked out X minutes later with nothing to show for it.

There's no perfect solution, but aside from possibly falling behind in voidstar there's not really anything damning about starting without a person or two. Even then the respawn door 'cadence' is more important than a full team imo.

I'd rather get to play more than anything else, and it happens to everyone so you take your lumps and sometimes you get a quick win/loss.

1) You would sit for a max of 2 minutes before either going foward or not.
2) All of them are affected by starting short, not just Voidstar. Defending a node is easier than attacking a node. Whoever gets the node first, will, in many cases, determine the outcome. So both of those apply to both Voidstar and Civil War. As in regards to Hutball, scoring a few times before the rest of your team shows up is also a really large advantage and is also a demoralizer. I guess I think your opinion on this is flawed.
3) So basically you want a 'free' win, not a legitamate win? Because that is basically what I see you saying. You want to PVP more? Go to Ilum, but by all means, don't hope to get uneven teams in warzones. That is just dumb.


Golden Member
Apr 29, 2005
I'm wondering where the 3 silvers+gold is, though. Daily quest groups are either all trash, 1 silver + some trash, or a single gold that's totally optional.

I'm talking about the heroics. Each pack is 2 silvers and 1 gold. That, or a single Champ level mob. One of the H2s and the H4 I can just stealth through. Easy credits and gear. The first one (lessons learned I think?) requires actual fighting.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Two minutes wouldn't be enough though. A significant portion of the warzones I play we start out with 5-7 players; essentially all of them would become non-starters (not full at the two minute mark) and I'd end up joining the game, loading, waiting, get kicked, load planet, and re-queue. Seems worse than the current situation to me since those games almost inevitably fill up within a few minutes after getting started and few and far between are the games where anything is actually 'decided' that quickly, at least due to player count disparity that is.

Voidstar is the worst case scenario as if the attacking team gets 'behind' (ahead?) of the defenders you can essentially get blitzkrieg'd; but again, that's the worst case scenario and due more often to unlucky respawn door timers above all else.

Civil War it's minor, by your logic whoever gets two points first wins. What determines Civil War though is organization and communication more than anything else; I've won my fair share of comebacks and lost to a lot of them as well. Even with a bad start, you have plenty of time to recover. If you can't take a point it's because your team can't take the point, not because the other guys got there first, especially since the side-speeder timer was put in place.

Quick scores in succession in Huttball are almost always the result of a premade on the other team, completely different cause. In which case, you're kind of screwed regardless of how many people are on your team. Huttball as a premade against a group of PUGs is almost impossible to lose if you communicate with each other just a bit.

Random players against random players, it's hard to see them really scoring more than once (at most twice) before the other team fills. In which case that's really not that difficult to overcome considering the time given to you. Not to mention most teams have the tools to easily prevent scores even with fewer people; but I think what's more important is whether people are cognizant enough to use those tools effectively instead of how many people you can throw at the ball carrier.

And what I'm saying is that you get a free win as often as you get a fast loss. It affects everyone equally and evenly and not that commonly nor that greatly. On the list of what determines who wins a warzone, starting the match missing a player or two is close to the bottom next to "faction imbalance" and "datacrons".


Golden Member
Aug 18, 2001
Forcing people to wait inside for two minutes (and then potentially cancelling it) would be a terrible idea.

If you want to fix the issue, fix the incentives. A lockout timer for leaving a warzone or rejecting the queue gives players a stronger incentive to only queue when they will be able to accept it. It also prevents the main cause of 4v8 matches, which is when one premade bails entirely because they are trying to link up with a second premade.


Dec 5, 2000
man, healing as a merc is a tough job. Level 27 atm. the heals just seem so weak (i am maxed out on all skills and even have some talents that increase healing a little bit.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
And what I'm saying is that you get a free win as often as you get a fast loss. It affects everyone equally and evenly and not that commonly nor that greatly. On the list of what determines who wins a warzone, starting the match missing a player or two is close to the bottom next to "faction imbalance" and "datacrons".

