old thread closed -- 760MPX motherboard thread


Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2001
hey guys, i guess that other thread got retired. i saved the old version of the thread but not the new one. i'm just going to dump what i got and then rework it after i get home from work. sorry =(

breaking news:
760MPX = no USB? -- the inquirer

begin old thread:

hey guys, i've been doing some homework on the upcoming 760MPX. i would like to make a thread real info about this puppy and its motherboards. please post extra stuff you guys have come across. here is what i have so far:

AMD 760MPX chipset

hot off the wire!: 760mpx due out next week

AMD website
xlabs news
from http://www.brownhornetmachines.com/News.htm:
Also, they?ll be based on a new AMD 760MPX chipset which supports 64bit/66MHz PCI bus. AMD 760MPX will feature a slightly different architecture. The chipset?s Bridges will be connected via 64bit/33MHz PCI bus with 266MB/sec bandwidth, that is twice as high as the bandwidth of a standard PCI used to connect the Bridges on AMD 760 and AMD 760MP.
article at hardware central
Prediction for release of non-Tyan mobos
Article was dated October 4:

<< There is a whole spate of AMD MP-tested mobos arriving over the next 60 days and here is some solid information on the items bobbing up and down in the spume. In the next 30 days (mid-november) we will see the Asus A7M DLS Rev 1.01, Gigabyte's 7DPXDW Rev 0.1, MSI MS6501 Rev 0C, and Abit's WA-2A Rev 1. In the 30 days after that we will spot Chaintech's 7KDP, Epox' M762A, Iwill's DA266RN, Soyo's DK7VA and Tyan's 2468 K7X Thunder (mid december). >>

duronMP article

Model List:
Asus A7M DLS Rev 1.01
Gigabyte's 7DPXDW Rev 0.1
MSI MS6501 Rev 0C
Abit's WA-2A Rev 1.
Chaintech's 7KDP
Epox' M762A
Iwill's DA266RN
Soyo's DK7VA
Tyan's 2468 K7X Thunder.

comparison of some of the models

new story from xbit labs

engineering samples of 760MPX arriving!

called the M762A
from amdzone:
Epox has posted on their website the announcement of the first non Tyan Dual board. Here is the info from their site: M762A, one of the two Multi Processors (MP) AMD solutions created by EPoX. M762A is tentatively schedule to be launched in middle of November 2001. The ATX form factor is made with 6-layer PCB. This server board house?s the AMD 760 MPX + 768 chipset, 4 DIMM slots, up to 4 Gigs of DDR memory, a AGP 4X slot, 2 - 64 bit (66 MHz), 2 - 32bit (33MHz) PCI Slots, ATA 100, 4 USB (2 Optional), single (Intel 82559) LAN, the usual Phoenix BIOS, over clocking abilities and of course every motherboard you buy comes with our award-winning technical support who is here to help you in times of need. I don't have any info on the other board, but I would guess that will come out shortly.

quote from epox rep:

<< M762A will be released around Mid Dec. >>

called the GA-7DPXDW
appears to have IDE RAID controller (from Promise which supports RAID 0, 1 and 0+1), 4 DDR slots, AGP pro50 slot, 2 64-bit PCI slots, 3 regular PCI slots, dipswitch overclocking, integrated Intel 825599 Ethernet controller
price: 30,000Y, or $250.

gigabyte offical webpage of the board!

really big picture with detail
comdex pic
xbit labs picture (thanks KpocAlypse)
another pic
yet another
japanese review of prototype
translate this via babelfish
AMD press release from june

called the K7D Master-LR
appears to be twin of the gigabyte board (in terms of features)
has integrated intel LAN chip and IDE RAID (looks like a promise chip in the picture)
really big picture
another picture
comdex pic

called the WA-2A
another pic
really big picture!
2 64-bit PCI slots and AGP Pro slot
Looks like no integrated IDE RAID but there is integrated sound
quote from email with abit rep:

<< That board should be released next month. But it is a server board not an ATX board. It will need a non ATX power connector but not proprietary, just server grade, They are usually about 2 or 300 hundred dollars, so it greatly increases the cost of the board. >>

called the A7M266-D
xbit labs piece about this board

<< Thirdly, ASUS provided its mainboard with the special ASUS C.O.P. (CPU Overheating Protection) technology, which allows controlling the die temperature for both CPUs taken by the thermal diodes integrated into Athlon MP processors. In case the temperature of one of the processors exceeds the allowed maximum, ASUS C.O.P. shuts down the system automatically thus preventing the CPU from getting burnt.
The forth advantage of this mainboard is the functions for extreme CPU overclocking. ASUS A7M266-D allows changing the CPU clock frequency multiplier, the FSB frequency with 1MHz increments and Vio and Vcore.

