**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Senior member
May 14, 2008
what you've describe would be a server side lag. i have experience that too. like when i click my toon to run, he won't move until many seconds later. it usually goes away after a minute or 2 so when it happens i just tower hug.

I would say this but everything else in the game works fine. My brother playing in the same match has no problems. Server side lag would affect all players in the match.

And how do you tower hug when you cant move! Not like you can predict it and be sitting by the tower already when it happens. What we are talking about is when it becomes completely unresponsive, not click and 3 seconds later the command is issued and this lasts for a minute or so. Everything is just completely dead and unresponsive for 10 seconds, then suddenly everything is fine.

This has only happened to me once. It hasn't made the game unplayable, or anything remotely close to that. I didn't even think any more of it until several other people here mentioned it.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I was a little over dramatic. I love the game enough to keep trying. Every time this happens and I die, I swear at it say Im done, then I try again the next day in hopes it clears up.

Anyway, does anyoe have some tips for SION? Hes an older champ I just recently tried. I was really surprised how difficult he was to play. I dont think he should be.

I tried an AP build which was a disaster.

Perhaps I should try a more traditional AD/lifesteal or tank, sufire cape with frozen mallet type deal.

Any tips appreciated. I absolutely sucked with him ( not including my stability issues - that made it down right comical )

I play Sion when someone else on my team is kind enough to tank and prefer AP. I run a standard caster rune page (HP quints, MPen reds, MP5/lvl yellow and CDR blue) and 9/0/21 with flash + ghost (very important, you can't get to the squishies without them (or getaway if you need to).

The thing to remember is that while enrage + ult gives you some melee capability, with an AP build, unless your waiting to blow the shield in order to actually shield you need to hit and run most of the time (CDR from golem + blue pot are very helpful until you get some from items).
One of my favorite builds with him is D. Ring, Sheen > lichbane, speed 3 boots, Abyssal Scepter and I'll often finish up with Atma's to take advantage of your health and make you a decent tower killer/melee backup.

IF you want to go AD with him he gets decent AD from enrage but really lacks in the AS department so address that first (I like SotD or Malady since it makes your shield better for either popping creeps or just for the shield). Your ult is beastly once you get 1.5AS and some damage. I wouldn't go pure tank because then you just have a single target stun every 8 seconds....
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I love playing support characters and usually they're a boon to your team for the utility they provide. But if your team is completely incompetent you end up becoming a detriment. Your utility to the team is wasted because they suck.

Played two games, one as Taric and one as Sona last night, and lost both. The first one was horrible because the enemy team stacked the AOE ults (Galio, Sona, Vlad). I thought we were going to be alright since we had Amumu, but I didn't see him ult more than maybe once or twice in team fights. So that was surrender at 25. The next game was where I played Sona and had a terrible MF and a Teemo who thought he was good with a score of 19/12. But really, all he did was stay out of team engagements until the very end and then pick off a few of their low health guys before they took him down too.
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Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
I play Sion when someone else on my team is kind enough to tank and prefer AP. I run a standard caster rune page (HP quints, MPen reds, MP5/lvl yellow and CDR blue) and 9/0/21 with flash + ghost (very important, you can't get to the squishies without them (or getaway if you need to).

The thing to remember is that while enrage + ult gives you some melee capability, with an AP build, unless your waiting to blow the shield in order to actually shield you need to hit and run most of the time (CDR from golem + blue pot are very helpful until you get some from items).
One of my favorite builds with him is D. Ring, Sheen > lichbane, speed 3 boots, Abyssal Scepter and I'll often finish up with Atma's to take advantage of your health and make you a decent tower killer/melee backup.

IF you want to go AD with him he gets decent AD from enrage but really lacks in the AS department so address that first (I like SotD or Malady since it makes your shield better for either popping creeps or just for the shield). Your ult is beastly once you get 1.5AS and some damage. I wouldn't go pure tank because then you just have a single target stun every 8 seconds....

This is what I tried on my first attempt, but I didnt really have a good team, so it was a disaster. However, my only problem with your theory and what surprised me with Sion, is he DIDNT have jack for HP. I thought maybe the enrage skill would yield more for some reason, but it really doesnt add up to alot. At least enough to consider yourself a tank with an AP build or utilize Atmas. Am I missing something?


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
I would say this but everything else in the game works fine. My brother playing in the same match has no problems. Server side lag would affect all players in the match.