BS. I have been keeping tracks of my W/L record and over the last 15 matches, only 2 victories and those didn't come easy. However, of those 15 defeats, most have been because of my team dropping players. Overall, I'm batting around 18% win percentage which is pretty disconcerting.

BTW, as I'm typing this, my entire huttball team is dropping out.


Feb 18, 2004
somehow my bounty hunter made it to Tatooine underleveled.

it's annoying... can't think of anything I skipped versus my other characters, but all the quests are ~2 levels above me (whereas my other toons were overleveled)


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
Resolve needs to go, period. They need to introduce immunity timers like DAoC - I've been stunned 3-4 times in a row in multiple warfronts at this point.


Golden Member
Aug 18, 2001
man, healing as a merc is a tough job. Level 27 atm. the heals just seem so weak (i am maxed out on all skills and even have some talents that increase healing a little bit.
It gets a lot better at level 30 when you pick up Kolto Shell, then better again at level 40 when you get Emergency Scan. At that point it is my favorite healer for Voidstar and Alderaan and does exceptionally well keeping a tank alive if they are guarding you in turn. At 50 it does take more skill to heal HMs with than a sorcerer (IMO) but a bit less than an operative.

loki8481 said:
it's annoying... can't think of anything I skipped versus my other characters, but all the quests are ~2 levels above me (whereas my other toons were overleveled)
Daily quests for space missions, warzones, and FPs make a big difference, as does rested XP.


Apr 8, 2001
anyone on the ptr? interested in what the legacy options really mean for alt creation.


Apr 8, 2001
looks like a lot of nerfs from volume of complaint threads.

saw that they are offering 2 titles for playing on the ptr, what would be the most op class if one was just trying to rush for those titles?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
The nerfs were all a long, long time coming. No real complaints here, though the Seer nerfs are going to hurt.

Trooper is laugh-out-loud easy at lower levels.


Platinum Member
Jul 12, 2006
The nerfs were all a long, long time coming. No real complaints here, though the Seer nerfs are going to hurt.

Some of those nerfs should have been addressed a long time ago. I've actually been a bit dissapointed they hadnt addressed somethings earlier but rather decided to make 1.2 a huge patch and just sort of "hope it all works together" type deal.

As for Seer nerfs....theres only one and thats "Resplendence no longer removes the health cost from Noble Sacrifice." I can see it both ways. I know in hardmodes with healing trance i very rarely went out of force unless i had to spam big heals instead of using HT as m primary. So i can see it adding abit of challenge there. But for such a high tier talent if all it does is "eliminates the force regen debuff" part then its pretty meh for a almost top tier skill. Well see how that plays out though.

Of course thats only for the seer's...i dont know how it effects the other trees to be honest since i dont play them


Feb 18, 2004
finally entered my 30's on a character... getting a little tired of every single "strong" mob suddenly having interrupts and knockbacks (and sometimes chaining them with a stun)

what's with enemies taking cover too? there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to remove their "covered" buff, but when I mouse over it, it doesn't indicate that it does anything either.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
As a combat medic I am dreading the changes. Seemed like a huge nerf to us. Not sure exactly why we were nerfed anyway. It took a good combat medic to beat out a sage and screwing up your rotation was not very forgiving. We don't have a huge resource pool, we just had a few tricks to pump out some massive spike healing. Now, with the added ammo costs, we are going to have to be even more careful on our rotations. Unfotuntely, I see this as bad for the entire community. Many combat medics may shelf their class.

IMO, if they want to nerf our spike healing ability, they should have nerfed SSC instead perhaps cutting the cool down of adv med to 1/2 of its value, so he could not just spam avd/med & med for about 5-6 casts each.

Point being, if they nerf the healing classes, there will be less healers and less healers means even more difficulty finding a group. Healers in MMOs have traditionally been the least played class. Why encourage it? Meh.. We will see when it goes live. IMO, this change encourages hybrid spec for the command class since the healing tree has been gimped from what I can tell.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
As for Seer nerfs....theres only one and thats "Resplendence no longer removes the health cost from Noble Sacrifice."
Nope, they axed fast Deliverance from Conveyance too. Now it gets lowered Force cost from the buff, while Benevolence gets a +66% Crit from Conveyance to give you about the equivalent of a non-crit fast Deliverance.