NEW asus spec sheet
newer picture
nice big pic
really big picture!
Has built-in 6 channel audio! Kick ass!
from http://www.asus.com/Whatsnew/whatsnew2106.html#a7m266-d:
This leading-edge motherboard supports 200MHz/ 266MHz Athlon MP processors, PC1600/ PC2100 DDR memory, AGP 4X graphics and more. The A7M266-D will be available in July 2001 (haha).

called the Thunder K7X and the Tiger MPX
comdex pic of Thunder K7X
comdex pic of Tiger MPX
xbit news piece
comdex picture of the Tiger MPX
article in russian
translated via babelfish:

<< They became accessible to the specification of the new maternal pay Of tyuunder K"kh (S2ya'8) from Tyan Tyuunder K"kh is executed in the form factor ATKH and supports to two It sochket A of the processors AMD Of atyulon with FSB to 266 MHz. Pay is executed on you chipsete AMD-"'0mpkh and it is equipped with slot AGP pro, three 64- bit 66 MHz by slots PCHI and two 32- bit 33 MHz by the slots PCHI, four, situated the hearth of 25 degrees to the plane of pay by joints DIMM (to 3 Gb of the memory PCH2Y00 Of registered DDR SDRAM), by four ports USB, by two integrated of y0/y00Mbps LAN by controllers (eChom ECH920), by the integrated graphic controller ATI RAGE KHL (4 mb. of video of memory); will be let out version with the integrated two-channel controller SCHSI (Adaptech AICH-"899sh). Pay supports SHIITYU IPMI (intellectual of the platforms Of management To interfache), SHIITYU SDR, VILLAGES, FRU, I2CH and IPMB. >>

quote from email with tyan rep:

<< Thank you for your inquiry. Our Tiger MPX S2466 and Thunder K7X S2468 are designed around a chipset that has not been formally announced yet. Once the chipset is announced, we will have more information regarding our products. >>



Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Who retired it? I though the retiration of threads as done on how old the last post was, not first post.


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Was there any new info on the XP and MPX issue before the thread dissapeared? Anyone know what Tom or Anand will be doing a review?


Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2001
don't worry guys, when i get home from work, i will retrace the info that i had on it and repost. sorry for the inconvenience--i should have just made it a permanent page somewhere to archive.


Senior member
Apr 24, 2000
Well, the USB "problem" is one that could be solved with a USB card,
but then you lose a pci slot. Since all boards except the tyan have only 5 slots, this limits my choices to 0...

I just hope tyan gets the tigerMP bugs fixed in the mpx version. Here are my "favorite" bugs:

- Temp management does not work as it should (this is a smp workstation/small server board, for pete´s sake!)

- Bios upgrade supposedly only with win98 bootdisk? (Hello? Tyan? this is a DUAL board???)

- The infamous NMI memory bug/seating of RAM hard to achieve

- issues with win2k sp 2 +amd agp driver

My upgrade will be MPX...if they get this board STABLE....please Tyan+AMD.. I don´t want to go Intel PIII-S/Via... to go SMP...hmm
let´s look at xeons....


Golden Member
Feb 19, 2001
Why go for the S2466, when the s2460 is stable and proven, cheaper, than the S2466? Ok, you have 4GB memory capacity as opposed to 3GB and 66mhz 64bit as oppsed to 33/64 .. and you pay about 70-100$ more, are you going to use the extra gig or the 66mhz/64bit pci slots? most 64bit cards out currently are 33mhz .. and most probably you wont saturate the bus enough to merit 66mhz .. well just my thoughts, i could be missing something about the MPX, i really should read up on it more, though i went ahead and got the s2460 saturday ..


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
I really don't care about the 64 bit PCI, as I have no card for them. OCing would be nice. Built in sound a bonus. Stability is also very desireable.

What are the differences between the 760 and the 760MPX excluding support for 64bit PCI cards? Anything else? Also, what is the expected premium to pay for a MPX board?


Golden Member
Feb 19, 2001
i believe the MPX boards will retail for around 299, onboard sound isnt enough to justify it though, many people wouldnt even want it, yes i believe those are the two main differences ..

[edit] oh ya, remember the 760MP DOES have support for 64bit pci, running at 33mhz (which most 64bit pci cards run at), while the MPX has support for 64bit at 66mhz, which well isnt as popular .. and in many cases not needed .. your pci card must support 66mhz, or else it will run at 33mhz ( it is backwards compatible [/edit]


Nov 16, 2001
Does anyone have any idea when the Gigabyte board is going to start shipping?

