**Official Xbox 360 Jasper Hunting Thread**

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Nov 16, 2007
Originally posted by: Darrell

I'm in Ohio, and so far all I've seen are 0841X arcades, 0842X Pros & Elites. So far, all the pro's and Elites have 14.2 amps printed in the "windowed" area of the box.

I can't take another chance...I have to see the amp rating before I pull the trigger now. Even though the return is within the store's policy, I think Karma will bite me in the a$$ if I abuse it.

On a side note, it's good to see a Jasper Pro unit finally show up. I was starting to worry.....

I will give final confirmation once I get the box opened up !


Nov 16, 2007
Originally posted by: Sal NJ
yea me 2! i thought I'd be able to get a play and charge kit with the money i get back, thanks for the answer

I thought I'd get 25, but since its a combo its not worth as much. I don't know, maybe lots of people are returning the games since they kinda stink. If many are coming in, they are worth less.


Junior Member
Dec 29, 2006
Thanks to all my fellow Jasper hunters! I plan on picking up a Jasper to replace my old 360 (I don't even have HDMI) and selling it on eBay/CraigsList before xmas. Santa has been very generous to me this xmas, he gave me a BluRay player last week, a new high end TomTom and now a Jasper!
Nov 19, 2008

I wanted to give you props on the 150 watt PSU thing. I never doubted that the 150w PSU was in the works, but I was doubtful that it was meant for the Jasper. I'm big enough to admit when I am wrong.....

It is funny to see all the different configurations of Falcons now. I speculated that the solid capacitors were involded in reliability improvement. Now after seeing so many different types on the newer units, it looks like they were just clearing inventory all the while....heck some poor soul even claimed to get a Zephyr unit with a new mfg date......OUCH!! I'd have to see the pic to believe it though.


***OH yeah, if anyone in the Cincinnati, OH/Northern KY area spots any Jaspers in the BB's....give me a shout. I'm driving my wife crazy!!!!


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: iwantjasper
Only 12/13 bucks for the 2 games together!? Wow, I was expecting it to be a bit more.

You'll get more for it on eBay.


Junior Member
Nov 27, 2008
Did anyone get a japser Pro or Elite or Acrade that come with the NXE preload?
I am kind of curious that if the NXE is ready and put into the units at that time when factor start manufacturing jasper like in late october.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Terry
Did anyone get a japser Pro or Elite or Acrade that come with the NXE preload?
I am kind of curious that if the NXE is ready and put into the units at that time when factor start manufacturing jasper like in late october.

my jasper arcade came with the old dashboard, but immediately prompted me to upgrade.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2003
They're being slick - the holiday arcade bundle doesn't say it's a memory card unit that comes with the system like it used to say on the older boxes. I was duped. Hopefully the Falcon I got is more reliable though


Junior Member
Dec 29, 2006
Originally posted by: Terry
I am kind of curious that if the NXE is ready and put into the units at that time when factor start manufacturing jasper like in late october.
Considering that NXE wasn't released until the 47th week, assume NXE won't be preloaded until on or after 847. Yes, that does mean 360s take about 3-5 weeks from factory line to retail shelf, at best. Many people have pointed out, stock moves slow normally, but this time of the year, expect things to move fast.

After Christmas, I'd assume 95% of the 360s in the retail world will be Jaspers, aside from some dusty Elites.


Junior Member
Nov 28, 2008

Maybe some good news for us UK'ers! I know someone who knows somebody else, anyways......they work for game and they checked the consoles they had in stock for me, all of them lot numbers 0830's however he had one 0842, and they aint had a shipment of 360's for weeks.....

I cant see it beeing long for us now!



Junior Member
Dec 1, 2008
I have been looking to by my first xbox360 for some time now and have been following the threads at 8bitjoystick blog post for months! I was saddened when people started losing hope and began saying that they had no idea if it would be coming anytime soon now that they were finding the revision 3 falcons. When November came around with still no sighting of a Jasper on that site, I decided I would wait until after Thanksgiving to buy an Elite with the latest manufacture date I could find at my local Best Buy. Last night I came across an 837 Elite with a manufactured date of 9/09/08 (I know, I know, it?s nothing compared to what other people are finding but I?ve called every Gamestop in a 200 mile radius and looked at 3 Best Buys and they still have consoles manufactured last year!) Anyway, I was planning on picking up my new Elite today but I decided to check the forums one last time since I hadn?t looked in a week or so. I skimmed through what I had missed and as I expected, it didn?t seem that anyone had found a Jasper yet. I also noticed that the forum had been closed and everyone decided to move here, so naturally I followed. I have to admit I wasn?t expecting what I found here posted by JasperHunter. So now there is definite confirmation of a Jasper sighting? I noticed the white label in some of the pics that says ?Jasper 1 weeks run ? S22? that appears to actually be stuck to the motherboard. If this image is legit, did anyone think there would actually be a sticker that flat out says ?Jasper? on it? http://pictures.xbox-scene.com...60/jasper/6c3f98b6.jpg
I swear I have the worst luck! I mean seriously, the last post I read was on November 18 when 8bitjoystick stated that he ?honestly has no idea when the Jasper Xbox is going to be out?. This was when I decided I was through waiting and was going to buy one when I got back from vacation. And then ONE week later someone finds a Jasper!? I am so glad I decided to look at the forums again. It looks like I will be waiting a little longer after all.