And how do you tower hug when you cant move! Not like you can predict it and be sitting by the tower already when it happens. What we are talking about is when it becomes completely unresponsive, not click and 3 seconds later the command is issued and this lasts for a minute or so. Everything is just completely dead and unresponsive for 10 seconds, then suddenly everything is fine.

This has only happened to me once. It hasn't made the game unplayable, or anything remotely close to that. I didn't even think any more of it until several other people here mentioned it.

It doesn't seem like any lag I have ever seen. But that doesn't mean it isn't. If is it would seem to be an odd form of packet loss. Like I stop sending packets but I still receive them? I don't even know if that makes sense.

The predictability of it is is also suspect. It almost always lasts for me 10 seconds. It almost always happens twice per match ( not once, not 3 times - twice ). And it typically happens about 8 minutes in, then about 16 minutes in. My ping, fps, cpu usage and memory do not show anything useful either.

I am hoping by some miracle the patch today fixes it. Or, makes it even worse so more people complain forcing them to stop pumping out champions and addressing more pressing issues.

Too many champs.

Not enough fixes to keep up. Not enough maps. etc etc.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
This is what I tried on my first attempt, but I didnt really have a good team, so it was a disaster. However, my only problem with your theory and what surprised me with Sion, is he DIDNT have jack for HP. I thought maybe the enrage skill would yield more for some reason, but it really doesnt add up to alot. At least enough to consider yourself a tank with an AP build or utilize Atmas. Am I missing something?

First off note that enrage is a toggle, be sure to turn it on or you won't gain health/AD. Second try to take that point as early as possible. At level 5 as AP you really want 1 enrage, 1 stun, 3 shield, at 6 a second point in stun is usually called for unless you really need to heal and can't recall for some reason (ult just isn't that useful for AP Sion). Personally I like to talk to my lane partner, and ask how aggressive they want to be and If they're aggressive or very strong early (i.e. Garen) I'll go stun > enrage > shieldx3, other wise I'll go enrage > shield /stun > stun/shield > shieldx2. If I'm 1v2 I go shield > enrage > shield > stun > shield as your main priority is to avoid massive harassment and last hit as many creeps as possible.

Max Shield by level 9 and try to get enrage to level 2/3 by 11 or so rather than just pumping stun as it really helps with sheen, tower diving and single target ganks, neglect your ult as much as possible, though 1 point can be useful for procing sheen/lichbane. I never buy items with HP and usually have 3K+ by the end of a 40 minute game (and 200+ creep kills).

If you've got a ton of cash for some reason consider buying a Nashors since the AS makes your enrage better, the CD is just sweet and it has decent AP. Just beware that if you buy it rather than Abyssal you won't have as much MR.

Also regarding boots, I like the speed boots but never take them if the situation calls for Mercury Treads.
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Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Man, after playing energy/mana characters for so long there's something relaxing about playing a straight up cooldown champ. Spin to win is actually pretty fun, at least initially.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
This just in, not sure what they did today during server downtime, but that freeze problem didnt happen for me for 2 straight games.

I don't normally play during the day though, usually working


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
What are the best ways to counter fiddles ultimate? We had one tonight that kept ganking us that way.. we won the match but it was annoying. Just any old stun? The element of surprise was too much for me to get my stun on him all the time. I guess that is just sloppy playing.

Also, I've found guys that bad mouth their own teammates publicly are the worst players, or at least mediocre. I played a game and was derided by a teammate for being "worthless" (I play support, Anivia). We lost. I did have a bad game, but we had no tank whatsoever. Then I joined another game, and I played against him and his friends this time.

We stomped them out, and I told him he was an idiot among other things after the win.. and he said "what did you do?"...

.... my score was 20/8/20....... I essentially made their little cornholes bleed.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
just stay out of fiddles way...he is pure jihad.

Now Ulaf tonight was unstoppable, after L13 no one could even move his health.

I am betting he gets nerfed real soon.

finished at 20/0/2

the rest were like 5-8/5-8/3-4


Dec 4, 2004
Fiddle's ult has a limited range and he has to channel it. So there are few places where he can just ult on top of you. A stun/slow will work, or if your team is there and he doesn't have a lot of hp, just focus him and he'll go down before his ult hurts too bad. Depends on what stage of game though, because really late if he is AP stacked, any amount of time in his ult can be devastating. Never try to fight him if there is only a couple of you, because he will just drain one of you and you will lose the fight. If your team has no stuns, you lost at champ selection.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
I should have kept a better eye on him. By the end of the match, I did do so and we won the game. I'm working on my map awareness, and improving over time.

