**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
i played against one last night, i think the main use of the silence wall is to cause a dilemma to the opponent and also at times keep them in the range of your dot, aoe and ult. Say if you got a wall coming up behind you while running away from a cyclone or some tank trying to stun you, should you take the damage or waste your cleanse. It can be used when the dot is bouncing off the last creep to cut off the opponent. I am not sure about the cool down but from a fight I've been in, it can be cast pretty often. It does a lot of damage and very nasty to the melees in group fight too.

Another thing is that if both team has this guy, it is very hard to tell the spells apart, all the difference it has is a green or red outline, the spells are stationary, and they come up very quick, it's not enough distinction to make a quick reflex so I ended up trying to dodge both guy's spell.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Yeah the new champ is pretty sweet. I haven't had a game w/o 2 of them yet and at least one of them seems to rack up the kills. I personally have been jungling with Amumu which as long as I don't get ganked works well since he's a poor laner. My biggest problem yesterday was that I kept getting asked to gank Morgana who was able to pop her shield everytime I tried to snare her =(

As Morg I'm now sporting the new skin and I gotta say it was worth the $5.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Update: since I stopped caring about doing well in LoL I made a smurf account.

Oh. My. God. What fun! Face-stomping on demand. And if by some miracle the opposing team does well *bam* I'm a leaver. I told others I used to play with about it and they're also smurfing it up.

Yup, I'm definitely going to be part of the problem. But it makes the game worth playing, and may even encourage Riot to fix the leaver/smurf bullshit.

I swear to god my next account will be named LeaverSmurf. If it isn't already taken.

lulz. I hate you for the leaving part but I made a smurf account to try and get my fried into the game. The sad part was I played Garen (who I suck with) and carried hard.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
It could be that I'm insanely low elo, but the new guy is stinking on ice in just about every game. He can sometimes gank 1 on 1 because of his stun, but not as well as some traditional gankers. That's about it. Early game damage output is way too low.

First time I saw him on TT he ended 0/7, next one went 0/14. Others were less than impressive. TBH I'd rather have Akali around.

Discovered another fun thing to do. When about to lose your nexus, sell ALL your gear and buy 6x berserker's boots. The apres-game rage from nooblets not paying attention DURING the game is fantastic, doubly so if you're the kill leader on the team. Triply so if you wound up feeding due to bad matchups or team dynamics.
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
It could be that I'm insanely low elo, but the new guy is stinking on ice in just about every game. He can sometimes gank 1 on 1 because of his stun, but not as well as some traditional gankers. That's about it. Early game damage output is way too low.

First time I saw him on TT he ended 0/7, next one went 0/14. Others were less than impressive. TBH I'd rather have Akali around.

Discovered another fun thing to do. When about to lose your nexus, sell ALL your gear and buy 6x berserker's boots. The apres-game rage from nooblets not paying attention DURING the game is fantastic, doubly so if you're the kill leader on the team. Triply so if you wound up feeding due to bad matchups or team dynamics.

2 points of clarification. I main Morg and Amumu both of whom are very stun heavy and allow the new guys skills to be set up more easily. Malzahar was ok laning but not great (except the one I saw go mid who got owned) and really shone once teamfight started and he could drop his AOE spells.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Just like every new champ, people are going to buy it that have never played it before because not everyone has PTR access. Most people will be exploring the hero and figure out it's strength and weaknesses for the first few days. Very few people will be able to pick up a new hero and start raping face immediately, excluding those who play against bad teams. In a perfect world, they'd take their exploratory games to practice games so that if they do suck then they aren't effecting other people's records. But we know that will never happen.

I really wish Riot would stop throwing new heroes at us and work on some much needed new gameplay options. How hard is it to implement draft and ban draft modes?


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
While the figuring out part is true, this level of suckage didn't happen for Shen or Ez, those came out of the gate with faces pre-raped. Garen, Kennen and Akali were also solid day one. Yes, a few players were pretty bad with them (especially Akali), but on average those heroes killed their weight right away.

I get the urge to queue dodge whenever I see Mal, and that wasn't the case for any previous champs. Of course there's at least one in EVERY game, which is odd considering his 6k price. So dodging wouldn't work.

