Oil & Gas Prices:10-8-04 U.S. Crude over $53 Whitehouse says there will be no impact - Gas prices rising fast towards $3


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
It's Official

9-27-2004 U.S. Oil Hits $50

U.S. oil prices reached a record $50 a barrel on Monday as Nigeria emerged as the latest focus for worries about supply in an already tight worldwide energy market.

Extra crude from OPEC, now pumping at a 25-year high, has failed to make any impact. The group produced 30.5 million bpd in September, the highest since 1979.

9-27-2004 Morgan Stanley has told clients that it believes surging crude oil prices could top $60 a barrel.

If oil goes to $55 a barrel, all bets are off. It's something that's on the mind of the Fed, and it could really put a crimp in the economy's ability to produce jobs.

9-27-2004 Oil hits $50 per barrel for first time in History

Hurricanes blamed which is Bullsh!t.

Gas prices heading back over $2 per gallon but we all know the price should be at least $4 a gallon at these per barrel prices.

9-20-2004 Oil prices advanced to their highest level in a month Monday, surpassing $46 a barrel, as supply constraints in the United States and Russia piqued the nerves of a market already edgy about the world's limited production capabilities and rising demand.

9-17-2004 "The Saudi royal family apprec...tanks at gas stations.

A new radio ad running in New Hampshire and Florida says "the Saudi royal family appreciates the support" when Americans fill up their tanks at gas stations. "Who does the royal family support? George W. Bush and Dick Cheney."

The radio ad says that "No administration's ever been so close to big oil and foreign oil," and that the Bush administration "gives Saudi Prince Bandar classified briefings."


Well well well (Oil pun hehehe) IraQ Oil is flowing again and they say it is enough to send Oil prices down. How far??? Will we see $25 a barrel thank to Iraqi Oil?? Maybe taking over those Oil fields will pay off after all.

8-24-2004 Oil Prices Fall to $45 as Iraq Oil Flows

LONDON - Oil prices fell more than a dollar to $45 on Tuesday, in a third day of losses as a more optimistic Iraq export picture helped unwind some of the supply worries that have lifted the market to historic levels.

Nigeria's top oil official said on Tuesday that more production from the OPEC cartel would not lower oil prices and that crude would stay above the group's $22-28 a barrel target range. The group meets on September 15.

"We still maintain the position that the market is well-supplied. Hedge funds are the main problem. Lifting quotas will not solve the problem," Nigeria's Presidential Adviser on Petroleum Edmund Daukoru told Reuters.

U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham and International Energy Agency chief Claude Mandil agreed during a meeting on Tuesday that prices have surged higher than supply and demand fundamentals merit.

That can't be!!!

U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham and International Energy Agency chief Claude Mandil is saying the P&N NeoCon Elitists are wrong and I'm right, that just can't be. The world will be out of Gravitational balance and fly off course killing us all, oh the noeesssss!!!

Sand Ministers call for Worldwide Oil Rationing

8-23-2004 "There is no extra capacity. T...ad Hosseinian of OPEC.

"The real threat is that the only way to control the oil price is to push oil to a level that rations global growth," said Andrew Garthwaite of CSFB bank in a report.


It's all 110% BS or is it??? OPEC Says It Has No More Oil To Give:

I will state this again as many times I have and the P&N Rich Elite Neocons refute.

It is very clear the price at the pump has absolutely nothing to do with the true definition of Supply and Demand, it is 110% Political only.

The Conspiracy has to be cystal clear for all to see now.

Based on the incredible ramp up of prices overnight when Oil went from $25 to $35 a barrel, Gas should be at least $4 even close to $5 a gallon at this time in the U.S., but of course it is not. Why is it not??? Because all of the Thugs in Political power from the Saudi's, Oil Execs, to the President know the implications of crippling the World in an instant by doubling and trippling transportation costs.

When will the U.S. begin rationing Fuel and can imagine the impact???

8-18-2004Oil at New Record At $47.17, I...g Closer to Feared $50

LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices surged to a new high above $47 a barrel on Wednesday

Leading OPEC power Saudi Arabia said this week it is pumping as much as possible in a bid to lower prices to $25-$30 a barrel but fears are that global production capacity is close to its limit.

Some Asian countries, increasingly worried about oil prices, are planning measures to conserve energy or to cushion its impact.

Thailand is drafting plans to encourage shops and cinemas to close early, while South Korea (news - web sites) may consider cutting oil tax rates at the end of August, in a bid to shield the economy from red-hot oil prices.

8-16-2004 NYMEX Crude Hits Record at $46.85

SINGAPORE - NYMEX crude oil futures jumped to a record $46.85 a barrel on Monday.

