**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Guys, anyone else having terrible lag like the last 4 weeks? Its weird the game was always mostly stable for me.

typical game now is stuttery lag like when I click the character is a split second slow to respond sometimes. this is very annoying but.. I can live with it.

But then, roughly twice a game my char will freeze for like 8 secods. I cant move but everyone else is moving and kicking my ass.

Maybe it isnt "lag".

Not sure what the heck it is but this game is near unplayable for me right now.

I used to play on an ancient machine and moved to a merely 1 year out of date machine and the stuttering I had went away. A new graphics card might have also done the trick since it seemed to be tied to things like Vlad's blood pool, MFs Ult or any of Malzahar's spells except the dot.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
If anyone has played LeBlanc can her chains hit multiple targets? I don't think I ever saw it but the targeting was a small AOE when I watched the champion spotlight. Since we lost our last game I need another 21 IP before I can buy her =(

It's single target. You can Mimic it for a second Chains but that's a waste of her ult IMHO. Maybe if your entire team is there and lacks other stuns.


Oct 30, 2000
LeBlanc is the new first week xin. Annie and Ryze burst can be somewhat mitigated by having cleanse/flash. You can't do that with leb -- teleport/q/r then e or teleport back every creep wave to harass until enemy is down below half HP. Then if they wander away from behind their tower take them out. Even if they do, run behind a wall and continue harassing them OVER the wall with either chains or teleport, burst & teleport back.

7/1/16 first game out with her, then improved as the night went on. The only game I lost last night was because a leb on the other team was farming my teammates hard early game, which let her team farm more gold and steamroll us. Still got as many kills as deaths that game, with most of my team being 0/6 or so by 25 minutes. Every win was determined by who had the better leb. She's definitely, brokenly OP at the moment -- combining excellent mobility with a best in class burst is something most champs simply can't deal with.

Oh, and depending on skill picks she can bust out 700 damage in "2 hits" at level 6. It's possible to simply not take chains until after the ult, picking Q instead. This makes the Q and R combo hit *MUCH* harder. It's a gamble and tradeoff, of course. But against an extra-squishy opponent like teemo, ashe or trist I'd go chainless every time. Flash, w, q r autoattack ignite w back "Stick a fork in em, they're done."

LeBlanc can even dent morde!

Yah this is what I saw. The only chars with the same mobility as her do not have near the same burst DPS. The only thing she lacks is AoE for team fights. But considering the fact she can jump out from anywhere in a team fight to take out the other teams carries and squishies and escape retribution means she still adds a ton to team fights. Even Kass who has about the same mobility can't get near her level of DPS or burst damage. She right now is the equivalent of say Tristana with rocket jump on a 5 second cooldown instead of 30 with an R that does 2.5 times as much damage at base. That's LeBlanc. Retarded mobility, great disabling (silence, slow, AND stun), and major burst DPS. Giving that all to a range character with good survivability is a bit much with that damn twinning ability as well which teleports her even further away.

It's like taking the best of Annie, Shaco, Kassidin, and and Lux and putting it all in one character without the AoE.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
I thought I posted about this last night, I was sure whining about it in-game, but under level 10, LeBlanc hits for 700 dmg against Sona with 50 MR.

WTFFFFFFFFFFF. The cooldown is so !@#$@# short that she can seriously out harass almost anyone out of the lane, forcing them to heal.

Usually, my specialty with vlad, but that takes a few levels to get that strong.

Oh, and depending on skill picks she can bust out 700 damage in "2 hits" at level 6. It's possible to simply not take chains until after the ult, picking Q instead. This makes the Q and R combo hit *MUCH* harder. It's a gamble and tradeoff, of course. But against an extra-squishy opponent like teemo, ashe or trist I'd go chainless every time. Flash, w, q r autoattack ignite w back "Stick a fork in em, they're done."


Dec 4, 2004
I only noticed her doing good if she was in mid. I was against a leblanc and lux in the same lane and they tried real hard to be aggressive but it was the one game I played Yi so I could harass back without worry. That ended up being a loss ultimately though.

Who do you think is more useful in a team fight, Janna or Amumu?


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Ok so I played Nunu yesterday and we won and I did ok, but it wasn't great. My big problem with Nunu is I haven't settled on the items I want.

He needs (yes, needs) 3 things: a spell shield to help get his ult off, some AP to make him a threat, max CDR (only one damage spell and it sits at 6 secs * .6 = 3.6 second cooldown... nice).