I think the spotlight showed him mulching entire enemy teams and that's what people expect for 6k. As far as ganking ability I'd say he's not even on the same level as Ryze or even Veigar. And holy crap is he squishy -- the TT game had my Mal opponents dropping to 2/3 health from ONE Sion stun. Gankplank routinely one-shotted him, and the few times he didn't the cannon barrage sealed the deal. And early on I had no trouble farming minions in range of Mal because he did dick/all damage.

If he can't hide behind his full team he's going to die fast.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
@V8 - Yeah, at average player ELO ranges, you're not going to have the hardcore "tryhards" that play on the PTRS and end up pwning with new characters. I find myself dying to or almost dying to new characters very often because I underestimate them. (Akali does insane burst dmg)

Except for possibly competitive league play (speaking of, WHEN is season 1 coming out?), I don't think RD/CM/CD type games will be coming out anytime soon for pug queues, since a lot of players don't have all the characters. Since their business model partially depends on people buying characters, I would think that some people would be upset when their favorite character they spent $$$ on with their l33t skin isn't in the draft pool or is banned. That's why that kind of mode would probably be accepted in some competitive mode only.

Just like every new champ, people are going to buy it that have never played it before because not everyone has PTR access. Most people will be exploring the hero and figure out it's strength and weaknesses for the first few days. Very few people will be able to pick up a new hero and start raping face immediately, excluding those who play against bad teams. In a perfect world, they'd take their exploratory games to practice games so that if they do suck then they aren't effecting other people's records. But we know that will never happen.

I really wish Riot would stop throwing new heroes at us and work on some much needed new gameplay options. How hard is it to implement draft and ban draft modes?


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
my jax has been sucking hard lately, had a 2 game straight feed fest and it went from 21:13 to 21:15 now. gonna get some HP rune or something.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I was on an absolutely terrible team last night and nearly rage-quit. After four of us selected the fifth guy takes shen at the last second so we have two tanks. At load one opponent dropped and before reconnected another rage-quit so we had a full game 5v4. I jungled to maximize leveling and immediately 2 of my teammates (the solo and one of the 2v2) got killed. Needless to say they got nicely fed and started winning teamfights, especially since despite having amumu and shen Fiddle thought he should be our initiator. Shen starts trying to backdoor lanes and gets ganked repeatedly while Katarina keeps going after the golem buff (I understand that the 10%CDR is nice but I can keep 'w' up continuously with that). We got aced in a teamfight as late as 40 minutes in and somehow still won. Absolutely disgusting...


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Apparently my ELO still had a lot of room to drop because I keep getting dumberer and dumberer teammates (and opponents). It must have been a bit above average to start with, since I recognized many names on the lolbase top 500 from teams and opponents. Haven't had a close game after the massive leaver loss streak: either we steamroll them in 22 minutes or they steamroll US in 22 minutes.

Came out of the gate strong, got first blood and 2 kills against my opponents. Other lane likewise. Then it just went to crap -- our Mord with the custom skin decided to be solo rambo and just kept spawning and failing to solo back door. Karthus kept running into the jungle for buffs and getting solo ganked as well. The remaining 3 on 5 team fights went predictably bad until we finally lost. Ah well, at least I went 13/5/lots-and-lots with gangplank.

Things are much less rage inspiring on the smurf account where I can simply leave at the first signs of idiot solo artists.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
i continued to have mixed results with blitzcrank and jenna, but the defensive nature of both characters worked in my favor and i enjoyed both champions greatly. my early game grabs has been successful.

I kept my 1:1 ratio in total wins/loses

p.s. played against a singed who has 6 boots at the end of the game, LOL


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
I got to use "Mundo builds how he pleases!" in response to six-boot inspired rage after a loss. Made the hour+ ordeal worth it.

I'm working on timing a six-boot win. If I pull that off I'm sure the "WTF?" will be epic.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
I got to use "Mundo builds how he pleases!" in response to six-boot inspired rage after a loss. Made the hour+ ordeal worth it.

I'm working on timing a six-boot win. If I pull that off I'm sure the "WTF?" will be epic.

