**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Golden Member
Jul 8, 2007
I primarily play as twitch and I have my good rounds like I did last night where I went 24-6 and my bad rounds where I go 1-12 and like 8 assists or something lol.

I hate being on teams where someone else bitches the entire fuckin game about everyone else sucking yet they are usually dead last on the scoreboard, purposefully feed the other team for no other reason then to be an asshat, or even worse just going AFK. I really wish there was an option to boot those people or something because it just gets out of hand.

Anyone else seem to get matched up against people that are like level 25+ and you're only level 14? Holy crap it just makes the game so frustrating to get dominated by obviously higher level/skilled players.

I did spend the $30 bucks on the Collectors Edition and think this game has tons of potential.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Sorry, you get 6% cooldowns in the utility tree.

The top tier skill is 15% SUMMONER skill cooldowns, meaning your flash/exhaust ect.

I've tried defensive and utility, but for the most part, I tend to favor 21/9/0. Dodge is just too clutch, I always rage when people dodge a last hit or dodge my blitzcrank power fist punch that would have ultimately led to an enemy death.

Also, in a game I played last night, an enemy complained about two dodges in a row on what would have been the last hit on my death as well

I tend to favor a full utility tree with the extra 9 points in offense/defense depending on if I'm playing a tank or not. The game centers around abilities so much it's silly not to get max CD (40%) which is easy when you can get 24% from masteries alone. Auto-attackers (Teemo, Ashe, Yi, etc) are the only ones I switch to 21 in offense and 9 in utility.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Does anyone know where I can find out the mechanics of the game? For instance:

-Hard and soft caps on attack speed, AP, dodge, cooldowns etc.
-Are there overall caps or caps on %increase (i.e. can't attack faster than 2x/second or is it a max of 70% attack speed over the basic character) Can Sivir get such a high dodge that her passive effectively does nothing because she's already over the cap or is the passive always applied when she's running?
-which abilities interrupt auto-attack and which don't.
-What are character progressions for health, mana, AS, AP, etc. (I can find this for individual characters on many websites but I'd really like a spreadsheet where I can compare side by side).
-a nice side by side layout of all items that I can compare offline would also be nice.

In other news I found a character I really like: DPS Pantheon (I'd tried him before as a tank which isn't much fun). I had an awesome amumu player as a lane partner and we harassed so effectively with the spear that we both hit 8 before the opponents hit 6 and I started ganking all over the place. I also finally figured out the value of teleport (and with skyfall, Pantheon can have two of those). We lost the match after our TF went awol but I still finished 14/8/12.

Dorans shield + mana pot > nanja tabi (would have liked the AS ones but these worked well against jax) + 2x dagger > the slow mallet > sword of the occult > the axe


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Does anyone know where I can find out the mechanics of the game? For instance:

-Hard and soft caps on attack speed, AP, dodge, cooldowns etc.
-Are there overall caps or caps on %increase (i.e. can't attack faster than 2x/second or is it a max of 70% attack speed over the basic character) Can Sivir get such a high dodge that her passive effectively does nothing because she's already over the cap or is the passive always applied when she's running?

AFAIK, no cap on damage or AP - I've gotten them above 300/600 respectively. Attack speed is capped at 2.5. CD at 40%. Don't think dodge has a cap either. Nothing capped about percentage increase unless you hit one of those soft caps.

-which abilities interrupt auto-attack and which don't.

Blinds, stuns, and fears will stop auto-attack. Silences stop abilities but not auto-attack. Slows don't stop any ability/attack. I think knock-ups are like silences in that they stop ability use for the duration but not auto-attacks. I know I've auto-attacked in the middle of one, whether by intention or glitch I don't know.

-What are character progressions for health, mana, AS, AP, etc. (I can find this for individual characters on many websites but I'd really like a spreadsheet where I can compare side by side)
-a nice side by side layout of all items that I can compare offline would also be nice.