Note: I use my tank rune page (flat armor red and yellows flat MR blues & health quints), and a 1/16/13 mastery setup to make the jungle easy. I would really like to tweak this to at least pick up 9 in offensive masteries but my experiments so far have required both veterans scars and the utility mastery. I think maybe using my new runes page to try MPen + flat AP or perhaps just avoid golem until level 3...

Secondary Concerns are tank attributes: Health, MR & Armor

Potential Items:

Mejai's Soulstealer: I often jungle nunu, and due to consume it's easy to stay alive even when ganking so it's easy to get stacks. As a bonus jungle Nunu starts with the +20 AP book so I"m halfway there already.

Rod of Ages: Provides tons of health & tons of AP, nuff said.

Rylai's is just bad, all of nunu's spells already slow though the health is nice.

Zhona's Ring: Massive AP and a quasi-shield to boot.

Lich Bane: AP, MR & makes your auto attack hit like a brick every 2 seconds.

Spell Shield:
Banshee's Veil: Only Choice.

CDR (due to my tank runes & jungle masteries - flat armor and 1/16/13 I really need a lot here though blue buff helps early):

Deathfire Grasp: 15% + AP and a single target nuke.

Nashors tooth: Ok but only if roflstomping, the AP is nice, but while Nunu will have blood boil up, the AS isn't really noticeable late game (early game yes) unless you also build a AD item.

Frozen Heart: Assuming the enemy team has a source of significant AD, this is good team utility and 25% CDR this is my preferred item.

Boots: Usually need the mercury, though boots 3 helps with ganking and Sorc Shoes are a nice bonus to Spell Pen.

Long story short: any suggestions on mastery/rune changes and in what order should I be nabbing items. Currentely I go book > boots1 > soulstealer > Banshee's Veil > Upgrade boots > (options) RoA while lacking CDR / Frozen Heart lacking AP (unless I'm really getting stacks). Honestly a lot of games are over before that last item.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Who do you think is more useful in a team fight, Janna or Amumu?

Interesting question. they're quite different but assuming Janna is with the team her ult might just be one of the best counters to Amumu's ult. In general I like Amumu because while Janna is full of utility (best babysitter: shield + knockup + slow + sweet ult) and can do some damage when built for it you're still mostly relying on someone else to do the damage. Amumu's ult is a significant initiation ability that even the worst players see and recognize as a big fucking sign saying "teamfight NOW", Couple that ult with despair and he is a seriously awesome tank. The only reason I would consider Galio to be better is that he can single-handedly shut down a push if the enemy team isn't willing to tank the tower (he just farms like a god).


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
I only noticed her doing good if she was in mid. I was against a leblanc and lux in the same lane and they tried real hard to be aggressive but it was the one game I played Yi so I could harass back without worry. That ended up being a loss ultimately though.

Who do you think is more useful in a team fight, Janna or Amumu?

The problem there was Lux. I'm convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Lux firmly belongs with Eve in the garbage tier. Plus, it's free Lux week. In one game a day or two ago our Annie failed to connect so I had to go mid as Xin vs Lux. It was laughably easy even though I had the wrong summoner spells for mid, and by the time I ganked her at six she had spent most of the round cowering at her tower. I was farming right in front of her face at L1-2 because my free healing was almost keeping up with her feeble harass. Lux is simply garbage compared to dozens and dozens of better champs.

Had you been up against something like LeBlanc + taric or sion or panth or galio or annie or anivia or morg or kass (or ...) you probably wouldn't have been nearly as happy about it.

As far as amumu or janna: depends on whether your team needs offense or defense. Janna's ult de-initiates, and is very defensive. Mumu's ult lets your team layer AoEs and wipe out the entire enemy team. Nothing more frustrating than a team becoming paralyzed midway through being pirate bombed while MF runs up to hose everyone down.

Since very few games are won through canceling a team fight I'd say mumu is going to be better most of the time.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I hate to break it to you but Eve really isn't garbage tier since her buff. I won't call her anything close to a T1 champ, but she jungles well and ganks extremely well. She is playable now (that said noobs who try to stack sunfires and walk around stealthed still suck).


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
She may be slightly buffed, but she still attracts the sort of solo player who will make the entire round effectively 4 v 5.

Yes, being ganked is annoying -- but once a few people buy lanterns and oracles her ganking days are over. Even if she has 3 trillion gold she goes down instantly to being CCd and focused, then it's her 4 unfed teammates vs 5 again. Her pushing ability is next to nil, her AoE ability is laughable, and having to run into the middle of the enemy team to pull off the stun & DPS not knowing if someone bought an oracle is a gamble.

