**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Oct 30, 2000
Well I ended my 7 game losing streak (and 5-21 overall for the past couple of weeks) by playing AP Sion with a rammus, WW, janna and galio team and roflstomped all over my enemies. I can' remember the last time I went 13/2/19 =)


Final build: Lich bane, Merc Treads, Abysall Scepter, Nashors tooth (I was fed so I went hybrid), Chain Vest, Cloak of Agility.... if only I had that Atma's

Largest Killing Spree: 12 =)


I took most of the night off from playing to watch the spurs game and have a few drinks. But, I got the itch in me to play one game when I got back.



Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Alright so I downloaded this because an RL friend is playing and recommended I try it.

I've played 3 advanced tutorial matches and wondering what I should do next. When is it recommended that I stop doing the training matches and progress onto real PvP nonsense?

Is there any basic advice or do I just play, die horrifically, get verbally abused multiple times and learn from there?


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Alright so I downloaded this because an RL friend is playing and recommended I try it.

I've played 3 advanced tutorial matches and wondering what I should do next. When is it recommended that I stop doing the training matches and progress onto real PvP nonsense?

Is there any basic advice or do I just play, die horrifically, get verbally abused multiple times and learn from there?

You can just go ahead and jump right into the pvp. Its recommended you try out new champs in a practise game first, just to see what thier skills do, but at low levels, who cares. (usually the people bitching in the low lvl games are experienced players that created a new account to pwn newbs, just ignore them)

Probably the best starter advice is try your best not to die or get ganked in the laning phase (early part of the game, up to around lvl 6-10). Work on last hitting minions for gold and try to keep the creeps close to your tower. The closer you are to your tower, the safer you are and the more exposed your enemy is.

Since your new, go ahead and try and play all the characters that are free every week, so you can get a feel of which characters you like. This also lets you learn about each characters abilities, so when you later play against these characters, you'll know more of what to expect and how to counter.

Overall just have fun. Expect to lose half your games. If you have more wins than losses, consider yourself doing pretty good.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Nice games Humble, looks like you've got a solid win ratio lately.

Elcs, just try to learn how to not die and when to commit to an attack, it's really the toughest part of the game. Also if you occasionally buy wards (not covered in the tutorial) and pay attention to your mini-map you'll be well ahead of any real noobs. Remember that this is a team game and when you see a team fight, head for it. You can and will lose games where you do nothing wrong because a teammate does poorly (feeds) making the enemy too powerful, but this is more easily overcome with inexperienced opponents.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Here's today's patch. With the big changes to AOE, maybe we'll finally see a shift away from that meta.

New Skins in the Store

* Lil’ Slugger Trundle
* Junkyard Trundle
* Brolaf
* Blade Mistress Morgana

League of Legends v1.0.0.106

Notes from the Design Team (new!)
This patch is focused upon the following main issues:

* Area of Effect damage and disable spells being too powerful
o Area of Effect is taking a pretty large hit this patch, especially to the damage on Galio’s Idol of Durand, Morgana’s Soul Shackles and Vladimir’s Hemoplague. After seeing its effect on the game over a longer period of time, we’ve found something more akin to Annie’s Summon: Tibbers is a proper mix of area size, damage, and disable. We have several area-effect skills in the game that have power creeped past this and we’re looking to bring this back to acceptable levels.
o Twitch’s Spray and Pray is a big factor in this. We are considering bigger changes for that ability.
* Strong supports are able to protect powerful ranged carries too well, cancelling their fragility too easily
o We’re starting with a duration nerf to Morgana's Black Shield and Janna's Eye of the Storm to reward better timing of the spell reactively and to raise the skill ceiling a bit on these spells. If this proves too little, we’ll provide additional nerfs in the upcoming patch.
* Ranged carries, holistically, are too safe considering their damage output
o While we predict bigger changes will be required, our first adjustments are to lower the movement speeds of ranged carry-style champions to provide more of a tradeoff, and nerf Blessing of the Lizard Elder when used on ranged champions. We’d like to keep ranged carries “safer” than melee, but start to provide more tradeoffs to both give melee a place in the game and differentiate the roles of melee and ranged characters.