These things you're on your own to do. I haven't found a website which does what you're looking for.

Sorry, you get 6% cooldowns in the utility tree.

The top tier skill is 15% SUMMONER skill cooldowns, meaning your flash/exhaust ect.

Oh damn, you are right. I read them in reverse the first time and have though it was the other way around all this time. I thought it made more sense that way. 6% CD on summoner spells that usually have 100+ second cooldowns is a decent bonus. 15% makes sense on abilities which have CDs typically in the 5-20 second range AND it's the capstone mastery in the tree.
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Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
I've tried the new hero Ereal and he's pretty fun. Unfortunately a day after I bought him by FX card crapped out and it's off to RMA.

Game is fun- but they really need to push out some new maps.

Also buying troop upgrades would be pretty neat..It's not like its a new concept from Rival Nations wc3 mod or anything.

IE 2000g to spawn 1 priest per wave with minor healing..
3500g to upgrade your wizards with aoe attacks.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I've tried the new hero Ereal and he's pretty fun. Unfortunately a day after I bought him by FX card crapped out and it's off to RMA.
Ouch, that sucks. Good luck with the RMA

Game is fun- but they really need to push out some new maps..

I would love 2-3 more maps. Even just moving the 3v3 map from beta to production would be huge.

Also buying troop upgrades would be pretty neat..It's not like its a new concept from Rival Nations wc3 mod or anything.
IE 2000g to spawn 1 priest per wave with minor healing..
3500g to upgrade your wizards with aoe attacks.
I'm not sure how I feel about this, I rather like the hero-centric way it's currently set up. That said, if they were temporary i.e. 2kG for 2 minutes of priests would be a cool tweak. I've not yet had a game go on so long that I can't still upgrade my items so this would add difficult strategic decisions.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
AFAIK, no cap on damage or AP - I've gotten them above 300/600 respectively. Attack speed is capped at 2.5. CD at 40%. Don't think dodge has a cap either. Nothing capped about percentage increase unless you hit one of those soft caps.

Blinds, stuns, and fears will stop auto-attack. Silences stop abilities but not auto-attack. Slows don't stop any ability/attack. I think knock-ups are like silences in that they stop ability use for the duration but not auto-attacks. I know I've auto-attacked in the middle of one, whether by intention or glitch I don't know.

These things you're on your own to do. I haven't found a website which does what you're looking for.

Oh damn, you are right. I read them in reverse the first time and have though it was the other way around all this time. I thought it made more sense that way. 6% CD on summoner spells that usually have 100+ second cooldowns is a decent bonus. 15% makes sense on abilities which have CDs typically in the 5-20 second range AND it's the capstone mastery in the tree.

Thanks for the info, regarding auto-attacks, in some games if you time it right using your abilities won't interrupt your own auto attack, do you know if that's the case here?

I'll try and aggregate the champion health/mana/defense etc. stats to a spreadsheet tonight.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Crownjules is right about the information, but you can find SOME of it at the League of Legends forums.

The formula for dodge is really really weird, but it makes sense since straight up adding the percentages would make it way too over powered. I already feel that dodge is the best defensive yellow rune. I believe there MAY be a cap though.

In terms of "pop up," its basically a stun but you MIGHT be able to still cast spells. I know you used to, but they may have finally fixed it. Hell, Blitzcrank's knock up didn't even used to interrupt channeled spells, but it was finally fixed.

Also, pantheon is intended to be DPS by the designers. I still have yet to see him be built as a tank :X

powenick -
In terms of upgrading your troops, that's in Demigod. BTW, I also LOVED RIVAL NATIONS before dota became super popular. I like it because all the heros were their default heros, so it was fairly balanced unlike say, some hero arena custom maps. I usually went Archmage first to push/farm minions with blizzard, then mountain king (stun), Tauren Chieftain, (endurance aura stun), and finally paladin for lolhealz. Microing 5 heros was a bit much for me, but Dreadlord sleep was the last one I'd get. Otherwise... sometimes I went for the 3 UD heros

I'm still about 2000 IP from unlocking ezrael :[ He'll probably be free this week before I get the chance.

