old pc, when to upgrade gpu ? (this year)


Senior member
Aug 23, 2014
my pc it s old, i have 2 7970ghz.

every year i ask "what single gpu can i take to upgrade my pc?"

(my fav game doesnt support multi gpu and i need nividia )

and the aswer i receive it s always : WAIT for the new gpus.

tell me a date, at least a month.


Nov 14, 2011
Wait for the new GPUs.

Rumour has it that the new Radeons with HBM will be out by the middle of the year... I guess you might be able to upgrade in June?


Senior member
Sep 16, 2010
Wait for the new GPUs.

Rumour has it that the new Radeons with HBM will be out by the middle of the year... I guess you might be able to upgrade in June?
I think the earliest is May and near Computex time, which is kind of a bummer with the Witcher 3 will be out by then (then again I have exams myself so yeah and it would be probably better to see performance). I'm on the same boat with my 7950 but kind of plan on an entirely new system late Q4 2016/H1 2017 so paying £400+ wouldn't be a good idea (especially 970 issues, feels like Nvidia got greedy with 980 pricing).


Senior member
Oct 26, 2005
I just upgraded one PC to a GTX 970 (awesome despite 3.5GB furor), but the other one I'm waiting for the release of the AMD 380X/390X. At this point, you would be better off waiting for the launch of the 380X/390X. My reasoning:

1. 380X single-card performance will likely outshine your current setup at lower power
2. 380X, if performance is to be believed, will ignite an aggressive price war, driving NVIDIA prices down
3. New models from both houses will likely be announced/launched (960Ti? 370X? 380X2? 980Ti? Titan 2?)

IMO, 980 now or wait.


Senior member
Mar 22, 2014
If you're set on a single Nvidia card, then 980 is your thing for the next four to six months at least. The only question is if you're willing to pay the current premium, or wait for the lower price when the 300 series come out.

If your favorite game does not support crossfire, then every single 980 variant will offer better performance, that's really not up for debate.


May 25, 2011
my fav game doesnt support multi gpu and i need nividia
What game are you playing? Have you looked at benchmarks for said game? You may not need the latest and greatest video card if it only supports a single gpu.

And not to be picky, but you say you 'need' nvidia. Is there a specific reason you 'need' nvidia? Or is that your personal preference?


Senior member
Aug 23, 2014
What game are you playing? Have you looked at benchmarks for said game? You may not need the latest and greatest video card if it only supports a single gpu.

And not to be picky, but you say you 'need' nvidia. Is there a specific reason you 'need' nvidia? Or is that your personal preference?

it s blacklight retribution, no support for any multi gpu setup

i prefer nvidia cause i love 3d vision and physx.

I have 3dvision kit and 3dvision monitor but i cant use it with my current amd cards, so i must change to nvidia quickly!


Senior member
Aug 23, 2014
If you're set on a single Nvidia card, then 980 is your thing for the next four to six months at least. The only question is if you're willing to pay the current premium, or wait for the lower price when the 300 series come out.

If your favorite game does not support crossfire, then every single 980 variant will offer better performance, that's really not up for debate.

ok! I m only thinking about the new gtx 980ti or gtx 980 8gb, i think these are 100% future proof cards!


May 25, 2011
A few more questions that should help elicit some recommendations:

1. Do you have a max budget?
2. Are you looking for a single card that outperforms a single 7970 (since Blacklight Retribution is only using one), or are you looking for a single card that will outperform the crossfired 7970s?
3. What resolution do you typically (want to) play at?

ok! I m only thinking about the new gtx 980ti or gtx 980 8gb, i think these are 100% future proof cards!

It sounds like you already know what you want. What exactly is the question? Are you just asking when the 8GB / Ti versions will be available?
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Golden Member
Oct 14, 2014
ok! I m only thinking about the new gtx 980ti or gtx 980 8gb, i think these are 100% future proof cards!

Futureproofing is about how long the hardware will last before it inevitably should be replaced and how much money will be left in your budget for that replacement when the time comes.