Trundle, The Cursed Troll

* Rabid Bite: Trundle bites his opponent, dealing damage and sapping some of their attack damage.
* Contaminate: Trundle infects a target location with his curse, gaining attack speed, movement speed, and crowd control reduction while on it.
* Pillar of Filth: Trundle creates a plagued beacon at a target location, which becomes impassable terrain and slows all nearby enemy units.
* Agony (Ultimate): Trundle immediately steals his target’s health and a percentage of their armor and magic resistance. Over the next six seconds the amount of health, armor, and magic resistance stolen is doubled.
* Decompose (Passive): Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for a percentage of their maximum health.


* Fixed a bug where Shadow Dance could sometimes deal damage even if interrupted by a knockup / knockaway


* Overdrive no longer has a movement speed reduction when it ends
* Fixed a bug where Power Fist was not breaking spell shields
* Fixed a bug where Static Field and Power Fist did not display the hit particle when they killed a unit
* Base attack speed increased. This should enhance the effectiveness of the attack speed portion of Overdrive.
* Updated recommended items


* Phosphorous Bomb no longer reveals stealthed units
* Fixed a bug where Gatling Gun could hit unseen, non-champion stealthed targets like wards
* Fixed a bug where Gatling Gun was dealing too much damage
* Fixed a tooltip typo with Missile Barrage
* Base movespeed reduced to 300


* Resolute Smite ability power ratio increased to 0.75 from 0.7
* Righteous Gust ability power ratio reduced to 0.5 from 0.65
* Righteous Gust movement speed bonus increased to 20/25/30/35/40% from 20/24/28/32/36%
* Idol of Durand
o Ability power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.8
o Damage percent increase on hit reduced to 5% from 10%
o Total damage cap reduced to 140% from 180%


* Tailwind will now persist for her allies while Janna is dead
* Eye of the Storm duration reduced to 5 seconds from 10
* Monsoon heal per second reduced to 70/110/150 from 90/130/170
* Monsoon slow reduced to 30% from 40%


* Kayle now counts as a ranged attacker while using Righteous Fury


* Base movement speed reduced to 305 from 310


* Seismic Shard damage reduced to 70/120/170/220/270 from 80/135/190/245/300

Miss Fortune

* Base movement speed reduced to 300 from 310
* Double Up base damage reduced to 25/60/95/130/165 from 35/70/105/140/175


* Black Shield duration reduced to 5 seconds at all levels from 4/5/6/7/8
* Soul Shackles
o Stun duration reduced to 1.0/1.5/2.0 from 1.5/2.0/2.5
o Ability power ratio reduced to .8 from .9
o Cooldown increased to 120 seconds at all levels


* Pounce no longer deals damage if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect


* Spear Shot base damage reduced to 20/31/42/53/64 from 30/40/50/60/70
* Heartseeker Strike attack damage conversion increased to 28/31/34/37/40% from 18/22/26/30/34%
* Grand Skyfall mana cost reduced to 150 from 150/250/350
* Aegis Protection now shows a counter as you build up charges
* The threshold required to trigger the Aegis Protection now increases with Pantheon's level. This should result in fewer occasions where Aegis Protection is broken by minions


* Hymn of Valor base damage reduced to 60/110/160/210/260 from 70/120/170/220/270
* Hymn of Valor ability power ratio reduced to 0.5 from 0.6
* Aria of Perseverance healing reduced to 30/55/80/105/130 from 40/65/90/115/140
* Song of Celerity active movespeed reduced to 6/8/10/12/14% from 8/10/12/14/16%


* Base movespeed reduced to 300 from 310.
* Rocket Jump no longer deals damage and slows if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect


