Official World Cup Soccer Thread

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No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
I was grateful there was a TV at the kid birthday party place and the staff was nice enough to change the channel to World Cup. I am happy Spain won.


Senior member
Oct 26, 2006
0 can't really call that foul on Robben, though. He maintained possession even after the pull from behind. Once the keeper had the ball and took him down clean, then he wanted the call. Now, if he had been like Spain, he would have fallen to the ground and faked a heart attack at the first contact. He didn't and tried to score instead. That's part of what's wrong with soccer and FIFA in general, IMHO.

Until FIFA cracks down on flopping, utilizes some type of instant replay/technology, and makes referees more accountable...the team the flops will have the advantage. In this case, it was Spain. They were clearly the better team, but it's a shame to have bad calls dictate the outcome of the game.

It's really sad when the "smarter" and more productive move by Robben was to take a dive and moan like he had been shot on that breakaway. Then, the ref pretty much would have given a red card. But Robben stayed up and tried for the finish, which didn't work out.

Congrats to Spain. They stuck to their game plan, executed, and won.


Golden Member
Feb 4, 2003
The game was boring. Too much flopping. I'm glad the more skilled team won.
Btw, noticed the losing coach take off his medal when he left the stage?


May 28, 2007
Which flops? The one where the guy landed full weight on the other guys leg, or the one where he was blatantly dragged down by his arm? :hmm:


As for everyone whining about diving, there haven't been many dives in this game thus far (two at most). All of the cards have been legit except for probably the one on Sergio Ramos. There has been plenty of diving in this WC, but these two teams are not the main culprits and certainly haven't been flopping in this game. Perhaps you're talking about the players staying down after getting kicked by someone who can squat 800 pounds, but that could be because they're actually in pain.

You know, I love the WC, and I hate the WC. I love the WC because of the passion and skill and celebratory mood. I hate the WC because it's the one time all my friends watch soccer and I have to listen to them bitch nonstop about diving. Of course none of them have actually played soccer at any competitive level, but they are experts none the less.

Yes, it happens, and it can get excessive, but it is not a dive every time someone goes down. Seriously, I'd like to see some of these assholes get out on the pitch and get tackled by one of these guys, and see how long they roll around on the grass for.

I don't know, just pisses me off. Btw, I actually thought the ref did a pretty good job of controlling the game with yellow cards and, for most of the match, avoiding sending anyone off. It was a very physical game, and he kept it from getting out of control.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
You know, I love the WC, and I hate the WC. I love the WC because of the passion and skill and celebratory mood. I hate the WC because it's the one time all my friends watch soccer and I have to listen to them bitch nonstop about diving. Of course none of them have actually played soccer at any competitive level, but they are experts none the less.

Yes, it happens, and it can get excessive, but it is not a dive every time someone goes down. Seriously, I'd like to see some of these assholes get out on the pitch and get tackled by one of these guys, and see how long they roll around on the grass for.

I don't know, just pisses me off. Btw, I actually thought the ref did a pretty good job of controlling the game with yellow cards and, for most of the match, avoiding sending anyone off. It was a very physical game, and he kept it from getting out of control.

what about the "let them play" concept?

I honestly thought a lot of those calls were dives when watching live (I'm like your friends), but on the reply, saw that at least half of them were legit, such as they were.

However, many were still weaksauce, like the obnoxious hand-check foul in the NBA (adopted to free up Jordan, more or less, b/c no one could stop the guy). A lot of those you could see a wee bit of nudging, or an inadvertent arm...but come the fuck on! when the guy actually gets right up and keeps playing the ball, don't stop the fucking game!

I was thinking after the first half that the British ref was taking out his revenge for England's shittiness by giving the world a horribly boring game. It improved the 2nd half, though.

there were obvious fouls, of course, but a guy hitting the dirt b/c he feels a hand graze, or actually jumps over a foot sans contact and flips in the air before hitting the dirt to draw attention--fuck that!


Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2008
Brazil... Hosting the World Cup and the Olympics even though there are gun fights on the streets every week...


Feb 8, 2001
Forlan gets Golden Ball

well deserved in my opinion. In ever game I watched except the 3rd place game he was clearly the best player on the field. If he wad scored that final direct kick he would have been the best player in that game too - AND would have won the Golden Boot.


Oct 30, 2000
Well I was busy this weekend, but managed to catch the finals. I did miss the 3rd place game though. Speaking of which, with Muller back, I had no doubt that Germany would win, and they did. However, looking over the final score it was not as handily as I thought it would have been. Since I didn't watch it I really can't comment on it more than that.

