**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Dec 4, 2004
That's silly.

What is silly is banning Teemo. Or picking Malphite, then not tanking and not bothering to tell your team that. Or getting first pick and NOT picking the tank you didn't ban. Or requesting a teammate to pick Eve before someone else does, BECAUSE IT IS SUCH A POPULAR CHAMP.

Holy shit once you get low enough ELO, it's like everyone is level 1 and has never played a game in their life. They like losing down here. They DEMAND it. And somehow... somehow the other team always picks the right champs. And I'm NEVER on the other team.


Oct 30, 2000
What is silly is banning Teemo. Or picking Malphite, then not tanking and not bothering to tell your team that. Or getting first pick and NOT picking the tank you didn't ban. Or requesting a teammate to pick Eve before someone else does, BECAUSE IT IS SUCH A POPULAR CHAMP.

Holy shit once you get low enough ELO, it's like everyone is level 1 and has never played a game in their life. They like losing down here. They DEMAND it. And somehow... somehow the other team always picks the right champs. And I'm NEVER on the other team.

Yep. That's what I encounter on solo ranked queue and why I can't get out of 1200 anymore. Just when you think you get on a winning streak the system automatically starts teaming you up with the dipshits losers more and more until you are put on a losing streak from it.


Diamond Member
Feb 3, 2005
What is silly is banning Teemo. Or picking Malphite, then not tanking and not bothering to tell your team that. Or getting first pick and NOT picking the tank you didn't ban. Or requesting a teammate to pick Eve before someone else does, BECAUSE IT IS SUCH A POPULAR CHAMP.

Holy shit once you get low enough ELO, it's like everyone is level 1 and has never played a game in their life. They like losing down here. They DEMAND it. And somehow... somehow the other team always picks the right champs. And I'm NEVER on the other team.

Sounds like you take this game way too seriously.


Sep 5, 2004
My goal was to get a game or two in with LeBlanc but seriously, the instant the "choose your champion" screen popped up someone INSTANTLY grabbed her. It was uncanny. Heck, the last game the guy had absolutely no clue how to use her and straight up proclaimed "this champion sucks!"

So I played with Garen most of the night and had a blast spinning my way to victory. It's odd, I'm not quite sure how to build him. Tank? Well, he doesn't have any traditional support tank abilities. AD? Seems to kill pretty well but he's actually kinda squishy. Tanky DPS seems to be the spot he fits in, but I still dunno.

What's the status of the new LoL thread?
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Was at my GF's last night so didn't get to finish up the post. It's pretty much ready to go now so I'll link to it here once I post it in a few mins and have Keith merge this thread with it.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
League of Legends is a real time strategy game inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) that has been developed by Riot Games. Teams of three or five players battle to destroy the other by taking out their base.


Every player chooses a champion unit that levels up over the course of the match. This grants stronger stats as well as the ability to rank up the champion's four unique abilities. You will also accumulate gold which can be used at the store in your spawn area to buy items that increase your stats and bestow other effects and abilities on your champion.

The maps are split into lanes along which are located towers. When the game begins, NPC units (called creeps or minions) will begin marching from your base to the enemy's in waves. These will assist you in your objective of destroying the enemy Nexus. In order to attack the Nexus, a team must first destroy at least one of the Inhibitors and both of the towers guarding the Nexus.

There are also areas between the lanes that contain neutral NPC monsters. These can be fought and killed for extra XP/gold. Additionally, the tougher neutral monsters will have buffs that can be gained when they are killed. There are some champions that can level up entirely by killing these neutral creatures and that is referred to as jungling.

Players can choose to play in Normal or Ranked games. Players maintain separate ratings (ELO) for each type of game.

Ranked games are for those wanting to experience the ladder format. During champion select, the team captains ban two champions each. Teams then go back and forth selecting their champion. Once a champion is taken, the other team can not select the same champion.

Normal games do not involve the banning process and champions can be used by both teams. It is also blind pick meaning you do not see what champions the other team has selected until the game loads.

There is also Custom/Practice mode which is a Normal game that you can see all players on both sides before going into champion select.

How does the Free to Play work?

League of Legends is 100% F2P. In the long run, you will be at no disadvantage if you choose not to spend a penny on this game. You can not gain additional in game benefits from anything purchased. Each week the champions available to be played for free rotates. There will always be ten champions available to play at the very least.

There are two types of currency in League of Legends: Influence Points (IP) and Riot Points (RP).

IP is earned by playing games and can be used to purchase champions and runes.
RP is purchased with cash and is used to buy champions and skins.

Champions can be purchased for 450, 1350, 3150, 4800, or 6300 IP.
Runes will cost between 10 - 2050 IP.
The typical match will earn you roughly 100IP.