* Spray and Pray duration reduced to 6 seconds from 7. We are considering more a extensive ability tweak in the future.
* Base movespeed reduced to 305 from 310


* Baleful Strike missile speed increased by 100
* Equilibrium mana regeneration percent increased to 0.75% from 0.5%.
* Basic attack missile speed increased by 100


* Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood was not providing Vladimir with enough increased regeneration and healing
* Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood did not deal full damage if you had 4 stacks before casting
* Hemoplague
o Cooldown increased to 150/135/120 seconds from 120
o Damage amplification effect changed to 14% at all ranks from 10/14/18%
o Base damage reduced to 150/250/350 from 200/300/400
o Ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 0.75


* Eternal Thirst
o Heal per stack increased to 6/12/18 from 5/10/15
o Maximum number of stacks reduced to 3 from 4
o Duration increased to 4 seconds from 3
* Base attack speed reduced slightly

Xin Zhao

* Audacious Charge no longer deals damage and slows if Xin Zhao's dash is interrupted by another movement effect


* Aegis of the Legion no longer buffs allies while the holder is dead
* Chalice of Harmony passive effect unique to match the tooltip
* Doran's Blade
o Damage increased to 8 from 6
o Health reduced to 100 from 120
o Lifesteal reduced to 3% from 4%
* Doran's Ring
o Ability power increased to 15 from 10
o Health reduced to 100 from 120
o Mana regeneration per 5 reduced to 4 from 5
* Frozen Mallet tooltip now shows slow % for melee and ranged attackers
* Innervating Locket no longer buffs allies while the holder is dead
* Rylai's Scepter
o Slow duration reduced to 1.5 from 2
o Updated the tooltip to reflect slow information for single target and damage-over-time slows
* Sword of the Divine has a new hit effect and a new activation particle
* Tiamat tooltip now shows splash % for melee and ranged attackers
* Will of the Ancients no longer buffs allies while the holder is dead
* Wriggle's Lantern wards now show a duration in the mana bar like sight and vision wards


* Fixed a bug with Rank 2 of Utility Mastery where it was not working properly


* Blessing of the Lizard Elder now slows for 10/20/30% if melee and 5/10/15% if ranged
* Autumn Summoner's Rift Moved Nashor to the same location as the summer version of Summoner's Rift.
* Twisted Treeline - Grez the Lizard Lord
o Health per player level increased to 175 from 150
o Magic resistance increased to -20 from -30
o Gold granted reduced to 50 from 100
* Twisted Treeline Super Minions
o Health increased to 1200 from 1000
o Base damage increased by 30
* Fixed a bug where various 'modified attacks' were not firing while taunted or silenced (examples: Twisted Fate's Pick a Card, Udyr's Bear Stance)
* Fixed a bug where players that never connect were not being granted +1000 magic resist
* Removed "hun" from the word filter


* Reduced the size of the Monarch Kog'Maw skin by approximately 10%
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Doran's Blade/Ring changes are interesting to note. I presume that's to make them less attractive to stack early game. The change to Corki's Phos Bomb not detecting stealth anymore kind of sucks. Not that I play Corki much, but I never felt like it was a bad thing that it did that.


Jan 8, 2010
You can just go ahead and jump right into the pvp. Its recommended you try out new champs in a practise game first, just to see what thier skills do, but at low levels, who cares. (usually the people bitching in the low lvl games are experienced players that created a new account to pwn newbs, just ignore them)

I've never understood this whole deal. I apparently just don't have that "gene" in me that makes me feel good because I can stomp people who are just starting out. Usually they are the biggest asses during the game too, rather than being helpful.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Doran's Blade/Ring changes are interesting to note. I presume that's to make them less attractive to stack early game. The change to Corki's Phos Bomb not detecting stealth anymore kind of sucks. Not that I play Corki much, but I never felt like it was a bad thing that it did that.