She's still a pubstomp champ 100% dependent on the enemy team not being willing to counter her. Which IMO is garbage tier. Her jungling is nowhere near what Warwick or Udyr can pull off, and both of those champs will bust out comparable single target CC while having tons more survivability and tower busting ability.

Twitch and Shaco are better BDers as well. About the only thing she does well is make the enemy team overconfident and more prone to make stupid, overly aggressive mistakes.


Oct 30, 2000
She may be slightly buffed, but she still attracts the sort of solo player who will make the entire round effectively 4 v 5.

Yes, being ganked is annoying -- but once a few people buy lanterns and oracles her ganking days are over. Even if she has 3 trillion gold she goes down instantly to being CCd and focused, then it's her 4 unfed teammates vs 5 again. Her pushing ability is next to nil, her AoE ability is laughable, and having to run into the middle of the enemy team to pull off the stun & DPS not knowing if someone bought an oracle is a gamble.

She's still a pubstomp champ 100% dependent on the enemy team not being willing to counter her. Which IMO is garbage tier. Her jungling is nowhere near what Warwick or Udyr can pull off, and both of those champs will bust out comparable single target CC while having tons more survivability and tower busting ability.

Twitch and Shaco are better BDers as well. About the only thing she does well is make the enemy team overconfident and more prone to make stupid, overly aggressive mistakes.

Uh, the buffing they did means she does not go down as fast as before. She is not nearly as squishie as she was. On top of that, she has a ton more DPS than she had before. She lacks in a team fight because she has no AoE of abilities to contribute to a team fight, but she can be built for pure dps and push just as well as any other melee carry dps. Saw it done last night. That and she forces the other team to spend gold on items to counter her, especially early on. Cause if she is ganking successfully that means the other team isn't able to stay in the lane for exps and gold. That means her whole team is getting an edge faster even if Eve's team isn't making many kills themselves.

Still, she isn't the best choice, but she is way better than before. If they ever give her an AoE ability as the test server once had for her, then she would be a force to reckon with.


Junior Member
Nov 3, 2010
Uh, the buffing they did means she does not go down as fast as before. She is not nearly as squishie as she was. On top of that, she has a ton more DPS than she had before. She lacks in a team fight because she has no AoE of abilities to contribute to a team fight, but she can be built for pure dps and push just as well as any other melee carry dps. Saw it done last night. That and she forces the other team to spend gold on items to counter her, especially early on. Cause if she is ganking successfully that means the other team isn't able to stay in the lane for exps and gold. That means her whole team is getting an edge faster even if Eve's team isn't making many kills themselves.

Still, she isn't the best choice, but she is way better than before. If they ever give her an AoE ability as the test server once had for her, then she would be a force to reckon with.

since the buff she can go both ways now which make her EVEn more deadily iv seen her go ad last night and she was still doing very well but as ap she needs 3 items 1 set of boots,lichbane and a zhonyas ring and that all she will need till the end of the game the more the merrier he ap is at 1:1 now so it is rockin


Junior Member
Nov 3, 2010
Yeah solid games I only saw one champ at the tower so I decided to dive it and it turned out there were 3 there. Other than that excellent games and I appreciated not having to tank every game. Kudos to whoever (Malak?) kept running galio for us I, and to xCxStyleX for his amumu. The double tank job of Amumu / Malphite the first game was really fun. Malphite is really growing on me as a counter pick against AD stacking teams.

I believe our teams were some mix of:

Terribel Guy (Humble Pie)
Flowurbridge (xCxStylex)
Kailel (Malak)
and a friend of Humbles.

Great team and thanks for the vent server.

BTW I was the guy playing Galio my in game tag is kaigemercer


Dec 4, 2004
I don't care what they do with Eve, I wouldn't want one on our team. She might be awesome in solo stomping but with a limited amount of slots to fill, I don't see a rambo champ as viable, especially if we have Janna already on the team.

I don't see Lux as garbage though. Double shackle, AoE slow, wtfbbq cannon. Stacked AP can make her go SURPRISE.

Amumu, Nunu, and Galio all would work better if we had an MF on the team. Her ult works best when someone can stop the other team. It wasn't the tower that was our problem in our only loss, it was the Galio/MF combo ult that killed us.