Can anyone tell me how to play a tank? I was hoping my friend who is a beta-current HON player would teach me once I got him to play LoL.. but he never played a tank. My fear is that I'll initiate and no one will follow.. which is why I prefer my support champion. It doesn't really matter if I die at a bad time... I'm support! And the team can go on without me, but with me we really clean up.. takes a lot of pressure out of it (other than I'm usually the balance breaker between 2 good teams).
Just seems to be a tank in a non-premade game takes big balls.

I'm starting to see where Yi, Nunu and all the 450Ip champs are limited (besides Ashe) as I play more and more. My friend from HON is playing Ashe, and he has hit some simply epic arrows.. he's very good at guessing where people are in the shadows of war. His map awareness is pretty phenom.


Dec 4, 2004
Don't bother playing a tank, if you are good at anivia then stick with the ice chicken. Anivia is always handy, and in any premade you are bound to have someone that can tank. If it's solo queue, doesn't even matter. The only tanky champ I'll play is gragas, but I go AP on him. Even AP he can still tank because of his buff + hp/ap items. He's an awesome initiator though, his ult gets me kills real easy. Tower hugging? Not anymore!


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
I would like to find a 2nd champ I'm decent at tho that fits my mastery build, preferably someone tanky for when no one else is, and fun to play. I run a 9/0/21 (when 30, currently at 9/0/10) masteries, who would work well with that out of Shaco, Nunu, Morde, Sion or Vlad? I loved Gragas too when I played him.


Jun 30, 2003
just stay out of fiddles way...he is pure jihad.

Now Ulaf tonight was unstoppable, after L13 no one could even move his health.

I am betting he gets nerfed real soon.

finished at 20/0/2

the rest were like 5-8/5-8/3-4

sounds like he got fed. as with any melee carry, you just need some CC on him and he's dead.

also, if he has all attack items, that means no magic resist, meaning your mages should put the hurt on.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
I would like to find a 2nd champ I'm decent at tho that fits my mastery build, preferably someone tanky for when no one else is, and fun to play. I run a 9/0/21 (when 30, currently at 9/0/10) masteries, who would work well with that out of Shaco, Nunu, Morde, Sion or Vlad? I loved Gragas too when I played him.

there are more than one kind of tank.. if you want to play 'real' tanks, I would suggest Amumu or Galio. These heroes do a lot of damage and have abilities that force the other team to attack. A more baby-sitter type tank would be Shen and .. pretty much just Shen.

Other tanks that are less about team-disable/CC and more single target killers would be Sion/Garen.

Some tanks that are fun to play but are weaker as tanks because they are not great CC'ers or great single target disable/killers would be a hero like Cho'Gath. I've had games where Cho'Gath would singlehandedly fight the enemy team (him being the only one alive and 3-4 people alive on the other team after a teamfight) and even the odds/win, but by and large Cho'Gath doesn't do that.

Gragas is not a very good tank. Yeah sure you can build him tanky but if you have no way to make people do damage to you or have no reason to attack you beyond another high priority target... useless.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
Excuse my ignorance, whats CC? And what is a great build for Ashe? My friend is playing her a lot, and I want to pass along an epic build from here.
I know DD direct damage, AOE area of effect, DOT damage over time but not recalling CC.
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Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Excuse my ignorance, whats CC? And what is a great build for Ashe? My friend is playing her a lot, and I want to pass along an epic build from here.
I know DD direct damage, AOE area of effect, DOT damage over time but not recalling CC.

Crowd Control abilities that take enemies out of the fight.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
there are more than one kind of tank.. if you want to play 'real' tanks, I would suggest Amumu or Galio. These heroes do a lot of damage and have abilities that force the other team to attack. A more baby-sitter type tank would be Shen and .. pretty much just Shen.

Other tanks that are less about team-disable/CC and more single target killers would be Sion/Garen.

Some tanks that are fun to play but are weaker as tanks because they are not great CC'ers or great single target disable/killers would be a hero like Cho'Gath.

I've never gotten to CC before, but it would be fun as one of my favorite parts of Anivia is tossing up a wall to allow an ally to escape. Hitting the Idol of Durand would be fun to experiment with too.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
I've never gotten to CC before, but it would be fun as one of my favorite parts of Anivia is tossing up a wall to allow an ally to escape. Hitting the Idol of Durand would be fun to experiment with too.

Anivia is a prime example of CC. Stun, slows, fear, silence are all examples of CC. Anivia as we know, has a (possibly) aoe stun, and a large aoe slow. The wall would be an atypical example of CC, with only limited usage, meaning that it is only situationally useful.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
Excuse my ignorance, whats CC? And what is a great build for Ashe? My friend is playing her a lot, and I want to pass along an epic build from here.
I know DD direct damage, AOE area of effect, DOT damage over time but not recalling CC.

