Oil Prices Down as Inventory Swells..


Jul 16, 2001

..lets hope the price of gas plateau's for awhile..and it has. Gas prices have been stable here on the west coast for awhile now and this news will only help.

Department of Energy (search) data on Wednesday showed a 200,000 barrel rise in crude inventories. Analysts had expected a decline of 1.6 million barrels.

Gasoline stocks fell four million barrels -- much steeper than the predicted 900,000 barrels.

U.S. gasoline demand is some 2.4 percent higher than a year ago. Car manufacturer General Motors Corp. (GM) said sales of gas-guzzling SUVs were at an all-time high in July.

A spate of refinery problems showed the strain on the supply system of running near full tilt for prolonged periods to meet growing demand.

"Each problem is just a reminder as to how close to the edge we are running," said Deborah White, senior economist at SG Commodities. "The refiners have been running a marathon for two years, they are exhausted. And the marathon is far from over. The last stretch is uphill to produce winter fuel supplies."



Senior member
Jan 11, 2001
"The last stretch is uphill to produce winter fuel supplies."

Yet another reason for the prices to go even higher.

Gas prices went up 20 cents a gallon overnight last night by my house, yet Exxon Mobile is hauling in record profits...


Golden Member
Apr 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Todd33
Forget refining, what about oil supply? Peak oil anyone?

Oil supply's a problem. While prices will fluctuate quite a bit in the short term, they're only going to go up in the long term unless we replace most of uses of oil.

From ODAC's web site:

New Oil Projects Cannot Meet
World Needs This Decade

World oil supplies are all but certain to remain tight through the rest of this decade, unless there is a precipitous drop in demand, according to the results of a study by the London-based Oil Depletion Analysis Centre (ODAC).

The study found that all of the major new oil-recovery projects scheduled to come on stream over the next six years are unlikely to boost supplies enough to meet the world?s growing needs.

ODAC analysed a total of 68 ?mega projects? with publicly announced start-up dates from 2004 through 2010. In total, these projects would add around 12.5 million barrels a day to world oil supplies by the turn of the decade.

?This new production would almost certainly not be sufficient to offset diminishing supplies from existing sources and still meet growing global demand,? ODAC Board member Chris Skrebowski said.

More than half of the estimated new supply would simply replace production declines elsewhere due to natural depletion, the study found. A modest one percent annual rise in demand over the six-year period would then leave little or no surplus capacity to cushion against unforeseen disruptions in supply.

If demand were to increase by two percent annually, available supplies could fall short of the total needed in 2010 by more than two million barrels a day ? roughly equivalent to losing all of Kuwait?s current daily production.

?With most producers operating flat out to meet runaway demand increases this year, the world?s immediately available spare production capacity has virtually disappeared,? Mr Skrebowski said. ?This means that significant additional supplies in the near-to-medium term must come from new projects already in the development pipeline.?

?We now see those projects providing surprisingly limited relief in terms of incremental supply in coming years, and indeed physical shortages appear ever more likely if demand remains strong,? he said.

?Even with relatively low demand growth, our study indicates a seemingly unbridgeable supply-demand gap opening up after 2007,? he said.

Mr Skrebowski, who is editor of the UK trade magazine Petroleum Review, compiles and regularly updates the details of planned major oil-development projects, as reported by the oil companies. The list contains all announced projects with at least 500 million barrels of estimated reserves and the claimed potential to produce 100,000 barrels a day or greater.

Using that list, ODAC examined three demand-growth scenarios of one, two and three percent a year to illustrate the likely range of outcomes. It also assumed that the combined annual rate of production losses from those countries where output is now permanently declining would remain constant each year, despite evidence that it appears to be accelerating and the likelihood that more producers may go into decline soon.

?The effect of depletion in mature oil-producing regions is now becoming a much more significant factor in the supply-demand equation,? Mr Skrebowski noted.

According to data from the latest BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 18 major oil-producing countries are now past their peak production, and their combined annual output dropped by over a million barrels a day in 2003. This group of countries now accounts for almost 29 percent of total world production.

The ODAC study did not attempt to forecast when other countries would peak and tip into decline, but experts agree that several more are likely to do so within the next few years. Mexico and China, the world?s fifth- and sixth-largest producers respectively, appear to be among the likely candidates.

Mexico?s national oil company, Pemex, has already announced that production from Cantarell, the world?s largest offshore oil field, is expected to peak in 2006 and then decline by 14 percent a year. China, too, has confirmed that its two largest producing regions are now in decline. It achieved only modest overall production growth last year of 1.5 percent.

Of the 68 confirmed projects that ODAC analysed, 56 are due to come on stream in the next three years. Seven are scheduled to start pumping oil in 2008, three in 2009 and just two in 2010. Since it takes, on average, six years from first discovery for a major project to start producing oil, any other new projects approved now would be unlikely to add further supplies until after 2010.

?It is disturbing to see such a dramatic fall-off of new project commitments after 2007, and not more than a handful of tentative projects into the next decade,? Mr Skrebowski said.

