**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
I'm kind of surprised to see what I consider to be a Morgana nerf. She's not an easy character to play and I don't think she was OP by any means.

I'm also surprised that you can't use abilties that moved you to escape snares any more. Ryze is !#$ing OP

That's not a pro shaco tactic. That's a lot of luck, heavily relying on a noob opponent. D:

I need to buy Shaco. Saw a pro tactic where our Shaco got JITB and boots first, and spammed bushes with JITB before the enemy got there. Sure, it wasn't a golem kill at level 1, but the first blood is demoralizing enough to make it all worthwhile..


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I was totally wrong. The Morg changes are a nice buff. Wow

To clarify, the CDR on the snare is totally noticeable and very much appreciated. It's lowered snare time is still sufficient to do some damage.
The Magic penetration on tormented soil is godly. Instead of level 3 I now farm great with it at level 2. Combine this with the upped attack damage and Morgana is a grade A farmer (which is good if you like to buy two RoA, Rylai's Scepter, Frozen Heart and Banshees Veil like I do).

In my first two games I went mid versus Ashe and scored first blood twice and second blood once. We won both those games. The only person all night who gave me trouble was a Garen/ezreal where Ezreal farmed and Garen camped bushes and I kept missing my Q when I fired blindly into the bush. Once I bought a sight ward we had no more problems.
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I played with three Eves yesterday and two of them led our team in K/D/A. the other was something like 0/12/?. Amazing skill difference and a total unwillingness of the other team to buy oracles/wards.

I'm kind of surprised to see what I consider to be a Morgana nerf. She's not an easy character to play and I don't think she was OP by any means.

I'm also surprised that you can't use abilties that moved you to escape snares any more. Ryze is !#$ing OP

That's not a pro shaco tactic. That's a lot of luck, heavily relying on a noob opponent. D:

1. See my comments above about Morgana.

2. I believe that you can still use flash/teleport like abilities to escape snares, but not movement abilities like a leap or jump. This means that ezreal, kass and anyone who takes flash can escape snares.

3. It's a decent tactic if you assume they'll flush the brush, if your opponent gets feared that can really rack up the damage. Of course it could just leave you without mana... I prefer stacking JITB to kill golem at level 1 personally.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
JITB Shaco works a lot better than AP mushroom Teemo since the boxes get triggered at a certain range. They don't require directly running over them like a mushroom. But a smart enemy will just start using oracles to counter them if they prove a problem.

Had two amazing games as Ashe last night. First one went 9/1/9 and they surrendered at the 25 min mark. One of those games where you're in the zone and execute everything perfectly. The second game started out the same way, but then my teammates decided running one at a time into their entire team was a valid late game strategy.


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2005
My best game ever was with eve. You really have to know how to play her. I was 30/0/6.... It was sick.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
My best game ever was with eve. You really have to know how to play her. I was 30/0/6.... It was sick.

Eve's gameplay is capitalizing on the enemy's mistakes and lack of awareness. Good players do not give you these opportunities. In team fights, they'll expect you to pop in after a few seconds and save a stun for you and then melt your face off (if they don't just do it before with an Oracle). There's a reason Eve is not seen in competitive play.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
My best game ever was with eve. You really have to know how to play her. I was 30/0/6.... It was sick.

Did your team win though? 30 kills will take a while to rack up, even if all the enemy does is spawn and run to you to feed. I won one game last night as 2/12/10 or so. Same problem as crownjules -- my team decided to single file to the enemy late game after starting off well enough. We had all but inner turrets down though, and killed one inhibitor before the dumb set in.

I kept suiciding vs their whole team to wear down their last two turrets. Since I had to initiate and tank every fight I figured I might as well do some good. While their team ran to focus on me my team eventually got the other turrets & inhibitors down.

Our team had negative scores, but still won. Ganking isn't the end goal, it's just a means.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
I have seen eve single handedly end a game very early for the other team, usually by making someone rage quit.

What I typically see is early game in the lane someone will be farming along at about 40 or 50% health with no ward. This usually means they are about to die especially if eve is smart enough to take teleport.

But more than often a good team will render her useless mid-late game. So it seems all or nothing, completely own the other team or become serious liability to her team.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Sorry to rain on your parade, it's not about knowing how to play eve, its about ***your opponents not knowing*** how to counter.