If you're vendor locked into nVidia it's basically buy a GTX 970 so you'll have money two generations from now when the next big thing drops and both the 970 and 980 are needing an update, a 980 because you have the money to spare anyway or you think the 970 is going to fall on its face sooner rather than later, or wait until the full dies like the 980ti drop, which may well be head and shoulders above the 970 and get you another generation or two without upgrading.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2014
A few more questions that should help elicit some recommendations:

1. Do you have a max budget?
2. Are you looking for a single card that outperforms a single 7970 (since Blacklight Retribution is only using one), or are you looking for a single card that will outperform the crossfired 7970s?
3. What resolution do you typically (want to) play at?

It sounds like you already know what you want. What exactly is the question? Are you just asking when the 8GB / Ti versions will be available?

1) Not exactly: for example i think 500euro it s too mutch for a 4gb 980, its price it s gonna drop as soon as 980ti will come out, but at the same time i think 600euro is low for a titan black used or for the new 980 8gb.

for my alienware i bought good components and i think it s gonna last a lot of time with a good single card gpu.

atm i have

- cpu : 3970x (can overlock to 5ghz)
- ram 16gb
- 1 tb SSD
- 2 TB HD
- Alienware monitor
-Alienware keyb
-Alienware mouse

i only need an overkill gpu, and the pc will be perfect

2) and 3) Looking for a sigle card that outperforms my crossfire, must be an upgrade

the goal is to :

buy a single nvidia card that can mantain 120 FPS as MIN at 1080p.

Monitor is Alienware 23" 1080p 120hz, and i want a single nvidia card that can handle every single game at 120 fps MIN.

probably there is no such card on the market atm, so i mentioned 980ti.
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Senior member
Aug 23, 2014
Futureproofing is about how long the hardware will last before it inevitably should be replaced and how much money will be left in your budget for that replacement when the time comes.

If you're vendor locked into nVidia it's basically buy a GTX 970 so you'll have money two generations from now when the next big thing drops and both the 970 and 980 are needing an update, a 980 because you have the money to spare anyway or you think the 970 is going to fall on its face sooner rather than later, or wait until the full dies like the 980ti drop, which may well be head and shoulders above the 970 and get you another generation or two without upgrading.

i think in 2015 if u chose the right specs, a gaming pc can last double than a pc bought in 2005.

Tech it s running slow.
My pc is old (Sandy-e), but only needs new gpu to be future proof.

I m not gonna change my monitor untill it will work, and i think that a super gpu like 980ti it s gonna handle 1080p 120hz for ... ... ... ever


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003

I am not sure if you are serious in your thread but it sure sounds like some NV/Alienware 120Hz gaming promotion thread.

1) Blacklight Retribution and 7970ghz cards came out nearly 3 years ago. If that's true, you are telling us that you suffered through broken CF in this game for years until now, and this happens to be your favourite game? The problem with that is SLI and CF worked in the game from day 1.

2) You state that you cannot live without PhysX but Blacklight doesn't have PhysX in its options menu by all indications. Unless the developer added PhysX later? If you are making a statement in general that you prefer PhysX and 3D vision as NV features, that's perfectly understandable but one has to wonder why did you buy 7970Ghz CF over 670 or 680 SLI 2-3 years ago? I don't get it.


3) You say that you absolutely need to switch to NV immediately because you have to use 3D vision in your favourite game but Blacklight Retribution's 3D vision support by NV is 1/5. The game is not even officially supported for this.

Blacklight: Retribution 3D vision support on NV's official page:

- Poor


4) You say that you want a card that will perform at 120 fps minimums at all times at 1080P but even at 800x600, a 2600K can only manage 112 FPS average in Blacklight Retribution. You know it's impossible to get 120 fps minimums in many modern games simply because some games will always be CPU limited and well getting 120 fps minimums without turning settings down is a tall order even for a 980.

I am honestly not sure what the point of your thread is.