Actually I find them more attractive to stack now. D. Blade the 1% reduction in life steal isn't huge especially if you have 3 while the damage increase is noticeable (closer to a longsword). Losing 20 health isn't a big deal since 100 is still a nice buff (and more than HP quints give).


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2007
I'm bored so i figured i would post my rune pages up.

Page 1 (pure AP)
+29 AP
+8.5% M-Pen

Page 2 (health AP) (might need to check this one when servers back up)
+ 5 AP
+ 8.5% M-Pen
+ 100 HP
+ 175 HP @ LvL 18

Page 3 (Health/DMG)
+ 114 HP
+ 175 HP @ 18
+ 8.9 DMG

Page 4 (Regen/DPS)
+ 10 HP per 5
+ 41 HP
+ 8.5 Armor Pen
+ 9% Crit Chance

Page 5 (Attack Speed/Crit)
+ 20% AS
+ 10% Crit

Page 6 (DPS carry page)
+ 60 Health
+ 9 DMG
+ 9 Crit Chance

I have the runes for a full +20% crit page, full + 26% AS Speed, Full Armor pen for red + quints, just not enough pages ;p
and i need about 3 more pages to use all my other runes (dodge, mana etc.) these are my most used champs currently -

Siv/MF/Twitch/Irelia/Garen/Nasus/GP/Xin/Olaf/Kat/Shen/Urgot for DPS/Tank

Galio/Amumu/Ryze/Swain/Lux/Akali For AP/Tank

Let me know if anyone wants specifics on which runes used etc.
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Oct 30, 2000
Overall.. things I like. Slowing down range carries is a big thing in my opinion. If you play a melee with no way to close the distance quickly, you previously weren't going to catch a range carry 1v1. That and almost every range carry has a way to escape even if you did catch them. Add on top of that either an exhaust, flash, or ghost and catching a good range carry is damn near impossible.

Ashe: has stun arrow and slows with every hit. Can kite you indefinitely.
Trist: has jump and burster shot to knock you back. Can alternate one for the other when it's on cooldown.
Twitch: AoE slows and stealth.
MF: AoE slows and ridiculous movement speed.
Kog: Umm.... he has ridiculous range so he can hit from off the screen and run before ever being caught.
Corki: has his teleport/dash ability along with ridiculous range like kog.
Urgot: Ridiculous range to fire off screen with, but he's not that strong of a range carry.
Leblanc: Dashes, slows, snares, and doubles. No catching this one ever.
TF: teleport, snares, and slows. very hard to catch.

When you take any range carry with their plethora of escape or avoidance (such as long range) mechanisms and add on top of that a base speed higher than most melee chars... it's a royal pain in the ass if the melees can't get close or get away. There have been a number of times I've been kited or picked apart by trist, ashe, or MF with no way to do anything. They can be lower level and under geared compared to my melee char and I still can't do anything to them. Sure the melee has either higher armor, MR or HPs or a combination of those defenses, but that doesn't mean squat if you can't fight back. So I agree with the change for this in the patch notes.

I also agree with the major AoE damage team compositions + large lockdowns. Galio/Amumu + Sona + Vlad on a team typically = always winning a team fight. Throw in some carries on that team above, especially with more AoE damage goodness like MF or Twitch, and it's a team that is impossible to beat if the players aren't complete morons.

However, I think the new changes to the AoE game might hasten to newly emerging meta-game. This is the isolation game I've been seeing more and more of. Basically taking champs that can isolate a person of the other team even during a team fight to dog pile on that person. Champs like Blitz, Gragas, Allister, Singed, and Janna which can do this safely I have been seeing more and more of. This type of team refuses to do any team fight that isn't by a tower and is an effective counter to the AoE team to a degree. Still, overall it was not as effective because it takes more positioning to get it right and skill to produce desired results. Unlike the AoE team that can most of the time charge right in, lock everyone or as many as they can get down and then annihilate everyone that was in their AoE sphere. Then they can pick off whatever is left.

