**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Oct 30, 2000
incase anyone doesn't know, a few things have been slipped out of what is changing for the next patch from a developer blog.

Tanky DPS is going away. Gragas, Malphite, Rammus, Amumu, Garen, and other tanks are being gutted for damage. They want tanks to be tanks and not put out near the dps of most carries or in some cases even more dps while still being tanky. They claim they are not killing melee dps chars, just tanky dps meta game going on right now.

Some items such as locket are getting nerfed.

They realized they also went overboard buffing pantheon and will now bring him back down again.

Katarina is getting a buff along with Ezreal.

There were a few other things mentioned but I can't remember them all. I can't get to the site either since I am at work but I got the link off the official discussion forums (which I can't get to either right now).

As a side note, I received an email yesterday from Riot Games stating my account is now under review from player reports. WTF? The email said nothing needs to be done on my part and that this was a courtesy notification that my account was being looked at to see if I was following the "summoners" code. I guess this is for all the retaliation reports I've received from some players? Only thing I can think of. Anyone else ever get one of these emails before?


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Lol at all the reviews lately. You're not the only one I've heard that from. I wonder how my Rammus play will change with this patch... oh well, I don't play enough anymore to really care.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
The chances of people picking tanks now is going to drop dramatically. Everyone wants to be the damage dealers.

Garen will have to be built DPS now since building him as a tank will make him completely ignorable since he lacks hard CC or a way of making people focus him.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I guess the only thing I'm worried about is my ability to jungle. Rammus and Malphite in particular jungle & gank from the jungle quite well and if that is compromised playing them just got a lot harder (as well as making it harder to fill multiple needed roles by tanking and jungling).


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Buffing Kat and Ez. Great. Ez isn't so bad but Kat's such a pain in the ass since its so easy for her to get overwhelmingly fed by even one player.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I guess the only thing I'm worried about is my ability to jungle. Rammus and Malphite in particular jungle & gank from the jungle quite well and if that is compromised playing them just got a lot harder (as well as making it harder to fill multiple needed roles by tanking and jungling).

I'm guessing Rammus' nerfs will focus around Powerball and Tremors damage. Isn't most of his jungle ability derived from DBC's protection and spell reflect plus the increase to damage through his passive? Maybe they cut that ratio back some too. Hard to say until we see the actual changes.

Buffing Kat and Ez. Great. Ez isn't so bad but Kat's such a pain in the ass since its so easy for her to get overwhelmingly fed by even one player.

When she goes into Death Lotus, you stun her. Then she dies.


Jan 8, 2010
I dont see a need for a rammus nerf. I've never seen him be OP....and to be honest I don't see what everyones complaint about amumu is either, I've never played anyone who's been that great with him apparently.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
It seems many of them don't understand that if the enemy starts grouping early in the game (like lvl's 8-10) and forcing team battles, then jungling should take a back seat imo. I've pissed a few junglers off by taking the blue buff when this happens, but the way I figure it, I'm actually using it to not die and have some sort of advantage, whereas they are still just running npc to npc trying to level and not taking any part in team fights until much later in the game.

QFT. Death to those guys. I never really complain though, there's no point (I have plenty of bad games, but now just ignore the text chat, I won't argue unless it's in person and I can actually punch someone in the face, of course no one is such a mouthy shitcock in person). They ruin games killing wolves while you're trying to knock out an inhibitor. I jungle only when someone specifically wants a 1v2 lane. Not just for kicks. I feel I can contribute more to the team otherwise (aggressive XP starvation in a lane with a well planned duo).

incase anyone doesn't know, a few things have been slipped out of what is changing for the next patch from a developer blog.

Tanky DPS is going away. Gragas, Malphite, Rammus, Amumu, Garen, and other tanks are being gutted for damage. They want tanks to be tanks and not put out near the dps of most carries or in some cases even more dps while still being tanky. They claim they are not killing melee dps chars, just tanky dps meta game going on right now.

Interesting. In solo queue it seems those types of champs are best to pick, but wins are had with "team squishy" (as I put it). Katarina buff? I know a guy who plays her and seemingly destroys all that lies in his wake.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
ANOTHER new champion.

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD...enough with the new champions already.


Noxious Blast: Cassiopeia blasts an area with a delayed high damage poison, granting her increased Movement Speed if she hits a champion.

Miasma: Cassiopeia releases a cloud of poison, lightly damaging and slowing any enemy that happens to pass through it.

Twin Fang: Cassiopeia lets loose a damaging attack at her target. If the target is poisoned the cooldown of this spell is refreshed.

Petrifying Gaze (Ultimate): Cassiopeia releases a swirl of magical energy from her eyes, stunning any enemies in front of her that are facing her and slowing any others with their back turned.