I'd be more interested if it was like swiftness boots->5 zeals ->5 phantom blades or whatever they're called.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Yes, that 5 malady build thread on the lolforums was my inspiration. You don't actually PLAY with six boots, you have to time selling your items and buying of the 6 berserker boots right before the game is over.

Oh, and apparently my ELO is *STILL* going lower, in spite of recent win streaks. Had a Ryze build IE as his first item in a game this weekend. That one made my jaw hang.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Oh, and apparently my ELO is *STILL* going lower, in spite of recent win streaks. Had a Ryze build IE as his first item in a game this weekend. That one made my jaw hang.

That's hilarious.

So Ashe is one of my main champs. As with any skillshot, you're not going to hit every time. Especially since Ashe's stun rewards firing from longer distance. People have such selective memories of remembering the one or two arrows you miss (usually just dumb luck that they all happened to move out of the path when there's 3-4 in the lane) and completely forget the times I sniped their ass at a tower and watched it take them down, or when I sniped them from just off screen and ghost in to kill them, or shoot an arrow in on a 1v1 fight they think they're going to win and allow my teammate to take them out.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
I know exactly what you mean -- I have over 150 wins (and about 120 losses) with Ashe, and those across the map stuns with a teleport in to finish make it all worthwhile. I live for the "nice arrow!" accolades, but that also makes the times your target gets spooked into moving that much more painful.

I guess if I try real hard and get to +50 wins or something it might drag my ass out of the moron and leaver cesspool. But I doubt it. The MM just seems to like handing me losses courtesy of scrub team no matter what I do.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Ugh speaking of ELO, the european sites publicly post them, but the NA/rest of the world don't.

All I've seen is the top 500 ELO from Dec2009, which iwas 3 weeks before I started playing. I recognize a good half dozen of them on a regular basis and remember another few as being pretty damn good.

I'm really loving jungle shaco and am slowly increasing my win ratio back past 55%


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
I was on an absolutely terrible team last night and nearly rage-quit. After four of us selected the fifth guy takes shen at the last second so we have two tanks. At load one opponent dropped and before reconnected another rage-quit so we had a full game 5v4. I jungled to maximize leveling and immediately 2 of my teammates (the solo and one of the 2v2) got killed. Needless to say they got nicely fed and started winning teamfights, especially since despite having amumu and shen Fiddle thought he should be our initiator. Shen starts trying to backdoor lanes and gets ganked repeatedly while Katarina keeps going after the golem buff (I understand that the 10%CDR is nice but I can keep 'w' up continuously with that). We got aced in a teamfight as late as 40 minutes in and somehow still won. Absolutely disgusting...

Ive seen you in a couple games Zebano. I think you were on the other team and I was getting raped on a total fail team. I am on as "SneakyGuy2". Typically I Play Shaco or Shen. Feel free to friend me.

Also feel free to avoid me like the plague. I am the type of player that one game you will be like "wow!! Good Job SneakyGuy."..then next game your like.. "WTF Are you doing SneakyGuy...you arent sneaky!!" etc etc.

I had a decent win and kill ratio until my recent last dozen games have been mostly disasters.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
So, I decided on a new Rage tactic last night.

I bring you *drumroll*..........RAGEFEEDING!

Yes, when your teamates are such douchebaggets you would rather actually stay in the game just to listen to them whine and foam at the mouth.

I would say my #1 ragefeed source are the people who will start crying and whining at the SLIGHTEST hint of trouble. They will accuse you of being a ragefeeder after ONE or TWO deaths. They will give up on trying to play , but rather type endless spam about how their team sucks in global chat.

Just what do they expect from this behavior...the other team to say.. "Oh man, I am so sorry your team sucks. We will sit back and count to 100 and let your team catch up!"?

So last night I had one of these uberwhiners on my team. I died early on, mind you because I was in bottom lane, and the mid player came for the gank, we were already wounded by our tower, they tower dove, and killed me ( mind you while my lane partner Garen basically stood and did nothing ). This assburger proceeded to call me a feeder and started shitting from his mouth of how bad his team was.

I asked him, "Would you like me to just quit to make you feel better?" He said "yes". I said "Ok then, I will stay.".

I then proceeded to run to the center of the map and /Dance repeatededly. I fed the other team and watched them gank this fool over and over. Oh if you could of heard his cries. I envisioned videos of that kid who has a siezure like tantrum over his keyboard on youtube.

