**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Gangplank has always been one of my most favorite characters even though I don't really play him anymore on my main account. If he was ranged dps, I would play no one but him The only negative about him is that he's kind of a one trick pony, all he really does is parrley until the enemy team is soft enough for him to chase and melee.

After the recent changes, armor penetration is good for him instead of spell penetration, and of course, crit dmg

Also, for pro tactics, get "Raise Morale" first. Start by where the creeps spawn, and deny one of them. As you reach the tower, your cooldown is up again and you can "deny" another creep.

Personally, I'd label fiddle as a top Tier 1 caster. He's not that easy to play because he's all about placement/location. If you're fighting team fights, you BETTER know where the F he is or he's going to piss all over your team.

If you're playing as fiddle, gank once you get 6 and continue to gank. I get flash/ghost with him, but exhaust could work too, exhaust one, fear the other.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Gangplank has always been one of my most favorite characters even though I don't really play him anymore on my main account. If he was ranged dps, I would play no one but him The only negative about him is that he's kind of a one trick pony, all he really does is parrley until the enemy team is soft enough for him to chase and melee.

After the recent changes, armor penetration is good for him instead of spell penetration, and of course, crit dmg

Also, for pro tactics, get "Raise Morale" first. Start by where the creeps spawn, and deny one of them. As you reach the tower, your cooldown is up again and you can "deny" another creep.

Personally, I'd label fiddle as a top Tier 1 caster. He's not that easy to play because he's all about placement/location. If you're fighting team fights, you BETTER know where the F he is or he's going to piss all over your team.

If you're playing as fiddle, gank once you get 6 and continue to gank. I get flash/ghost with him, but exhaust could work too, exhaust one, fear the other.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
I've found people are either awesome as fiddle or stink up the whole round ending with like 1 gank, 1 assist and 20 deaths. Even odds of either.

Soraka is like that too, except with much lower odds of awesome.

It looks like almost every character can do at least one thing well, but some (like Jax, TF, Twitch) are clearly more OP than others.

Been winning as Sivir but I just don't like the lack of stun/knockback/knockup on her. She's hard to gank with (gotta wait and chase/nail weak enemies with a double boomerang) but yeah, the pushing and farming ability is simply off the chart.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
i think fiddle is a bit team dependent, he can't be the sole CC of the team, there's got to be someone to stir up the fight. when warwick was free i was repeatly ganked by him and another one of the melee easily even in team fights because nobody can do anything. now that he's off the rotation i am having a much easier life as countering jax + maybe patheron/ryze sometimes is much easier than fighting off warwick + another ganker.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
Played my first game last night, chose random and ended up with Gragas (Sp?). Was pretty fun - I ended up with something like 18-5 and 12 or so assists. How is Gragas in the grand scheme of things?

Seems the game will be interesting and will probably try to play again tonight or tomorrow.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
He was terribad when he first came out, but isn't too bad anymore with the buffs.

The only high end players I've seen use him as an ability power caster, although people say that he can do well as a physical DPSer too given that tight W ability of his.

@Tvdang - When I first heard of LoL when it launched, I laughed it off as a cartoon dota wannabe. I was playing DOTA and HON, why woudl I play another clone? But the game play is soooo much fun that I'm absolutely addicted to it, regardless of the cartoon graphics. It does make it pretty easy on people's computers though, since it's free/microtransaction and all.

Played my first game last night, chose random and ended up with Gragas (Sp?). Was pretty fun - I ended up with something like 18-5 and 12 or so assists. How is Gragas in the grand scheme of things?

Seems the game will be interesting and will probably try to play again tonight or tomorrow.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I DLed the game yesterday and it's great fun. That said, I've only played two practice games and I'm new to this whole genre so I've been guessing on what to do. That said, Gragas was effective and the voidwalker guy wasn't. I love Gragas drunken master was great for destroying creeps and general survivability; his barrel roll killed creeps but was waaay to slow to hurt enemy heros; The charge move was good for ganking but lackaed any type of stun to make it great; and his super barrel toss was a simple AOE with a knock-around which rocked.

My main questions are how much does the order that you take talents in matter, and what items do people usually buy?


