**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I think I've played out Sion and I'm looking to probably switch over to playing Olaf. Anyone have any advice on runes/items for him?

In other news I finally made 30 (took forever) and lost my first ranked game since the lead didn't ban amumu (moron). We took an early +6 kill lead in the laning phase, however once team fights started my team got retarded (always 1 guy off jerking it across the map during team fights). So with it always being 4v5 plus amumu's, sona's and MF's ults on the other team, we just couldn't win team fights. We quickly lost the kill lead and ended up losing pretty badly.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
I think I've played out Sion and I'm looking to probably switch over to playing Olaf. Anyone have any advice on runes/items for him?

In other news I finally made 30 (took forever) and lost my first ranked game since the lead didn't ban amumu (moron). We took an early +6 kill lead in the laning phase, however once team fights started my team got retarded (always 1 guy off jerking it across the map during team fights). So with it always being 4v5 plus amumu's, sona's and MF's ults on the other team, we just couldn't win team fights. We quickly lost the kill lead and ended up losing pretty badly.

If you don't have everyone for a team fight don't engage in one; it's more your fault (or whoever initiated) for engaging without everyone than it is their fault for not being there...


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
You'd think that, but in low ELO *someone* will perpetually initiate 4 on 5, die a horrible solo death a few times, bitch at their team and ragequit. The only solution is to beg the solo artist to stop running around solo. It works about 1 time in 10. The other solution is to tell the other 4 to follow the solo artist, even if all they do is jungle. That works about 1 time in 5. The rest will be an unavoidable loss.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
If you don't have everyone for a team fight don't engage in one; it's more your fault (or whoever initiated) for engaging without everyone than it is their fault for not being there...

Most of the 4v5 engagements were in defense of a turret. When you see thier entire team killing your creeps in mid and prepping to push the 2nd turret (and in another instance the third turret), you should make it a priority to get your ass over there to defend. Once the other team engages your turret you can't really wait for the last person to decide to come help in the defense. Its just a dissapointment going from a +6 kill lead at the start, to ending in a bitter defeat.

We did have a 5v5 fight at one point and we even had the baron buff and still got crushed. Thats when you know its over.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
Most of the 4v5 engagements were in defense of a turret. When you see thier entire team killing your creeps in mid and prepping to push the 2nd turret (and in another instance the third turret), you should make it a priority to get your ass over there to defend. Once the other team engages your turret you can't really wait for the last person to decide to come help in the defense. Its just a dissapointment going from a +6 kill lead at the start, to ending in a bitter defeat.

We did have a 5v5 fight at one point and we even had the baron buff and still got crushed. Thats when you know its over.

I do not think laning kills is a great predictor of how a match will go. Granted I'm not 30 yet and don't play ranked games, but it happens often enough that the team losing laning fights may just have a better overall team composition when it gets to the later game. Of course if a team is out-right dominating team fights then they will have a large money/experience lead.

I think a lot of people get way over confident with baron's buff. They assume it makes them invincible for some reason and way over-pursue.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
I'd go blue crystal as first item instead of tome. The extra ~20 dmg per stun with the tomb is barely noticeable, but the massive boost of sion's normally tiny mana pool helps a lot.

You actually have 3 options here.

1. Run both blue and yellow runes as MP5/lvl, start with tome, you will have enough mana
2. Run a standard caster page (CDR blue, MP5/lvl yellow, MPen red, health quints) buy the mana crystal.
3. Similar to 2 but go with D. Ring, I only do this when I have a 1v2 lane as the extra health can be very useful.

I should've mentioned that I bought a mana pot with the Tome. I need to figure out runes, I haven't bought any yet in fear of doing the wrong thing. Regarding AP Sion, I didn't want to build him that way to begin with but I found him really impotent without leaning on the shield. Late game it hits for ~1000 in teamfights and farms like nothing else. His ultimate chops down towers at amazing rate too while healing the team.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
I should've mentioned that I bought a mana pot with the Tome. I need to figure out runes, I haven't bought any yet in fear of doing the wrong thing. Regarding AP Sion, I didn't want to build him that way to begin with but I found him really impotent without leaning on the shield. Late game it hits for ~1000 in teamfights and farms like nothing else. His ultimate chops down towers at amazing rate too while healing the team.