Doomsday Oil scenario here. OPEC reaches Peak Oil, U.S. out of refining and storage capacity.

8-14-2004 "They are getting very close to capacity levels"

WASHINGTON - With so much uncertainty roiling oil markets these days, analysts say one thing is clear: the world's supply cushion is perilously thin.

The International Energy Agency, a Paris-based industry watchdog, said this week that it expects global demand to rise by 3.2 percent, or 2.5 million barrels a day, in 2004 ? more than double its original estimate.

Some analysts also point to the dwindling levels of oil kept in storage in the United States as an area of growing concern. The supply of commercially available crude on any given day has fallen by about 15 percent over the past decade in spite of steadily rising demand.

8-3-2004 Oil Heading to $50 A Barrel

"It's just up, up and away. There's no stopping it," said Edward Meir, an analyst at Man Energy, adding some brokers believed U.S. oil at $50 a barrel was no longer inconceivable.

Saudi Arabia has said it would produce 9.5 million barrels per day in August, which would be just 1 million bpd below the country's full capacity.

8-3-2004 Oil Continues to Hit Records, ...ve No More Oil To Give

U.S. light crude rose 11 cents to $43.93 a barrel, only 1 cent off the record touched on Monday at $43.94, which marked the highest level since crude futures were launched on the New York Mercantile Exchange in 1983.

TOPEC President Purnomo Yusgiantoro said on Tuesday the producers' cartel had no extra oil to immediately supply the world market to bring down prices

Purnomo's comments echoed those on Monday of Algerian Oil Minister Chakib Khelil, who said the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries had done all it could to stop this year's oil price rally.

"OPEC can do nothing," Khelil told reporters in Algiers.

It's Official, 2004 the year the Oil Thugs Can No Longer Keep Up with the World.

World doomed to Mad Max Rationing. How do you like your Hemi now???

7-24-2004 Gas Prices Dip As Refinery Projects End

Lundberg said refineries had finished several projects designed to maximize output for summer travel, leading to the drop in prices. She said an increase in crude oil prices prevented prices from falling even further.

7-6-2004 Oil back up over $40 barrel and $2 a gallon

Oil Price Rises Again

LONDON - Oil prices jumped above $39 a barrel on worries about the security of supplies from Iraq, Russia and Nigeria on Tuesday.

"We've been rallying on oil dropping to close to $35 a barrel but now at $39 plus, the same concerns that weakened the market in past weeks should be evident again."

Worries about oil prices, which stirred financial markets a month back, reappeared as fears about supply sent the cost of crude jumping.

5-17-2004 U.S. average price for retail ...or the first time ever

The Bush administration has been criticized for not taking action to find consumers some relief at the pump.

A group of Democratic senators on Tuesday plans to introduce a non-binding resolution asking the White House to release up to 60 million barrels of crude from the nation's emergency oil stockpile to help lower gasoline prices. The administration has said it would not take such an action unless there was a true supply emergency.

5-15-2004 Oil hits $41.56 to set an all-...k Mercantile Exchange

5-13-04 SUV's sales plummet. Diesel and Hybrid Sales skyrocket.

U.S Administration says we are 3 Million barrels behind last year in Inventory and may have to ration Gas this summer.

While Saudi's continue to say we have a glut of Oil, that they are overproducing by 1.5 million barrels and that the U.S. refineries cannot process fast enough because of Summer MTBE blending.

Post what you are paying at the pumps, we'll see how high it will go. The higher the better especially for SUV owners:

New York 4/1 $2.00

Connecticut 4/1 $1.80

Wisconsin 4/1 $1.85

Chicago 4/1 $1.68

Iowa 4/1 $1.61

Los Angeles, Ca 3/9 $3.00 4/1 $3.39 5/5 $2.99

Florida 3/9 $2.79 4/2 $1.79

Georgia 3/9 $1.81 4/1 $1.85 5/5 $1.90 5/13 $2.05

Austin, TX 3/9 $1.58

New Orleans 3/9 $1.72 8/15 $1.81

Louisville, KY. 3/9 $1.56 3/11 $1.49

Apparently the U.S. Govt Officials were the ones NOT lying about being 3 millions barrels short of oil.

Saudi Sand Thugs backtrack and now say there is a shortgae and NOT a glut!!!

5-10-2004 Saudi Arabia Calls for OPEC Supply Rise

DUBAI - Lead OPEC producer Saudi Arabia on Monday called on OPEC to boost its production ceiling by a minimum 1.5 million barrels per day (bpd) to prevent high oil prices from harming global economic growth.