I wasn't able to write my after action summary from the game yesterday due to being slightly inebriated, and managing to continue to have a great time after the game was over. Yes, I was rooting for the Netherlands, but I was happy with either team winning. That said though, as a soccer player and fan, I wasn't particularly happy with the way Spain one that game. I'll explain why in a bit.

First off, both teams started playing the first half pretty much as I predicted except a bit rougher. Which is to be expected with two hungry teams in the final match. They would be trying to give it their all which leads to over enthusiasm which in turn leads to fouls.

Spain played their short pass, control game in the mid field for pretty much the entire first half. They did not deviate from their typical strategy all world cup. The Netherlands played again scrappy ball. The Dutch were lunging all over the place which lead to many unfortunate plays such as the cleat attack against Spain. Spain countered with it own fouls though by quick movements to steal the ball, but had more than a few penalties from late hits. I could already tell from the yellow cards already given out by the end of the first half it would only get worse. Beyond the fouls and the flops, the first half was pretty boring to watch. With Spain content to control the ball, neither side attacked much.

The second half was a completely different game from the first. About 10 minutes in, Spain decided to go on the offensive and there they stayed. They opened up the playing field and decided to drive in attack after attack. But as I said before, and Spain proved only too true they can not shoot! They had shot after shot, chance after chance, but everything missed or went wide. They are terrible at making shots. But that never seemed to deter them as they kept at it.

Counter-point to the Spanish, the Dutch were not sitting back idle and letting Spain have their complete way with them. Also as I said before, the Dutch have a scrappy lunging play style with some lucky touches that manage to move the ball up the field. It never looks like what a Dutch player did was completely planned, such as the header pass back to the goalie off the back of a defender's head that wasn't paying attention. Still they managed to also aggressively attack the Spaniards. It was an attacking fest by both teams, but in my eye's Spain had the better plays to move the ball up the field. They also pulled the trigger on shots more often. Netherlands was able to shoot some great shots, but often their forward attacks were thwarted by crappy offensive decisions. Such decisions were the dumbass ideas of "let me dribble again" Robben with three defenders directly in front of him.

Another often common thing I saw for the Dutch offense was the lack of anyone there for support. Very few players making runs to lanes, crashing the goal, or even following their passes with a run to the open field. As before with every Netherlands game I've watched in this World Cup, I cringed at the terrible play strategy by the players. Even still, they managed to always get a lucky foot or body in the way to stop their opponents from scoring and move the ball back up the field via long balls usually.

As the second half progressed it was easy to see both teams get more determined to score. Even more fouls were committed and many were not from incidental contact. Some players, *cough Iniesta cough*, did some egregious fouls after the fact with what looked like punches to the other team players after the ball have moved on. One such foul was caught, but many I saw were not. Typically if a foul like this is seen, it is awarded a red card. The fouls were committed when the ref had his back turn and only one was given to Iniesta as a yellow. He should have been ejected early on and this would come back to haunt the dutch. This lead to a mounting tension and anger by all players on the field. The lack of a score from both teams despite best efforts and the many intentional fouls by both teams led to a complete break down in play. Even the Spanish started resorting to long ball passes which is very rare for them to do.

I saw that the Spanish however were committing more fouls and flops and getting away with them than the Netherlands. Not that the Dutch are completely innocent, but to me it felt that the calling by the ref was a bit more biased towards Spain's favor. This wasn't helped, and most likely exacerbated, by the mouthing off of the Netherland players to the ref. The head ref didn't take to kindly to the talking back by the Netherland players and was awarding yellow cards like candy on Halloween. Not that the Dutch didn't have a reason to mouth of. Despite Robben's flops in the game, he had a clear breakaway 1 on 1 in the box and Puyol held him back while falling to prevent Robben from taking the shot before the goalie could get there. This should have easily been a PK but it was not. Robben, in true fashion for himself, whined in the ref's face to get himself a yellow card over the issue. The Dutch defense held up to the onslaught of the Spanish attack but only just barely. Again, their defense didn't look all that great, but with lucky slides and lunges to get a body part in the way at the last moment, they managed to save themselves from several close calls.