But I'll give you advice anyway. If you want a true upgrade from HD7970Ghz CF and you want PhysX and 3D Vision, wait for GM200 variants. I would recommend 970 SLI for you if you don't want to wait, but if you want a single card with those features and you are willing to spend up to 600 euro, I'd say definitely wait for GM200. Don't bother with 980 8GB variants as that is basically marketing for 1080P. You'll want GM200 6GB cards instead. As far as the expected launch date for GM200, it's impossible to say but I would presume around R9 300 launch, which would mean Computex - June 2015 and beyond.
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Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2004
7970's are still "current" generation, IMO. They were renamed to "R9 280(x)" but are still being sold as one step down from top-end, which are 290 / 780. NV has released some of their next gen cards in the 980 and 970, but frankly, a one-generation jump in performance is not worth it to me, I'd wait for the next round of cards, the GTX 1080 and R9 490x, which will probably (just a guess) be sometime around mid 2017.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2014
I am not sure if you are serious in your thread but it sure sounds like some NV/Alienware 120Hz gaming promotion thread.

1) Blacklight Retribution and 7970ghz cards came out nearly 3 years ago. If that's true, you are telling us that you suffered through broken CF in this game for years until now, and this happens to be your favourite game? The problem with that is SLI and CF worked in the game from day 1.

2) You state that you cannot live without PhysX but Blacklight doesn't have PhysX in its options menu by all indications. Unless the developer added PhysX later? If you are making a statement in general that you prefer PhysX and 3D vision as NV features, that's perfectly understandable but one has to wonder why did you buy 7970Ghz CF over 670 or 680 SLI 2-3 years ago? I don't get it.


3) You say that you absolutely need to switch to NV immediately because you have to use 3D vision in your favourite game but Blacklight Retribution's 3D vision support by NV is 1/5. The game is not even officially supported for this.

Blacklight: Retribution 3D vision support on NV's official page:

- Poor


4) You say that you want a card that will perform at 120 fps minimums at all times at 1080P but even at 800x600, a 2600K can only manage 112 FPS average in Blacklight Retribution. You know it's impossible to get 120 fps minimums in many modern games simply because some games will always be CPU limited and well getting 120 fps minimums without turning settings down is a tall order even for a 980.

I am honestly not sure what the point of your thread is.

But I'll give you advice anyway. If you want a true upgrade from HD7970Ghz CF and you want PhysX and 3D Vision, wait for GM200 variants. I would recommend 970 SLI for you if you don't want to wait, but if you want a single card with those features and you are willing to spend up to 600 euro, I'd say definitely wait for GM200. Don't bother with 980 8GB variants as that is basically marketing for 1080P. You'll want GM200 6GB cards instead. As far as the expected launch date for GM200, it's impossible to say but I would presume around R9 300 launch, which would mean Computex - June 2015 and beyond.

all your anwers!

0) I love my complete Alienware setup, but i m not going to promote alienware at all, i hate their actual marketing.

On my gaming desk i have a 100% alienware setup: Mouse-keyboard-monitor-desktop-laptop all alienware.

But now they dropped out the monitor/keyboard/mouse production and now u have to use other brand's product. i hate new alienware marketing and i m not going to but alienware anymore. We can say i hate Alienware atm.

1) XFIRE / sli wont work, with blr, u re getting less fps than with single card and more stutter. Your bench are misleading, try it out, game is free.

2-3)I want nvidia 3dvision because it s WOW (the best thing a gamer can ask before oculus rift).
I dont use it with multiplayer games at all (nor blr).

I placed 2 7970ghz in my alienware desktop because i had em before buy it, in my "old" pc (custm build pc)

4) with lower details my cpu can handle >200 fps on blr. I have 3970x and i can oc it to 5ghz (but there' s no need atm)

tnx for the advice, u re informed and u collected info on my game
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Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
Have you considered selling 7970s for $100-120 a piece and just getting dual 970s? That would be an immediate solution for you until GM200 drops. You can even get EVGA 970 cards with 90-day step-up program to hedge your bets in case something much faster comes out from NV in the next 3 months.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2014
Have you considered selling 7970s for $100-120 a piece and just getting dual 970s? That would be an immediate solution for you until GM200 drops. You can even get EVGA 970 cards with 90-day step-up program to hedge your bets in case something much faster comes out from NV in the next 3 months.