5-5-2004 Oil Surges to New Highs on Security Fears

5-5-2004 Oil at 13 Year High, set to cross $40 a Barrel

4-27-2004 The Tale of Two Fuel Outlooks,...y Vs Hybrid's here now

The president will urge scientists, automakers and energy companies to work together on developing a vehicle powered by affordable hydrogen fuel cells and creating a hydrogen refueling infrastructure.

Meanwhile, Kerry is urging US car manufacturers to pay more serious attention to hybrid cars that rely on a combination of gasoline and electrical engines.

4-25-2004 The average retail price for a gallon of regular gasoline in the United States has hit a record $1.86, the U.S. motorists group AAA said on Friday.

&amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=3&amp;u=/nm/20040417/bs_nm/energy_gasoline_retail_dc"&amp;gt;Gasoline">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....c"&amp;gt;Gasoline</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...rgy_gasoline_retail_dc"&amp;gt;Gasoline]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=3&amp;u=/nm/20040417/bs_nm/energy_gasoline_retail_dc"&amp;gt;Gasoline[/L][/L] Pump Price Sets Record&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

The average retail price for a gallon of regular gasoline in the United States has hit a record $1.80, the U.S. motorists group AAA said on Saturday.

3-31-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=4&amp;u=/nm/20040331/bs_nm/markets_oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...1/bs_nm/markets_oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=4&amp;u=/nm/20040331/bs_nm/markets_oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil[/L][/L] Inventories highest since August 2002&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

3-30-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=536&amp;ncid=536&amp;e=7&amp;u=/ap/20040330/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush_oil_prices_3"&amp;gt;Bush">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....ces_3"&amp;gt;Bush</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...r_wh/bush_oil_prices_3"&amp;gt;Bush]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=536&amp;ncid=536&amp;e=7&amp;u=/ap/20040330/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush_oil_prices_3"&amp;gt;Bush[/L][/L] Blames Congress for Gas Prices &amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

3-30-2004 Saudi Oil Minister blames Price spikes on U.S., Refineries, says there is already a Glut of Oil, cuts Production and prices go even higher.

3-27-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;u=/ap/20040327/ap_on_bi_ge/gas_prices_thefts_2"&amp;gt;As">http://news.yahoo.com/news?tm....hefts_2"&amp;gt;As</a>]=http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmp...ge/gas_prices_thefts_2"&amp;gt;As]http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;u=/ap/20040327/ap_on_bi_ge/gas_prices_thefts_2"&amp;gt;As[/L][/L] Gas Prices Rise, So Do Thefts at Pump &amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

"Gas is getting to be a fairly large expense. People who are struggling to make ends meet are more likely to drive off," said Jason Toews, co-founder of Gasbuddy.com, which tracks gas prices nationwide.

In Mount Pleasant, S.C., the town passed a one-of-a-kind law that requires motorists to pay before pumping gasoline. Since the ordinance took effect last month, gas thefts investigated by the city's police decreased by 10 percent.

3-23-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=1&amp;u=/nm/20040323/bs_nm/energy_gasoline_retail_dc"&amp;gt;Gas">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....ail_dc"&amp;gt;Gas</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...rgy_gasoline_retail_dc"&amp;gt;Gas]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=1&amp;u=/nm/20040323/bs_nm/energy_gasoline_retail_dc"&amp;gt;Gas[/L][/L] Pump Prices Hit All-Time High&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

3-19-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=677&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=5&amp;u=/usatoday/gaspricesdontscareoffsuvbuyers"&amp;gt;Gas">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....buyers"&amp;gt;Gas</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...sdontscareoffsuvbuyers"&amp;gt;Gas]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=677&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=5&amp;u=/usatoday/gaspricesdontscareoffsuvbuyers"&amp;gt;Gas[/L][/L] prices don't scare off SUV buyers&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

Near-record gasoline prices haven't hurt sales of the thirstiest sport-utility vehicles, and a new survey found that two-thirds of consumers wouldn't buy more fuel-efficient vehicles even if prices passed $3 a gallon.

At $2.25 a gallon, just 10% said they would consider eventually buying a more fuel-efficient car or truck, and virtually no one said they would immediately consider such a purchase.

Not until gas reached $3.75 a gallon would a third of those surveyed say they would immediately consider trading in for a more fuel-efficient vehicle.

3-17-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=1&amp;u=/nm/20040317/bs_nm/markets_oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...7/bs_nm/markets_oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=1&amp;u=/nm/20040317/bs_nm/markets_oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil[/L][/L] Hits $38,Pumps predicted to go dry in Summer&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

Oil prices roared to fresh one-year highs on Wednesday with U.S. crude hitting $38 a barrel after another drop in already low gasoline supplies.