So I have a few questions as well..
1.) Is the only way to be sure it is a Jasper without opening the box to look through the little window at the date and number as well as the 12.1A?
2.) Have there been any confirmed jasper Elites yet
3.) Is there a way to find out information about the psu and the internal memory without opening the box? If not, are there any stores that will allow you to return the console after the box has been opened? I feel stupid asking this, but how are people posting all this information about several different consoles from several different stores without opening them? The last Game Stop I went to told me that if I opened the box, I would not be able to return it. Is this not true?
4.) I noticed from some pictures that the team and lot # can be found on the back of the box but I don?t remember seeing this on the boxes I have looked at. Do some boxes not provide this information or am I just over looking it?


JasperHunter posted a link to pictures of ?Jasper?s guts?. Does anyone have pictures of the previous Falcons that can be compared to these Jasper pics? It would be really nice to see side-by-side pics showing the differences in the sizes of the GPU chip and the CPU, as well as the placement of chips, heatsinks, etc.

p.s. I find it rather amusing that some people?s wives/girlfriends are laughing at their obsessions with finding Jasper. Am I the only one with the opposite situation here? I?m female and am just as intent on getting a jasper as the next dude. Meanwhile my boyfriend, who is a huge gamer but doesn?t care to even know what jasper is, is laughing at me while having a blast playing GOW2. We?ll see who?s laughing when he has to send his xbox in for the 3rd RROD and ends up gameless for weeks again.

oh and Sal NJ: don?t count on the Jewish kids clearing the shelves. They?re on top of the Jasper hunt too

-old Jewish kid looking for Jasper

Sal NJ

Nov 19, 2008
"oh and Sal NJ: don?t count on the Jewish kids clearing the shelves. They?re on top of the Jasper hunt too

-old Jewish kid looking for Jasper "

Damnit IwannaJasper2! i went to bed last night feeling good thinking they would buy out the old 1s and now im feelin down again; thanks....jk its all good
Glad to hear your story and remb good things come to those who wait


Nov 16, 2007
Okay folks, this is the update on my system.

To rehash:

360 Pro
Team: CSON
Lot: 842X
Serial Number : yadayadayada84307
Sticker on system: 12.1A

Now, I opened up the box and was dismayed to see the older 175 watt PSU. However, because of this board I know that many early falcons shipped w/ the PSU from the older mobos of the time.

I looked into the power socket on the actual console. Lo and behold, the top potion is not a solid bar - its broken in 2 equal size halves. The same configuration that a 150 watt PSU would fit in.

I believe I have a Jasper with a older PSU !!!! I can't think of any other way to verify - the LOT/Serial Number line up, the Amps on the sticker line up, and the power socket on the console itself lines up.

Oh, under Memory there is NO mention of 256mb - just the HD.


Junior Member
Nov 20, 2008
Originally posted by: IWannaJasper2

So I have a few questions as well..
1.) Is the only way to be sure it is a Jasper without opening the box to look through the little window at the date and number as well as the 12.1A?
2.) Have there been any confirmed jasper Elites yet
3.) Is there a way to find out information about the psu and the internal memory without opening the box? If not, are there any stores that will allow you to return the console after the box has been opened? I feel stupid asking this, but how are people posting all this information about several different consoles from several different stores without opening them? The last Game Stop I went to told me that if I opened the box, I would not be able to return it. Is this not true?
4.) I noticed from some pictures that the team and lot # can be found on the back of the box but I don?t remember seeing this on the boxes I have looked at. Do some boxes not provide this information or am I just over looking it?

1. I thought I found an Elite Jasper at Fry's Electronics in Burbank, CA 843X FDOU.
I could not get a current reading until I brought it home and found it to be 14.2A
Hooked up to my Kill-A-Watt on the GoW2 Fire Start Screen I got 112 -113w; someone posted that a Jasper should get about 7 watts less than that.
2. This is not a Jasper.
3. Try to see the current in the little window, you may just be able to see the .1A of the 12.1A
Fry's has a 30 day satisfaction policy, and as much as I hated to do it, I returned my Xbox360 for a refund today. No problem, they just checked it out to make sure that everything that should be in the box was there.
4. All the boxes are labeled with the week of manufacture and the team that did it. If you see a label pasted over it it means that the box was repackaged, you won't find a Jasper in any of those.