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
Leblanc in good hands is nothing short of scary particularly early game. Ended up going Singed(me) and Tris vs Leblanc and Garren in the bot lane - not fun. Had to B back a few times to heal, one mistake and i'd lose 3/4 of hp. Can't stay in that state with Leblanc at range....very frustrating. Plus every time I would get an opening for a tower toss and sticky: Silenced!

Did see a few terrible Leblanc on the other teams (thankful) while having a decent one on ours. She is much better then swain, lux or urgot.

Added: Lux isn't too bad. I tried her in a practice round and felt really weak, but i've played a few games where she could swing a fight.


Dec 4, 2004
Played some Gragas after getting my butt handed to me from an AP Gragas. I LOVE this champ. He's all kinds of awesome in every ability he has, and I can see him being more useful in a team fight. I can remotely push people towards us.


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
Played some Gragas after getting my butt handed to me from an AP Gragas. I LOVE this champ. He's all kinds of awesome in every ability he has, and I can see him being more useful in a team fight. I can remotely push people towards us.

What kind of items do you use for AP gragas?


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Q definitely needs it's range cut down so it's less overbearing. Probably drop it's damage some too.

Man if LeBlanc lanes with someone with a stun it's devastating to the squishy you're laning against.


Dec 4, 2004
What kind of items do you use for AP gragas?

I'm still working through that. Rod of ages seems obvious. Mana isn't a big issue but archangel probably still helpful. CD reduction can be helpful so Deathfire Grasp. Mejai's might be easy to use since he has good survivability. Stack on that Lich Bane and he can jump in and do some hurt then get out. Ring for massive AP boost.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
I like Gragas too. I'm still lvl16 but played with some lvl30s (I have no T3 runes) and we lost but I did the right things, just used to stomping all over the scrubs at my level.
Last edited:


Dec 4, 2004
Ok decided the lineup.

Deathfire grasp and Hextech gunblade to start. They make for awesome activated abilities for a combo with gragas, plus his ult benefits from both AD and AP. Then probably rod of ages and if ever have the money whatever, maybe go for ring.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
So I bought LeBlanc, and without ever having hopped into a practice game, I read her skills and went 7-2-8.

I'm usually dont play hard hitters or carries and TBH, am barely above a 1:1 ratio most of the time, but LeBlanc is everything HumblePie said..

The movement and silence of Kassadin, yet with a bit more "escape" abilities. More damage than Kassadin, and being a RANGED caster helps SOOO much too.

She also has THREE damage abilities, where as Kassadin's third armor pen ability is practically a joke but slightly better than what the passive alone used to be.

The burst damage is so high, I think right now, most players aren't expecting it.

Unlike Kass who does AOE slow, she has one snare that is a possible stun, but with her ult, it can potentially stun a character twice.

bottom line IMO: MOST OVER F**KING POWERED CHARACTER I HAVE SEEN YET and I've been playing this shit since December.

I usually agree with almost everything zeb says, but in this case, I gotta disagree and say that Eve is still bottom tier trash. She is definitely better, but for top level play, she is still countered the same way and is even worse than the new shaco, who sucks.

I hate to break it to you but Eve really isn't garbage tier since her buff. I won't call her anything close to a T1 champ, but she jungles well and ganks extremely well. She is playable now (that said noobs who try to stack sunfires and walk around stealthed still suck).

She may be slightly buffed, but she still attracts the sort of solo player who will make the entire round effectively 4 v 5.

Yes, being ganked is annoying -- but once a few people buy lanterns and oracles her ganking days are over. Even if she has 3 trillion gold she goes down instantly to being CCd and focused, then it's her 4 unfed teammates vs 5 again. Her pushing ability is next to nil, her AoE ability is laughable, and having to run into the middle of the enemy team to pull off the stun & DPS not knowing if someone bought an oracle is a gamble..


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
I just checked the store and apparently, the Halloween quints are still there.

If you ever wanted "health quints" or even think you might want them in the future, it might be worth spending the 3000 IP.

BTW, the Tier 2 Halloween ones "Quintessence of Treats" gives 30 hp each. The Tier 3 Quint of Fortitude give you 32.4 HP each. 90 HP vs 97 HP but a difference of 3165 IP.

Hm, if anyone was wanting "health quints," I can suggest getting Tier 2 Halloween ones. They are 30 health for 995 IP, where as the Tier 3 Health quints are 2050 IP for 32.4 health.

For a difference of 9 health total across the 3 quints, I would rather save a total of 3165 IP.

I think last day is 2morrow for all the limited edition halloween crap, meaning midnight 11/2 (11/3 00:00AM)
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