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
The Talent choices arent huge, and they depend on what sort of champ you are playing. Most people seem to like a mix of offense/utility. Get masteries that complement the spells you use ( ignite,exaughst etc ). Having said that with enough work on getting the right runes, and picking the right masteries I could see being significant at level 30. I am level 16.

Talents that boost exp, money gain are good.

Items are far more important, and there are guides out there for all the individual champs. Even just going "recommended" is typically pretty good. When you get really good at the game ( which I am NOT mind you hehee ) you know what items to get based on how the game is going and more importantly the opposing champs ( etc wards are good if they have alot of stealthers, merc treads good if they have alot of stuns ).


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
I tried alister, at first i went for a cooldown reduction build and got my ass handed to me because i didnt have much HP. then i went for an innervating locket HP before the boots build and felt much more like a tank.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
After trying out a few more characters against AI (I like the short dark mage guy and Sivir best) I think I like glass cannons more than other character types. I then made the jump to a live game against people and the only person I'd used that was available was Gragas and you really can't tank with enemy heroes around... I took a serious beating. Gragas big problem is that his barrel roll is so damn slow that you really have to set up the damage and move people into it.


Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
After trying out a few more characters against AI (I like the short dark mage guy and Sivir best) I think I like glass cannons more than other character types. I then made the jump to a live game against people and the only person I'd used that was available was Gragas and you really can't tank with enemy heroes around... I took a serious beating. Gragas big problem is that his barrel roll is so damn slow that you really have to set up the damage and move people into it.

Glass Canon?

Try Gangplank- Stack up crit runes, buy crit items..like 2x Avarice blades ASAP...Parrrley crits like a mofo..by end game you could be critting pretty much every time for 1300+ dmg.

Veigar is good...Ryze is better.

The Voidwalker Kassadin is pretty awesome if you get good with him..very good ganker.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
The Voidwalker Kassadin is pretty awesome if you get good with him..very good ganker.

Kassadin is a real beast when you know how to play him right. Riftwalk + Force Pulse makes him both a great chaser and great escapist. I always play against Kassadin's that go something ridiculous like 18/4/10 but I always do a mediocre 7/6/15 or something. I get a lot more assists than kills, probably because I don't build up Riftwalk stacks enough before warping in to a team fight.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Want a good caster that's also survivable? Morgana. Morg's a total beast, I'm really starting to like her.

Start game you can deploy the oil slick to cover the enemy creep mages. If your opponents are melee (likely in lanes other than center) they will be denied cash over time. Guaranteed. And every time they get over-agressive you immobilize them with your 'Q' then work them with the 'W'. Most of my games I get to level 12 with a gank or two under my belt, wearing only my starting mana regen item, begging my team to send someone to cover my lane so I could go shop.

Blitzcrank is awesome as a lane partner for Morgana -- plunging the bushes randomly is a pro move and constantly gets the squishy ganky types 'Q'd, oil slicked and towered to death.

Warmog's or two, a bit more farming, and I laugh in the face of anything smaller than a 3:1 gank attempt.

Don't run, just pound back and you'd be surprised at what happens after the enemy has blown their actions and you're still standing. You can even jungle!


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
You can hit Q and detonate the barrel early before the 5 second limit.

After trying out a few more characters against AI (I like the short dark mage guy and Sivir best) I think I like glass cannons more than other character types. I then made the jump to a live game against people and the only person I'd used that was available was Gragas and you really can't tank with enemy heroes around... I took a serious beating. Gragas big problem is that his barrel roll is so damn slow that you really have to set up the damage and move people into it.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
You can hit Q and detonate the barrel early before the 5 second limit.

Really?? Major thanks. That makes him much more playable.

I tried out Morgana and while I lost the game, she was an easy character to get some ganks with (7/0/0). She leveled easily but at the end I really couldn't do much against Sivir/Ryze (her shield kept me alive however ). A shame that the servers seem to be down now.

What does everyone take for spells? I really like ghost but I have been switching the second between the blind debuff and teleport. I also tried heal but it seems too weak to be really useful.
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Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Morgana is not an easy character to play IMO, she's one of the more difficult ones, landing that Q snare and picking a good ally (or yourself) to shield.

Yeah servers are super messed up.