tnx for the advice, but the only thing i know for sure is that i want a single gpu in the future.
And i don't like 970 at all, don't want it in my case

I think i m gonna wait a little longer for a gpu that can dominate 1080p 120hz!

nextgen nvidia is so far... sadly


Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2012
some exciting stuff coming this year (DX12, HBM, 20nm), waiting would be a good choice, specially since you already have a very powerful setup.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2012
It sounds like you already know what you want. What exactly is the question? Are you just asking when the 8GB / Ti versions will be available?
exactly, 2nd thread in this forum asking for advice but with already made up minds :hmm::sneaky:


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2005
ok, is it sooner

980 ti

or 980 8gb ???

(are both gpus better than my crossfire?)

neither of those 2 cards exist...

Also, just have to say that I'm having a hard time taking this thread seriously. I'm not really sure that you actually created this thread looking for any advice or help. I'm willing to bet that your mind was made up well before you posted, lol.

Seems as though a couple members already beat me to it....

on another note, your sig states that you are a proud alienware gamer yet you state this

"I love my complete Alienware setup, but i m not going to promote alienware at all, i hate their actual marketing.

On my gaming desk i have a 100% alienware setup: Mouse-keyboard-monitor-desktop-laptop all alienware.

But now they dropped out the monitor/keyboard/mouse production and now u have to use other brand's product. i hate new alienware marketing and i m not going to but alienware anymore. We can say i hate Alienware atm."
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Senior member
Aug 23, 2014
exactly, 2nd thread in this forum asking for advice but with already made up minds :hmm::sneaky:

neither of those 2 cards exist...

Also, just have to say that I'm having a hard time taking this thread seriously. I'm not really sure that you actually created this thread looking for any advice or help. I'm willing to bet that your mind was made up well before you posted, lol.

Seems as though a couple members already beat me to it....

on another note, your sig states that you are a proud alienware gamer yet you state this

"I love my complete Alienware setup, but i m not going to promote alienware at all, i hate their actual marketing.

On my gaming desk i have a 100% alienware setup: Mouse-keyboard-monitor-desktop-laptop all alienware.

But now they dropped out the monitor/keyboard/mouse production and now u have to use other brand's product. i hate new alienware marketing and i m not going to but alienware anymore. We can say i hate Alienware atm."
Yes, i am already well informed about current gpus, and i know i don't want em; i need something better. I dunno what is going to be presented this year and if something can be good for me (980 ti/ titan2/980 8gb?)

The Alienware thing it s simple:
I love my aw gaming pc because it s full alienware, and i was waiting for a new release to buy a new complete alienware system, but now they dismissed their OptX (monitor) and TactX (keyb and mouse) brand, so now u can t have a full alienware setup, u have to buy a generic Dell monitor end Roccat keyb and mouse. This is 100% trash for me. I was going to buy a new area 51 with 5960x, but without new monitor, mouse and keyb, i dont want it anymore.

I am currently a "proud alienware gamer" but not an alienware buyer anymore.

My gaming setup is super, (i am goung to use it for years) it s the best gaming setup on earth (imho), both desktop and laptop, but my experince with alienware it s ended, i will never buy another pc from em, and dunno how other pple can spend so mutch money only for a fancy case with horrible liquid cooling.

Disclaimer: i own 2 custom build pcs, only with custom loop u can do serious oc and i hate alienware aio liquid cooling.


Mar 21, 2004
4) You say that you want a card that will perform at 120 fps minimums at all times at 1080P but even at 800x600, a 2600K can only manage 112 FPS average in Blacklight Retribution. You know it's impossible to get 120 fps minimums in many modern games simply because some games will always be CPU limited and well getting 120 fps minimums without turning settings down is a tall order even for a 980.

Overall very good post analyzing all the bizzaro things with this thread. But one thing that you missed is that he also said it is an old PC, meaning old CPU.
So in addition to your suggestions about how he should upgrade his video cards, he should also upgrade his CPU.
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