?This could very well be a signal that world oil production is rapidly approaching its peak, as a growing number of analysts now forecast, especially in view of the diminishing prospects for major new oil discoveries,? he said.

Industry consultants IHS Energy recently reported that 85 percent of all the oil ever discovered is now in production, and only half the total produced last year was replaced by new field discoveries. Annual consumption has now exceeded new discoveries every year since the early 1980s. Overall, worldwide oil discoveries have been declining steadily for the past 40 years.



Senior member
May 29, 2004
But...gas stocks dropped 4 mil. barrels...don't hope for prices to stabilize this week. Luckily it seems the knee-jerk reaction in the markets earlier today wore off...for now.


Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Commish
"The last stretch is uphill to produce winter fuel supplies."

Yet another reason for the prices to go even higher.

Gas prices went up 20 cents a gallon overnight last night by my house, yet Exxon Mobile is hauling in record profits...

Exxon Mobile's profit margin is 10% :roll: would you run a business if it didn't turn a profit? You should thank them that they provide you with a necessity at a reasonable price.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Commish
"The last stretch is uphill to produce winter fuel supplies."

Yet another reason for the prices to go even higher.

Gas prices went up 20 cents a gallon overnight last night by my house, yet Exxon Mobile is hauling in record profits...

Major part of the price of gas is the tax states and federal govts put on it.
I have heard gas station make about 10-12 cents a gallon of gas sold. 2.50 gas and 2.38 goes to Exon who probably makes a buck and change and then the govt who takes their share at around a buck 30.



Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Federal Gas tax is 17 cents. States vary but probably up to around 30 cents at the highest. Try again.


Senior member
Jan 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Kalbi
Originally posted by: Commish
"The last stretch is uphill to produce winter fuel supplies."

Yet another reason for the prices to go even higher.

Gas prices went up 20 cents a gallon overnight last night by my house, yet Exxon Mobile is hauling in record profits...

Exxon Mobile's profit margin is 10% :roll: would you run a business if it didn't turn a profit? You should thank them that they provide you with a necessity at a reasonable price.

I never said they shouldn't make a profit. :roll:


Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Commish
Originally posted by: Kalbi
Originally posted by: Commish
"The last stretch is uphill to produce winter fuel supplies."

Yet another reason for the prices to go even higher.

Gas prices went up 20 cents a gallon overnight last night by my house, yet Exxon Mobile is hauling in record profits...

Exxon Mobile's profit margin is 10% :roll: would you run a business if it didn't turn a profit? You should thank them that they provide you with a necessity at a reasonable price.

I never said they shouldn't make a profit. :roll:

So you think 10% profit margin is too high or something? :roll:
microsoft profit margin: 31%
Cisco: 23%
GE: 11%

OMG Oil companies are making a profit! ban!


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: hardwareguru84

See the link above for the price breakdown. Average tax make up 20% of the pump price. Thats around the mid 40 cent range.

Which is in line with what I said in an attempt to contrict this complete piece of BS:

Originally posted by: Genx87
and then the govt who takes their share at around a buck 30.
Anyone that thinks the govenrment taxes gasoline at $1.30 is smoking some GOOD dope. I should also take this time to point out that even now the entire highway trust fund (Federal gas tax) is not being spent maintaining or improving our highways. The highway trust fund has not been fully funded on highways since it's inception.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Kalbi
Originally posted by: Commish
"The last stretch is uphill to produce winter fuel supplies."

Yet another reason for the prices to go even higher.

Gas prices went up 20 cents a gallon overnight last night by my house, yet Exxon Mobile is hauling in record profits...

Exxon Mobile's profit margin is 10% :roll: would you run a business if it didn't turn a profit? You should thank them that they provide you with a necessity at a reasonable price.

Making a profit is fine, but I see no need to thank them. They aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, they're making a profit...remember?


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Kalbi
Originally posted by: Commish
"The last stretch is uphill to produce winter fuel supplies."

Yet another reason for the prices to go even higher.

Gas prices went up 20 cents a gallon overnight last night by my house, yet Exxon Mobile is hauling in record profits...

Exxon Mobile's profit margin is 10% :roll: would you run a business if it didn't turn a profit? You should thank them that they provide you with a necessity at a reasonable price.

LOL, where do you people come from? I should thank a company for selling something? How about they thank me for spending my money? Maybe my company should thank me for working for them or should I thank them? Oh boy.



Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: rahvin
Federal Gas tax is 17 cents. States vary but probably up to around 30 cents at the highest. Try again.

We just got a 9 cent gas tax hike.

Then the dumb ass liberals cry about gas prices.



Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Todd33
Originally posted by: Kalbi
Originally posted by: Commish
"The last stretch is uphill to produce winter fuel supplies."

Yet another reason for the prices to go even higher.

Gas prices went up 20 cents a gallon overnight last night by my house, yet Exxon Mobile is hauling in record profits...

Exxon Mobile's profit margin is 10% :roll: would you run a business if it didn't turn a profit? You should thank them that they provide you with a necessity at a reasonable price.