But the effectiveness of pulling an enemy champ away from his team mates, CCing + focusing that champ while using abilities to prevent that enemy champ's team from coming to the rescue is nothing to scoff at. Take this scenario. Blitz pulls someone (doesn't matter who but squishier ranged carries are always nice) away from his team. His team does a combination of CC's to prevent escape of that enemy champ. If anyone of his team comes over to try to rescue the enemy then a Janna or Gragas Ult sends them flying back. Now it has gone from 5v5 to 5v4 very fast. One more time and it is 5v3. This type of play style can be done very safely as well. I see a possible rise of this meta-game in the future.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2007
they are amazing for garen, and do a great job for nasus/shen also

but i made the page for Garen mainly, those/doran shield and his passive, you really never have to return to base, only to shop - grab a force of nature warmogs and an atmas, your doing 200dmg, ~4k health plenty or armor + MR, and a load of health regen, i think its something like 195/5 with his passive


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
I've never understood this whole deal. I apparently just don't have that "gene" in me that makes me feel good because I can stomp people who are just starting out. Usually they are the biggest asses during the game too, rather than being helpful.

After losing 5 games in a row to teams that I highly suspect are coordinating on vent (which the matchmaking completely fails to take into account(not that I expect it to)), I like to play a game where I have an advantage. That and the whole referring myself thing sometimes >.> <.<


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
Looks like they didnt actually touch Ashe though? She does do very near Master Yi damage, but with the benefit of being ranged. I did a comparison once between those two with late game carry builds, and both are squishy, both do huge damage late game, but only 1 is ranged. Outside of her damage maybe being almost too high, I feel she has enough weaknesses that I'd hate to see her nerfed. Most Ashe players are terrible already and ruin games.

They didn't touch Anivia either, which is a beautiful thing. Her AOE is 0.25:1 anyway, she's probably one of the better balanced champs IMO, but still very effective just requires a lot of care. They're really going after the uber champs though, Morgana, Galio, MF, (and I guess) Vlad, ect which makes sense to me.

Does anyone have a list of all the champs base damage attacks? I had one at one time but lost it and I'm failing google.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I agree that Ashe doesn't need to be touched. She's already got a move speed of 300 and no built in escape. She can kite away from someone 1v1 with frost arrows, but bring in additional threat(s) and she's hard pressed to survive that unless she's got a summoner spell. And I already had my spiel on how many bad Ashes there are out there a few pages back.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
After losing 5 games in a row to teams that I highly suspect are coordinating on vent (which the matchmaking completely fails to take into account(not that I expect it to)), I like to play a game where I have an advantage. That and the whole referring myself thing sometimes >.> <.<

Note that premades are not matched with solos (but duos can solo queue). Therefor if a team is on vent someone volunteered a server in champ select and everyone jumped on which I find highly unlikely.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Looks like they didnt actually touch Ashe though? She does do very near Master Yi damage, but with the benefit of being ranged.

Huh? Ashe doesn't have any damage increasers among her skills. Give ashe and annie the exact same items and they would do more or less the same damage with auto-attack, minus any minor base damage differences. Yi has a massive passive damage increase, and a huge attack speed increase. Apples and oranges.

Tristana on the other hand has a huge damage multiplier in her self attack speed buff.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Note that premades are not matched with solos (but duos can solo queue). Therefor if a team is on vent someone volunteered a server in champ select and everyone jumped on which I find highly unlikely.

That is only true in ranked. In normal games, solo queue gets matched vs premades all the time, unless something changed very recently (I haven't played much in the past week).


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
That is only true in ranked. In normal games, solo queue gets matched vs premades all the time, unless something changed very recently (I haven't played much in the past week).

ahh sorry I just assume that people are playing ranked at this point.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Reading those patch notes makes me happy. Now I just have to wait till I get home to see if making some of those ranged squishies slower helps me kill them even easier on Olaf.