Deadly Cadence (Passive): After casting a spell any subsequent spellcasts will cost 10% less for 5 seconds. This ability stacks up to 5 times.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I've had it out with a few junglers at times. It seems many of them don't understand that if the enemy starts grouping early in the game (like lvl's 8-10) and forcing team battles, then jungling should take a back seat imo. I've pissed a few junglers off by taking the blue buff when this happens, but the way I figure it, I'm actually using it to not die and have some sort of advantage, whereas they are still just running npc to npc trying to level and not taking any part in team fights until much later in the game.

At these levels 4 people and a turret should easily be able to defend against all 5. Its to your teams advantage at this point for someone else to go push another lane (or kill the dragon). It'll usually stop the advance faster since some will have to break off and go defend, either that or they'll easily lose a turret. You gain shit for gold and xp with your whole team just trading blows with the other team.

If on the other hand the enemy team is pushing the second or third tower in a lane at this point then your jungler should most likely show up.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I'm guessing Rammus' nerfs will focus around Powerball and Tremors damage. Isn't most of his jungle ability derived from DBC's protection and spell reflect plus the increase to damage through his passive? Maybe they cut that ratio back some too. Hard to say until we see the actual changes.

Yeah I'll have to wait and see the specifics but Rammus jungles due to DBC reflect and Malphite with his ground slam (which scales with armor).


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
ANOTHER new champion.

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD...enough with the new champions already.


Noxious Blast: Cassiopeia blasts an area with a delayed high damage poison, granting her increased Movement Speed if she hits a champion.

Miasma: Cassiopeia releases a cloud of poison, lightly damaging and slowing any enemy that happens to pass through it.

Twin Fang: Cassiopeia lets loose a damaging attack at her target. If the target is poisoned the cooldown of this spell is refreshed.

Petrifying Gaze (Ultimate): Cassiopeia releases a swirl of magical energy from her eyes, stunning any enemies in front of her that are facing her and slowing any others with their back turned.

Deadly Cadence (Passive): After casting a spell any subsequent spellcasts will cost 10% less for 5 seconds. This ability stacks up to 5 times.

So basically like she's going to be another caster/support with an emphasis on AOE. And thanks Riot, it's not like we needed another Sona-like stun (even if it can be mitigated by turning away from her and just get a slow).


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
What is the best item build for Yi? I bought a 2nd runeset and am using a crappy mobafire build meant for life steal that is only working OK. I like him, I think he'll be my permanent carry when we need one.
Rune build I'm using
9x mark of desolation 1.66apen
3x quint of desolation 3.33apen
9x seal of vitality 1.08HP/lvl
9x glyph of focus -0.65 cd

well almost that many, I'm lvl28 for now.
Masteries at 22/0/6

edit- meh nm.. a buddy said I should start using someone like Mundo for my 1st on my transition moving from casters as you need to build a team around Mundo in a premade to really make him useful I guess.
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Good news about the tanks, Alistar never does real damage but I love playing him. So hopefully he won't be changed if any.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
What is the best item build for Yi? I bought a 2nd runeset and am using a crappy mobafire build meant for life steal that is only working OK. I like him, I think he'll be my permanent carry when we need one.
Rune build I'm using
9x mark of desolation 1.66apen
3x quint of desolation 3.33apen
9x seal of vitality 1.08HP/lvl
9x glyph of focus -0.65 cd

well almost that many, I'm lvl28 for now.
Masteries at 22/0/6

edit- meh nm.. a buddy said I should start using someone like Mundo for my 1st on my transition moving from casters as you need to build a team around Mundo in a premade to really make him useful I guess.

Good choice on deciding on Mundo over Yi. Its very rare that you see a Yi worth a damn, probably half the part is he suffers from the same problem as Ashe, he's really cheap to buy. Due to that every idiot has a yi and has been playing him like an idiot since lvl 3. Mundo on the other hand, I've seen alot of good Mundos, and his cleaver is rediculous when it comes to harassing in the laning phase. Not to mention his regen coupled with the fact most people get a health item to start, make him almost unkillable in the laning phase.

You might however want to wait till this patch hits before picking him up. I'm sure he's on the list of one of those tanks thats going to get hit with the nerf stick.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
when i move to level 30 good ashes are plenty and bad ones are rare, but bad yi are still dime a dozen and even good ones will fall flat towards the end in group fights.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Rage quitters are funny.

The thing that kills me though are the dudes that keep leaving player selection because they are trying to piece together a team. Some nights it's like 10 attempts to get a team.

They should put a 15min timeout on anyone leaving a player selection before they can rejoin one.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Rage quitters are funny.

The thing that kills me though are the dudes that keep leaving player selection because they are trying to piece together a team. Some nights it's like 10 attempts to get a team.