You will have a Jasper if you find a console labeled 12.1A
Happy hunting


Nov 25, 2008
Originally posted by: bodybag

Maybe some good news for us UK'ers! I know someone who knows somebody else, anyways......they work for game and they checked the consoles they had in stock for me, all of them lot numbers 0830's however he had one 0842, and they aint had a shipment of 360's for weeks.....

I cant see it beeing long for us now!

BodyBag.I checked in GameStation the other day(I think Game and GameStation are supplied by the same eh supplier)and they had a few 0842's.So I hope you are right in your assumption that it wont be long.



Junior Member
Nov 19, 2008
@ zuker
If you did not have a 20 gig hd on your console when you did the watt test then yopu can add 4 watts to your reading. That will put you at the Falcon Chipset wattage useage. This is still a good unit.

KING Rambow

Junior Member
Dec 1, 2008
Found a Team FDUO lot 0842X manufacture date 10-17-08. A falcon! Blast... This was an Elite holiday bundle and I though I would give it a shot. This is the newest one at the stores I visited in Austin TX. I was curious to see if it was a Jasper because it was an elite and everyone has only been reporting the new Jasper on the Arcade version. Target & Gamestop were both clueless FYI. Oh well. Best Buy has an extended return policy where you can return stuff for full refund or exchanged until Jan. 24. I'm sure they will have all Jasper's by then. While I know its not totally honest to do this Microsoft leave us consumers little choice with all of there secrets and RRofD crap that we all have put with or soon will.

Tanna Tanna

Nov 20, 2008
"Maybe some good news for us UK'ers! I know someone who knows somebody else, anyways......they work for game and they checked the consoles they had in stock for me, all of them lot numbers 0830's however he had one 0842, and they aint had a shipment of 360's for weeks..... "

Yeah, not a surprise ... a local branch of GAME isn't going to turn over that many consoles in my opinion, although maybe more at this time of year. On one of the UK boards I'm following there is talk of Amazon's fulfillment to customers currently being with consoles manufactured in October -- I am waiting clarification on the batch number.

I reckon Amazon or Play who ship lots of inventory from central distribution are the place to go; all the old consoles have to be in channel, so if they get through them first they are going to be the ones stocked with new consoles first. Ergo, I'm going to order from Amazon in a couple of weeks time.


Junior Member
Dec 1, 2008
Originally posted by: Sal NJ
"oh and Sal NJ: don?t count on the Jewish kids clearing the shelves. They?re on top of the Jasper hunt too

-old Jewish kid looking for Jasper "

Damnit IwannaJasper2! i went to bed last night feeling good thinking they would buy out the old 1s and now im feelin down again; thanks....jk its all good
Glad to hear your story and remb good things come to those who wait



Junior Member
Nov 19, 2008
I got excited because my local Target had two 0844xx FDOU Elites. Looking through the slot both appeared to be 14.2A. I was still tempted to buy one and check it out at home, but I finally decided to open the box right there at the counter before I made the purchase just to save me the hassle of the return.

I ended up opening both of them and confirming that they were 14.2A systems. So it looks like we will have to at least look for 0845+ FDOU Elites.




Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2005
I don't even get why people are cracking open their consoles if you can just turn them on to see if you've got a hidden 256mb of flash in there.


Nov 19, 2008
Originally posted by: chdude3
Originally posted by: JasperHunter
chdude3 - 256mb of flash is really really cheap these days. I firmly believe it would cost them more to make motherboards with varying amounts of flash than it will be to just include 256mb all around. As I said before, only time will tell.
As I said before, I agree that you'll see the 256meg on all consoles. I just don't see it being caused by the logistics of having different motherboard layouts (which they wouldn't anyways) or different population options (which they've already done by not installing HDMI connectors on some boards which could have accommodated them).

The consoles NEED storage for system firmware, that's why the 16meg chip was there in the first place. It makes sense now to put the same 256meg chip in all variants to take advantage of economy of scale, and not have to worry about two different parts. That's why all should get 256meg.

We're pretty much saying the same thing about the memory. You were just more precise in your statement

I disagree about the HDMI port however. They had a good reason to make a non-HDMI version. When it was Zephyr, that was a value-added feature for Elites early on and was later incorporated into all models once the old motherboard stock ran out. With regards to Opus, the non-HDMI version of Falcon, these were needed for repaired consoles and to be able to take advantage of all the original cases they had laying around. There is no such advantage to a 2nd motherboard (or population option, whatever you want to call it).

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