Eve is arguably the worst character in terms of team fighting regarding high ELO play. High ELO play is all about team play, which is why AOE healing (taric/alistar) have been getting nerfed. That is also why rally's heal was removed. But I digress.

Eve adds nothing to team fights and is squishy as hell. However, at lower elo brackets, eve is a lulz pubstomp character like twitch.

I played a game of eve on an alt level 24 account and went 20-5-14. I probably could have had 3 less deaths, but I really didn't give a shit and just wanted to kill.

My best game ever was with eve. You really have to know how to play her. I was 30/0/6.... It was sick.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Sorry to rain on your parade, it's not about knowing how to play eve, its about ***your opponents not knowing*** how to counter.

Eve is arguably the worst character in terms of team fighting regarding high ELO play. High ELO play is all about team play, which is why AOE healing (taric/alistar) have been getting nerfed. That is also why rally's heal was removed. But I digress.

While I agree with your first point (Eve's kills depend on opponents being bad, not Eve being good) I wouldn't say she is useless in team fights. A tank-built Eve can be extremely effective in a team fight because the other team will try to focus on her, but every time her team gets a kill it heals her. TBH I prefer warwick for the same role, but the point is Eve isn't totally useless Plus there is the simple hilarity of sunfire cape on a stealthed character.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
All champs can do something, and many do at least one thing well, but there is a worst at *everything*. And that worst is Eve.

Want people to focus on you during a team fight? Cho, Mord or Amumu. Same effect, except that you can lane early game, farm well, jungle well but most importantly initiate and push a tower. All without relying on your opponents being too cheap to buy a ward.

Want to solo stealth gank? Play Twitch. As a ranged stealther he has miles more utility in many more situations including pushing towers and ganking entire enemy teams via spray & pray.

Want to dish melee DPS? Plenty of better choices, starting with Jax and ending with Yi.

Eve is terrible precisely because she is designed a one trick pony -- that trick is stealth 1vs1 ganks against squishies. That's easily countered by all but the greenest of players. As Ashe vs. newbies I hardly ever get more than 10 or so kills because vs. newbies the match is over in 25 minutes or less whether 3v3 or 5v5 if I get the first 2 ganks and they don't send reinforcements mid.

Ask a big sample of players who like winning whether they'd rather have Eve or any number of mediocre champs on their team. We're not even talking top notch champs like Ashe, Jax, Nidalee, TF or Zilean here. The frequency of Eves showing up (except when free) *and* amount of queue dodging which goes on when one is spotted should indicate her value.

In fact, if someone on your team DOESN'T dodge Eve, you should. It means all your teammates are very new and will probably result in loss after a looong, frustrating game.
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Golden Member
Jul 8, 2007
Want to solo stealth gank? Play Twitch. As a ranged stealther he has miles more utility in many more situations including pushing towers and ganking entire enemy teams via spray & pray.

My best game I believe I was 37-12 as twitch


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
high(er) elo is just brutal. After a nice streak where I got within 3 wins of being 50-50 wins-losses, I duo-ed with my brother and played Pantheon who I'm decent with in (my) normal games. The game started auspiciously with us running into a 4 man gank and me dying. Laning phase was poor because as Nasus he kept pushing our creeps up to their tower and I couldn't harrass well. Finally we hit the team-fight stage and Pantheon is so squishy that I would rather run a caster with RoA in there than Panth. Heck I dove + exh on a Janna that was pushing one of our towers.... her response was to start up tornado, shield and then toast me when I landed.

I then tried Cho in a game with my brother and we managed to win. Once again I *thought* I did most everything right but my K/D/A ration was terrible (1-8-7) and not only that I didn't take a ton of damage because I spent so much time dead rather than tanking. Deaths were in the team-fight stage not laneing so at least I have the early game down.

Sadly I went 5 games in a row where someone else grabbed Morgana before I could so while she's easily my best char, the recent buff has made her popular.
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Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
high(er) elo is just brutal. After a nice streak where I got within 3 wins of being 50-50 wins-losses, I duo-ed with my brother and played Pantheon who I'm decent with in (my) normal games. The game started auspiciously with us running into a 4 man gank and me dying. Laning phase was poor because as Nasus he kept pushing our creeps up to their tower and I couldn't harrass well. Finally we hit the team-fight stage and Pantheon is so squishy that I would rather run a caster with RoA in there than Panth. Heck I dove + exh on a Janna that was pushing one of our towers.... her response was to start up tornado, shield and then toast me when I landed.