You're playing Alistar wrong if you're attempting solo ganks on something other than a squishy at like a quarter health. He's a tank and he needs to work in concert with a team (or at least one teammate) to get kills. His role is to tank, knock enemies back to the rest of his team, and use his AOE heal to push creep waves on towers.

Does anyone know where I can find out the mechanics of the game? For instance:

-Hard and soft caps on attack speed, AP, dodge, cooldowns etc.
-Are there overall caps or caps on %increase (i.e. can't attack faster than 2x/second or is it a max of 70% attack speed over the basic character) Can Sivir get such a high dodge that her passive effectively does nothing because she's already over the cap or is the passive always applied when she's running?
-which abilities interrupt auto-attack and which don't.
-What are character progressions for health, mana, AS, AP, etc. (I can find this for individual characters on many websites but I'd really like a spreadsheet where I can compare side by side).
-a nice side by side layout of all items that I can compare offline would also be nice.

In other news I found a character I really like: DPS Pantheon (I'd tried him before as a tank which isn't much fun). I had an awesome amumu player as a lane partner and we harassed so effectively with the spear that we both hit 8 before the opponents hit 6 and I started ganking all over the place. I also finally figured out the value of teleport (and with skyfall, Pantheon can have two of those). We lost the match after our TF went awol but I still finished 14/8/12.

Dorans shield + mana pot > nanja tabi (would have liked the AS ones but these worked well against jax) + 2x dagger > the slow mallet > sword of the occult > the axe


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
i found an interesting glitch regarding jenna's tornado. i think your movement speed when you enter the tornado will also be factored in to determine how far you will be knocked up. I was using poppy and tried to charge into a guy, but this enemy jenna also threw a tornado at me and caught me during my charge and right before i made contact. i was out of the screen, up in the air for a few seconds while these 2 guys pew pew from the bottom and I couldn't do anything.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2007
still loving this game.... got my g/f to finally try it.. she loves it as much as i do.

My g/f my brother, and I all play almost daily (my brother lives 45min away) i have 2 accounts now (one to play with them) My main account is RhoXeD, my Second account is DocksideDave (long story.. ) My g/f's account is RhoXie and my brothers is ShrekUrlacher (if anyone watches football... my bro is 6'8" hence the nickname) add us up if you want a game (care... they arent very good, but still fun to play with people who actually listen)


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Fyi, I'm "zebano" in game (surprise). Feel free to add me. I'm on most evenings.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
I've been playing a little bit the last week or two. I'm level 13 or something like that. Its off and on for me skillwise - I'll go one game with a 9-1, then the next game 1-6. I've been getting a glitch where it won't let me select any heroes, and I just randomly get one when the game starts. Its a pain, since I'm TERRIBLE with some of the heroes, such as Kayle. Oh well.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I've been playing a little bit the last week or two. I'm level 13 or something like that. Its off and on for me skillwise - I'll go one game with a 9-1, then the next game 1-6. I've been getting a glitch where it won't let me select any heroes, and I just randomly get one when the game starts. Its a pain, since I'm TERRIBLE with some of the heroes, such as Kayle. Oh well.

The most important thing is not dying. It's a double-edged blade. Not only does it give the other team extra XP/gold but you don't gain any while you're waiting to respawn. As for the glitches - not much you can do. The game is fun but Riot isn't the best at fixing problems and often introduces others when they do.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
If you can't select anyone, log out and log back in. I've seen that happen before

If that does not work, uninstall and redownload/install the game.

The adobe flash client is seriously buggy and janky.