I could see the clear frustration in the faces of every player which led to many "dick" moves in the last 15 minutes of the second half. Punting the ball away after a whistle is blown on a foul, or punting the ball after an injury toss such as when Torres pulled something in his leg and the Spanish keeper toss the ball out of bounds to stop play. Typically the gentleman thing to do for the Dutch after the other team sends the ball out of bounds to stop the play is to give them back control of the ball. They did, but only after sending it flying as far out of bounds as they could. The gentleman sportsmanship could no longer be found in this game. I was half expecting a brawl to break out at any moment. Such were the tensions of both teams. Both teams had some beautiful attempts from corner kicks to make a goal with a backside player. Both teams had that player whiff in grand fashion with a ball in the perfect place and an open goal in front of them. Also on two more corner kicks, both teams had a player in excellent position to make a header into the goal. Again though, both players in grand fashion do the stupid thing of taking their eyes off the ball when the header came! They tucked down their heads and used the top off their heads to try for a goal. This is as stupid as stupid gets. Sure by angling to use the top of your head, you get much more power from the header and it is harder to stop, but you lose all control while heading! Typically the ball will sail wide of the goal as it happened here in both cases by Aamos and Bommel. All I can say was sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. The end of the second half became that by both teams. Sloppy.

The second half ended with goose eggs on the score board, and over time started. Both teams were tired now and could be seen. Once quick movements to the ball or to chase down a slightly bad pass were no longer there. Lethargy set in with players starting to jog when they should be sprinting, and walk when they should be jogging. Spain was still making occasional good attacks as they were finding reserves of energy to try and press attacks. No amount of attacking from Spain at this point could change the fact that they can't shoot for anything. The boys in Orange weren't faring much better. They were making accurate on goal shots, but doing it from 30 yards or more out from the goal. It looked like the Dutch could only halfheartedly make an attack on the Spanish goal.

About the 110 minute mark, Spain started to a string of several lucky breaks by bad calls from the ref. First, Iniesta flops at the top of the box to give a Netherlands player his second yellow card for a red. This puts the Dutch down a man. Next, the dutch get a free kick following that call on a counter attack where Robben was fouled and it was called in front of Spain's goal. Sneijder went to shoot the direct free kick and just missed his shot. Instead the shot was deflected by the wall of Spanish players and went straight out of bounds. This should have been a corner kick for the Dutch as it was clearly evident to EVERYONE that the ball went out of bounds after being deflected by the wall. Maybe all three refs blinked in unison and missed it. I can not even begin to fathom how they completely blew this call, but the head ref ruled it was sent out by the Dutch and gave Spain the ball in the form of a goal kick. Obviously the Dutch were a bit pissed about this, and Spain used this moment to make one last glorious attempt to push the ball up field.

I will say it now, the run to score by Spain was a great play. The Dutch were caught flat footed and Spain capitalized. Iniesta, yes the cheating bastard, scored a beautiful goal at the 116 minute mark. There was some controversy about him being off-sides in the box when the pass made to him before he took his shot. Looking at the replay personally, it was too close to tell. He may have been a few inches off-sides but it would have been a damn hard call to make. Of course, the Dutch literally blow up over this and garner a few more yellow cards. Not that it mattered at this point. Despite valiant efforts, the boys in Orange, went out with a whimper. Not enough time left on the clock and not really enough energy to make an equalizing goal against a team that is going to switch back to keeping control of the ball to drag out the time. I do feel they were robbed. It should have been 0 to 0 at the end of overtime. It should have been an outcome decided by penalty kicks. Instead, the game was decided at the end by poor officiating. Such has been the legacy of this World Cup.

While I picked them for the winners of this game, the method of the actual win left a sour taste in my mouth. It was not a win from hard work, skill, and the accomplishment of being better than the other team. It was a win of several cheating flops by Iniesta and Xavi at the end followed by blown calls by the refs. Neither team was better than the other and the outcome could have gone either way at any time. The following is my obligatory statement.

Congrats Spain!

You did not earn it.
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May 4, 2001
Congrats Spain!

You did not earn it.

While I felt Spain was still the cleaner and better team (relative to NED anyway), there was definitely nothing decisive or pretty about this game. I'll say Spain earned it because of their play throughout the tournament.

FWIW, I really like your post-game analyses. They're very clear, well worded and nice that they come from someone who clearly knows a thing or two about soccer.
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Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Not sure how you can say they did not earn it? That really makes no sense to me, as they were easily the better team for the good majority of the game.



Oct 30, 2000
Not sure how you can say they did not earn it? That really makes no sense to me, as they were easily the better team for the good majority of the game.