I then tried Cho in a game with my brother and we managed to win. Once again I *thought* I did most everything right but my K/D/A ration was terrible (1-8-7) and not only that I didn't take a ton of damage because I spent so much time dead rather than tanking. Deaths were in the team-fight stage not laneing so at least I have the early game down.

Sadly I went 5 games in a row where someone else grabbed Morgana before I could so while she's easily my best char, the recent buff has made her popular.

Its funny, I play with small group of friends and I feel like we finally turned the corner skill wise, we are starting to roll and got on a really good W:L streak. I FINALLY Have 2 more wins than losses.

Suddenly last night we play and 3 games in a row just seemed impossible. I couldnt pinpoint anything we were doing wrong just unlucky timing and every near kill seemed to end up in our death. Its like the game is programmed to hand you a loss at times.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
It certainly seems that way. I have finally overcome having 30 more losses than wins I gained as a nooblet trying all the champs (now closing on a 2:1 win/loss ratio with Ashe) and it's been getting very rough lately.

People know their champs more often than not. TFs pick cards and teleport. Trists know to jump OVER their opponents before ulting. Zileans spam qwq. People roam and gank at earliest possible opportunity.

On the bright side, the amount of smacktalking 0:10 guys blaming their team in /all has decreased to nearly zero. And I've only had to queue dodge two Eves all weekend.

Oh, and Cho has fairly low DPS so normaly ges few kills relative to assists. The usual MO is rupture and watch your team cut the target to shreds. If you're on a very passive team that scatters and runs at the first sign of multiple enemies you'll get a ton of deaths too -- dying slowly to a full enemy team is still dying.
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Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
I'm starting to appreciate karthus a bit more..I've been melting faces with him lately.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I don't think I've had a bad game with Karthus. The ability to keep casting (or channel your ult without being interupted) after dying is amazing and the wall of pain is quite a good snare.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
I have just begin que dodging Eves, but my eyes light up when they are opposite me. Right now I've been playing heavy dps roles - Ash, Twitch, Jax, etc. I enjoy the tank role, but its a thankless job and 9/10 teams are too stupid to understand it.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
I have just begin que dodging Eves, but my eyes light up when they are opposite me. Right now I've been playing heavy dps roles - Ash, Twitch, Jax, etc. I enjoy the tank role, but its a thankless job and 9/10 teams are too stupid to understand it.

Yea, I've been playing Mundo recently, but gave up after countless times of initiating against the enemy only to have the rest of my team run away because they're too big of pussies to fight while my like 16k effective hp ass is getting pounded.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Yea, I've been playing Mundo recently, but gave up after countless times of initiating against the enemy only to have the rest of my team run away because they're too big of pussies to fight while my like 16k effective hp ass is getting pounded.

That is exactly why I don't like playing Cho'Gath very much. I think I'm in a slightly higher tier elo now because people realize that ignite/flash/exhaust/teleport/heal aren't the only summoner spells available. Yesterday we had 2xclarvoiyance, 1xfortify and a rally to go with the usual suspects; We still lost because Mordekaiser absolutely destroyed Ashe mid in the laning phase bringing down 1.5 towers,getting 2 kills and totally out-leveling her.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
I wonder why more teams don't send a ganky tank mid instead of the usual suspects. It's always a squishy carry type there since they need the cash and XP to be useful. But there's about a 8 or so levels where an even scaling tank character like Mord or even Mundo has too much HP for a naked low level carry to punch through and can take down a tower or two.

My current "most wins" are with Ashe and Yi. Unless the team just gets utterly annihilated early and the opponents start sending a crowd mid Ashe can get enough gold to do well. Yi can jungle and then back door turrets and inhibitors (much like tf & teleport). Playing a highly gear dependent glass cannon carry does increase the odds of winning on a mediocre team, but don't help speed up the win if you get a great team. And can be very painful if the opponents deny you the ability to farm or have a good Twitch.