If your friend is maining Ashe or contemplating on playing her regularly, he should aim for high minion kill ratios before even inquiring about the build.

Minion waves start at 1:30, where 20 minions arrive every 1.5 minutes.

So by 10:30, there should be a total of 120 minions that come down the lane. Ideally, your friend should have a CS close to or above 100 at that point. If the farming is uninterrupted up to 20 minutes, then they should have a CS of at least 200. So we're looking for about at least an 80&#37; creep kill ratio, if not more.

The reason why I mention this is that the build order efficacy of a carry/ranged dps type hero like Ashe is pretty majorly impacted by their ability to farm creeps.

21/0/9 on masteries. Max aspd mastery, one point in aura length extension.
9 APen marks
9 Mregen/5 seals
9 CD glyphs
3 Health quints
note: this is probably nott he best set of marks or w/e for ashe, this is just what I use because I dont have the runes.

For her skills I tend to go, E, W, W, E, W, R, Q, W, E, W, etc.. It just means I get her E for scouting/gold purposes early, but I try to max my W first since its great CC and damage. The Q is only important if you're going to gank, but Ashe is normally a defensive-type DPS carry, so I don't get it so early. of course, as with everything I'm writing now, you can change the build as you see fit (less points in E, more in Q, etc).

You should also get used to getting good at her R. Dont use it to selfishly last hit, as you are turning Ashe into a pretty shitty character if that's the case. Use it to initiate (both teams in mid, one sticks out neck too far, arrow in the face, rest of the team jumps in and kill em off), and use it to disable a particular hero in a teamfight that needs to die.

Start with: Doran's Blade, 1 health pot

If I am farming as well as can be expected with Ashe, I will proceed to go,
First trip back to town: Boots, Brutalizer (350g, 1337g)
Second trip: Boots of swiftness OR Merc treads OR Berserker greaves, and a BF sword.
Third trip: This is where my build starts to change a little. Depending on the game, I might pick up a zeal/increased attack speed bow thingie, finish my youmuu's or finish my infinity edge. Really depends on how the game feels or what might be more important. Usually, I will choose to finish the infinity edge.

The game should be over by now. But if the game drags on, I'll ideally go in order of importance:

XXX boots, infinity edge, last whisper, madred's/cleaver/bloodthirster, youmuu/phantom dancer.

If the game has serious survivability issues then I will pick up an HP crystal and/or a negatron cloak early as well, usually after the BF sword. Ashe should always have one slot devoted to a banshee's veil if the other team's AP is putting up a fight at all.

Remember that if you are doing your job you will need red buff.

edit: more advice, for laning

If the other team has a competent jungler, you can count the # of creeps they've killed in order to know how far they've jungled, at least in the beginning of the game. You'll know once they finish red buff, they'll be coming from that side to gank you. So stay on the other side. If you are suspicious about getting ganked repeatedly you _SHOULD_ buy a ward or two and use it to make sure no one is coming in from at least one side.
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Oct 30, 2000
Sigh, the string of losses for my solo ranked games are really depressing. Which is the primary reason I haven't done any team ones yet except one. I want to make sure when I start doing team ones, it is with people that are out to win and know what they are doing. Not the crap I've been through with the solo games.

Just had an Ashe keep stating she has mid, she has mid... I said, alright, but I can mid if you can't with xin. So instead of arguing or fighting over it, I take bot. Ashe takes mid and proceeds to die. After her third death before she reached level 5 to a tryndamere who was against her in mid. Yah a TRYND who is horrible at mid. I come up. She proceeds to argue with me about me trying to take mid. I hang around mid for a bit as she is telling me to go away. After a minute, side lanes call mia just as I notice everyone is gone. I start moving back as Ashe pushes forward. Yep, the ashe dies. Then starts complaining that it was my fault for not saving her 4v2 (only two if you count me) at the tower. The game ended with her having 18 deaths.

At mid the Ashe didn't know how to last hit, didn't know how not to push, didn't know how to kite, and didn't know really how to play it seemed like for a level 30 account. It was seriously annoying.


Nov 12, 2010
LoL Handle: Cixx

I started at with the raging bull, after I had enough IP I moved on to Shen. Saved enough IP for Akali. I'm pretty decent with those chars. I'm not sure who I want to go for after, I was thinking Amumu or Olaf.
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