Summoner Profile

The persistent part of the game is the Summoner, which tracks scores and statistics for each player. As you play matches you will earn Summoner experience. Obtaining new Summoner levels will unlock rune slots, give you a point for your Masteries, and can unlock new Summoner Spells.

Summoner Spells - In addition to the abilities of your champions, each player can take two Summoner spells during the champion selection. These are abilities that can be used for free during the match but typically have long cooldowns.

Masteries - Masteries are perks that effect gameplay. These are all passive effects though certain masteries will augment Summoner Spells. There are three mastery trees: Offensive, Defensive, and Utility.

Runes - Similar to masteries, runes effect gameplay in minor ways. Each Summoner level gained will unlock a new rune slot. But unlike masteries, the runes that you slot must be purchased with IP from the Riot store. The cost of runes is dependent upon their level and whether they are a primary or secondary rune. All players start with two rune pages and more can be purchased via IP.

Important Tips for New Players

League of Legends and any of the other DotA-like games can be very intimidating to the new player. There is a lot to learn and grasp just because of the number of champions. If you've played DotA/HoN then you shouldn't have a hard time adjusting as most of the core gameplay elements carry over. That being said, here's some tips.

1.) Death is bad. When you get good at the game, you'll figure out when it's acceptable to sacrifice yourself for the betterment of the team. But while you're learning you want to play defensively and avoid the respawn timer. Not only does your death give the enemy experience and gold but it denies you the very same since you're no longer in lane. That can snowball and lead to you falling behind your opponents as the game progresses.

2.) Map awareness is important. You have a minimap in the lower right section of your screen. Keep an eye on it at all times. You should not be attempting to knock down a tower if you can't account for three enemies. Do not rely on your teammates to call out missing enemies (unless you're all on voice comm, in which case yell at them for not doing it).

3.) Somewhat related to #2, buy wards! If you leave spawn with 75g or more and have a slot in your inventory, go back and buy one. Wards contribute to your map awareness and therefore they help you survive and sometimes even set up ambushes. The cost is minor for the payoff and if everyone on your team is contributing then the burden isn't shouldered by any one player.

4.) There is no better way to figure out how to beat a particular champion than to play them. So make use of the free champion rotation and play as many of them as you can. This also will help you wisely spend your IP when you go to buy a champion and you know which ones you enjoyed playing and which ones you didn't. Try to avoid buying blind and suffering from buyer's remorse, especially if you still need runes.

5.) Last hit creeps. Don't stand around attacking them constantly. This does a couple of things. First, you only get gold if you kill the creep and you want to make sure you're doing that as much as possible. Second, if you kill creeps fast then you will push your lane. This exposes you to ganking (unless you have a ward protecting your flank!). Third, standing around makes it very easy for enemies to attack you. Learn your champion's attack animation so you can time your last hits and learn how to do it under your tower.

Great! So this game is perfect then?

Haha, no! If only.

As with the other games that share it's genre, LoL's community can be difficult at times. In a small team-based game, it's very easy to single out who's doing poorly and criticize them. /Ignore those that you don't want to listen to anymore.

The stability of the game's servers is always in question. They go down on occasion, especially after major patches. Riot compensates players when it's particularly bad with IP boosts or, in the case of the last time, free RP!


www.leaguecraft.com - Champion builder feature is very cool and lets you see how much damage abilities/attacks will do with certain item/rune/mastery combinations. The guides can be hit or miss but at least give you some ideas to try out.

www.mobafire.com - More champion guides and forums, a little better than LC in quality.

www.solomid.net - Great for the streams of some of the top LoL players.

www.ventrilo.com / www.teamspeak.com / www.skype.com - Voice communication when playing in premades improves the game 100%. Get a mic! Seriously, it's like $10 for a decent enough one.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
AT Player Roster - If your name does not appear on this list, send me a PM to be added.

AT handle - LoL Handle
zebano - zebano
xCxStylex - Flowerbridge / Flowurbridge / Flowarbridge
kbirger - armedmonkey
Chiropteran - drakantus
Powernick50 - Magusigne
hybridsquirrel - hybridsquirrel
RhoXeD - RhoXeD
Rhoxed's brother - ShrekUrlacher
Rhoxed's GF - RhoXie
ivan2 - shuut / bakayaroo
BillyAZ1983 - McLovin83
Onita - MrOnita
Clinkster - Clinkster
JeffNY35 - SneakyGuy2
v8envy - scaley
AyashiKaibutsu - Munashiimaru
FerraraZ - FerraraZ
Fenixgoon - Fenixgoon
Malladine - Baudros
Ushio - Zashio
crazylegs - crzylgs
crownjules - xstrifex
TheRyuu - TheRyuu
TridenT - TridenTBoy
novasatori - novasatori
Kehlsi - Kehlsi
HumblePie - Terrible Guy
alkemyst - alk3myst
nanobreath - Nanobreath
Malak - Kaylel
LurkerPrime - Ashakar
Obsoleet - yenic
Cixx79 - Cixx
hydroponik - Duroz
ImpulsE69 - Impulse zabloN
douglasb - Fyrefart
RPD - RivenDY
FallenGod - Falleng0d
Kabob - ikabobi
AstroManLuca - ItsaMamaLuigi
Firsttime - City of Delusion

Patch Notes

Look here for the latest update patch notes.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
You put a lot of time into a post that's just going to be locked. This massive thread is only 4 posts below yours:


You didn't even need to search

It's going to be merged. New thread because the OP of the old one doesn't post much and we want to keep an AT player roster on the front page for new players to see. Plus just get some general info up front that's usually asked.