Mundo is another interesting solo tower pusher. But unlike Yi he doesn't kill the towers fast enough to avoid a whole team gank.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
I wonder why more teams don't send a ganky tank mid instead of the usual suspects. It's always a squishy carry type there since they need the cash and XP to be useful. But there's about a 8 or so levels where an even scaling tank character like Mord or even Mundo has too much HP for a naked low level carry to punch through and can take down a tower or two.

My current "most wins" are with Ashe and Yi. Unless the team just gets utterly annihilated early and the opponents start sending a crowd mid Ashe can get enough gold to do well. Yi can jungle and then back door turrets and inhibitors (much like tf & teleport). Playing a highly gear dependent glass cannon carry does increase the odds of winning on a mediocre team, but don't help speed up the win if you get a great team. And can be very painful if the opponents deny you the ability to farm or have a good Twitch.

Mundo is another interesting solo tower pusher. But unlike Yi he doesn't kill the towers fast enough to avoid a whole team gank.

Tanks are usually a nightmare to play early game, and it's usually even worse solo, and much more worse solo vs a ranged class. It's much easier for an ashe to harrass with ranged/volley than it is for mundo to get a cleaver off (9 hits vs 1 hit), and forget about ever meleeing her. I haven't really played mord so I don't know about him.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I wonder why more teams don't send a ganky tank mid instead of the usual suspects. It's always a squishy carry type there since they need the cash and XP to be useful. But there's about a 8 or so levels where an even scaling tank character like Mord or even Mundo has too much HP for a naked low level carry to punch through and can take down a tower or two.

My current "most wins" are with Ashe and Yi. Unless the team just gets utterly annihilated early and the opponents start sending a crowd mid Ashe can get enough gold to do well. Yi can jungle and then back door turrets and inhibitors (much like tf & teleport). Playing a highly gear dependent glass cannon carry does increase the odds of winning on a mediocre team, but don't help speed up the win if you get a great team. And can be very painful if the opponents deny you the ability to farm or have a good Twitch.

Mundo is another interesting solo tower pusher. But unlike Yi he doesn't kill the towers fast enough to avoid a whole team gank.

Yeah, a ranged carry will keep a Morde at bay through the first 4-5 levels. But after that he's getting enough shield generation from his skills that he'll be able to push and shrug off their attacks. And when I play Ashe, I prefer to dual lane. You have a better chance of cornering and killing someone in concert with a teammate and your slows. Plus I can get away from the lane and not advertise I'm going for a gank on another lane.

They released the new champion, Akali, on the test realm. Here's her skills. Some of the numbers are a bit off as they're based on people's recollection.

Twin Disciplines (Passive):
Upon obtaining 20 ability power, Akali's hit deals 10% bonus magic , damage increased by 1% for every 5 ability power gained thereafter.
Upon obtaining 10 attack damage, Akali gains 10% spell vamp, increasing by an additional 1% for every 20 attack damage gained thereafter.

Mark of the Assassin [Q]
60 Energy
6/5.5/5/4.5/4 sec Cooldown
Akali deals 50/75/100/125/150 (+.4 per ability power) magic damage and marks her target for 6 seconds.
If she hits a marked target, the mark triggers dealing 50/75/100/125/150 (+.4 per ability power) magic damage and restoring 20/25/30/35/40 energy.

Twilight Shroud [W]
100/95/90/85/80 Energy
20/20/?/?/18 sec Cooldown
Akali throws down a cover of smoke for 6/6.5/7/7.5/8 seconds, becoming stealthed while in the area. Enemies in the smoke have 10/20/30/40/50% reduced movement speed and 13/20/27/34/40% reduced attack speed.

Akali restealthes 1 second after performing an action within the area.

Crescent Slash [E]
60 Energy
7/6/5/4/3 sec Cooldown
Akali flourishes her kamas, hitting nearby units for 30/55/80/105/130 physical damage plus 30% Ability Power + 60% Attack Damage.

Shadow Dance [R]
No Cost
2/1.5/1 sec Cooldown
Akali moves through shadows to quickly strike her target, dealing 100/175/250 (+.5 per ability power) magic damage and consuming an Essence of Shadow.

Akali stores an Essence of Shadow once every 30/25/20 seconds up to 3 total.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Unlike Shen/Kennen, Akali sounds like a flippin ninja =)

I may have to save up for her.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
Maybe its just me, but I think they need to chill out on making so many new champs and work on some of the old ones.
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