Buy the tier 1 runes. Dirt cheap. Later, once you start using tier 3 and don't need the tier 1 anymore, combine them to see if you get lucky on a higher tier rune, and if not oh well you hardly lose any IP. Once you're level 20 and can buy tier 3 runes, certain ones like Magic Pen, Cooldown Reduction, HP quints etc are very useful across all characters. Otherwise just save up the IP till you're sure the characters you want to play.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
AP Sion is all about the sheen, but you should be building that into lichbane, not triforce. You basically want boots3, Lichbane, and appropriate AP items (abyssal if they have mages, void if they stack MR, CDR if you don't need anything DFG really adds to his combo and maxxing CDR lets him do his thing every 6 seconds instead of 10). It's not necessary buy I highly suggest flash + ghost on AP Sion. You want to be stunning/nuking the tanks and you need mobility to get into range since Sion has no natural movement abilities.

Thx. I went Sheen>Soulstealer>Boots3>Zhonyas>Abyssal (or Void)>Lichbane>Guardian. I notice I'm having a hard time getting enough shield burst dmg to kill the minions on hit. Very close though, prob 30 to 70HP.. annoying tho because I lose some last hits. Is there an item that would fix this?

if you play casters, here's a runeset you can _never_ go wrong with

magic pen marks
mp/5 seals (per level or flat: your choice)
cd reduction glyphs
health quints

Check this website for a rundown on runes from a widely recognized player, Roku.

Thanks. Is this guide garbage? http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-l...at-secondary-and-primary-means-and-more-24255


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
I skimmed the guide quickly; it seems ok. That team composition doesn't really inspire any kind of awe... but the rest of the guide is pretty common-sense and alright. Roku's guide is way easier to read and grok .

You should hold off on buying heroes and finish a full runepage. It will make a pretty big difference in your gameplay.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
if you play casters, here's a runeset you can _never_ go wrong with

magic pen marks
mp/5 seals (per level or flat: your choice)
cd reduction glyphs
health quints

Check this website for a rundown on runes from a widely recognized player, Roku.

This is close but the MP/5 seals should always be per level since the break even point is at level 4. CDR glyphs can be flat or perlevel as you hcoose (I think the break even point is level 12).

Edit: AP or AP/level blues are ok for some champs too as it can be a huge bonus, and there are enough other ways to get CDR that it isn't critical (it may also solve your farm w/ shield problem).


Jun 30, 2003
anyone got some tips for playing evelynn? i like her so far.. i just not need to be so greedy, hah. also, choosing the right moment to initiate is obviously critical to not getting your ass kicked with her.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
evelynn is a bad hero, but if you want to play her so badly, i would suggest 1) going AP, 2) getting smite to do red on your own or stealing it from their jungler


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
I'm going to try the 3v3 map tonight.. way too many jokers in 5v5 that ruin the game.

Admittedly though, sometimes I'm that joker.. and my reasoning is simple.. why play the champs I know I'm decent with all the time, and not getting to enjoy the other champs- when everyone else gets to do so, and toss many of my games too? I get tired of playing the same champ that I've perfected and it gets old. I want to play other champs, that I have a high chance of failing with too.
I'm tired of seeing my teammates go 3/9/1 or something and I'm 20/7/20 playing Support. Only to lose after such work. One guy admitted he wasn't even looking at the screen.

Yet I dont complain constantly when people toss my games, cuz it's not going to do anything. I'm not really good myself IMO, I'm a one-trick pony and fail at most anything besides support. I brought a friend who has prob a thousand HON games under his belt over to LOL to teach me more, but found he's a 1 trick pony too, ranged DPS.

Yet when I try a champ and fail miserably (like my Fiddlesticks), people are bagging on me like there's no tomorrow. I report it though like a huge crybaby and I don't care, badmouthing teammates really does nothing. If I'm having a bad game, trying to get better at a new champ, then it's all fair in the game of life for how many clowns have ruined my games when I'm being a try-hard with my main.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
If you think of it from Riot's perspective, they're not interested in whether your feelings got butthurt because you played like shit and people called you out. Riot is more interested in the players that are over-the-top abusive in their demeanor and language, the outliers out of a community of 13 year olds, if you will. Saying you suck or other recycled tripe (fucking fiddle sucks, so-and-so is retarded, etc) will never warrant a punitive response from the Riot team.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that reporting people for language or conversation that isn't necessarily over-the-top will likely see zero action. I know that in most of my games there is enough disrespect and tomfoolery that if each of these cases were all punished just because players were bad-mannered and foul-mouthed, most of the community would be gone.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
So, if you guys had to pick the TOP 5 champions right now , who would they be? I know it is very situational, and hard to pick 5 best, but here are mine. Reasoning if I come across these champs as my opposition, I am likely going to see a loss if they are reasonably good.