Awwwwww, High Gas and Diesel prices putting the brakes on the so-called Economy recovery:

3-16-2004 Oil near $40 Barrel. China, Spain and OPEC fears of not making enough money are latest excuses.
Gas now expected to be between $3 and $4 range for Summer through to 2005.

3-15-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=2026&amp;ncid=2026&amp;e=4&amp;u=/latimests/20040315/ts_latimes/dieselpricesarebringingsometruckstoastandstill"&amp;gt;Diesel">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....ill"&amp;gt;Diesel</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...ometruckstoastandstill"&amp;gt;Diesel]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=2026&amp;ncid=2026&amp;e=4&amp;u=/latimests/20040315/ts_latimes/dieselpricesarebringingsometruckstoastandstill"&amp;gt;Diesel[/L][/L] Prices Are Bringing Some Trucks to a Standstill&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

Yep, Everytime "Lawmakers" threaten to "Investigate" rising Gas prices, they miraculously begin to drop but not at the same levels as before. Looks like the new "comfortable" level will be $1.50 a gallon.

It's all a ploy to slowly rise the National Avergage of Gas for the U.S. Consumer to pay.


This has become older than the deepest layers of Tin Foil on my hat:

3-14-2004&amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;u=/ibsys/20040313/lo_kcra/2049855"&amp;gt;Lawmaker">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....5"&amp;gt;Lawmaker</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...040313/lo_kcra/2049855"&amp;gt;Lawmaker]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;u=/ibsys/20040313/lo_kcra/2049855"&amp;gt;Lawmaker[/L][/L] To Investigate Possible Gas Price Gouging&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

Gas prices in California have been on the rise for the last few weeks. So, what's the real reason behind the hikes? And when will consumers see some relief?

The rapid rise in prices is prompting some politicians to pound on the pump problem...

"They call it an anomaly. And I ask, when you find an anomaly, what do you do?"

"Every time we shine the light of truth on this, we see the prices go down. I'm hoping at least that will happen"

Well so much for that, even the Rich can't escape High Gas Prices, hahhahahahaha

3-11-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/Business/US/Gas_prices_040309-1.html"&amp;gt;High">http://www.abcnews.go.com/sec.....html"&amp;gt;High</a>]=http://www.abcnews.go.com/sect...s_prices_040309-1.html"&amp;gt;High]http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/Business/US/Gas_prices_040309-1.html"&amp;gt;High[/L][/L] Gas Prices Wiping Out Benefit of Tax Cuts&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

"The higher pump price is taking it [impact of refunds] all away. It has struck out the benefit of the tax cut."

Bostjancic adds businesses have to do the same right now. "This is a tax on corporations," says Bostjancic, "The environment is such they can't pass along higher energy prices to end-use consumers at this time. You are not going to see higher cookie prices in the stores."
Have to find some way of "Taxing Corporations" why not through high Gas prices and Gas Tax?

3-9-04 Enjoyed spending $30 to my Caravan, the receipt even said Thank You, Have a Nice Day

Yes, Thank You May I Have Another

National Gas average hits new record of $1.80 a gallon.

All done on purpose, nothing to with a "Shortage" of Oil or Gasoline. Nothing to do with "Demand" , all an artificial manipulation by Greedy Bastards sanctioned by the U.S. Government.

We are now being told we are hostages by the Oil Producers to the south of us:

3-7-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=574&amp;ncid=721&amp;e=1&amp;u=/nm/20040307/wl_nm/venezuela_dc"&amp;gt;Chavez">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n...._dc"&amp;gt;Chavez</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...307/wl_nm/venezuela_dc"&amp;gt;Chavez]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=574&amp;ncid=721&amp;e=1&amp;u=/nm/20040307/wl_nm/venezuela_dc"&amp;gt;Chavez[/L][/L] Talks Peace But Warns U.S. Over Oil Supplies&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez urged his foes on Sunday to peacefully seek a referendum against him and he warned Washington to stop backing anti-government protests he said could affect oil supplies to the United States.

Several hundred thousand opposition supporters held a peaceful pro-referendum march in Caracas Saturday. They accuse Chavez of ruling like a dictator and of trying to impose Cuba-style Communism in Venezuela.

Noting that Haiti's former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide had accused Washington of forcing him from power this month, Chavez warned the Bush government not to try to invade Venezuela or replace him.

"If that happens, the U.S. people can forget about getting Venezuelan oil," he said.