I've been playing a little bit the last week or two. I'm level 13 or something like that. Its off and on for me skillwise - I'll go one game with a 9-1, then the next game 1-6. I've been getting a glitch where it won't let me select any heroes, and I just randomly get one when the game starts. Its a pain, since I'm TERRIBLE with some of the heroes, such as Kayle. Oh well.


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2007
Had my best game yet! Although you should look at the stats of everyone else and look at how much of a PITA it was lol.



Golden Member
Jul 8, 2007
So, I followed up this morning's game with another outstanding face roll of another team.

I started out 20-0 but got greedy



Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Wow that is a long game. Long games turn out to be pretty epic, but unfortunately, it usually then turns into which team has better carries and group composition.


Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
I just wish there was some sort of auto-win or 5 minute surrender activated when you have an afker or a d/c.

4 vs 5 is usually a slow and agnozing demise of the team down a man. It is still possible to win, however it's unlikely and typically likes 50 mins plus.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
4 v 5 needs swift action right after someone hits the 18 cap. or else once the level advantage of the 4 man team vanishes the game is done.

anyone can give me some pointers in playing teemo?


Jun 30, 2003
4 v 5 needs swift action right after someone hits the 18 cap. or else once the level advantage of the 4 man team vanishes the game is done.

anyone can give me some pointers in playing teemo?

attack speed/slow with teemo makes him SUPER deadly, because once someone starts running, they generally dont live.

in my experience, anyway


Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
4 v 5 needs swift action right after someone hits the 18 cap. or else once the level advantage of the 4 man team vanishes the game is done.

anyone can give me some pointers in playing teemo?

Teemo is annoying as hell and great skirmisher.

Start with getting Malady first. T


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Teemo can either go pure DPS or build with a support DPS role in mind. That means getting a Stark's instead of Malady and forgoing Infinity Edge to get Frozen Mallet.

You can use Blinding Dart and your auto-attack to get two shots off in a second.

Place mushrooms to control your lane and then later to ward places like dragon, baron, jungle buffs, etc.

As soon as you can start getting lizard buff and roaming for ganks.

You're squishy so stay behind your teammates in team fights until they've blown their stuns and disables. Save your blind shot for their physical carries to neutralize them.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
I second forgoing the malady. I used to like the attack speed and IAS, but for its cost, it doesnt do enough damage IMO. Malady is commonly found at mid tier ELO ranges and less and less as you get higher.

Last whisper and some other life steal item would be better.

I also suggest phage/frozen mallet because of the health, teemo, like all other ranged/casters has no HP, and he has no escape mechanism unlike tris/corki. The best you can do is mushroom and blind a physical character, and then turn on haste as theyre slowed or missing you.

Finally, teemo can also be played as AP. I usually bag on the AP teemos, since most are pretty useless and pretty bad, but I have encountered some that were pretty damn good at baiting and skirmishing, which is what teemo does very well. AP Teemo is not easy to play.

Teemo can either go pure DPS or build with a support DPS role in mind. That means getting a Stark's instead of Malady and forgoing Infinity Edge to get Frozen Mallet.

You can use Blinding Dart and your auto-attack to get two shots off in a second.

Place mushrooms to control your lane and then later to ward places like dragon, baron, jungle buffs, etc.

As soon as you can start getting lizard buff and roaming for ganks.

You're squishy so stay behind your teammates in team fights until they've blown their stuns and disables. Save your blind shot for their physical carries to neutralize them.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Finally, teemo can also be played as AP. I usually bag on the AP teemos, since most are pretty useless and pretty bad, but I have encountered some that were pretty damn good at baiting and skirmishing, which is what teemo does very well. AP Teemo is not easy to play.

I started out playing as AP Teemo exclusively and before they nerfed his AP ratios. It wasn't until after awhile of playing him that I switched over to physical carry. I think he loses a lot more than he gains going AP. Can't push towers and has to rely on his opponents basically being stupid to get a kill. Though it is funny when nothing is going on and you see your name unexpectedly pop up with a kill credit and then see the victim curse about mushrooms.
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