Yes and no. Were they able to keep possession of the ball longer? Yes. It seems as if you judge a team being better solely on being able to do nothing, but make short 1 touch passes in the mid field. I see it as a strategy but a crutch to their weakness. They have a hard time scoring and shooting. That was blatantly proved by this game. A team that can't score can't win. I say Spain has the better mid field, but their offense is terrible. I say Spain had a decent defense, but the fact the Netherlands could have scored had it not been for fouls by the defense proves that their defense was struggling against the Netherlands offense. When I look at the picture as a whole that way. No, Spain did not appear to me to be the better team.

On paper, as the term goes, they were and I said as much in my pre-summary before the game on Friday. During the game though, they were not in my opinion. I thought both teams were fairly equal which is why it went to goose eggs in overtime.

Iniesta should have been ejected much earlier in the game. His yellow card really should have been a red. He should have been given a yellow card again when the ref caught him flopping, but instead only awarded a free kick to the dutch. Technically speaking, if the ref is giving a foul for flopping, that should be a yellow card as it's an intentional action by the player to gain an advantage by breaking the rules. That should have been his second yellow and he should have been gone. He got caught doing it again in overtime, but the ref didn't stop play to award a free kick since the ball went out of bounds in the Dutch favor. Without Iniesta, Spain would have scored no goal.

Couple that with Iniesta flopping to give a second yellow to the Heitinga when he shouldn't have been there in the first place only proves that Spain was no longer looking to win through skill anymore. Spain at the end was looking for a lucky blown call in their favor to win. It was as disgusting to watch as the De Rossi incident from Italy against Paraguay. When a team is looking to get a win at the end through fouls, flops, and bad calls that no longer looks to me like the better team trying to win.

A team that wins a game not through their hard work, but through bad calls to me does not earn the win. They were given the win at the end. Not that they didn't earn the right to be in the finals of the world cup. Granted, I thought they played some great games leading up to the final. Again, because of their past performance I picked them to win as the better team. That was not how the outcome turned out though. They did not win because they were the better team.
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May 28, 2007

JFC man, I had no horse in this race, but I thought Spain was clearly the better team. Did you not see Orange come out like a bunch of thugs, hammering Spain to break up the passing game? Did you not see the kick to the chest? Sorry the game was not officiated perfectly, but the goal came off a goal kick and NED had numbers back.


Aug 8, 2001
That was a terrible game.

I wish the Netherlands wasn't there. I wish it came down to Spain and U.S or Ghana or Brazil or Portugal or any other team that wouldn't have played so physically (dirty). This is my first time watching the World Cup. Usually for sports I expect a better game from the final. I saw maybe 12 games leading up to it and most of them were exciting, especially rooting for the U.S., but this was just bad... ad even some of the commentators said so, as well.

Oh well, at least Spain won. They played honorably and well, as far as I could see. If I wasn't rooting for them at the start of the game, I was after that first half. And yes, the chest kick was ridiculous. Should have been instant red card.
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Aug 8, 2001
136 longer stickied. I guess that means the WC really is over.

I prefer floating threads, anyway '
But yeah, it's over. No sports on right now that I am interested in I'll have to wait until football (American football) starts in the fall.


May 4, 2001
I prefer floating threads, anyway '
But yeah, it's over. No sports on right now that I am interested in I'll have to wait until football (American football) starts in the fall.

I've been watching MLS. It's certainly not the same level of play, but it helps that I have a home team to root for.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Saying Iniesta should have been kicked out, whether true or not, is negated by the chest kick that should have resulted in a red card for the Dutch, putting them down 10 much earlier.

The Dutch defense was awesome, Van Brommel in particular was great. Yes, Spain was inept on offense, throughout the entire tournament really, but controlling the ball and actually completing passes, while interrupting the opposing team's passes and attack, is how they operate. There were a tonne of great passes and turns on the ball (Ramos was a standout here) that really showcased their strengths. The Dutch were not able to complete many great passes through, aside from a coup[le of good breaks from Robben, but that was mainly due to his speed.

I knew as the game went on without a goal, the more it played into the hands of Spain. They had a game plan, they executed it, and they won because of it. Hard to fault a team for that.

Of course I'm a Spain fan, so I will see things through tinted glasses, but I just find it hard to fault a team for playing to their strengths.



Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I've been watching MLS. It's certainly not the same level of play, but it helps that I have a home team to root for.

It can be fun. I watched the Sounders game last night on TV and enjoyed it. The Whitecaps are joining MLS either this year or next, so I'll probably watch them a bit more since the coverage and play shoudl be better.

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