Well, well, well, looky looky looky, the Saudi Mobsters are worried that it will in fact be called an "Oil Shortage"

3-1-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=5&amp;u=/nm/20040301/bs_nm/energy_saudi_opec_dc"&amp;gt;Saudi">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....c_dc"&amp;gt;Saudi</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...m/energy_saudi_opec_dc"&amp;gt;Saudi]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=5&amp;u=/nm/20040301/bs_nm/energy_saudi_opec_dc"&amp;gt;Saudi[/L][/L] Vows Not to Allow Oil Shortage&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

RIYADH - OPEC's leading producer, Saudi Arabia, vowed on Monday to keep oil markets well-supplied in order to sustain world economic growth.

So far there has been scant evidence of OPEC tightening supplies for March, but oil traders said some producers are scheduling lower crude exports for April.

The cartel is due to meet again on March 31 to review production strategy. But the Saudi oil minister declined to predict what course the 10 members of the group that are bound by self-imposed output quotas would chart.

"Whatever I say now is invariably going to be wrong," he said. "So I'm not going to say anything about the next meeting."

"Number one in our mind is making sure there are no shortages -- that the oil market is stable and well-supplied because we recognize its impact on economic growth," Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi told reporters.

Naimi was speaking as oil prices surged close to post-Iraq war highs following a decision last month by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries last month to cut production. U.S. crude traded on Monday at $36.20 a barrel.

Prices, well above OPEC's official $22-$28 target range have drawn complaints from the United States, the world's biggest energy consumer.
Nothing like a fake "Low Supply" to feed the AT experts insisting it is a "Real" Supply and Demand condition. &amp;lt;img src="i/expressions/rolleye.gif" border="0"&amp;gt;

2-26-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.usatoday.com/money/autos/2004-02-25-gasprices_x.htm"&amp;gt;Oil">http://www.usatoday.com/money...._x.htm"&amp;gt;Oil</a>]=http://www.usatoday.com/money/...-02-25-gasprices_x.htm"&amp;gt;Oil]http://www.usatoday.com/money/autos/2004-02-25-gasprices_x.htm"&amp;gt;Oil[/L][/L] Embargo Now In Effect, Florida first to run out of Gasoline supply&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

Motorists face gasoline shortages as well as record prices the next few weeks because of the skintight U.S. refining and distribution network.

"It looks like the big bulk terminals in Florida are going to run out in the next few days," Tom Kloza, analyst at the Oil Price Information Service, said Wednesday. Big gasoline suppliers were warning their customers of imminent Florida shortages and reduced allocations.

"Expect major regional gasoline shortages," warns A.F. Alhajji, associate professor and energy economist at Ohio Northern University. When that happens, prices zoom as gasoline wholesalers compete for supplies, giving a regional shortage national impact. Alhajji is confident that "gasoline prices will increase nationwide as we approach the driving season, even in areas that have adequate supplies."

This next part of the article is pure 110% bullsh1t, many articles and posts above clearly show the Oil has been purposely held back by the OPEC Mobsters:

"EIA's weekly report showed gasoline supplies down 1% last week from the previous week. Refining operations were slowed by problems, maintenance and disruptive changes necessary to produce lower-sulfur and summer-blend gas required by clean-air regulations."

2-22-2004 News says Grin and Bear $2 gallon plus prices,all due to Supply and Demand.

As CLEARLY documented by the articles and reporting below it has NOTHING to do with SUPPLY and DEMAND.

Contrary to what the article says, this is NOT a surprise as it was reported here all the way back to November 2003:

2-10-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=1&amp;u=/nm/20040210/bs_nm/energy_opec_dc"&amp;gt;OPEC">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....ec_dc"&amp;gt;OPEC</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...0/bs_nm/energy_opec_dc"&amp;gt;OPEC]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=1&amp;u=/nm/20040210/bs_nm/energy_opec_dc"&amp;gt;OPEC[/L][/L] Cuts Oil Production, U.S. Upset&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

ALGIERS - OPEC on Tuesday announced a surprise cut in oil supplies from April, propelling crude prices higher and drawing a caution from the United States that it risked stunting world economic growth.

In a strong warning to the cartel, U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow said any decrease in crude oil output by OPEC producers would be "regrettable," and would effectively be a tax on American consumers.


The decision casts doubt on assurances from Riyadh that it wants no more than $25 a barrel for OPEC benchmark crude.

"It's a big call," said Barclays Capital analyst Kevin Norrish. "Our own view is that OPEC does not need to cut by as much as it appears to be aiming at."