LOL, where do you people come from? I should thank a company for selling something? How about they thank me for spending my money? Maybe my company should thank me for working for them or should I thank them? Oh boy.

Oil ompanies notice if you decided never to buy gas, and an employer can survive without you as an employee. However your life would be very inconvenienced if you could not buy gas, and you'd have trouble surviving if no employer will hire you.

So yes, you should thank companies for making your life convenient, and thank your employer for having a job for you.


Senior member
May 7, 2005
Originally posted by: nutxo
Originally posted by: rahvin
Federal Gas tax is 17 cents. States vary but probably up to around 30 cents at the highest. Try again.

We just got a 9 cent gas tax hike.

Then the dumb ass liberals cry about gas prices.

Yeah, since the democrats are in control of the government now..


Senior member
May 29, 2004
Originally posted by: nutxo
Originally posted by: rahvin
Federal Gas tax is 17 cents. States vary but probably up to around 30 cents at the highest. Try again.

We just got a 9 cent gas tax hike.

Then the dumb ass liberals cry about gas prices.
Meh, the taxes don't bother me so much. What bothers me is all the people who waste gas on oversized vehicles that they really don't need. And what else bothers me is Congress running and hiding under a blanket from the auto industry and lacking the jewels to raise the mileage standards. I'm all for buying what you want, it's a free country, but every politician walking around saying how they're helping America needs to get kicked out of office so someone who has the jewels can get in there and do something besides "oh, this will help sometime around 2015". But then again, that's just MO.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: nutxo
Originally posted by: rahvin
Federal Gas tax is 17 cents. States vary but probably up to around 30 cents at the highest. Try again.

We just got a 9 cent gas tax hike.

Then the dumb ass liberals cry about gas prices.

IMO with the diminishing condition of our infastructure we need to jack the federal tax 10 cents a gallon every 5 years for the next 20. Inflation hasn't been keeping up with the fund and congress squandered the earlier funds and our infastructure is in desperate need of repair. The potholes, the number of bridges that are in danger of falling down and just the general poor state of our transportation infastructure need the funds. But just my opinion.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Kalbi
Originally posted by: Todd33
Originally posted by: Kalbi
Originally posted by: Commish
"The last stretch is uphill to produce winter fuel supplies."

Yet another reason for the prices to go even higher.

Gas prices went up 20 cents a gallon overnight last night by my house, yet Exxon Mobile is hauling in record profits...

Exxon Mobile's profit margin is 10% :roll: would you run a business if it didn't turn a profit? You should thank them that they provide you with a necessity at a reasonable price.

LOL, where do you people come from? I should thank a company for selling something? How about they thank me for spending my money? Maybe my company should thank me for working for them or should I thank them? Oh boy.

Oil ompanies notice if you decided never to buy gas, and an employer can survive without you as an employee. However your life would be very inconvenienced if you could not buy gas, and you'd have trouble surviving if no employer will hire you.

So yes, you should thank companies for making your life convenient, and thank your employer for having a job for you.

I don't know about you, but I'm a capitalist, and as such my employer pays me because the work I do for them is worth what they pay me, and if they won't pay me to do that work, someone else will. I "thank" them for this by giving them a return on their investment of time and money. I'm glad they employ me, and I do a good job. Anything else is just stupid, because they are getting their money's worth already. If they weren't, they wouldn't pay me.

Same with oil companies. The ONLY reason they sell me gas is because I pay them a reasonable price for it. I see no reason to thank them when I'm already giving them money...


Senior member
May 29, 2004
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: nutxo
Originally posted by: rahvin
Federal Gas tax is 17 cents. States vary but probably up to around 30 cents at the highest. Try again.

We just got a 9 cent gas tax hike.

Then the dumb ass liberals cry about gas prices.
IMO with the diminishing condition of our infastructure we need to jack the federal tax 10 cents a gallon every 5 years for the next 20. Inflation hasn't been keeping up with the fund and congress squandered the earlier funds and our infastructure is in desperate need of repair. The potholes, the number of bridges that are in danger of falling down and just the general poor state of our transportation infastructure need the funds. But just my opinion.
Can't say I'm quite that extreme, but I agree the taxes should be raised. Only problem is the extra money would probably end up as pork, so it wouldn't do much good. Transportation is terrible, at least it is here in Michigan. I know my fellow Michiganians / Michiganders would agree. Only a few months left of construction seaon before it's back to winter.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: boredhokie
Originally posted by: nutxo
Originally posted by: rahvin
Federal Gas tax is 17 cents. States vary but probably up to around 30 cents at the highest. Try again.

We just got a 9 cent gas tax hike.

Then the dumb ass liberals cry about gas prices.

Yeah, since the democrats are in control of the government now..

It's a state tax. Washington state.



Feb 6, 2002
Traditionally there is a glut of gas in late August and the oil company switces over to producing Fuel Oil for heating homes, and then after an inventory is produced they switch back.
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