I was thinking about getting the Asus board, but the thought of onboard NIC & Raid has me favouring Gigabyte. However, knowing my willpower the first board to start shipping in volume is the one I'm likely to get since all the other pieces for my new machine are starting to be shipped.



Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2000
I am slowly coming around to the idea that the TigerMP [760MP chipset] may end up being my choice. 760MPX sounds nice and the overclocking features are going to match what I am used to seeing out of a motherboard, but in the end, I'd probably just bite the bullet and set it up at default for stability reasons. Plus, I do not have a 64-bit card of any kind, let alone a 66Mhz one. If I were going to use the 64-bit 66Mhz of the MPX, I would need to drop another $700 on the SCSI RAID card and then another $700 for a couple of the top of the line Cheetah drives to get the most out of the setup.

In the end, buying a motherboard that will eventually 'taunt' me into spending another $1400 (SCSI RAID & 2x Cheetah) is a decision that I am going to shy away from!


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Starting to feel the same way. Would love to get an MPX, being second generation and suff, onboard sound. But the 64bit&66MHz PCI means nothing to me. (I'll stick to my UW SCSI, and won't even be tempted to get a new controller, but I think a new 10K drive may be calling my name!)

I guess I'll give it until Christmas and see what comes out by then, and what the reviews say. Perhaps the TigerMP would have come down by then also! Does the TigerMPX have oc'ing possabilities?


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2000
I don't sense that Tyan is going to do anything to move in the direction of overclocking.

However, I am certainly anxious to see what comes with the Tyan MPX offering. Maybe with the competition from the other vendors, Tyan will step up and provide some of the support for features that the enthusiast would like to see. They really had no motivation to do this with the original 760MP boards as they were the only game in town.

After reading Anand's article about the MPX chipset, I wonder how much, if any rework will be necessary to accomodate the dual PCI architechture that the MPX offers?


Senior member
Aug 14, 2001
Don't tell anyone I said this, but Abit is switching their WA-2A to an ATX FormFactor......


Diamond Member
May 21, 2001
FWIW, a couple of sites are listed on Pricewatch taking pre-orders for the A7M266-D. $229 is the cheapest. No eta yet.

Dont' forget that those 64-bit 66MHz slots are NOT backwards compatable. Unless you have cards to stick in there, you are down to 4 available PCI slots.


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Anyone know the latest on the MPX and Duron and XP processors? Can they work? Is their sucess rate the same as with the TigerMP or worse?



Senior member
Jan 10, 2001
Whoooa! I couldn't find the old thread. Almost missed this one searching for the wrong keyword, DUAL. So I'm all set to buy. Guess no one really shipped huge quantities of any 760MPX's yet.

Thanks Yoda for keeping this alive. I would have never guessed that the old thread would have died. I guess we'll just have to post more frequently to keep it up and running until the mobo makers start shipping.

Here's WISHING all you dually wannabes (like ME) a Merry Christmas and a Happy Dually New Year.


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
It sucks so bad the old thread went. There was so much good info and opinions in there.

Pricewatch is filling up with 760mpx slowly. The Asus is available for $240, and seems to have OC'ing. Anyone have one of these yet?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
That's the best news Ive heard regarding MPX. When someone finally purchased a retail version of the MPX motherboard, could you please try XP and let us know


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
After a porrly executed search, I started this thread over in the general hardware forum. I am including the first summary post here for inclusion:

Here are the (760MPX motherboard) models I seen/heard on the 'net today. I will only list *unique* features as deemed appropriate.

Some information gleaned from this page at Excessive Hardware. Photos are from the manufacturer's servers (and not elsewhere).

Asus A7M266-D (Photo): Already shipping? (at bottom of page); C-Media audio; USB 2.0 (packaged with PCI card?)
Abit WA-2A: Four 32-bit/33MHz slots, special power supply, on-board LAN (3Com), angled memory slots
Epox EP-M762A (Photo): On-board LAN (Intel), some other specs from the EpoX news page
Gigabyte GA-7DPXDW (Photo, may have to use this link first) : On-board LAN (Intel), on-board IDE RAID (Promise)
Iwill DAD266(R?)(N?): "Announced" by AMD; R = Onboard RAID? N = Onboard LAN?
Chaintech 7KDD (7KDP?): "Announced" by AMD
MSI K7D Master-(L?)(R?): Optional on-board LAN, R = Onboard RAID? heatsink/fan on chipset
Soyo DK7VA: V = Via?
Tyan Tiger MPX S2466(N) (Photo): Four 32-bit/33MHz slots, on-board LAN 3com on S2466N
Tyan Thunder K7X S2468: On-board LAN (2x 3Com), on-board SCSI, three 64-bit/66MHz slots, angled memory slots, special power supply?

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