The Paris-based IEA is forecasting demand will undercut world supply in the second quarter by as much as four million barrels a day, more than double the normal seasonal gap.

The Oil Embargo of 2004

Right on cue as said here that Gas would shoot up after the first of the year shot up 20 cents overnight.

Yeah, keep going higher, it will be a great thing to reach all time new highs especially for all the massive SUV drivers and will help push this "Fantastic" Economy deepening the pockets of the Execs so they can "trickle down" some more.

Go, Go Go! Higher Higher Higher!

Check out this latest excuse for higher Oil prices - Oil Shortage SHam kicking into high gear:

Inventories near five-year lows ahead of cold snap:

Don't forget they purposely drove the inventories down over the last few months as shown in here with planned output reductions

1-6-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://msnbc.msn.com/Default.aspx?id=3888313&amp;p1=0"&amp;gt;Oil">http://msnbc.msn.com/Default.....p;p1=0"&amp;gt;Oil</a>]=http://msnbc.msn.com/Default.aspx?id=3888313&amp;p1=0"&amp;gt;Oil]http://msnbc.msn.com/Default.aspx?id=3888313&amp;p1=0"&amp;gt;Oil[/L][/L] prices settle off post-war highs&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

LONDON - World oil prices eased after striking post-Iraq war highs earlier in the day as the U.S. Northeast faces below-freezing weather.

?We are seeing prices now that we would normally see only during wars or in times of extreme political unrest,? said Frederic Lasserre, energy analyst at Societe Generale in Paris.

While oil and products supplies remain low, there is no sign that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries might consider providing more oil to world markets.

Ministers have said high prices are justified by the slide in the value of the U.S. dollar, the currency of international oil trade, which has cut cartel member countries? purchasing power in other currencies.

1-12-2004 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=3&amp;u=/nm/20040112/bs_nm/energy_oil_abraham_dc"&amp;gt;Bush">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....am_dc"&amp;gt;Bush</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne.../energy_oil_abraham_dc"&amp;gt;Bush]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=3&amp;u=/nm/20040112/bs_nm/energy_oil_abraham_dc"&amp;gt;Bush[/L][/L] Administration: Oil Prices should be set by Market, not Sheiks controlling the Valves&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

The United States believes world oil prices should be determined by the market, U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said on Monday, as prices held strong near post-Iraq war highs.

"President Bush (news - web sites) has publicly commented and expressed concern that the price of oil (should) not hurt the world economy, whether it's the economy of the United States or any other oil-consuming nation.

"A strong growing world economy is good for oil-producing and oil-consuming countries. We strongly believe that the market should be allowed to determine the production level and prices"

"But obviously we are watching this closely as we have throughout the past year," he said.

"A number of factors have been in play during the previous year on world production of oil and we monitor all of those."

12-18-2003 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=4&amp;u=/nm/20031218/bs_nm/markets_oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...8/bs_nm/markets_oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=749&amp;e=4&amp;u=/nm/20031218/bs_nm/markets_oil_dc"&amp;gt;Oil[/L][/L] Prices Touch Fresh Nine-Month Peaks&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

Prices have risen nearly $6 a barrel, or more than 20 percent, since OPEC's September decision to cut supply by 3.5 percent.

OPEC President Abdullah al-Attiyah of Qatar said on Tuesday he was concerned that current oil prices are too high but said it was not because supplies were too low.

12-17-2003 &amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="[L=<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=568&amp;e=17&amp;u=/nm/20031217/bs_nm/energy_opec_algeria_dc_1"&amp;gt;Higher">http://story.news.yahoo.com/n....c_1"&amp;gt;Higher</a>]=http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne...ergy_opec_algeria_dc_1"&amp;gt;Higher]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=568&amp;ncid=568&amp;e=17&amp;u=/nm/20031217/bs_nm/energy_opec_algeria_dc_1"&amp;gt;Higher[/L][/L] Oil Prices Blamed on Capture of Saddam&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

The capture of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein has raised uncertainty in the market over the restoration of Iraqi oil exports and resulted in high prices, Algerian Oil Minister Chakib Khelil said on Wednesday.

12-13-2003 Falling dollar raises Oil to $33 per barrel and going up. Arabs declare there is no shortage of Oil however or cut in Production.

Enjoy the little lull in Gas prices for Holidays because after they are going to shoot the prices back up over $3 in California and over $2 for the rest of the Country.

&amp;lt;a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="&amp;lt;a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="&amp;lt;a target=_blank class=ftalternating


Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
They have been raising and lowering the price every few days in my town. One day its 1.49 for Regular, a few days later 1.30, a few days later 1.40, then back to 1.49. Been like this for 3 weeks.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Gas prices climbing towards $2 again here in Georgia, must be over $2 by now in California.