1. Morgana - not to say she is the best overall, but she is damn good and fits well into any team makeup
2. Garen - Easy to play and very versitile. Stack sunfires, hes abilities do crazy dmg even without items.
3. Pantheon - teleport, stun, insane dmg. Extremely annoying to lane against if you are ranged AD as he blocks attacks. Still OP early.
4. Amumu - I think he was nerfed slightly , but still nasty.
5. Sona - If I see Sona on the other side, its not a good thing. Shes the new Soraka and better.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
champion OP-ness is intimately tied to the skill level of the audience. So different 'OP' champions would appear at different ELO ranges, or versus ranked/unranked/solo q/arranged teams.

That said, I've been playing only unranked solo and arranged teams, since I'm trying to build up a half decent library of champions before starting ranked play (I have a lot of bad heroes that seemed fun to play..haha).



Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
I'm plunking down for my first runes. I'm going to pickup these as I think they work on all champs, with/without mana, ranged DPS, melee, everything and will fit any runepage for any champion. Let me know what you think and if I'm correct.

Mark of Desolation
Seal of Evasion
Quint. of Fortitude
Quint. of Swiftness
Quint. of Desolation

Mark of Insight
Mark of Alacrity
Mark of Warding
Mark of Malice
Glyph of Warding
Glyph of Focus
Seal of Regeneration
Seal of Vitality
Seal of Resilience
Quint. of Wisdom

If you think of it from Riot's perspective, they're not interested in whether your feelings got butthurt because you played like shit and people called you out. Riot is more interested in the players that are over-the-top abusive in their demeanor and language, the outliers out of a community of 13 year olds, if you will. Saying you suck or other recycled tripe (fucking fiddle sucks, so-and-so is retarded, etc) will never warrant a punitive response from the Riot team.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that reporting people for language or conversation that isn't necessarily over-the-top will likely see zero action. I know that in most of my games there is enough disrespect and tomfoolery that if each of these cases were all punished just because players were bad-mannered and foul-mouthed, most of the community would be gone.

You don't know if they'll eventually do anything to someone or not. Though obviously they are going for the worst cases first. I will say I've seen extreme racism in Counterstrike that's worse, and some pretty foul mouthed kids on XBL that trump this game.
I'm more of the "lets help the guy who isn't that good" rather than the "let's berate this guy until he wants to do nothing". Plenty of top level players even in this thread have sat at base, or intentionally fed (I don't endorse that, but I have no real problem with it in those cases). Anymore instead of arguing with people I just ignore them.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
You don't know if they'll eventually do anything to someone or not. Though obviously they are going for the worst cases first. I will say I've seen extreme racism in Counterstrike that's worse, and some pretty foul mouthed kids on XBL that trump this game.
I'm more of the "lets help the guy who isn't that good" rather than the "let's berate this guy until he wants to do nothing". Plenty of top level players even in this thread have sat at base, or intentionally fed (I don't endorse that, but I have no real problem with it in those cases). Anymore instead of arguing with people I just ignore them.


Guys, Im sorry but Riot just plainly doesnt have the money and means to check even small percent of reports. Santa is not real too. Im truly sorry.

Im reguralry playing this game almost every day from like 6 months. Basicly every third or so of my games end up with me feeding purposly and not being shy with it. I just dont like playing games that seem to me as lost ones so I give up and to make things quiker (I want to play another game and dont want to get a leave) I just charge middle lane and die.

Sometimes I end up with games with score 2/15 and only boots in my inventory (and I mean like 5 pairs of them). I often even say in chat that now I will feed.

I was thretened to get reported almost every time. I got screenshoted, frapsed and whatnot. Im sure one or two guys even wrote an email about my Anivia feeding and then walling her teammates.

I mean, I was reported HUNDREDS of times by now. Im sure of it. What happened? NOTHING. And I mean completely null and void. Not even one email from Riot, no suspension, no ban, no nothing.

Guys, seriously, dont believe in everything that goverment (or corporations/companies which are goverment like instutions) promise you and tell. They really dont care.

And feel free to ban this account. I dont use it anymore anyways


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Top champs:
Urgot x1000

I disagree with warwick and Urgot thankfully is only good early (and there are a lot of bad Urgots). Other than that the AD ranged carries come close (2x Doran blade, boots, BF Sword then win).

My ban list is probably:
Miss Fortune
Edit : Kog'Maw (duh!)
Last edited:


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
In solo 5v5 I do best with:


MF, Ashe and Xin are situational. Depends on whether my tank is aggressive or runs at the first sight of the enemy. If they run, I'll still initiate and try to tank as a squishy because a 50+ minute loss cowering by rapidly disappearing towers just isn't my bag.
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