They should put a 15min timeout on anyone leaving a player selection before they can rejoin one.

They do. The first time you leave it's 6 minutes. The second (and each time after for that day) it's 12 (I think).


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
when i move to level 30 good ashes are plenty and bad ones are rare, but bad yi are still dime a dozen and even good ones will fall flat towards the end in group fights.

Speaking of Yi's I had one disconnect the first 5 seconds of a game yesterday and never come back. We actually won that game going 4v5. It would probably have been a loss if Yi would have played, since I know he would have just ended up feeding the enemy.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Rage quitters are funny.

The thing that kills me though are the dudes that keep leaving player selection because they are trying to piece together a team. Some nights it's like 10 attempts to get a team.

They should put a 15min timeout on anyone leaving a player selection before they can rejoin one.

I hate when some joker leaves 2 seconds before the start of a match. Had that happen 4 times in a row yesterday. I mean there isn't really a point in leaving an unranked game. I guess some people are that much of stat whores that it matters to them. They should just make a leave count as 2 losses and show them as a record going 0-10 with a random character they own.


Feb 8, 2004
Boo @ rammus nerf! Looks like ill have to switch to twitch if they mess up rammus too much, shame as i was enjoying the newly buffed rammus.


Senior member
Mar 3, 2005
So I signed up for an account, and I've played a handful of games. Some initial questions:

1) Why does it seem that every time I get into the champion select screen, someone exits? I usually have to go through that process at least 5+ times before there is a match that actually gets to the game. Is it because people don't get the champion they want, and they quit? Is there no penalty for doing so?
2) About 75% of my games have one or more of my teammates leave in the match (and usually right near the beginning). I'm assuming I'm getting matched with other relative newbies, so maybe that is part of the problem, but is this something that plagues the game even as you level up?
3) What's up with the loading screen? I have a fast computer, but I get to 100% in about 10-20 seconds. I've had to wait more than 3 minutes for some people to load. Is this because the game takes that long to load on a slower computer? I can't imagine that there are computers 20x as slow as mine that are playing this game...
4) I've been playing Ashe and Malphite to start -- are these good beginner champions or are there better ones for me to be playing as I learn more about the game? I've been doing halfway decently, but I feel very much at the mercy of my teammates with these two, so with a good team I do well and a bad team I do horribly.

Apologies if these have been asked before, but I didn't have the stamina to read through 63 pages of posts.


Senior member
Mar 25, 2010
So I signed up for an account, and I've played a handful of games. Some initial questions:

1) Why does it seem that every time I get into the champion select screen, someone exits? I usually have to go through that process at least 5+ times before there is a match that actually gets to the game. Is it because people don't get the champion they want, and they quit? Is there no penalty for doing so?
2) About 75% of my games have one or more of my teammates leave in the match (and usually right near the beginning). I'm assuming I'm getting matched with other relative newbies, so maybe that is part of the problem, but is this something that plagues the game even as you level up?
3) What's up with the loading screen? I have a fast computer, but I get to 100% in about 10-20 seconds. I've had to wait more than 3 minutes for some people to load. Is this because the game takes that long to load on a slower computer? I can't imagine that there are computers 20x as slow as mine that are playing this game...
4) I've been playing Ashe and Malphite to start -- are these good beginner champions or are there better ones for me to be playing as I learn more about the game? I've been doing halfway decently, but I feel very much at the mercy of my teammates with these two, so with a good team I do well and a bad team I do horribly.

Apologies if these have been asked before, but I didn't have the stamina to read through 63 pages of posts.

Lemme see what I can answer for ya.

1-2) I don't see many leavers anymore, and I remember seeing a lot more in the beginning, so I'd say it's kind of a noobie thing. People think they're "definitely not going to win" and won't put up a fight, or die when they think they shouldn't have, whatever. There is a penalty, both for in-game leaving and in-queue.
3) Yes, sometimes people take forever. I'm not sure why, just know they do.
4) Ashe and malphite are fine, I'd say. If you look at the extra info on any champ it'll give you good information + tips for/against that champion. Playing champs with an easier difficulty rating are usually easier (duh!). Oh, and you're *always* at the mercy of your teammates, no matter who you play, you can't do the whole game alone. Tanks need teammates to kill the enemy (and focus important people), DPS need protection and tanks to properly initiate, support needs people to be worth supporting. LoL is very team-oriented, so you can't win every game, and 1-2 really terrible players can screw up an entire game.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
I have heard people mention "so and so left because those idiots picked a terrible team".

Last night a game I played had 3 players (two on my team and one on the other) that were just chatting away in 'all'...finally one on my team said it was a lost cause and just afk'd. They'd both pre-disclose ganks about to happen (our vlad is waiting for you) etc.

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