I bet the Feds are allowing it just to show that the War was not oil.

I'll take that bet. Now it's up to you to prove that crap you spewed.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: mastertech01
They have been raising and lowering the price every few days in my town. One day its 1.49 for Regular, a few days later 1.30, a few days later 1.40, then back to 1.49. Been like this for 3 weeks.

I have never seen a swing like that from 1.49 to 1.30.

We did have a similar swing here though, went from 1.55 to 1.44 in one day and then back to 1.49 the next. Been holding at 1.49 for past 2 weeks at most stations except for the ones that are normally higher are closer to 1.60.

Have seen no explanation other than some News stations mentioning Gas prices are on the rise, they give no reason.
Did OPEC secretly drop production? Some War Lord take over all the oil in Africa so Bush will have to move all of the armed forces from the Middle East to Africa?



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Gas prices climbing towards $2 again here in Georgia, must be over $2 by now in California.

I bet the Feds are allowing it just to show that the War was not oil.

I'll take that bet. Now it's up to you to prove that crap you spewed.

What? You don't believe they work together?

How do you explain prices jumps of 20 cents or more overnight and it takes months and months to drop a couple of pennies?
Someone says, OK you can raise prices to XX.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Gas prices climbing towards $2 again here in Georgia, must be over $2 by now in California.

I bet the Feds are allowing it just to show that the War was not oil.

I'll take that bet. Now it's up to you to prove that crap you spewed.

What? You don't believe they work together?

How do you explain prices jumps of 20 cents or more overnight and it takes months and months to drop a couple of pennies?
Someone says, OK you can raise prices to XX.

You have not proved a thing. You made the allegation that the Feds have control over gas prices and are manipulating them for political reasons. Now do you have any proof or not?
Jan 12, 2003
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Gas prices climbing towards $2 again here in Georgia, must be over $2 by now in California.

I bet the Feds are allowing it just to show that the War was not oil.

MAN, YOU ARE RIGHT! I bet it is also because Bush is bottling the Iraqi's oil and secretly shipping it back to his ranch to sell on the black oil market, then split the profit with "Tricky-Dick" and his Haliburton friends! Man, NO WAR FOR OIL...NO WAR FOR OIL...NO WAR FOR OIL...stay out of the Bushes...NO WAR FOR OIL...

...want a bunch of idiots.



Oct 9, 1999

BTW, what are you willing to bet? Money, how much, your integrity and proving the lack of it?

So what's the bet?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: mastertech01
They have been raising and lowering the price every few days in my town. One day its 1.49 for Regular, a few days later 1.30, a few days later 1.40, then back to 1.49. Been like this for 3 weeks.

1.30 a gallon?!!? I would kill for that heh, heck I would kill for 1.49, 1.59 is the cheapest you can get here


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Gas prices climbing towards $2 again here in Georgia, must be over $2 by now in California.

I bet the Feds are allowing it just to show that the War was not oil.

I'll take that bet. Now it's up to you to prove that crap you spewed.

What? You don't believe they work together?

How do you explain prices jumps of 20 cents or more overnight and it takes months and months to drop a couple of pennies?
Someone says, OK you can raise prices to XX.

You have not proved a thing. You made the allegation that the Feds have control over gas prices and are manipulating them for political reasons. Now do you have any proof or not?

The proof has been over the years of the Federal insiders meeting with the Oil Company insiders on a continous basis. Unless you are one of the boys in this American version of OPEC you won't see it.

"You made the allegation that the Feds have control over gas prices and are manipulating them for political reasons".
Hmmm, whenever the Government reserve is threatened to be poured into the pipeline Gas prices all of a sudden stop climbing out of control, guess that isn't control or manipulation is it?

Nothing for me to prove personally, I'm simply asking for a reasonable explanation of prices amongst all stations going up 20 cents overnight while taking months to drop pennies. You or anyone else will apparently not be able to come up with a reasonable explanation for it because there isn't one other than Politically motivated.

They've been playing Political games with oil since at least 1973 and it hasn't stopped since.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
Originally posted by: etech

BTW, what are you willing to bet? Money, how much, your integrity and proving the lack of it?

So what's the bet?

...as if integrity means anything to his kind.

Nice, very nice, however, your offhandedly abusive post against his character only reflects your own. Those that live in glass houses...


Platinum Member
May 21, 2001
Holiday season?