If you see my previous post, I am ALL about exhaust. Exhaust is both defensive and offensive and is all around good imo. I stick with flash exhaust for almsot everyone except I use teleport for ashe (ult --> teleport) and ghost/flash for fiddle.

I agree with you about heal. while good early, it does not scale well as you level. The heal you get at like level 12++ just doesn't do enough, in fact exhaust can prevent more dmg sometimes, especially at 18+

Really?? Major thanks. That makes him much more playable.

I tried out Morgana and while I lost the game, she was an easy character to get some ganks with (7/0/0). She leveled easily but at the end I really couldn't do much against Sivir/Ryze (her shield kept me alive however ). A shame that the servers seem to be down now.

What does everyone take for spells? I really like ghost but I have been switching the second between the blind debuff and teleport. I also tried heal but it seems too weak to be really useful.


Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
I typically go Exhaust and Flash. Both can be used both offensively and defensively.

I've started to appreciate MUNDO alot! He's very good at snaring and finishing enemies...he can spam his cleaver for last hits and harassment.. Revised my top hero list

1. Gang
2. Morgana
3 Mundo

Nidalee I've taking a certain enjoyment with building for sniping power with the javelin..It's VERY satisfying to take an enemy hero out trying to port back to base to heal when he's hiding near his tower!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I jumped in a queue yesterday then went to find some beer. When I got back I found out I got a hero assigned to me (the mage who is always making short jokes). I died before realizing that his Q isn't a snare like Morganna's =( Playing him made me realize that I don't actually like glass cannons with no survivability (a leap + stun from a melee char and he was down for the count).

The only character I have had real success with is Sivir (wow is she mana hungry early). Morganna has been great in practice games, but I've not tried her against real people yet. Kaylee appears to be a good mix of survivability, farming/pushing ability and support so I purchased her yesterday.


Jun 30, 2003
I jumped in a queue yesterday then went to find some beer. When I got back I found out I got a hero assigned to me (the mage who is always making short jokes). I died before realizing that his Q isn't a snare like Morganna's =( Playing him made me realize that I don't actually like glass cannons with no survivability (a leap + stun from a melee char and he was down for the count).

The only character I have had real success with is Sivir (wow is she mana hungry early). Morganna has been great in practice games, but I've not tried her against real people yet. Kaylee appears to be a good mix of survivability, farming/pushing ability and support so I purchased her yesterday.

dude i love Veigar. he's my main.

just gotta build his Q up. it can do stupid amounts of damage in a single hit.

then you W/E/Q/R for a kill. in some long games (everyone high level) i've been able to take on 3-4 champions by myself through good use of skills


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
found my new love that is narsus, this dude can kill surprisingly well even in low health. i guess ppl haven't aware how strong his Q and ult yet, and he got to leech.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Had a great premade last night. I was playing warwick, we also had an annie, nasus, ezreal (new guy), and sivir. I'd kill the jungle creeps to level, so annie and sivir both got solo lanes, sivir usually taking the 2 opponent lane.

Key was that we would go and kill baron the moment he spawned every game, right at the 10 minute mark. Between sivir's ultimate, nasus's ultimate & passive lifesteal, my howl, we had incredible dps and killed baron very quickly even at low levels. Since it was so early in the game we were never caught while killing him, usually the enemy team would be pushing one of our towers but it was a worthwhile trade every time.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I tried out Kaylee yesterday and it was just brutal. We eventually won, but that was because of fiddle, not me. Eventually I just started following others around, using my heal and ult and dropping q&e on any enemies who got too close. That said there was a Teemo who killed me like 10 times. Absolutely ridiculous.

I also tried a practice game as Janna and that Q is so slow you can't possibly be anything but a support in a real game .


Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
I tried out Kaylee yesterday and it was just brutal. We eventually won, but that was because of fiddle, not me. Eventually I just started following others around, using my heal and ult and dropping q&e on any enemies who got too close. That said there was a Teemo who killed me like 10 times. Absolutely ridiculous.

I also tried a practice game as Janna and that Q is so slow you can't possibly be anything but a support in a real game .

Same as Gragas... First hit Q to begin charging tornade (And gaining its dmg) and then Q to fire it off early if needed.

Can be very quickly fired if needed
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