Commando healer still lives the longest in PvP thanks to interrupt immunity.


Apr 8, 2001
anyone with all the belsavis rakata transport nodes on repub side able to get a screen shot. did the planet last night but cant find enough to fully connect them.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The nerfs were all a long, long time coming.

Eliminating ~80% of all the healers in the game seems more then a little stupid. We have already told our Sorc/BH healers they need to get dps gear or don't plan on coming to any more ops. They are no longer viable at all. Operative Medics are the only viable healing spec when 1.2 hits.

Sorc heals are down ~20% throughput and ~80% sustainability. BH healers have had their burst healing killed, which is the only thing they were really any good at. There are different levels of stupid when balancing, killing off the majority of your healers in the game is getting very close to Blizzard level stupid.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Eliminating ~80% of all the healers in the game seems more then a little stupid. We have already told our Sorc/BH healers they need to get dps gear or don't plan on coming to any more ops. They are no longer viable at all. Operative Medics are the only viable healing spec when 1.2 hits.

Sorc heals are down ~20% throughput and ~80% sustainability. BH healers have had their burst healing killed, which is the only thing they were really any good at. There are different levels of stupid when balancing, killing off the majority of your healers in the game is getting very close to Blizzard level stupid.

Yep... This is spot on.


Golden Member
Aug 18, 2001
Eliminating ~80% of all the healers in the game seems more then a little stupid. We have already told our Sorc/BH healers they need to get dps gear or don't plan on coming to any more ops. They are no longer viable at all.
The important thing here is that you are rationally taking this in stride and not completely overreacting to it with a staggering amount of hyperbole.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
finally entered my 30's on a character... getting a little tired of every single "strong" mob suddenly having interrupts and knockbacks (and sometimes chaining them with a stun)

what's with enemies taking cover too? there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to remove their "covered" buff, but when I mouse over it, it doesn't indicate that it does anything either.

Many gunslinger abilities only work when you are in cover, including damage reduction.

If you have any kind of explosive or knockback attack you can push them out of cover and lower their defense while keeping them from using the abilities until they get back in.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
BS. I have been keeping tracks of my W/L record and over the last 15 matches, only 2 victories and those didn't come easy. However, of those 15 defeats, most have been because of my team dropping players. Overall, I'm batting around 18% win percentage which is pretty disconcerting.

BTW, as I'm typing this, my entire huttball team is dropping out.

Not the same problem. People leaving is a different situation than warzones starting without enough players. Though they coincidentally correlate I would say, but I think the far more rampant cause to be people simply leaving warzones as soon as the other team scores once, caps two points, or gets through the first door.

Yea the changes to sorc healing look kind of rough for PVE, for PVP it won't be so bad though since Consumption isn't as important but I think the increased emphasis on dark heal is going to create resource problems. As the patch notes stand I don't really see them coming through exactly like that though, they're preliminary for a reason.

Also Marauders really don't need any buffs lol, wouldn't mind seeing that bit thrown out the window.

I think some of the class changes could stand to be looked over a bit, but all in all 1.2 is far and away more good than it is bad.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2004
Eliminating ~80% of all the healers in the game seems more then a little stupid. We have already told our Sorc/BH healers they need to get dps gear or don't plan on coming to any more ops. They are no longer viable at all. Operative Medics are the only viable healing spec when 1.2 hits.

Sorc heals are down ~20% throughput and ~80% sustainability. BH healers have had their burst healing killed, which is the only thing they were really any good at. There are different levels of stupid when balancing, killing off the majority of your healers in the game is getting very close to Blizzard level stupid.

This, and this alone, hurts my guild.

Our raid group is made up of two sorc healers and we have literally zero operatives, let alone any close to 50. We just made it into EV and now I have to tell our DPS/Tanks to hold up while me and our other healer level Operatives up to 50. I really need some more information on the nerf Bioware is giving to Sorcs. This is really going to suck.
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