Here gas companies usually raise gas prices by quite a bit when the holidays start. The talk it up with each other and then collectively raise - there is no competition between the gas companies here.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
I honestly would love to see it go up to $3.00 per gallon to get a few idiots off the roads and light a fire under the development of fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Fausto1
I honestly would love to see it go up to $3.00 per gallon to get a few idiots off the roads and light a fire under the development of fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles.

Surprisingly, I agree.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: Fausto1
I honestly would love to see it go up to $3.00 per gallon to get a few idiots off the roads and light a fire under the development of fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles.

Surprisingly, I agree.
Both are going to happen eventually, so I just look at high gas prices as the bitter medicine that will spur both along. Plus I'm tired of daily gridlock and smog because many people are too lazy to find other ways to get to work.

There was an accident a few years back that damaged part of our perimeter highway badly enough that they had to close it for a while. This forced many people to carpool, take mass transit, bike, etc in order to avoid the mess. Interestingly, traffic was great that week and we had no smog days. Everyone was commenting how cool that was.

Then they finished fixing the road and everyone jumped back in their Explorers and promptly forgot about the whole thing.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Fausto1
I honestly would love to see it go up to $3.00 per gallon to get a few idiots off the roads and light a fire under the development of fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles.

Meh, I won't be driving much soon (school, just ride my bike walk etc) however trips home even in my Honda could get quite expensive lol. A bit short sighted.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: DaiShan
Originally posted by: Fausto1
I honestly would love to see it go up to $3.00 per gallon to get a few idiots off the roads and light a fire under the development of fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles.

Meh, I won't be driving much soon (school, just ride my bike walk etc) however trips home even in my Honda could get quite expensive lol. A bit short sighted.
I'm not following you on the short-sighted thing. Gasoline won't be around forever and it certainly won't be cheap forever so why not bite the bullet now and get some really practical fuel-efficient cars on the road? Short-sighted is not realizing this to be the case and just ignoring the problem until you're forced to deal with it.



Sep 10, 2001
News like this makes me happy I didnt trade off my civic for a Toyota 4Runner yet


Jul 18, 2000
There are a couple of things causing it.

1. Reformulated fuel that the EPA says must be used in summer months is more expensive.

2. There was a major refinery fire at a Conoco/Phillips refinery here in Oklahoma a few weeks ago. Because of that the refinery was shut down for a couple of weeks and is now online but is only operating at 30% of it's capacity.


Feb 8, 2001
At times like this I have to laugh at all the soccer moms who drive in the left hand lane going the speed limit when I know they have to spend 50 bucks to fill up those gas guzzling Excursions and Suburbans


Dec 26, 2001
Where was the link stating that if we had stuck with the CAFE standards originally imposed in the early 80's and continued upon a path of tighter and tighter regulations, we would have been completely free of foreign oil a few years ago?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Nitemare
At times like this I have to laugh at all the soccer moms who drive in the left hand lane going the speed limit when I know they have to spend 50 bucks to fill up those gas guzzling Excursions and Suburbans
Yeah same here. All of our 4-wheeled vehicles (2x cars, 1x truck) have 4 cylinder engines. The last energy crunch during the late-70s changed my mind forever about V-8 power for daily driving.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: burnedout
Originally posted by: Nitemare
At times like this I have to laugh at all the soccer moms who drive in the left hand lane going the speed limit when I know they have to spend 50 bucks to fill up those gas guzzling Excursions and Suburbans
Yeah same here. All of our 4-wheeled vehicles (2x cars, 1x truck) have 4 cylinder engines. The last energy crunch during the late-70s changed my mind forever about V-8 power for daily driving.
I don't see anything wrong with having a bigger car for some trips provided you have something tiny to use for commuting (where most people burn up a lot of gas). You really don't need much more than a glorified motorcycle to get to and from work in most instances. You could financially deal with taking the SUV up to the moutain cottage or whatever if you're driving something that gets 50-60mpg during the week. Using an Excursion to get you and your briefcase to work every day is just stupid.



Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
Last fall, when Bush was doing his sabre - rattling and oil was plentiful, he was urged to refill the Stratigic Reserve. He did not. Now that demand for oil is tighter, he has decided to refill it, cost be damned. He says that it is a security issue and the government will pay the oil co.s whatever they happen to charge. (Like planning for war in the Middle East last fall might not make the Stratigic Reserve a security issue!) This is just a way to slip the oil buddies a few tax dollars.

And I don't think that many of the pepole who can afford $60k monster SUVs really care much about gas prices. Compared to initial cost, maintanence (they don't do it themselves you know), insurance, registration, etc., a few bucks more a week for gas is of little concern. Those that have, will always have the big vehicles, while the rest of will one soon be riding mopeds.
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