Senior member
Jul 29, 2004
You put a lot of time into a post that's just going to be locked. This massive thread is only 4 posts below yours:


You didn't even need to search

edit: which you even posted in? The fuck did you make a new thread for?

This post is like the typical "GAWD YOU SUCK" that you will hear from the LoL community if you happen to die ONCE during early laning. i salute you for preparing the newbies that have yet to load the game up.



Sep 5, 2004
You put a lot of time into a post that's just going to be locked. This massive thread is only 4 posts below yours:


You didn't even need to search

edit: which you even posted in? The fuck did you make a new thread for?

You need to go back a page or two on that thread corps, we're making a new thread and merging them.

This post is like the typical "GAWD YOU SUCK" that you will hear from the LoL community if you happen to die ONCE during early laning. i salute you for preparing the newbies that have yet to load the game up.

Shhhh, we know it's not as bad as the HoN hate! :awe:
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
What is silly is banning Teemo. Or picking Malphite, then not tanking and not bothering to tell your team that. Or getting first pick and NOT picking the tank you didn't ban. Or requesting a teammate to pick Eve before someone else does, BECAUSE IT IS SUCH A POPULAR CHAMP.

Holy shit once you get low enough ELO, it's like everyone is level 1 and has never played a game in their life. They like losing down here. They DEMAND it. And somehow... somehow the other team always picks the right champs. And I'm NEVER on the other team.

Actually tanks are not the common popular bans at high elo. I had a nice chat with zirze yesterday and characters like Nocturne/Janna/Zilean (can't remember the other 2) are the most common bans.

That said, I win when I Rammus and the only character that even gives me trouble is brand because you want to be front and center and his passive means he melts in 2 rotations you like you're squishy and he has enough range that even PB + flash + taunt isn't always enough to get near him and if it is the first rotation of his spells blows through 60% of my hp and his teammates can 'focus the tank' and kill me almost before my team is engaged.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2005
My goal was to get a game or two in with LeBlanc but seriously, the instant the "choose your champion" screen popped up someone INSTANTLY grabbed her. It was uncanny. Heck, the last game the guy had absolutely no clue how to use her and straight up proclaimed "this champion sucks!"

So I played with Garen most of the night and had a blast spinning my way to victory. It's odd, I'm not quite sure how to build him. Tank? Well, he doesn't have any traditional support tank abilities. AD? Seems to kill pretty well but he's actually kinda squishy. Tanky DPS seems to be the spot he fits in, but I still dunno.

What's the status of the new LoL thread?

I played LeBlanc last night for the first time in an AI Bot match, and absolutely owned with her. I started off 2/2, and ended the game at 22/3/11. I usually don't do very well with the mage chars, but she can absolutely nuke somebody in 2 seconds flat.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Looks like the merge won't work as we had thought. It still arranges posts by date so even though my post was OP, once Keith merged the old thread into this one it rearranged everything back into order. So we'll just have to have another new thread without merging the contents of this one into it.


Sep 5, 2004
Then do it Forza style, kill off the old thread entirely and start a new thread. That's what we did...3-4 times.

"League of Legends MOBA thread - Part 2" or whatever.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Looks like the merge won't work as we had thought. It still arranges posts by date so even though my post was OP, once Keith merged the old thread into this one it rearranged everything back into order. So we'll just have to have another new thread without merging the contents of this one into it.

Just create a new one with your stuff and a link to this thread then have him lock this one.


Dec 4, 2004
Actually tanks are not the common popular bans at high elo. I had a nice chat with zirze yesterday and characters like Nocturne/Janna/Zilean (can't remember the other 2) are the most common bans.

That said, I win when I Rammus and the only character that even gives me trouble is brand because you want to be front and center and his passive means he melts in 2 rotations you like you're squishy and he has enough range that even PB + flash + taunt isn't always enough to get near him and if it is the first rotation of his spells blows through 60% of my hp and his teammates can 'focus the tank' and kill me almost before my team is engaged.

I don't know why, Noc is always an easy kill when someone plays him so I don't get why he gets banned. Janna is helpful support, but Zilean not so much. I'd ban Sona before Zil, Sona always wins.
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