Oct 30, 2000
Huh? Ashe doesn't have any damage increasers among her skills. Give ashe and annie the exact same items and they would do more or less the same damage with auto-attack, minus any minor base damage differences. Yi has a massive passive damage increase, and a huge attack speed increase. Apples and oranges.

Tristana on the other hand has a huge damage multiplier in her self attack speed buff.

Ashe does have one damage increase, her passive. Also, her frost arrow works better with higher attack speed. So with her one must increase ASPD, AD, and get an IE at the very least. Most good builds for her have at least an IE and Whisperer.

But you don't want too much ASPD either with Ashe as the frost arrow will burn out her mana to fast. Just enough to keep the kiting going. Everything else should be there for massive pokes by her. But yah, her movement is already slow at the base 300 at least.

Personally I LOVE seeing any Ashe go against me at mid as Xin. They don't have a chance in hell of living in the early phase. Now a late game ashe that is fed can kite me pretty badly 1v1 though if they get the jump on me and they also have some extra move speed items. Still ashe is extremely squishy but her range, stun, and slows with every attack make up for that in the hands of a skilled player.

But Ashe being cheap like Yi, means everyone has them and most of them being noobs. Which means every new player to the game gets these two chars first, plays the hell out of them while learning bad habits and then proceeds to continue playing them the same way at level 30 as they did at level 5. Which means the majority of the time if you see an Ashe or Yi, they will suck. Same can be said for Tristana, Tryndamere, Nunu, and TF for example. Cheap, easy to obtain heroes that are over played by poor players.

Still, Ashe DID get a nerf, same as Anivia and all other ranged chars. The fact that now items and buffs react differently for ranged versus melee chars is a huge nerf.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
I'm looking for a caster carry to try out, what do you guys think of Ryze and Kassadin?

Huh? Ashe doesn't have any damage increasers among her skills. Give ashe and annie the exact same items and they would do more or less the same damage with auto-attack, minus any minor base damage differences. Yi has a massive passive damage increase, and a huge attack speed increase. Apples and oranges.

Tristana on the other hand has a huge damage multiplier in her self attack speed buff.

Good points. I was going off base damage with 2 fully built mid-laned carried Yi vs Ashe. I missed Yi's abilities cuz I never play him. He seems like a nice backdoor champ, and an OK carry but never had the urge to really give him a try.

Still, Ashe DID get a nerf, same as Anivia and all other ranged chars. The fact that now items and buffs react differently for ranged versus melee chars is a huge nerf.

I missed that point. That kind of sucks. Sounds like more of a pitfall for a ranged carry than someone like Anivia though, whose autoattack is worthless.
I hope this is the end of the changes though, any more and I'd give up on ranged.

But Ashe being cheap like Yi, means everyone has them and most of them being noobs. Which means every new player to the game gets these two chars first, plays the hell out of them while learning bad habits and then proceeds to continue playing them the same way at level 30 as they did at level 5. Which means the majority of the time if you see an Ashe or Yi, they will suck. Same can be said for Tristana, Tryndamere, Nunu, and TF for example. Cheap, easy to obtain heroes that are over played by poor players.

Nunu is a boss.
He was my noob choice (and Ashe but I'm not that great with her compared to my cousin who is a true boss with her so I don't bother). A Nunu played right is extremely useful. He's one of my "mains", my no-smite surprise jungler. When someone can take a 1v2 lane, I'll jungle Nunu and pop up for ganks. Usually, no one has the skills to 1v2 a lane (not push the lane, hug the turret and still get kills) so I end up doing it with Anivia and some fool jungles.

You're definitely right though, but an unfarmed, wasted Ashe is the most tragic. I'd rather those people just spam Mordekaiser and make themselves useful.


Jan 8, 2010
Note that premades are not matched with solos (but duos can solo queue). Therefor if a team is on vent someone volunteered a server in champ select and everyone jumped on which I find highly unlikely.

Actually, I've had this happen a number of times in game on my team.
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