I recommend Ragefeeding only once in a while. And obviously if you give a rats ass about your K/D ratio might be best to avoid. But let me tell you, the experience was quite soothing for me.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I actually got pissed at my teammates yesterday and said something about (I usually avoid this since pissing your team off is rarely good). It started with Taric repeatedly standing there while Sion turned on his shield, ran up and exploded it (while laning). I would black shield him but that didn't shield nearly enough, he would then stand there at less than half health and try to tank two champs focusing him. He was claimed to be lagging (and clearly was latter in the match) so I felt bad. Then after winning a teamfight (killing only 2) we pushed and while attempting to take out their inhibitor tower Fiddle falls back and recalls (with full health/mana)... =( ... somehow we won this game anyway.

As you can see Jeff I get my share of fail teams so I'll gladly friend you and play a few games. I also have my off-days, the last of which Rhoxed and Zirze carried us to a nice win while I enjoyed my Makers Mark while waiting to respawn.

As a small gripe, I'm starting to see teams with 2-3 cleanses and it really makes my life tough. That said, if they want to waste a cleanse removing dark binding, I'm really ok with that.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
I was on a good team last night. Started off poorly, with us getting outganked. Nobody on my team whined a word, just kept slogging along and jungling at every opportunity. Then the enemy team got overconfident and split up into groups of 2-1-2. We stuck together and started ganking the stragglers, keeping half their team dead at all times. Then we hit baron, pushed the lane we had previously lost an inhibit on and it was gg.

I was 6/8/10 as Jax, all but Twitch on our team were negative K/D and yet we won anyway. Just goes to show you, it's not all about the kills.

Oh yeah, was in another game with the new guy. He went 0/9, starting the feedfest early. Needless to say we lost horribly (even though our lane started off with a 2/0 gank lead)


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I was 6/8/10 as Jax, all but Twitch on our team were negative K/D and yet we won anyway. Just goes to show you, it's not all about the kills.

Yep and this escapes a lot of players. Killing the other team can help - it gets you more gold/xp, they earn less of it while dead, and it does provide a better opportunity to push towers - but it's not the point of the game. The right team compositions, or an aggressive team playing well, can still push a tower. Especially if the enemy team is poorly defending it's towers.

I can't tell you in how many recent games I've pinged towers and said we need to defend it because it's going to get pushes soon and my teammates just continue jungling/defending other lanes that don't need it as badly. Then we lose the tower I just pointed out as the next target.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
I actually got pissed at my teammates yesterday and said something about (I usually avoid this since pissing your team off is rarely good). It started with Taric repeatedly standing there while Sion turned on his shield, ran up and exploded it (while laning). I would black shield him but that didn't shield nearly enough, he would then stand there at less than half health and try to tank two champs focusing him. He was claimed to be lagging (and clearly was latter in the match) so I felt bad. Then after winning a teamfight (killing only 2) we pushed and while attempting to take out their inhibitor tower Fiddle falls back and recalls (with full health/mana)... =( ... somehow we won this game anyway.

As you can see Jeff I get my share of fail teams so I'll gladly friend you and play a few games. I also have my off-days, the last of which Rhoxed and Zirze carried us to a nice win while I enjoyed my Makers Mark while waiting to respawn.

As a small gripe, I'm starting to see teams with 2-3 cleanses and it really makes my life tough. That said, if they want to waste a cleanse removing dark binding, I'm really ok with that.

See, this is what gets me so mad about people yelling at eachother. You would be very hard pressed to show me a player that doesnt have horrible games. The margin for error in leagues is so puny if you reach up to scratch your eye - you could run a pixel too close to a turret or a stunner and die. You really need to be dead on. OR, someone else on your team fed an opposing player than then there is NOTHING you can do which just adds to the domino effect.

I seriously feel like every game of leagues is an imaginary coin flip. before you kill the first minion the magical coin has decided for me , if I am going to go on a tear or struggle to manage a 1:1 kill ratio.

I have mainly been playing Shaco which can add to this. He can just chew people up like a blender, but some times I feel like a rubber band shooting at a brick wall.
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